5,376 research outputs found

    Universality in edge-source diffusion dynamics

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    We show that in edge-source diffusion dynamics the integrated concentration N(t) has a universal dependence with a characteristic time-scale tau=(A/P)^2 pi/(4D), where D is the diffusion constant while A and P are the cross-sectional area and perimeter of the domain, respectively. For the short-time dynamics we find a universal square-root asymptotic dependence N(t)=N0 sqrt(t/tau) while in the long-time dynamics N(t) saturates exponentially at N0. The exponential saturation is a general feature while the associated coefficients are weakly geometry dependent.Comment: 4 pages including 4 figures. Minor changes. Accepted for PR

    The scattering of a cylindrical invisibility cloak: reduced parameters and optimization

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    We investigate the scattering of 2D cylindrical invisibility cloaks with simplified constitutive parameters with the assistance of scattering coefficients. We show that the scattering of the cloaks originates not only from the boundary conditions but also from the spatial variation of the component of permittivity/permeability. According to our formulation, we propose some restrictions to the invisibility cloak in order to minimize its scattering after the simplification has taken place. With our theoretical analysis, it is possible to design a simplified cloak by using some peculiar composites like photonic crystals (PCs) which mimic an effective refractive index landscape rather than offering effective constitutives, meanwhile canceling the scattering from the inner and outer boundaries.Comment: Accepted for J. Phys.

    Transport coefficients for electrolytes in arbitrarily shaped nano and micro-fluidic channels

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    We consider laminar flow of incompressible electrolytes in long, straight channels driven by pressure and electro-osmosis. We use a Hilbert space eigenfunction expansion to address the general problem of an arbitrary cross section and obtain general results in linear-response theory for the hydraulic and electrical transport coefficients which satisfy Onsager relations. In the limit of non-overlapping Debye layers the transport coefficients are simply expressed in terms of parameters of the electrolyte as well as the geometrical correction factor for the Hagen-Poiseuille part of the problem. In particular, we consider the limits of thin non-overlapping as well as strongly overlapping Debye layers, respectively, and calculate the corrections to the hydraulic resistance due to electro-hydrodynamic interactions.Comment: 13 pages including 4 figures and 1 table. Typos corrected. Accepted for NJ

    Slow-light enhanced optical detection in liquid-infiltrated photonic crystals

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    Slow-light enhanced optical detection in liquid-infiltrated photonic crystals is theoretically studied. Using a scattering-matrix approach and the Wigner-Smith delay time concept, we show that optical absorbance benefits both from slow-light phenomena as well as a high filling factor of the energy residing in the liquid. Utilizing strongly dispersive photonic crystal structures, we numerically demonstrate how liquid-infiltrated photonic crystals facilitate enhanced light-matter interactions, by potentially up to an order of magnitude. The proposed concept provides strong opportunities for improving existing miniaturized absorbance cells for optical detection in lab-on-a-chip systems.Comment: Paper accepted for the "Special Issue OWTNM 2007" edited by A. Lavrinenko and P. J. Robert

    Reexamination of Hagen-Poiseuille flow: shape-dependence of the hydraulic resistance in microchannels

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    We consider pressure-driven, steady state Poiseuille flow in straight channels with various cross-sectional shapes: elliptic, rectangular, triangular, and harmonic-perturbed circles. A given shape is characterized by its perimeter P and area A which are combined into the dimensionless compactness number C = P^2/A, while the hydraulic resistance is characterized by the well-known dimensionless geometrical correction factor alpha. We find that alpha depends linearly on C, which points out C as a single dimensionless measure characterizing flow properties as well as the strength and effectiveness of surface-related phenomena central to lab-on-a-chip applications. This measure also provides a simple way to evaluate the hydraulic resistance for the various shapes.Comment: 4 pages including 3 figures. Revised title, as publishe

    Non-Destructive Identification of Cold and Extremely Localized Single Molecular Ions

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    A simple and non-destructive method for identification of a single molecular ion sympathetically cooled by a single laser cooled atomic ion in a linear Paul trap is demonstrated. The technique is based on a precise determination of the molecular ion mass through a measurement of the eigenfrequency of a common motional mode of the two ions. The demonstrated mass resolution is sufficiently high that a particular molecular ion species can be distinguished from other equally charged atomic or molecular ions having the same total number of nucleons

    Ptychographic X-ray computed tomography of extended colloidal networks in food emulsions

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    As a main structural level in colloidal food materials, extended colloidal networks are important for texture and rheology. By obtaining the 3D microstructure of the network, macroscopic mechanical properties of the material can be inferred. However, this approach is hampered by the lack of suitable non-destructive 3D imaging techniques with submicron resolution. We present results of quantitative ptychographic X-ray computed tomography applied to a palm kernel oil based oil-in-water emulsion. The measurements were carried out at ambient pressure and temperature. The 3D structure of the extended colloidal network of fat globules was obtained with a resolution of around 300 nm. Through image analysis of the network structure, the fat globule size distribution was computed and compared to previous findings. In further support, the reconstructed electron density values were within 4% of reference values.Comment: 19 pages, 4 figures, to be published in Food Structur

    A precise age for the Utopia Granite, southwestern New Brunswick, Canada

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    The Utopia Granite is part of the Saint George Plutonic Suite, a gabbroic to granitic assemblage of plutons of Late Silurian – Late Devonian age in southwestern New Brunswick. New U-Pb (ID-TIMS) analyses of five fractions of strongly air-abraded zircon grains define a discordant array which suggests that all five fractions have suffered at least some minor degree of post-crystallization Pb-loss and yielded an imprecise upper intercept age of 426.3 ± 5.9 Ma. Fifteen zircon grains analyzed by LA-ICP-MS yielded overlapping concordant analyses, from which a weighted average of the 206Pb/238U ages, excluding one younger age, is 428.3 ± 1.0 Ma (MSWD = 0.66, probability of fit = 0.81), which we interpret as the best estimate for the crystallization age of the Utopia Granite. This age suggests that the Utopia Granite may be the oldest component of the Saint George batholith, and 5–8 million years older than plutons of the contiguous coastal Maine magmatic province to the southwest. RÉSUMÉ Le granite Utopia fait partie de la suite plutonique de Saint-George, un assemblage gabbroïque à granitique de plutons du Silurien tardif et de la fin du Dévonien, dans le sud-ouest du Nouveau-Brunswick. De nouvelles analyses U-Pb (ID-TIMS) de cinq fractions de grains de zircon fortement altérés par l’air indiqueraient un assemblage discordant qui porte à croire que les cinq fractions ont subi au moins en partie une perte de plomb après la cristallisation. Les analyses ont permis d’établir de manière imprécise un âge géologique de 426,3 ± 5.9 Ma. Quinze grains de zircon analysés à l’aide des méthode LA-ICP-MS ont produit des résultats concordants qui se recoupaient, dont on a tiré une moyenne pondérée des âges 206Pb/238U de 428,3 ± 1,0 Ma, exception faite d’un âge plus jeune (déviation pondérée de la régression par moindres carrés = 0,66, probabilité de congruence = 0,81). Nous croyons qu’il s’agit là de la meilleure estimation qui soit de la période de cristallisation du granite Utopia. Ces analyses de datation suggèrent que le granite Utopia pourrait être la partie la plus ancienne du batholithe Saint-George, et de 5 à 8 millions d’années plus ancienne que les plutons de la province magmatique de la zone côtière contigüe du Maine, au sud-ouest.[Traduit par la redaction

    Direct measurement of drainage curves in infiltration of SiC particle preforms: influence of interfacial reactivity

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    We present dynamic measurement of drainage curves in two systems having relevance to metal matrix composite processing, namely SiC/Al and SiC/Al-12.2at%Si. Data show that liquid/solid chemical reactions that cause a lowering of the contact angle do indeed drive spontaneous ingress of metal into the preforms at fixed applied pressure; however, these also hinder infiltration under continuous infiltration, lower pressurization rates causing a reduced level of penetration by the metal at given pressure. Metal/reinforcement chemical interactions that can drive wetting by lowering the contact angle are, therefore, not necessarily beneficial in the pressure infiltration processing of particle reinforced metal
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