206 research outputs found

    Last technological advancement in additive manufacturing for cardiovascular applications

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    Additive manufacturing (AM) has increasing applications in medicine in recent times. This technology has emerged in cardiovascular medicine as an intelligent system for the improvement of medical devices, the preparation of patient-specific models, and the prototyping of grafts. This review traces the research and development in the production of surgical guides and synthetic grafts for cardiac and vascular applications over the last few years. It also traces the recent widespread use of 3D-printed specific-patient models for cardiovascular surgical interventions. A current view of AM strategies, materials and solutions to improve cardiovascular patient outcomes is also provided

    Translational and transdisciplinary approach to the human papilloma virus – Preliminary evidence from the Italian “HPV board: a future without papilloma virus” project

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    Human papillomavirus (HPV) is considered to be one of the viral infections associated with cancers and other diseases. HPV is detected asymptomatically in the oral mucosa. The presence of human papillomavirus in the oral mucosa appears to be closely associated with a series of benign and malign oral lesions. The aim of this paper is to report the Italian experience in applying translational protocols, using new technologies and multidisciplinary strategies in Human Papilloma virus detection and treatment. The “HPV board: a future without papilloma virus” project was born, promoted by CNEL (Italian Council of Economics and Labor) with the collaboration of numerous scientific societies to commonly approach to public knowledge of HPV-related oral lesions and their clinical management. The preliminary results are related to the assessment of the proof-of-concept of this new project. More in details, “HPV Board” is a project that plans the presence of a working group, made up of otolaryngologists, dentists, oral and maxillofacial surgeons, in close contact with gynecologists, oncologists and pediatricians; this working group manages to combine very transversal skills, in order to promote primary prevention projects, early diagnosis and adequate therapies. The “HPV BOARD” project will give the opportunity to increase the attention of patients and doctors on the early diagnosis of oncological diseases dependent on infection by the infectious agent HPV. In this panorama, dentists will have the role of “first sentinel” of public health because oral health is an indicator, too often overlooked, for the prevention of numerous diseases

    In vitro comparative study on the mechanical behavior of Zirconia and Polyetheretherketone in applied dental sciences

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    OBJECTIVE: Recently, Zirconia and polyaryletherketone (PEEK) have attracted increasing interest as reliable and safe materials in dental applications, mainly because of their good biomechanical characteristics. The aim of this study was to investigate the response to different loads by prosthetic frameworks for supported fixed partial dentures (FPDs), thus simulating osseointegrated implants. MATERIALS AND METHODS: The specimens were divided into two groups (n= 5 each). Group A: FDPs in zirconia-ceramic; Group B: FDPs in PEEK-composite. These 2 groups were subjected to vertical loads so to evaluate structural deformation; then, they have been analyzed by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) at different magnifications. RESULTS: In tested samples, different types of mechanical failures have been observed. In Zirconia-specimens, chipping is the main failure noticed in this study, mostly in distal margins of the structure. Also, peek-specimens show failure and fracture. CONCLUSIONS: Zirconia and PEEK could be considered both good materials, but several investigations are needed to use these materials as an alternative to metals for fixed partial dentures

    Autologous tooth graft after endodontical treated used for socket preservation: A multicenter clinical study.

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    The aim of the study was to evaluate the tooth extracted use as autologous tooth graft after endodontic root canal therapies used for socket preservation. To this purpose, the Tooth Transformer shredding and decontamination machine has been used. The graft obtained in this way, was inserted at the time of the extraction or at a second surgery altogether with the chosen regenerative therapy. This clinical trial enrolled patients with post-estractive defects requiring the restoration bone dimension and shape in the maxillary and mandibular zone. In addition, 98 patients with 119 extraction sockets were enrolled across 10 standardized centers. An innovative preparation method, using the dedicated automated device Tooth Transformer, able to transform autologous teeth in suitable grafting material, has been used. The extracted tooth was cleaned and treated using a Tooth Transformer and made a socket preservation. Thirteen Biopsies were realized to analyze the histologic outcomes at the average time of four months to demonstrate that the autologous tooth graft made from root after endodontic therapy should be used in human bone regeneration as graft for dental implant placement

    Probing host pathogen cross-talk by transcriptional profiling of both Mycobacterium tuberculosis and infected human dendritic cells and macrophages

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    This study provides the proof of principle that probing the host and the microbe transcriptomes simultaneously is a valuable means to accessing unique information on host pathogen interactions. Our results also underline the extraordinary plasticity of host cell and pathogen responses to infection, and provide a solid framework to further understand the complex mechanisms involved in immunity to M. tuberculosis and in mycobacterial adaptation to different intracellular environments

    Open reduction and internal fixation without rigid maxillomandibular fixation: evidence based or merely a surgical dictum? A comparative pilot study on 24 cases

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    OBJECTIVE: The objective of the study was to evaluate the results and immediate postoperative complications following open reduction and internal fixation of mandibular fractures with or without postoperative maxillo-mandibular fixation MATERIALS AND METHODS: The study spanned over a period of 24 months, extending from October 2015 to October 2017. The study sample comprised 24 subjects between the age range of 18 to 65 years. They were randomly divided into two groups: Group A included subjects in whom open reduction and internal fixation was followed by maxilla-mandibular fixation for 15 days, and Group B subjects in whom only open reduction and internal fixation was done, followed by immediate mobilization. The outcomes evaluated were swelling, pain, simplified oral hygiene index and occlusion. The subjects were followed for all these outcomes on 1st, 7th and 15th days. The occlusion was assessed for 5 days. Any other intra/post-operative complications were additionally noted. RESULTS: There was no statistical difference between the groups for swelling, pain and occlusion. The patients with postoperative maxilla-mandibular fixation had poorer oral hygiene when compared to the other group (p<0.001). CONCLUSIONS: The use of maxilla-mandibular fixation post open reduction and internal fixation seems to offer no additional benefits to the patients. According to the results of the study, this traditional surgical dictum seems to be used by the surgeons due to the lack of any scientific evidence. However, further studies should be conducted to confirm this statement

    Tissue reconstruction of abdominal wall with butyric acid-based nets: preliminary in vitro test using tissue engineering strategies

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    OBJECTIVE: A hernia of the abdominal wall is an opening of the muscles in the abdominal wall, which is frequently treated via the application of a surgical mesh. The purpose of this research is to study how human adipose-derived stem cells (hADSCs) interact with Phasix™ Mesh, a commercially available mesh for hernia repair. Studying how cells derived from the abdominal region behave with Phasix™ Mesh is crucial to improve the state of the art of current surgery and achieve effective tissue restoration. MATERIALS AND METHODS: hADSCs were seeded onto Phasix™ Mesh, a fully resorbable surgical mesh of poly (4-hydroxybutyric acid) (P4HB). Cell viability was assessed through MTT assay, and cell growth and adhesion were evaluated via multiple imaging techniques and gene imaging profiling. RESULTS: Results confirm that the nets support cells proliferation, extracellular matrix production and increasing of angiogenetic factor. CONCLUSIONS: Butyric acid-based nets are promising scaffolds for abdominal wall reconstruction

    Angiostrongylus vasorum infection in dogs from a cardiopulmonary dirofilariosis endemic area of Northwestern Italy : A case study and a retrospective data analysis

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    BACKGROUND: In Italy, Angiostrongylus vasorum, an emergent parasite, is being diagnosed in dogs from areas considered free of infection so far. As clinical signs are multiple and common to other diseases, its diagnosis can be challenging. In particular, in areas where angiostrongylosis and dirofilariosis overlap, a misleading diagnosis of cardiopulmonary dirofilariosis might occur even on the basis of possible misleading outcomes from diagnostic kits. CASE PRESENTATION: Two Cavalier King Charles spaniel dogs from an Italian breeding in the Northwest were referred to a private veterinary hospital with respiratory signs. A cardiopulmonary dirofilariosis was diagnosed and the dogs treated with ivermectin, but one of them died. At necropsy, pulmonary oedema, enlargement of tracheo-bronchial lymphnodes and of cardiac right side were detected. Within the right ventricle lumen, adults of A. vasorum were found. All dogs from the same kennel were subjected to faecal examination by FLOTAC and Baermann's techniques to detect A. vasorum first stage larvae; blood analysis by Knott's for Dirofilaria immitis microfilariae, and antigenic tests for both A. vasorum (Angio Detect\u2122) and D.immitis (DiroCHEK\uae Heartworm, Witness\uaeDirofilaria). The surviving dog with respiratory signs resulted positive for A. vasorum both at serum antigens and larval detection. Its Witness\uae test was low positive similarly to other four dogs from the same kennel, but false positive results due to cross reactions with A. vasorum were also considered. No dogs were found infected by A. vasorum. Eventually, the investigation was deepened by browsing the pathological database of Veterinary Pathology Laboratories at Veterinary School of Milan University through 1998-2016, where 11 cases of angiostrongylosis were described. Two out of 11 dogs had a mixed infection with Crenosoma vulpis. CONCLUSION: The study demonstrates the need for accurate surveys to acquire proper epidemiological data on A. vasorum infection in Northwestern Italy and for appropriate diagnostic methods. Veterinary clinicians should be warned about the occurrence of this canine parasite and the connected risk of a misleading diagnosis, particularly in areas endemic for cardiopulmonary dirofilariosis

    NLRP10 Enhances CD4+ T-Cell-Mediated IFNγ Response via Regulation of Dendritic Cell-Derived IL-12 Release

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    NLRP10 is a nucleotide-binding oligomerization domain-like receptor that functions as an intracellular pattern recognition receptor for microbial products. Here, we generated a Nlrp10−/− mouse to delineate the role of NLRP10 in the host immune response and found that Nlrp10−/− dendritic cells (DCs) elicited sub-optimal IFNγ production by antigenspecific CD4+ T cells compared to wild-type (WT) DCs. In response to T-cell encounter, CD40 ligation or Toll-like receptor 9 stimulation, Nlrp10−/− DCs produced low levels of IL-12, due to a substantial decrease in NF-κB activation. Defective IL-12 production was also evident in vivo and affected IFNγ production by CD4+ T cells. Upon Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb) infection, Nlrp10−/− mice displayed diminished T helper 1-cell responses and increased bacterial growth compared to WT mice. These data indicate that NLRP10-mediated IL-12 production by DCs is critical for IFNγ induction in T cells and contributes to promote the host defense against Mtb