499 research outputs found

    Profesionalismo y auto cuidado de los residentes, ¿cómo debemos enfocar su formación?

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    El profesionalismo es una competencia bien definida en la educación de los residentes, sin embargo, es un constructo complejo, sensible a variables sociales y culturales. Puede definirse como el nivel de destreza, buen juicio y comportamiento adecuado esperable de personas entrenadas para realizar bien su trabajo. Es una competencia que no se mantiene estable en el tiempo y decae cuando el profesional está sometido a altos niveles de estrés y se asocia a calidad de cuidado, educación, ética, moral, filosofía y humanismo. Es una competencia esencial en el profesional por lo cual debemos replantear los currículos para incluir formas de enseñar y evaluar el profesionalismo. Es fundamental pensar en programas que logren equilibrar la carga de trabajo con el bienestar de los futuros profesionales. Debemos generar un clima adecuado de aprendizaje donde el profesional en entrenamiento sea un protagonista activo, y el auto cuidado sea visibilizado como una competencia esencial para mantener el equilibrio entre la vida personal y profesional. Este articulo plantea una revisión y reflexión de este tema que cobra cada vez mas importancia en la formación de postgrado de futuros especialistas

    Il laboratorio LeCoSe: Learning Community Service

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    Il progetto del laboratorio LeCoSe (Learning Community Service), che il Dipartimento di Scienze Umane dell\u2019Universit\ue0 di Verona, Corso di laurea magistrale a ciclo unico in Scienze della Formazione Primaria \u2013 ha attivato con l\u2019Ufficio Scolastico Territoriale di Verona e le scuole del territorio, pone alla base dellle sue finalit\ue0 di ricerca e formazione il Service Learning, un contesto di apprendimento ispirato al principio dell\u2019experiential learning e al principio del valore formativo e culturale del servizio. La scelta del modello risponde principalmente a tre scopi - l\u2019esigenza di orientare i processi formativi degli studenti, preparandoli a incontrare le complessit\ue0 reali della scuola; - l\u2019oggettiva richiesta di aiuto da parte del mondo della scuola, che si trova ad affrontare sfide inedite; - il desiderio di un ripensamento del ruolo dell'Universit\ue0 quale sede di formazione, in questo caso di insegnanti di scuola dell'infanzia e primaria

    Demonstration and Comparison of Operation of Photomultiplier Tubes at Liquid Argon Temperature

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    Liquified noble gases are widely used as a target in direct Dark Matter searches. Signals from scintillation in the liquid, following energy deposition from the recoil nuclei scattered by Dark Matter particles (e.g. WIMPs), should be recorded down to very low energies by photosensors suitably designed to operate at cryogenic temperatures. Liquid Argon based detectors for Dark Matter searches currently implement photo multiplier tubes for signal read-out. In the last few years PMTs with photocathodes operating down to liquid Argon temperatures (87 K) have been specially developed with increasing Quantum Efficiency characteristics. The most recent of these, Hamamatsu Photonics Mod. R11065 with peak QE up to about 35%, has been extensively tested within the R&D program of the WArP Collaboration. During these testes the Hamamatsu PMTs showed superb performance and allowed obtaining a light yield around 7 phel/keVee in a Liquid Argon detector with a photocathodic coverage in the 12% range, sufficient for detection of events down to few keVee of energy deposition. This shows that this new type of PMT is suited for experimental applications, in particular for new direct Dark Matter searches with LAr-based experiments

    Avaliação eletroneuromiográfica de lesões nervosas periféricas traumáticas dos membros pélvicos em gatos

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    Performance Of A Liquid Argon Time Projection Chamber Exposed To The WANF Neutrino Beam

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    We present the results of the first exposure of a Liquid Argon TPC to a multi-GeV neutrino beam. The data have been collected with a 50 liters ICARUS-like chamber located between the CHORUS and NOMAD experiments at the CERN West Area Neutrino Facility (WANF). We discuss both the instrumental performance of the detector and its capability to identify and reconstruct low multiplicity neutrino interactions.Comment: 14 pages, 12 figures. Submitted for publication to Physical Review

    Measurement of the muon decay spectrum with the ICARUS liquid Argon TPC

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    Examples are given which prove the ICARUS detector quality through relevant physics measurements. We study the muon decay energy spectrum from a sample of stopping muon events acquired during the test run of the ICARUS T600 detector. This detector allows the spatial reconstruction of the events with fine granularity, hence, the precise measurement of the range and dE/dx of the muon with high sampling rate. This information is used to compute the calibration factors needed for the full calorimetric reconstruction of the events. The Michel rho parameter is then measured by comparison of the experimental and Monte Carlo simulated muon decay spectra, obtaining rho = 0.72 +/- 0.06(stat.) +/- 0.08(syst.). The energy resolution for electrons below ~50 MeV is finally extracted from the simulated sample, obtaining (Emeas-Emc)/Emc = 11%/sqrt(E[MeV]) + 2%.Comment: 16 pages, 8 figures, LaTex, A4. Some text and 1 figure added. Final version as accepted for publication in The European Physical Journal