27,852 research outputs found

    Dynamical quantum phase transitions in the dissipative Lipkin-Meshkov-Glick model and proposed realization in optical cavity QED

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    We present an optical cavity QED configuration that is described by a dissipative version of the Lipkin-Meshkov-Glick model of an infinitely coordinated spin system. This open quantum system exhibits both first- and second-order non-equilibrium quantum phase transitions as a single, effective field parameter is varied. Light emitted from the cavity offers measurable signatures of the critical behavior, including that of the spin-spin entanglement.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, typos corrected and other minor change

    Weld microfissuring in Inconel 718 minimized by minor elements

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    Manganese, silicon, and magnesium markedly reduce the tendency of Inconel 718 to weld microfissuring. By combining a manganese, 0.20 percent by content, with silicon, greater than 0.25 percent content, or by adding 20 ppm of magnesium, the weld microfissuring decreased in the standard alloy

    Use of accelerometry to investigate physical activity in dogs receiving chemotherapy

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    Objectives: To perform a preliminary study to assess whether single-agent palliative or adjuvant chemotherapy has an impact on objectively measured physical activity in dogs. Methods: Fifteen dogs with neoplasia (treatment group) wore ActiGraphℱ accelerometers for 5-day periods before, during and after receiving single-agent adjuvant or palliative chemotherapy. Mean 5-day total physical activity and time spent in three different intensities of activity (sedentary, light-moderate and vigorous) before, during and after receiving chemotherapy were compared to a group of 15 healthy dogs (control group). Results were also compared within the treatment group across time. Results: Prior to chemotherapy, treated dogs tended to be less active than control dogs. Treatment group dogs were slightly more active at restaging than they were prior to treatment but had similar activity levels to control dogs. Marked effects of chemotherapy on physical activity were not detected. Physical activity was slightly lower in treated dogs during chemotherapy when compared to control dogs but there was a slight increase in physical activity of treated dogs during chemotherapy when compared with pretreatment recordings. There was little change in the mean 5-day total physical activity between treated dogs during chemotherapy and at restaging but a mild decrease in time spent sedentary and increase in time spent in light-moderate activity at this comparison of time points. Clinical Significance: Single-agent adjuvant or palliative chemotherapy had minimal impact on physical activity levels in dogs with neoplasia

    On Krein-like theorems for noncanonical Hamiltonian systems with continuous spectra: application to Vlasov-Poisson

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    The notions of spectral stability and the spectrum for the Vlasov-Poisson system linearized about homogeneous equilibria, f_0(v), are reviewed. Structural stability is reviewed and applied to perturbations of the linearized Vlasov operator through perturbations of f_0. We prove that for each f_0 there is an arbitrarily small delta f_0' in W^{1,1}(R) such that f_0+delta f_0isunstable.When is unstable. When f_0$ is perturbed by an area preserving rearrangement, f_0 will always be stable if the continuous spectrum is only of positive signature, where the signature of the continuous spectrum is defined as in previous work. If there is a signature change, then there is a rearrangement of f_0 that is unstable and arbitrarily close to f_0 with f_0' in W^{1,1}. This result is analogous to Krein's theorem for the continuous spectrum. We prove that if a discrete mode embedded in the continuous spectrum is surrounded by the opposite signature there is an infinitesimal perturbation in C^n norm that makes f_0 unstable. If f_0 is stable we prove that the signature of every discrete mode is the opposite of the continuum surrounding it.Comment: Submitted to the journal Transport Theory and Statistical Physics. 36 pages, 12 figure

    Making postgraduate students and supervisors aware of the role of emotions in the PhD process

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    Emotions are an integral part of the PhD process. A range of emotions are common and to be expected. How do emotions affect the PhD process for both postgraduate students and their supervisors? How can we make our emotions work positively for us in the PhD process? To explore answers to these questions, three lecturers currently supervising postgraduates and three postgraduates at various stages in their doctoral studies collectively pooled their experiences. We developed an interactive workshop that was recently conducted for postgraduate students at Murdoch University and at the Australian Association for Social Research annual conference 2002. This presentation will explore the role that emotions play in the PhD process and how supervisors and postgraduates alike can benefit from reflecting on this issue. A number of practical (and humorous) tips will be provided as well as examples from others' PhD experiences. The role of emotions at the beginning, middle and end of a PhD program will be explored. The data collection and analysis phases are a time when emotions may run riot. Trepidation is especially common when fieldwork or data collection is involved, as is anger when postgraduate's views about how the world works are challenged and then sadness (and relief!) when the data collection phase is finished. We will discuss how supervisors can assist their postgraduates to make these feelings work for them. The presentation will also explore the emotions that arise from the supervisor-postgraduate partnership

    An occultation satellite system for determining pressure levels in the atmosphere

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    A two-satellite microwave occultation system is described that will fix, as an absolute function of altitude, the pressure-temperature profile generated by a passive infrared sounder. The 300 mb pressure level is determined to within 24 m rms, assuming the temperture errors produced by the infrared sensor are not greater than 2 K rms. Error caused by water vapor in the radio path is corrected by climatological adjustments. A ground test of the proposed system is described. A microwave signal propagating between two mountain tops was found to be subject to periods of intense fading. Computer analysis of the raypath between the transmitting and receiving stations indicates that multipath and defocusing were responsible for this fading. It is unlikely that an operational pressure-reference-level system will be subject to the deep fades observed in the ground test, because the phenomena are associated with lower altitudes than the closest approach altitude of an occultation-system raypath

    Vacuum field energy and spontaneous emission in anomalously dispersive cavities

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    Anomalously dispersive cavities, particularly white light cavities, may have larger bandwidth to finesse ratios than their normally dispersive counterparts. Partly for this reason, their use has been proposed for use in LIGO-like gravity wave detectors and in ring-laser gyroscopes. In this paper we analyze the quantum noise associated with anomalously dispersive cavity modes. The vacuum field energy associated with a particular cavity mode is proportional to the cavity-averaged group velocity of that mode. For anomalously dispersive cavities with group index values between 1 and 0, this means that the total vacuum field energy associated with a particular cavity mode must exceed ℏω/2\hbar \omega/2. For white light cavities in particular, the group index approaches zero and the vacuum field energy of a particular spatial mode may be significantly enhanced. We predict enhanced spontaneous emission rates into anomalously dispersive cavity modes and broadened laser linewidths when the linewidth of intracavity emitters is broader than the cavity linewidth.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figure

    The Moment of Inertia of the Binary Pulsar J0737-3039A: Constraining the Nuclear Equation of State

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    We construct numerical models of the newly discovered binary pulsar J0737-3039A, both with a fully relativistic, uniformly rotating, equilibrium code that handles arbitrary spins and in the relativistic, slow-rotation approximation. We compare results for a representative sample of viable nuclear equations of state (EOS) that span three, qualitatively different, classes of models for the description of nuclear matter. A future dynamical measurement of the neutron star's moment of inertia from pulsar timing data will impose significant constraints on the nuclear EOS. Even a moderately accurate measurement (<~ 10 %) may be able to rule out some of these competing classes. Using the measured mass, spin and moment of inertia to identify the optimal model computed from different EOSs, one can determine the pulsar's radius.Comment: 4 pages, ApJL in pres
