367 research outputs found

    Student Emotional Responses to Different Communication Situations

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    Communication and emotion are closely linked. Emotions experienced while communicating with others can affect one’s message both verbally and nonverbally. This study asked participants to identify the emotions they experienced when communicating with groups of different sizes. These emotions were drawn from, and displayed upon, the Circumplex Model of Affect, a figure developed by Posner, Russell, and Peterson (2005). This model divides 16 emotions into quadrants that lie along two axes: pleasantness and emotional arousal. Results show that as audience size increases, speakers’ emotions become more unpleasant, more highly aroused, and more variable overall. Prior research indicates that these negative emotions can have detrimental effects not just on the speaker’s message, but also on how the audience receives that message. Helping communicators understand the link between their emotions and their communication is a valuable step in improving communication ability and developing valuable emotional intelligence skills

    “How Strangely Chang’d”: The Re-creation of Ovid by African American Women Poets

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    This project examines the re-creation of Ovid by African American women poets. Phillis Wheatley, an enslaved Black woman writing in colonial America, engages with Ovid’s account of Niobe in her epyllion “Niobe in Distress.” Henrietta Cordelia Ray, who was active in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, picks up where Wheatley left off in a sonnet called “Niobe.” Elsewhere, in “Echo’s Complaint,” Ray also imagines what Echo might say to Narcissus if she had full control over her words—an imaginative exercise that has resonances with Ovid’s Heroides. Finally, in her 1995 book Mother Love, the contemporary poet Rita Dove re-examines the tale of Demeter and Persephone from a number of different angles. In reworking the Metamorphoses, all three poets paint vivid images of vulnerable girls and bereft mothers. Moreover, Wheatley, Ray, and Dove play with Ovidian elements to explore themes of repetition, voice, motherhood, and power dynamics

    New Hampshire Continental Shelf Geophysical Database: 2016-2017 Field Campaign – Seafloor Photographs

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    The New Hampshire Continental Shelf Geophysical Database: 2016-2017 Field Campaign – Seafloor Photographs” was developed by the University of New Hampshire (UNH) Center for Coastal and Ocean Mapping/Joint Hydrographic Center (CCOM/JHC). The field campaign was conducted to provide ground truth for surficial geology maps for the continental shelf off New Hampshire (NH) and focused on the inner shelf between the coast and the Isles of Shoals. Station locations were chosen where high-resolution bathymetry was available, including multibeam echosounder (MBES) surveys conducted by the UNH CCOM/JHC Hydrographic Field Course (Ocean Engineering 972), MBES surveys by the NOAA National Ocean Service (NOS), and a topo-bathy lidar (Shoals) survey by the United States Geological Survey (USGS) (see Ward et al., 2021c for details). In total, seafloor videography was collected at 151 stations and 855 photographs were extracted from the video. In addition, 150 sediment samples were collected from 85 of the stations and analyzed for grain size. The bottom sediment grain size data is available at the University of New Hampshire Scholars Repository (see Ward et al., 2021 https://dx.doi.org/10.34051/d/2021.2

    New Hampshire Continental Shelf Geophysical Database: 2016-2017 Field Campaign – Seafloor and Sample Photographs and Sediment Data

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    The New Hampshire Continental Shelf Geophysical Database: 2016-2017 Field Campaign - Seafloor and Sample Photographs and Sediment Data contains photographs of the seafloor from sampling locations, photographs of the sediment samples, and grain size data from a major field campaign conducted in 2016- 2017 and from the UNH Ocean Engineering 972 Hydrographic Field Course classes in 2012, 2014, and 2018. In total, sixteen one-day cruises provided 150 samples for grain size analysis. The database provides complete descriptions for each sample including identification, station and sample characteristics, sediment classifications, grain size statistics, and grain size distribution. Presented here are tables with the station locations and types of data available followed by single sample summaries for each sample collected and analyzed. Included in each summary are location information, seafloor photographs, photographs of the sample (in field and laboratory) where available, collection information, sediment classifications, grain size statistics, and grain size distribution. Samples were analyzed with standard sieve and pipette analyses after Folk (1980). The sediment grain size classifications include: CMECS (Coastal and Marine Ecological Classification Standard; FGDC, 2012); Gradistat (Blot and Pye, 2001); and Wentworth (Wentworth, 1922; described in Folk, 1954, 1980). Statistics are based on the phi scale and include the graphic mean, sorting, skewness, and kurtosis (Folk, 1980)

    New Hampshire Volunteer Beach Profile Monitoring Program (VBPMP): Implementation, Field Methods, and Data Processing

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    The New Hampshire (NH) Volunteer Beach Profiling Monitoring Program (VBPMP) monitors beach elevation profiles at multiple stations along the NH Atlantic coast on a near-monthly basis using the Emery method. The program grew from three monitoring stations in 2016-2017 to thirteen stations across six beaches in 2018, with an additional station added in 2022. The overarching goal of the VBPMP is to assess the stability of New Hampshire’s Atlantic beaches over multiple years to determine seasonal changes and long-term trends using citizen science methods. Included in the assessment of beach stability are erosional or accretional trends, response to storms, and comparisons between beaches with differing morphology, sediments, and infrastructure (e.g., seawalls or dunes). Presented in this report are the methods used by the NH VBPMP for establishing profile stations, collecting beach elevation profiles based on the Emery method, recording, and uploading field data, and taking field photographs. The methods used for processing profile data after collection by volunteers is also described, including data review and quality assurance, datum corrections, plotting elevation profiles, sediment volume computation, and determination of mean profile elevations. Finally, examples of data products created for sharing with the public are presented

    Seasonal Changes in Sediment Grain Size of New Hampshire Atlantic Beaches

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    The beaches along the New Hampshire Atlantic coast are essential to the local and regional economy and are one of the major attractions of the seacoast. Beyond their economic importance, the beaches also have great aesthetic and ecological value that are vital to the character and history of New Hampshire. Unfortunately, climate change and an acceleration in sea-level rise, coupled with a major reduction in sediment supply and extensive development (including engineering structures along the coast), has led to loss of elevation and narrowing of many of the beaches. The forecast is that these trends will continue and likely become worse. It is also very likely that engineering solutions will be sought to reduce the impact of sea-level rise and coastal erosion in the near future as the loss of the beaches become more critical and coastal flooding becomes a more frequent threat. An option that will undoubtedly play an important role in efforts to mitigate the impacts of beach erosion, flooding and storm damage is beach nourishment. Essential to beach nourishment success is a thorough understanding of the natural sediments that compose the beach. This includes studying the grain size distribution under low energy conditions (typically summer) when the beaches tend to be accretional, and under higher energy conditions (typically winter and stormy periods), when the beaches erode and finer sediments are winnowed. A preliminary inventory of the grain size of the natural sediment composing the major New Hampshire beaches was carried out by Ward et al. (2016). However, this study was conducted in summer 2015 after a prolonged period of accretional or stable conditions. In addition, samples were taken only in the upper ten centimeters of the sediment column. Here, a seasonal study (completed in 2017) of sediment grain size from seven major New Hampshire beaches is presented. A total of twenty-eight elevation profiles were measured and one hundred forty sediment samples collected at cross-shore transects in late winter – early spring following an extended period of beach erosion. In late summer twenty-two of the profiles were rerun and ninety-seven sediment samples collected following an extended period of accretion. Six stations were not rerun due to a late summer storm which eroded the beach. The samples were collected along shore-normal transects from the seawall or foredunes to the low tide swash. Large samples were typically collected (~1 kg to 24 kg) from the upper 20 to 30 cm of the sediment column. Results of cross-shore elevation profiles at each beach verified that all locations sampled in late winter – early spring 2017 had been eroded by winter storms and often had sediment lag deposits. Conversely, all the beaches sampled following the summer accretional period had recovered and gained elevation. Along with the deposition of sediment there was a general fining of grain size, especially at bimodal beaches. This decrease in grain size by late summer was related to the deposition of fine to medium sand that migrated onshore, often in ridge and runnel systems. The bimodal beaches tended to show the largest change in grain size overall due to scattered pebbles or pebble lag deposits being buried by the sandy accretional wedge

    Surficial Geology of the Continental Shelf off New Hampshire: Morphologic Features and Surficial Sediment

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    The continental shelf off New Hampshire (NH) in the Western Gulf of Maine (WGOM) is extremely complex and includes extensive bedrock outcrops, marine-modified glacial deposits, marine-formed shoals, seafloor plains, and associated features that are composed of a range of sediment types from mud to gravel. Furthermore, the physiography and composition of the seafloor frequently changes dramatically over relatively short distances (tens of meters). The complexity of the WGOM seafloor results from the interplay of glaciations, sea-level fluctuations, and marine processes (waves and currents). High-resolution multibeam echosounder (MBES) bathymetry and backscatter surveys, along with ground truth consisting of archived seismic reflection profiles, bottom sediment grain size data, vibracores, and video were used to develop surficial geology maps based on the Coastal and Marine Ecological Classification Standard (CMECS). The surficial geology maps cover ~3,250 km2 and extend from the coast of NH seaward ~50 km to Jeffreys Ledge and depict major geoforms (physiographic features) and seafloor substrate (sediment size) classifications. CMECS provides a sound basis for classifying the texture of the seafloor; however, the geoform classifications need to be broadened for paraglacial environments in future studies. The surficial geology maps presented here are a major refinement of the original maps produced in 2016 (see Ward et al., 2016a). The new maps reflect the results of a major field campaign conducted in 2016-2017 to obtain accurately located sediment samples and seafloor images to complement the original bottom sediment database. The new sites specifically targeted areas where high-resolution MBES bathymetry existed or where surficial features warranted further ground truth for evaluations. This work was designed to enhance the surficial geology mapping efforts and contribute to the development of new approaches for utilizing acoustics to remotely classify seafloor sediments and morphologic features (also supported by the University of New Hampshire Joint Hydrographic Center). The new surficial geology maps presented here depict the exposed bedrock, morphologic features, and sediment distribution on the continental shelf off NH, revealing features of the seafloor in exceptional detail that have not been previously described. An important finding of this study was the extent and importance of marine-modified glacial features on the WGOM continental shelf. Extensive glacial deposits including drumlins, eskers, outwash, and moraines have been eroded and modified by wave and tidal currents as sea level fluctuated over the last 12,000 years. These features are potential sources of sand and gravel for future beach nourishment projects; however, more detailed subbottom seismic surveys and vibracores are needed for verification. Also, these potential resource areas are presently too far from shore and in too great a depth of water to be easily utilized. As the demand for sand and gravel becomes more acute and technologies advance, mineral resources farther offshore and in deeper water will likely become viable

    Northeast Bathymetry and Backscatter Compilation: Western Gulf of Maine, Southern New England, and Long Island Sound

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    High-resolution bathymetry is critical for mapping the surficial geology of the seafloor, identifying critical habitats, and assessing marine mineral resources such as sand and gravel. In 2016, a high-resolution bathymetry map was developed for the western Gulf of Maine (WGOM) utilizing all available multibeam echosounder (MBES) surveys, as well as several older extant surveys (Western Gulf of Maine Bathymetry and Backscatter Synthesis, Ward et al., 2016). As part of that effort, a backscatter mosaic also was developed for a subset of the MBES surveys. The backscatter synthesis did not include all of the MBES surveys due to low quality of some of the mosaics and limitations of combining MBES backscatter surveys (e.g., different frequencies). In order to extend the high-resolution bathymetry coverage of the U.S. Northeast (NE), the WGOM Bathymetry and Backscatter Synthesis was substantially expanded. A careful review of the available bathymetry and backscatter from Maine to New York was conducted and the needed databases obtained. In addition, bathymetric lidar surveys were gathered, primarily in the WGOM. Unfortunately, the MBES coverage was relatively sparse over large areas of the NE region with few surveys available for mid and northern Maine, south of Cape Cod, and along the Atlantic coast of Long Island to New York Harbor. However, relatively good coverage exists for Long Island Sound. Similarly, high quality backscatter mosaics co-registered with the bathymetry was sparse. Nevertheless, the available bathymetry and backscatter does allow a significant expansion of the overall coverage and exposes areas where more information would be beneficial. Some low-resolution bathymetry data (e.g., single beam surveys that leave gaps between survey lines) were also obtained but were only used in a Regional Bathymetry Map. The “Northeast Bathymetry and Backscatter Compilation: Western Gulf of Maine, Southern New England, and Long Island Sound” expands the coverage of high-resolution MBES to include southern New England and Long Island Sound. The main bathymetry synthesis is gridded at 4m, 8m, and 16m. Also included are MBES bathymetry surveys that provide more detail of regions where research projects have been conducted by the University of New Hampshire (UNH) Center for Coastal and Ocean Mapping/Joint Hydrographic Center (CCOM/JHC). The overall backscatter coverage for the WGOM inner continental shelf is presented as compilations and individual survey mosaics (UNH CCOM/JHC surveys). South of Cape Cod to New York Harbor the backscatter is limited and presented as individual surveys where available

    Analysis of Vibracores from the New Hampshire Continental Shelf from 1984 and 1988

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    During this study, the twenty-three vibracores taken in 1984 and 1988 were reexamined, original descriptions verified and significantly expanded, and the cores sampled to provide complete grain size data (i.e. the original sediment grain size analyses were limited). The vibracores were grouped by location with respect to major physiographic features (geoforms) or surficial sediment type including Offshore Marine-Modified Glacial Features (Drumlins and Lodgement Till Deposits), Northern Sand Body, Isles of Shoals, Nearshore Marine-Modified Glacial Features (Eskers and Drumlins), Nearshore Sheet Sand, and Offshore Seafloor Plain. The Northern Sand Body (NSB), located near the Isles of Shoals ~10 km from shore, is relatively large measuring ~3.2km in length and ~1.3km in width, with a maximum relief of ~7m. Earlier studies estimated the NSB may contain as much as 17 million m3 of sand and gravel, but this has not been verified. One of the vibracores taken at the northern end of the NSB has ~3.6m of medium to coarse sand with varying amounts of fine gravel overlying fine sand. Similarly, a vibracore from near the center of the NSB has ~3.1m of slightly granuley medium sand with shell fragments and scattered pebbles overlying fine sands. However, other vibracores taken at the NSB are largely fine to very fine sand of varying thickness. The NSB likely formed from deposits that were originally either a marine glacial delta, a subaqueous delta, or sandy outwash that was heavily modified by marine processes. A vibracore taken on top of an offshore drumlin-like feature located ~24km from shore has ~4.7m of medium to coarse sand overlying fine sand and silty very fine sand to silt deposits. The upper sands likely represent a lag deposit formed by wave action during the last sea-level lowstand. However, it is not known if this lag deposit continues over the surface of the entire drumlin. Except for the NSB, and potentially the offshore drumlin, the other sand and gravel deposits examined are relatively small in aerial extent. However, several of the marine-modified glacial deposits have approximately three to five meters of sand and gravel. For example, a vibracore taken near an esker-like feature had ~5.75m of very coarse sand to gravelly sediments composing the matrix (the largest clasts were not measured due to limited sample size). The eskers were exposed during the last sea-level lowstand and were modified by shallow water waves and nearshore process during the Holocene transgression. The esker was likely eroded, the large gravel left as a lag deposit, and the finer sediment deposited as nearby shoals. The Nearshore Sheet Sand deposits located within a few kilometers of the coast are relatively thin (less than ~2.5m), flat-lying layers of sand and gravel unconformably overlying glacial marine sandy mud which were likely formed from reworked glacial marine sediment during the last transgression, especially wave-modified marine deltas or outwash. In addition, the deposits are likely part of the nearshore sand ramp extending from the beaches in southern NH

    Erosion and Accretion Trends of New Hampshire Beaches from December 2016 to March 2020: Results of the Volunteer Beach Profile Monitoring Program

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    New Hampshire Atlantic beaches were monitored from December 2016 to March 2020 to determine seasonal changes in morphology and elevation, assess the response of the beaches to storms with respect to erosion and subsequent recovery, and develop a baseline to determine long-term trends in beach size, elevation, and position. A unique aspect of this study was the involvement of community volunteers working together with the University of New Hampshire (UNH) Center for Coastal and Ocean Mapping, UNH Cooperative Extension, New Hampshire Sea Grant, and the New Hampshire Geological Survey. The monitoring network consisted of thirteen stations located at six of the major beaches, including each of the state beaches. Monitoring stations were located at Wallis Sands, Jenness Beach, North Hampton Beach, North Beach, Hampton Beach, and Seabrook Beach. At least two stations were located at each beach (Seabrook Beach had three stations). Beach elevation profiles were run routinely at each station at approximately three- to four-week intervals. Additional measurements were made following several major storms. In total, approximately 400 elevation profiles were run at the thirteen stations. The elevation profiles were run using the Emery (1961) method which utilizes two calibrated rods and the horizon for leveling. Sediment volume calculations were made for each profile that approximated the amount of material in the intertidal zone for that profile at that point in time for a one-meter wide swath of the beach. Seasonal changes and storm impacts on beach elevations, profile characteristics, and sediment volumes are discussed in detail for each beach and the major conditions and processes that control their stability discussed
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