352 research outputs found

    InGaAs/InP double heterostructures on InP/Si templates fabricated by wafer bonding and hydrogen-induced exfoliation

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    Hydrogen-induced exfoliation combined with wafer bonding has been used to transfer ~600-nm-thick films of (100) InP to Si substrates. Cross-section transmission electron microscopy (TEM) shows a transferred crystalline InP layer with no observable defects in the region near the bonded interface and an intimately bonded interface. InP and Si are covalently bonded as inferred by the fact that InP/Si pairs survived both TEM preparation and thermal cycles up to 620 °C necessary for metalorganic chemical vapor deposition growth. The InP transferred layers were used as epitaxial templates for the growth of InP/In0.53Ga0.47As/InP double heterostructures. Photoluminescence measurements of the In0.53Ga0.47As layer show that it is optically active and under tensile strain, due to differences in the thermal expansion between InP and Si. These are promising results in terms of a future integration of Si electronics with optical devices based on InP-lattice-matched materials

    Revealing large-scale homogeneity and trace impurity sensitivity of GaAs nanoscale membranes

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    III-V nanostructures have the potential to revolutionize optoelectronics and energy harvesting. For this to become a reality, critical issues such as reproducibility and sensitivity to defects should be resolved. By discussing the optical properties of MBE grown GaAs nanomembranes we highlight several features that bring them closer to large scale applications. Uncapped membranes exhibit a very high optical quality, expressed by extremely narrow neutral exciton emission, allowing the resolution of the more complex excitonic structure for the first time. Capping of the membranes with an AlGaAs shell results in a strong increase of emission intensity but also to a shift and broadening of the exciton peak. This is attributed to the existence of impurities in the shell, beyond MBE-grade quality, showing the high sensitivity of these structures to the presence of impurities. Finally, emission properties are identical at the sub-micron and sub-millimeter scale, demonstrating the potential of these structures for large scale applications.Comment: just accepted in Nano Letters, http://pubs.acs.org/doi/abs/10.1021/acs.nanolett.7b0025

    Nanometer-scale sharpness in corner-overgrown heterostructures

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    A corner-overgrown GaAs/AlGaAs heterostructure is investigated with transmission and scanning transmission electron microscopy, demonstrating self-limiting growth of an extremely sharp corner profile of 3.5 nm width. In the AlGaAs layers we observe self-ordered diagonal stripes, precipitating exactly at the corner, which are regions of increased Al content measured by an XEDS analysis. A quantitative model for self-limited growth is adapted to the present case of faceted MBE growth, and the corner sharpness is discussed in relation to quantum confined structures. We note that MBE corner overgrowth maintains nm-sharpness even after microns of growth, allowing the realization of corner-shaped nanostructures.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Position controlled self-catalyzed growth of GaAs nanowires by molecular beam epitaxy

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    GaAs nanowires are grown by molecular beam epitaxy using a self-catalyzed, Ga-assisted growth technique. Position control is achieved by nano-patterning a SiO2 layer with arrays of holes with a hole diameter of 85 nm and a hole pitch varying between 200 nm and 2 \mum. Gallium droplets form preferentially at the etched holes acting as catalyst for the nanowire growth. The nanowires have hexagonal cross-sections with {110} side facets and crystallize predominantly in zincblende. The interdistance dependence of the nanowire growth rate indicates a change of the III/V ratio towards As-rich conditions for large hole distances inhibiting NW growth.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figure

    The role of hydrogen in the formation of microcrystalline silicon

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    The growth mechanisms of microcrystalline silicon thin films at low temperatures (100-250°C) by plasma CVD are still a matter of debate. We have shown that ue-Si:H formation proceeds through four phases (incubation, nucleation, growth and steady state) and that hydrogen plays a key role in this process, particularly during the incubation phase in which hydrogen modifies the amorphous silicon network and forms a highly porous phase where nucleation takes place. In this study we combine in-situ ellipsometry and dark conductivity measurements with ex-situ high resolution transmission electron microscopy to improve our understanding of microcrystalline silicon formation

    Growth study of indium-catalyzed silicon nanowires by plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition

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    Indium was used as a catalyst for the synthesis of silicon nanowires in a plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition reactor. In order to foster the catalytic activity of indium, the indium droplets had to be exposed to a hydrogen plasma prior to nanowire growth in a silane plasma. The structure of the nanowires was investigated as a function of the growth conditions by electron microscopy and Raman spectroscopy. The nanowires were found to crystallize along the , or growth direction. When growing on the and directions, they revealed a similar crystal quality and the presence of a high density of twins along the {111} planes. The high density and periodicity of these twins lead to the formation of hexagonal domains inside the cubic structure. The corresponding Raman signature was found to be a peak at 495 cm−1, in agreement with previous studies. Finally, electron energy loss spectroscopy indicates an occasional migration of indium during growt

    Tuning growth direction of catalyst-free InAs(Sb) nanowires with indium droplets

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    The need for indium droplets to initiate self-catalyzed growth of InAs nanowires has been highly debated in the last few years. Here, we report on the use of indium droplets to tune the growth direction of self-catalyzed InAs nanowires. The indium droplets are formed in situ on InAs(Sb) stems. Their position is modified to promote growth in the or equivalent directions. We also show that indium droplets can be used for the fabrication of InSb insertions in InAsSb nanowires. Our results demonstrate that indium droplets can initiate growth of InAs nanostructures as well as provide added flexibility to nanowire growth, enabling the formation of kinks and heterostructures, and offer a new approach in the growth of defect-free crystals

    Local modification of GaAs nanowires induced by laser heating

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    GaAs nanowires were heated locally under ambient air conditions by a focused laser beam which led to oxidation and formation of crystalline arsenic on the nanowire surface. Atomic force microscopy, photoluminescence and Raman spectroscopy experiments were performed on the same single GaAs nanowires in order to correlate their structural and optical properties. We show that the local changes of the nanowires act as a barrier for thermal transport which is of interest for thermoelectric applications
