495 research outputs found

    No Middle Ground: Demagogic Rhetorical Practices at the Truth and Courage Bus Stop in Harlingen, TX

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    This thesis examines the rhetorical and discursive strategies embraced by conservative politicians and their supporters on the campaign trail. Using Dr. Patricia Roberts-Miller’s definition of demagogic cultures coupled with the five markers, or tendencies, of these cultures, I explore how the speakers at the October 22, 2022 Truth and Courage PAC campaign rally in Harlingen, TX deployed these tactics to galvanize voters to vote for TX-34 Republican candidate Mayra Flores. Through a combination of descriptive and rhetorical analysis, I demonstrate how these presenters engage in demagogic and anti-democratic rhetorical moves to an audience of Hispanics. Lastly, I outline how these moves may act as an accelerants for white supremacy

    First Step Act of 2018: How Its Statutory Interpretation Limits Criminal Justice Reform

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    Introduction Today, the United States incarcerates more people than any other country in the world. Nearly half a million people are incarcerated in federal and state prisons for drug offenses, up from just 41,000 in 1980. Mass incarceration has disproportionately affected communities of color, with the American Civil Liberties Union noting that one out of every three Black boys and one out of every six Latino boys born today can expect to be imprisoned, compared to one out of every seventeen white boys. Notably, the 1980s marked the beginning of the War on Drugs, which led to a spike in the number of arrested and incarcerated people for drug offenses. As a result, Congress implemented several reforms that have reduced prison populations in recent years. Congress enacted the Fair Sentencing Act of 2010 (Fair Sentencing Act) on August 3, 2010, which proved to be the right step towards criminal justice reform, but it fell short because it did not apply retroactively

    Letter from the Editor

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    It is an honor to write this editor’s note for Volume 30.2 of the Journal of Gender, Social Policy & the Law (“Journal”) commemorating our Symposium co-hosted by the National Institute for Workers’ Rights (“Institute”), “Enhancing Anti-Discrimination Laws in Education & Employment.” The Symposium and this Volume are a culmination of months of tireless work to draw attention to an area of law needing greater attention—employment and education discriminatio

    Chemical Plant Defense Against Herbivores

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    Herbivores can damage plant productivity and fitness because plants have improved defense mechanisms such as physical barriers, association with other organisms such as ants, and chemical defense. In that, separate plant species produce different chemical molecules. Chemical compounds involved in plant defense can act in several facts: decreased palatability, like a poison, such as a stunner, and increased gene defense expression, among others. In this chapter, we approach several examples of chemical molecules produced by plants to defend themselves, including biochemical metabolic pathways, as well as ecological and evolutive implications

    Aprendamos conceptos relativistas mediante modellus

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    El presente proyecto de graduación es un compendio de animaciones relacionadas con la unidad didáctica “Conceptos Relativistas” perteneciente a la Física Moderna.Mediante el uso del programa Modellus se han elaborado varias animaciones, las mismas que se han clasificado en: Conceptuales, ejercitativas y lúdicas. Las primeras presentan al usuario toda la parte teórico-conceptual correspondiente al tema de una manera clara, precisa y concreta; las segundas le permiten al usuario la interacción entre el computador y él, poniendo de manifiesto de una forma recreada el conocimiento adquirido a través de las animaciones conceptuales; mientras que las últimas permiten demostrar habilidades de tipo mental y manual ya que las mismas serán puramente interactivas.Como parte complementaria, hemos elaborado una guía que contiene un resumen adecuado de cada tema, el cual irá con los códigos de sus respectivas animaciones y una animación de muestra con su respectiva descripción, para que de esta forma el usuario pueda utilizarlo correctamente y pueda facilitar su comprensión.Además presentamos un resumen muy operativo acerca del programa informático Modellus, para que los usuarios lo conozcan y aprendan.This graduation project shows animations in which the topic “Relativistic Concepts" are developed. It is part of Modern Physics. Using the program Modellus, we have developed a series of animations which are divided in: Conceptual, Practical and Ludic. The conceptual animations give the user the theoretical-conceptual part on each of the topics in a simpler form, concrete, summarized, different and fun. The Practical animations are built in a way that the user expresses the ac-quired knowledge in the conceptual part, allowing the interaction between the user and the program. The Ludic animations show certain activities and games which will allow the user to show their psychomotor skills, because they are interactive only. To complement this project, we have created a didactical guide which describes the components and the functioning of each of the elements that are part of Modellus, it also serves as a theoretical-practical support for the user.Licenciado en Ciencias de la Educación. Especialidad de Física y MatemáticasCuenc

    Insectos plaga asociados al cultivo de Hylocereus undatus (Haw.) Britton & Rose, en el cantón La Troncal, provincia del Cañar

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    La pitahaya roja pulpa blanca Hylocereus undatus, variedad (Haw.) Britton & Rose), es un cultivo de suma importancia dentro del mercado internacional, localizada en zonas tropicales y subtropicales pertenecientes a las parroquias del cantón la Troncal, dicho frutal se caracteriza por ser una planta perenne, trepadora, epífita y parasita, silvestre ubicada en zonas poco exploradas o bosques tropicales vírgenes, donde se desarrollan sobre arboles leñosos gracias a su naturaleza epifita y parasita, dicha especie no posee hojas, está conformada por pseudotallos llamados acúleos, ubicados en sus bordes donde generan fascículos o yemas que originan brotes e inflorescencias donde se desarrolla el fruto. Hasta el momento, en el cantón la troncal no se registra ningún tipo de estudio sobre este cultivo, lo que dificulta su manejo e identificación en cuanto a plagas y enfermedades, es por esto, que se realizó esta investigación con el objetivo de conocer la riqueza y abundancia de insectos plaga asociados al cultivo en el cantón la Troncal perteneciente a la provincia del Cañar, durante el periodo marzo a septiembre del 2021. Los órdenes principales identificados de insectos plaga fueron: hymenoptera, díptera, lepidóptera y hemíptera, los cuales obtuvieron una diferencia en cuanto al número de insectos plaga. Estos cuatro órdenes poseen una rápida diseminación y expansión en el cultivo, sin embargo se encontró una correlación para cada uno de estos órdenes con variables climáticas de temperatura, precipitación y humedad relativa, los cuales influenciaron en el aumento o disminución de la cantidad de individuos, siendo la humedad relativa más relevante en la propagación de los insectos del orden hemíptera e hymenóptera, mientras que la precipitación y temperatura afecto a los insectos del orden díptera y lepidóptera. Cabe mencionar que la precipitación y temperatura fueron correlacionadas directamente para los órdenes díptera y lepidóptera a diferencia de los órdenes hemíptera e hymenóptera.The red pitahaya white pulp Hylocereus undatus, variety (Haw.) Britton & Rose), is a crop of great importance in the international market, located in tropical and subtropical areas belonging to the parishes of the canton Troncal, this fruit is characterized as a perennial, climbing, epiphytic and wild plant located in little explored areas or virgin tropical forests, where they develop on woody trees thanks to its epiphyte-parasitic nature, this species does not have leaves, it consists of pseudotalli called aculeus, located on its edges where they generate fascicles or buds that originate shoots and inflorescences where the fruit develops. So far, in the canton of La Troncal no studies on this crop have been recorded, which makes it difficult to manage and identify pests and diseases, which is why this research was conducted with the objective of knowing the richness and abundance of insect pests associated with the crop in the canton of La Troncal belonging to the province of Cañar, during the period from March to September 2021. The main insect pest orders identified were: hymenoptera, diptera, lepidoptera and hemiptera, which obtained a difference in the number of insect pests, however the four orders have a rapid dissemination and expansion in the crop, however a correlation was found for each of these orders with climatic variables of temperature, Relative humidity was more relevant in the propagation of insects of the order Hemiptera and Hymenoptera, while precipitation and temperature affected insects of the order Diptera and Lepidoptera. It is worth mentioning that precipitation and temperature were directly correlated for the orders Diptera and Lepidoptera as opposed to the orders Hemiptera and Hymenoptera.Ingeniero AgrónomoCuenc

    Plant Antiherbivore Defense in Diverse Environments

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    Herbivores can damage plant productivity and fitness; plants have improved defensive traits, such as chemical defenses. Plant species produce specific defensive traits in response of diverse risk factor generated by herbivores. In this chapter, we analyze and compare the defensive traits used by plants in different habitats: aquatic ecosystems, temperate forest, and rainforest. In aquatic environments, the number of herbivores is scarce, and plants develop biomass and restrict defensive compound production. At the terrestrial environment, plants need to accumulate defensive traits for an eventual attack. But the number and quantity of those traits depend on biotic and abiotic factors. In temperate forest, plants have a low growth, and herbivore diversity is low, because there are a few number of defensive traits but in great quantity to guarantee plant survival. In contrast, at tropical forest there is a great herbivore diversity, and plants have a quick growth; thus they develop a great variety of defensive traits. There are substantial differences in plant defensive strategies at different environments. Usually, the aquatic plants use water-soluble and diffusible compounds; plants in rainforest use a plethora of chemical defenses, and in temperate forest, plants utilize physical barriers, resins, and terpenes

    Ciencia y ser: paradoja e ironía en el Prometheus goetheano

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    The point of departure in this paper is the study of Prometheus’s figure during the European Enlightenment, in order to understand its insertion in the German context of the Sturm und Drang. The emphasis lays in Goethe’s Prometheus and the relation that this poem exposes between Knowledge, Nature, and Self-realization. Here, Prometheus represents the enlightened man who, through science, search the mediums to surpass his natural conditions and break all kind of chains (political, moral or religious chains), but the problem is that his intention is always interfered by «irrational forces». ¿What man can learn about himself in this conditions of «irony» and «paradox» expressed in the Prometheus? That is the question that we expect to response here.En este trabajo se parte del estudio de la figura de Prometeo durante la Ilustración, para entender su inserción en el contexto germano del Sturm und Drang. El énfasis recae en el Prometheus goetheano y en la relación que en esta obra se descubre entre el acto de conocer, la Naturaleza, y la realización del ser. Aquí, Prometeo es la figura del hombre ilustrado que busca superar, mediante la ciencia, las condiciones naturales y romper todo tipo de cadenas (políticas, religiosas, morales), pero este afán se ve siempre atravesado por «fuerzas irracionales». ¿Qué es lo que el hombre ha de aprender acerca de sí, dada la paradójica e irónica condición expresada en el Prometheus? Es lo que a continuación se espera responder

    La crisis del diseño

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    En este artículo se reflexiona sobre las prácticas del diseño y su consumo. Se busca proponer una relación aventurada en un mundo materialista, donde el diseño está atado a un discurso dominante y a una economía capitalista. Asimismo, la práctica del diseño se propone desde una comprensión humilde y armónica con el interior espiritual y el exterior cósmico universal, visto como un proceso complejo, transdisciplinario y responsable