127 research outputs found


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    Коррекция зрительных нарушений у пациентов с первичной открытоугольной глаукомой препаратом цитиколин (CDP-choline)

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    Purpose: to estimate the efficacy of citicolines (CDP-choline) for treatment of glaucomatous optic neuropathy. According to the Innovative Educational Program at the Moscow Clinical Hospital № 12 40 patients (66 eyes) with primary open-angle glaucoma (POAG) stage II-III with normalized intraocular pressure were treated by citicoline in a dose 500mg/day during 10 days. The control group consisted of 40 patients with POAG stage II-III receiving an effective hypotensive therapy. We have evaluated the effect of citicoline (CDP-choline) on visual function, morphometric characteristic of retina tomography, characterizing the optic disk, and perimetric indexes of the static automatic perimetry and have compared the dynamic of estimated characteristics with those before treatment. In the group of patients, receiving citicoline (CDP-choline), visual functions have increased and perimetric indices of the static automatic perimetry have improved. Inclusion of citicoline (CDP-choline) in the treatment regimen of glaucomatous optic neuropathy makes standard therapy more effective for most indicators.Работа предпринята с целью оценки эффективности цитиколина (CDP-choline) при лечении пациентов с глаукоматозной оптической нейропатией. В рамках инновационной образовательной программы на базе ГКБ № 12 было проведено лечение цитиколином (CDP-choline) в дозе 500 мг/сут. в течение 10 дней 40 больных (66 глаз) первичной открытоугольной глаукомой II-III ст. с нормализованным офтальмотонусом. Оценивали влияние цитиколина (CDP-choline) на зрительные функции, морфометрические параметры ретинальной томографии, характеризующие диск зрительного нерва и периметрические индексы статической автоматической периметрии; сравнивали динамику оцениваемых показателей с параметрами пациентов до лечения. У пациентов, получавших цитиколин (CDP-choline), установлено повышение зрительных функций, улучшение периметрических индексов статической автоматической периметрии. Включение цитиколина (CDP-choline) в схему лечения пациентов с глаукоматозной оптической нейропатией повышает эффективность стандартной терапии по большинству показателей

    Изменение во времени спектральных характеристик лекарственных субстанций (БИК-область)

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    The changes in NIR spectra of substances resulting from the processes of natural aging were investigated. The method of discriminant analysis was used for statistical evaluation of differences between two groups of spectra - for initial and aged substances. The values obtained for the spectral range of each substance can limit the possible dispersion of the samples arisen during their aging.Исследованы изменения спектров в ближней инфракрасной области (БИК) лекарственных субстанций при естественном старении. Для статистической оценки различий между группами спектров исходных образцов и субстанций, хранившихся в течение срока годности, применен метод дискриминантного анализа

    Розробка нових продуктів для профілактики дефіциту кальцію

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    The technology of production of semi-finished food products, enriched with the natural calcium, which can be found in eggshell, can take quite a significant place in the assortment of prophylactic products, since it provides the prevention of calcium deficiency. This is an urgent problem now, since a significant calcium deficiency has about 90% of the population of Ukraine, which leads to the development of a large number of different diseases. Scientific evidence suggests that the consuption of the normal amount of calcium or calcium-rich products (milk and other dairy products) promotes a set of peak bone mass in the age of 30 years. At the same time, the age-related loss of bone tissue slows down, and the risk of bones fractures at a later age is lower. Currently, calcium deficiency is recommended to be replenished pharmacologically. However, they think that the best calcium is the one received from the food, since it has a higher percentage of digestion compared to drugs. The main role of functional products is to adjust the diet to provide the body with scarce macro- and microelements. To ensure a sufficient level of calcium in the body, semi-finished food products were developed, so they are balanced in physico-chemical, structural-mechanical and organoleptic characteristics with a higher calcium content. Eggshells were used as a source of calcium, because they contain a high content of minerals, – a similar substance of bones and teeth, which makes it available for the human body. The development of the formula was based on the determination of the optimum amount of calcium that was added to the formula, and did not affect the organoleptic characteristics of the finished product – 1% per 100% of the raw material. The study of eggshell on the content of strontium and cesium showed, that their content is 0.1–0.3 Bq/kg, which does not exceed the permissible dose of 0.5 Bq/kg, and confirms the safety of its use. Pork and chicken meat were used as the main raw material. To increase the bioavailability and digestibility of calcium, D3 vitamin and lemon juice were added to the formula, resulting in the formation of calcium citrate, – a bioavailable form of calcium, which is easily assimilated by the body.  Технологія виготовлення напівфабрикатів, збагачених природним кальцієм, що міститься в шкаралупі курячих яєць, може зайняти досить вагоме місце в асортиментному ряді продуктів профілактичного спрямування, оскільки передбачає профілактику дефіциту кальцію. Ця проблема досить гостро постає в нинішній час, оскільки значний дефіцит кальцію є близько у 90% населення України, що призводить до розвитку великої кількості різноманітних захворювань. Наукові дані свідчать, що споживання адекватної кількості кальцію або багатих кальцієм харчових продуктів (молока та інших молочних продуктів) сприяє набору пікової маси кісткової тканини у віці до 30 років. При цьому сповільнюється вікова втрата кісткової тканини і зменшується ризик переломів у більш пізньому віці. На сьогодні дефіцит кальцію рекомендується поповнювати медикаментозно. Проте, кращим вважається кальцій, який організм засвоює з харчових продуктах, так як він має більший відсоток засвоювання в порівнянні з медичними препаратами. Основна роль функціональних продуктів полягає в корегуванні раціону для забезпечення організму дефіцитними макро- та мікроелементами. Для забезпечення достатнього рівня надходження кальцію в організм були розроблені напівфабрикати, збалансовані за фізико-хімічними, структурно-механічними та органолептичними показниками з підвищеним вмістом кальцію. Як джерело кальцію використовували яєчну шкаралупу, яка має високий вміст мінеральної речовини, подібної до речовини кісток та зубів, що робить її доступною в біологічному плані  для людського організму. В основі розробки рецептури було визначення оптимальної кількості порошку з подрібненої шкаралупи, який вносився до рецептури, та не впливав на органолептичні показники готового продукту – 1% на 100% сировини. Дослідження яєчної шкаралупи курячих яєць на вміст стронцію та цезію показали, що їх вміст становить 0,1–0,3 Бк/кг  що не перевищує допустимої дози – 0,5 Бк/кг, та підтверджує безпечність її використання. Як основна сировина була використана свинина та м’ясо куряче. Для підвищення біологічної доступності та засвоюваності кальцію до рецептури додавали вітамін D3 та лимонний сік, в результаті реакції утворювався цитрат кальцію – біодоступна форма кальцію, яка досить легко засвоюється організмом. &nbsp


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    Objective: Study the influence of the mechanical preparation methods (grinding, fluidization) of solid pharmaceutical substances (PS) and herbal raw material on their physicochemical properties and biological activities. Methods: Test substances and solvents-Lactose monohydrate (DFE Pharma, Germany). Sodium chloride, bendazol hydrochloride (all Sigma-Aldrich, USA) and herbal raw material (Callisia fragrans). The dispersity and native structure of pharmaceutical substances were analyzed by several methods: optical microscopy–Altami BIO 2 microscope (Russia); low angle laser light scattering (LALLS) method (Malvern Instruments, UK); Spirotox method–Quasichemical kinetic of cell transition of cellular biosensor Spirostomum ambiguum; Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy–the analysis in the middle IR region was carried out using an IR Cary 630 Fourier spectrometer (Agilent Technologies, USA). The analysis of dried leaves of C. fragrans before and after mechanical activation was performed using Shimadzu EDX-7000 X-ray fluorescence spectrophotometer without mineralization (Shimadzu, Japan). Results: It was established that the mechanical change, such as dispersion and drying, alters the biological activity of PS and herbal raw materials. The observed increase in the influence of the dispersed substance on the biosensor S. ambiguum is quantitatively estimated from the values of the activation energy (obsEa), which turns to be valued 1,5 (P≤0,05) times more than for the native form substance. In the study of the dependence of the availability of chemical elements K, Ca, Zn on the degree of dispersion of herbal raw materials was established a quantitative 4-fold (P≤0,05) increase in the concentration of elements in mechano-activated raw materials. Conclusion: By the example of the biological model of Spirotox (single-celled biosensor S. ambiguum) and herbal raw materials obtained from C. fragrans, the increase of biological activity of PS at the dispersion of initial preparations was proved

    Efficacy and Safety of Netakimab, A Novel Anti-IL-17 Monoclonal Antibody, in Patients with Moderate to Severe Plaque Psoriasis. Results of A 54-Week Randomized Double-Blind Placebo-Controlled PLANETA Clinical Trial

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    Altres ajuts: Sponsorship for this study and the Rapid Service Fee were funded by JSC BIOCAD, Ul. Italianskaya 17, St Petersburg, Russia, 191186Introduction: Netakimab (NTK), an original humanized anti-interleukin-17 monoclonal antibody, showed therapeutic efficacy in moderate-to-severe plaque psoriasis in a phase 2 clinical study. Herein we report the results of 54 weeks of a phase 3 PLANETA trial aimed to evaluate the efficacy and safety of two NTK regimens vs. placebo. Methods: Two hundred thirteen patients with moderate-to-severe plaque psoriasis were randomly assigned to receive NTK 120 mg once every 2 weeks (NTK Q2W), NTK 120 mg once every 4 weeks (NTK Q4W) or placebo. During the first 3 weeks, patients received subcutaneous injections of NTK or placebo (according to the allocation) once a week. Patients in the NTK Q2W group then received NTK at weeks 4, 6, 8 and 10. Subjects in the NTK Q4W group received NTK at weeks 6 and 10 and placebo at weeks 4 and 8. Patients in the placebo group received placebo injections at weeks 4, 6, 8 and 10. Treatment was unblinded at week 12. During the open-label phase, patients in both NTK groups continued to receive NTK Q4W. The primary efficacy endpoint was the proportion of patients in each group who achieved a ≥ 75% reduction from baseline in psoriasis area and severity index (PASI 75) at week 12. Results: A total of 77.7%, 83.3% and 0% of patients had a PASI 75 response at week 12 in the NTK Q2W, NTK Q4W and placebo groups, respectively (P < 0.0001, Fisher's exact test, ITT). The effect was maintained throughout the 1-year treatment. NTK showed a good safety profile and low immunogenicity. Conclusion: Treatment with NTK results in high rates of sustained clinical response in patients with moderate-to-severe plaque psoriasis. The study is ongoing; thus, long-term use efficacy and safety data are forthcoming. Clinical Trial Registration: The trial is registered at the US National Institutes of Health (ClinicalTrials.gov; NCT03390101)

    Plasma Magnetosphere Formation Around Oscillating Magnetized Neutron Stars

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    The notion of death line of rotating pulsars is applied to model of oscillating neutron stars. It is shown that the magnetosphere of typical non-rotating oscillating stars may not contain secondary plasma to support the generation of radio emission in the region of open field lines of plasma magnetosphere.Comment: Accepted for publication in Astrophysics & Space Scienc

    Анализ клинической эффективности и безопасности препарата CERAXON® при первичной открытоугольной глаукоме

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    35 patients with primary open-angle glaucoma (POAG) with unstabilized clinical course and normalized intraocular pressure were treated. All patients were divided into subgroups: 8 patients - with the Ist stage of POAG, 12 - with the IInd and 15 with stage III-IV. Patients were examined with clinical-ophthalmologic and instrumental methods. After the treatment by CERAXON® an improvement of visual functions were noted, accompanied by significant positive dynamics of perimetric and morphometric characteristics: average light sensitivity and defect, dispersion, average thickness of retinal nerve fiber layer. During the treatment by CERAXON® there wasn't any case of side effects, demanding drug withdrawal or change of therapeutic regimen.Пролечено 35 больных с первичной открытоугольной глаукомой с нестабилизированным течением и нормализованным офтальмотонусом. Все пациенты были разделены на подгруппы: 8 больных - I стадии ПОУГ, 12 - II стадией ПОУГ и 15 человек с III-IV стадией ПОУГ. Пациентам проводили клинико - офтальмологическое и инструментальное обследование. На фоне лечения препаратом CERAXON® отмечалось улучшение зрительных функций, сопровождавшееся достоверной положительной динамикой периметрических и морфометрических показателей: средней световой чувствительности, среднего дефекта, дисперсии, средней толщины слоя нервных волокон сетчатки. Ни у одного из больных в ходе лечения препаратом CERAXON® не зарегистрировано побочных эффектов, потребовавших отмены или изменения терапевтической схемы

    Amphibole: A major carrier of helium isotopes in crustal rocks

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    The first evidence for a specific role of amphiboles in He isotope balance of crustal rocks was presented in early contributions by Gerling et al. (1971, 1976). Since then it was shown that 4He and 3He concentrations in amphiboles generally exceed those in the host rock samples. Recently amphibole was considered as an important carrier of noble gases and other volatiles components in the course of their subduction into the mantle. This paper presents new data on the balance and mobility of noble gas isotopes and major gas constituents in amphibole separates in order to understand sources and evolution of volatile components of 2666 Ma old alkaline granites from Ponoy massif (Kola Peninsula), which underwent metamorphism 1802 Ma ago.In the amphiboles 3He, 4He and 40Ar* were dominantly produced in situ due to radioactive decay of the parent isotopes and associated nuclear reactions. A small fraction of He (≈ 3% of the total) is liberated by crushing and shows 3He/4He ratio indistinguishable from that found by total extraction. The fraction of trapped 40Ar* amounts to ≈ 40%; both these fractions presumably occupy fluid inclusions and show rather low 4He/40Ar* ≈ 0.1, a factor of ≈ 150 below the production ratio (calculated assuming no loss / gain of the species has happened since the time of metamorphism).3He has been better preserved in amphiboles compared with 4He: the retention parameter (measured amount of He / totally produced amount) for 3He (≈ 0.4) exceeds that for 4He (≈ 0.15).He extraction by fast and slow linear heating of amphiboles resulted in different release patterns. The fast heating (within 12 to 40 °C min− 1) revealed a superposition of two peaks. When heating with slower heating rate (below 8 °C min− 1) was applied, the high-temperature peak disappeared (the “disappearing site”). Extractions of He atoms from grain and powder samples at different heating rates have shown that: (1) the “disappearing site” is revealed by the fast heating analyses of different amphibole samples but not only those from the Ponoy massif; (2) amount of He liberated from the “disappearing site” is variable and generally much less than the total amount of He in the sample; (3) analysis of the powder produced in the crushing experiments never reveals the “disappearing site”; the temperature of He release from the powder is lower than that from the mm grain size sample by ≈ 50 °C. Possible explanations of the nature of the “disappearing site” are discussed. However, independently on nature of this effect, repeated gas extractions by heating at different rates would give additional information about structure and its transformation during heating of amphiboles.The simplest explanation of the observed abundances of noble gas isotopes in the amphibole separates from Ponoy granites suggests local production, redistribution and partial loss of noble gases during evolution of the massif