14 research outputs found

    Antibiotic resistance in hospital infections: the role of newer cephalosporins

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    Pla general de les obres de l'AVE a l'estació la Sagrera

    PW08-03 The use of drugs for mood disorders in Italy: Preliminary results

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    Background:Some community surveys in Italy have shown that a proportion of subjects without lifetime psychiatric diagnosis (anxiety/depression) used antidepressants. The prescription of AD in bipolar depression appears to be another largely underestimated problem in the clinical practice and is difficult to recognise by means of traditional epidemiological methods (lay interview and structured diagnostic tools).Objectives:The purpose is to use defined and validated international semi-structured interview as diagnostic instrument administered by expert clinicians to evaluate appropriateness and amount of over and under prescription of psychotropic drugs in different Italian community areas. The focus is on general antidepressant use and use in subjects with bipolar disorder and in subsyndromal depression.Methods:Study design: Community survey. Study population: sample randomly drawn, after stratification by sex and age, from the adult population of Municipal records in 6 Italian Regions: about 4000 persons will be interviewed. Tools: Questionnaire on psychotropic drugs consumption, prescription, health services utilisation;diagnostic Structured Clinical Interview np version;Mood Disorders Questionnaire; Short Form Health Survey. Ethical aspects: a signed informed consent for each candidate. The study was approved by the ethical committee of theItalain National Health Institute.Expected results:The study aims to identify the frequency of over and under prescription of psychotropic drugs in different Italian regions and the determinants of prescription related to physicians, patients, comorbidity and symptoms and to establish the basis for a cohort prospective study to assess the future changes

    O uso das TIC no trabalho de professores universitários de língua inglesa The ICT use in the work of English language professors

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    Este artigo apresenta as representações sobre o tipo de trabalho que docentes universitários de Língua Inglesa consideram realizar com as Tecnologias de Informação e Comunicação (TIC) em sala de aula. Os aportes teórico-metodológicos estão embasados no Interacionismo Sociodiscursivo de Bronckart (2007; 2008), nas concepções de trabalho desenvolvidas pela Clínica da Atividade e Ergonomia e nas características de trabalho de Machado (2010). Participaram do estudo seis docentes universitários de Língua Inglesa que utilizam as TIC no trabalho. Os dados foram gerados via internet, via e-mails e Moodle. Cada participante produziu um texto em que relatou os usos que faria dessas ferramentas. Os resultados indicam que os docentes fazem usos semelhantes das ferramentas e que há impedimentos no uso das TIC para os docentes da universidade pública.<br>This article presents representations about the kind of work that university professors hope to achieve when using Information & Communications Technology (ICT) in the classroom. The theoretical background is based on Socio-discursive Interactionism, theories about work as developed in Clinical Activity and Ergonomics and in the characteristics of work proposed by Machado (2010). Six English language professors that use ICT at work participated in the research project. Data were collected via internet, through e-mail or Moodle. Each participant provided a text on their experiences and the use of ICT. The results indicate that university professors use the ICT in the same way, butsome restrictions to this matter are appointed by public university professors