2,614 research outputs found

    Tapered-amplified AR-coated laser diodes for Potassium and Rubidium atomic-physics experiments

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    We present a system of room-temperature extended-cavity grating-diode lasers (ECDL) for production of light in the range 760-790nm. The extension of the tuning range towards the blue is permitted by the weak feedback in the cavity: the diodes are anti-reflection coated, and the grating has just 10% reflectance. The light is then amplified using semiconductor tapered amplifiers to give more than 400mW of power. The outputs are shown to be suitable for atomic physics experiments with potassium (767nm), rubidium (780nm) or both, of particular relevance to doubly-degenerate boson-fermion mixtures

    Researches is health of Pirarucu, Arapaima gigas: partnership between EMBRAPA-SEBRAE.

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    Aiming to deepen the scientific knowledge on health aspects of pirarucu, and attempting to improve the fingerlings survival rates a partnership was signed between SEBRAE and EMBRAPA, in collaboration with the UFT

    Coherent beam combining of high power quasi continuous wave tapered amplifiers

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    International audienceWe demonstrate coherent beam combining of four high brightness tapered amplifiers in pulsed, quasi continuous wave (QCW) operation, seeded by a 976 nm laser diode. The maximum power of 22.7 W was achieved with > 64 % combining efficiency in a close to diffraction limited beam. We discuss turn-on dynamics of tapered amplifiers operated in pulsed mode in detail

    Histomorfologia funcional do intestino do pirarucu, Arapaima gigas (Cuvier, 1829).

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    Este trabalho avaliou a histomorfologia do intestino de juvenis de pirarucu, visando elucidar a dinâmica de absorção e aproveitamento de nutrientes pela espécie e subsidiar futuras pesquisas abrangendo sua nutrição e saúde.Organizado por: Sílvio Ricardo Maurano; AQUACIÊNCIA 2012

    Diurnal to interannual variability of low‐level cloud cover over western equatorial Africa in May–October

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    This study examines the diurnal to interannual variations of the stratiform cloud cover in May–October (1971–2019) from a 3-hourly station database and from ERA5 reanalyses over western equatorial Africa (WEA). The main diurnal variations of the local-scale fraction and genus of stratiform clouds are synthesized into three canonical diurnal types (i.e., “clear,” “clear afternoon,” “cloudy” days). The interannual variations of frequencies of the three diurnal types during the cloudiest months (JJAS) are mostly associated with two main mechanisms: a meridional shallow overturning cell associating more “cloudy” and less “clear” and “clear afternoon” days to anomalous southerlies below 900 hPa over and around WEA, anomalous ascent around 5°–7°N, anomalous northerlies between 875 and 700 hPa, and anomalous subsidence over the equatorial Atlantic. This circulation is strongly related to interannual variations of the equatorial Atlantic upwelling (i.e., more clouds when the upwelling is strong) associated with a meridional shift of the Intertropical Convergence Zone over the Tropical Atlantic and adjacent continents. The second mechanism operates mostly in the zonal direction and involves again the coupled ocean–atmosphere system over the equatorial Atlantic, but also the remote El Niño–Southern Oscillation (ENSO). An anomalously cold equatorial Atlantic drives increased low-level westerlies toward the Congo Basin. Warm ENSO events promote broad warm and easterly anomalies in the middle and upper troposphere, which increase the local static stability, and thus the local stratiform cloud cover over WEA. The present study suggests new mechanisms responsible for interannual variations of stratiform clouds in WEA, thus providing avenues of future research regarding the stability of the stratiform cloud deck under the ongoing differential warming of tropical ocean and land masses

    MAD@VLT: Deep into the Madding Crowd of Omega Centauri

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    We present deep and accurate Near-Infrared (NIR) photometry of the Galactic Globular Cluster (GC) Omega Cen. Data were collected using the Multi-Conjugate Adaptive Optics Demonstrator (MAD) on VLT (ESO). The unprecedented quality of the images provided the opportunity to perform accurate photometry in the central crowded regions. Preliminary results indicate that the spread in age among the different stellar populations in Omega Cen is limited.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figures, to appear in the Springer Astrophysics and Space Science Proceedings, "Science with the VLT in the ELT era", ed. A. Moorwoo

    Crude glycerol in the diets of the juveniles ofAmazon catfish(female Pseudoplatystoma punctifer x male Leiarius marmoratus)

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    This research aimed to determine the best inclusion level of crude glycerol in the diet of the Amazon catfish (Pintado), through zootechnical performance, body composition, metabolic profile and histopathology. The experiment was conducted at the Laboratory of Morphophysiology and Biochemistry of Neotropical Fishes of the Federal University of Tocantins. There was used 150 juvenilles of pintado, these with initial weight of 6,83 ± 1,11 (g) and 10,06 ± 0,57 (cm) lenght in a completely randomised design, with 3 replications (10 animals in each one). They were fed with five diets containing increasing levels of glycerol (0 g kg-1, 50 g kg-1, 75 g kg-1, 100 g kg-1, and 125 g kg-1) during 90 days (30 days of adaption and 60 experimental days). The indexes were evaluated and they did not present statistical difference between each other, except for the specific growth rate, which showed a moderate linear behavior and muscular glycogen that at the level of 125 g kg-1 presented a lower concentration compared with the control diet (0 g kg-1). Regarding histology, the crude glycerin did not cause significant hepatic and renal changes in the referred specie, since the alterations found in the two tissues were considered lesions that did not compromise the functioning of the organ or that are reversible. Finally, it was indicated that the juveniles of Amazon Pintado are able to metabolize the crude glycerin up to 100 g kg-1level

    Présence du virus de peste équine type 9 en République algérienne. Identification des souches de virus isolées en 1965-1966

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    Isolement et identification, en 1965-66, de 14 souches de virus de peste équine type 9, au cours de l'épizootie apparue pour la première fois chez les équidés en Algérie à l'automne 1965 dans le sud algérien et qui s'est étendue en 1966 à plusieurs autres régions de la République Algérienn

    Comparação entre os modos multiplanar e renderizado na avaliação da área das valvas atrioventriculares fetais por meio da ultrassonografia 3D/4D

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    OBJECTIVE: To compare the agreement of multiplanar and rendering modes in the assessment fetal atrioventricular valves (mitral and tricuspid) areas by three-dimensional (3D) ultrasonography using the software spatio-temporal image correlation (STIC). METHODS: We conducted a prospective cross-sectional study with normal pregnant women, with single fetuses, between 18-33 weeks. To measure the areas, we used the plan of four-chamber view. In the case of multiplanar, the plane was rotated on the axis Z form the heart to position at 9h. For rendering, the green line (region of interest - ROI) was placed from the atria of the heart perpendicular to the crux. The agreement was assessed by a Bland-Altman (limits of agreement) using the relative difference between the measures: ((rendering mode) - (multiplanar mode)) / (average). RESULTS: 328 fetuses were evaluated. We have not identified the occurrence of systematic error between methods: the average relative difference was 1.62% (-2.07% to 5.32%, confidence interval 95%) in the mitral and 1.77% (- 1.08% to 4.62%) in the tricuspid valve. The limits of agreement between methods were -65.26% to 68.51% for the mitral and -49.91% to 53.45% for the tricuspid. CONCLUSIONS: There was no systematic error between modes and thus the observed values for the area of fetal atrioventricular valves can be used for comparisons needs to be corrected. However, relatively large variations may be observed when repeating the measurement area by different modes.OBJETIVO: Avaliar a concordância entre as medidas das áreas das valvas atrioventriculares (mitral e tricúspide) fetais realizadas por ultrassonografia tridimensional (3D) pelo software spatio-temporal image correlation (STIC) usando os modos multiplanar e renderizado. MÉTODOS: Estudo prospectivo de corte transversal avaliando fetos de gestações únicas, consideradas saudáveis, entre 18 a 33 semanas de idade gestacional. Para a medida das áreas, utilizou-se o plano de quatro câmaras cardíacas. No caso do multiplanar, o plano foi rodado no eixo z de forma o coração se dispuser em 9h. Para o renderizado, a linha verde (região de interesse - ROI) foi posicionada a partir dos átrios, perpendicular à cruz do coração. A concordância foi avaliada pelo método de Bland-Altman (limites de concordância) utilizando a diferença relativa entre as medidas: ((modo renderizado) - (modo multiplanar)) / (média).< RESULTADOS: 328 fetos foram avaliados. Não identificamos a ocorrência de erro sistematizado entre os métodos: a diferença relativa média foi de 1,62% (-2,07% a 5,32%, intervalo de confiança de 95%) na mitral e de 1,77% (-1,08% a 4,62%) na tricúspide. Os limites de concordância entre os métodos foram de -65,26% a 68,51% para a mitral e de -49,91% a 53,45% para a tricúspide. CONCLUSÕES: Não foi observado erro sistematizado entre os modos e desta forma os valores observados para a área das valvas atrioventriculares fetais podem ser utilizados para comparações sem necessidades de correções. Entretanto, variações relativamente grandes podem ser observadas ao se repetir a medida da área pelos diferentes modos.Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)Federal University of São Paulo Department of Obstetrics Division of Fetal CardiologyUniversity of São Paulo Faculty of Medicine of Ribeirão Preto Department of Obstetrics and GynecologySchool of Ultrasound and Medicine of Ribeirão Preto RecyclingNational Institute of Science and Technology (INCT) of Hormones and Women's HealthUNIFESP, Department of Obstetrics Division of Fetal CardiologySciEL