38 research outputs found

    When Gender Matters: the role of Women in Mergers and Acquisitions

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    The paper investigates the impact that female directors have on M&A deals’ initiation with a negative binomial regression analysis on 250 companies in Europe in the decade 2009-2018. Results show that the addition of a female director increases the number of bid initiations by 12.86%, an outcome in contrast with the extant literature, according to which female presence would decrease the number of acquisitions to mitigate male CEO overconfidence (Levi et al., 2014). Moreover, after introducing an interaction term between female share on boards and the single countries, it was found that the magnitude and sign of female impact on firms’ acquisitive behavior varies according to the nation in which the BoD is located. Results indicate that female directors bring relevant changes in boardroom’s dynamics, which are then reflected in the company’s M&A activity

    When gender matters: the role of women in mergers and acquisitions

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    The paper investigates the impact that female directors have on mergers and acquisitions (M&A) deals’ initiation with a negative binomial regression analysis on 250 companies in Europe in the decade 2009–2018. Results show that the addition of a female director increases the number of bid initiations by 12.86 percent, an outcome in contrast with the extant literature, according to which female presence would decrease the number of acquisitions to mitigate male CEO overconfidence (Levi et al., 2014). Moreover, after introducing an interaction term between female share on boards and the single countries, it was found that the magnitude and sign of female impact on firms’ acquisitive behavior vary according to the nation in which the firm is located. Results indicate that female directors bring relevant changes in boardroom’s dynamics, which are then reflected in the company’s M&A activity

    La lutte des ouvriers de GKN Florence, entre auto-organisation ouvrière et mobilisation sociale

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    Cette chronique décrit la lutte des travailleurs de l’usine GKN de Florence contre sa fermeture et sa délocalisation. Après avoir rendu compte des principales étapes du conflit, l’article se penche sur trois aspects fondamentaux : l’organisation syndicale interne à l’usine et sa capacité à renforcer les ressources militantes autonomes des travailleurs, l’habileté de ces derniers à mobiliser le tissu social environnant et à nouer des alliances avec d’autres mouvements sociaux et, enfin, la contribution apportée par le monde de l’université et de la recherche dans l’élaboration d’un plan de reconversion du site


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    Background: The present study investigates the impact of the Coronavirus diseases 2019 (Covid-19) pandemic on the subjective experience of pregnant women, as well as the impact of the pandemic on this population in terms of psychopathological correlates. Subjects and methods: Pregnant women referring to the Section of Obstetrics and Gynecology of the General Hospital of Perugia, Italy, were recruited from 1st May, 2021 to 15th June, 2021. Socio-demographic and clinical data was collected, as well as information regarding the Covid-19 pandemic impact on the subjective experience of pregnancy. Psychopathology was evaluated by means of the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory Form Y (STAI-Y), the Symptom Checklist-90 (SCL-90) and the Prenatal Distress Measure (Pre-DM). Descriptive analyses were performed. Significant associations between distress symptoms and the collected sociodemographic and clinical variables were assessed by using the Pearson correlation (p<0.05). Results: 25 women were included in the study. Among these, 18 (72%) reported that the Covid-19 pandemic negatively impacted their experience of pregnancy. Were detected an average Pre-DM total score of 7.28±4.33 and an average state anxiety scale value of 35.56+-9.21 and an average trait anxiety scale value of 34.04+-7.44 at the STAI-Y. A global severity index > 1 at SCL-90 was detected in 8.3% of the sample. Conclusions: The identification of antepartum distress and the early treatment of perinatal psychopathology represent a priority during the Covid-19 pandemic era


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    Background: The present study investigates the impact of the Coronavirus diseases 2019 (Covid-19) pandemic on the subjective experience of pregnant women, as well as the impact of the pandemic on this population in terms of psychopathological correlates. Subjects and methods: Pregnant women referring to the Section of Obstetrics and Gynecology of the General Hospital of Perugia, Italy, were recruited from 1st May, 2021 to 15th June, 2021. Socio-demographic and clinical data was collected, as well as information regarding the Covid-19 pandemic impact on the subjective experience of pregnancy. Psychopathology was evaluated by means of the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory Form Y (STAI-Y), the Symptom Checklist-90 (SCL-90) and the Prenatal Distress Measure (Pre-DM). Descriptive analyses were performed. Significant associations between distress symptoms and the collected sociodemographic and clinical variables were assessed by using the Pearson correlation (p<0.05). Results: 25 women were included in the study. Among these, 18 (72%) reported that the Covid-19 pandemic negatively impacted their experience of pregnancy. Were detected an average Pre-DM total score of 7.28±4.33 and an average state anxiety scale value of 35.56+-9.21 and an average trait anxiety scale value of 34.04+-7.44 at the STAI-Y. A global severity index > 1 at SCL-90 was detected in 8.3% of the sample. Conclusions: The identification of antepartum distress and the early treatment of perinatal psychopathology represent a priority during the Covid-19 pandemic era

    Acute Hypotension and Chest Pain as the Presentation of a Post-Myocardial Infarction Acute Pericarditis (Dressler's Syndrome)

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    We report a case of a 53-year old man admitted because of fever (38.5°C) and atypical chest pain. He also complained of epigastric pain spread to left hypochondrium and exacerbated by breathing. In his past medical history, Hodgkin's lymphoma, gastric MALToma (oncologic follow-up only), hypothyroidism, and hypertension are recorded. Fifteen days prior actual hospital admission, the patient underwent angioplasty with stenting due to a ST elevation myocardial infarction. Moreover, he was enrolled in the experimental clinical double-blind trial GEMINI-ACS [1], designed to compare the safety of rivaroxaban vs aspirin in addition to either clopidogrel or ticagrelor. Thus, his complete therapy included also ticagrelor, bisoprolol, perindopril, levothyroxine, pantoprazole, and atorvastatin. At the time of admission chest X-ray showed bilateral pleural effusion. Blood chemistry panel showed moderate anemia, increase of inflammatory indexes, in particular fibrinogen 1057 mg/dl (normal range 150-400 mg/dl), C-reactive-protein 17.6 mg/dl (normal range <0.5 mg/dl), serum ferritin 650 ng/ml (normal range 11-306 ng/ml), while serum pro-calcitonin was normal. Electrocardiography and cardiac troponin I were not suggestive of further heart ischemic damage. Two days later, the patient showed hypotension, exacerbation of chest pain, as well as a rapid drop hemoglobin values. A thoracicabdominal CT (figure 1) was performed, showing peri-hepatic and pericardial effusions associated with hyper-reflectivity of pericardial leaflets. After a precautionary discontinuation of the experimental drugs, acetylsalicylic acid and clopidogrel were only given, together with antibiotics, diuretics and steroids. Clinical conditions slowly improved, blood pressure levels raised, together with hemoglobin values, and inflammatory parameters decreased. The patient was discharged in good clinical conditions, with the conclusive discharge diagnosis of Dressler syndrome (DS) related to angioplasty and stenting procedure for acute myocardial infarction

    Tobacco Addiction and Smoking Status in Heroin Addicts under Methadone vs. Buprenorphine Therapy

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    Aims of the present investigation were: (i) to assess the prevalence of current smokers and relative smoking status among a large number of heroin addicts attending opioid-substitution therapy prevalence; (ii) to evaluate the relationship between the type (methadone, buprenorphine) and dosage of opioid substitution therapy and nicotine dependence. Three hundred and five (305) heroin addicts under opioid-substitution therapy were recruited at five Addiction Units. All participants completed a questionnaire assessing sociodemographic information, type and dose of opioid-substitution therapy, smoking history and status, Fagerström Test for Nicotine Dependence (FTND), and the Zung Self-Rating Depression scale (SDS). 298 subjects, out of 305 (97.2%) were smokers, with an average of 20.5 cigarette/day and a median FTND of 6. Our data confirmed the high prevalence of smokers among heroin addicts, the highest described in the literature to date among heroin addicts under substitution therapies, without any significant difference between methadone vs. buprenorphine therapy groups. There was no correlation between dose of methadone or buprenorphine and average number of cigarettes/day. Patients in substance abuse treatment very frequently smoke cigarettes and often die of tobacco-related diseases. Substance abuse treatment programs too often ignore tobacco use. We hope that these findings will help to incorporate smoking cessation in substance abuse treatments

    Freezing of gait in Parkinson’s disease patients treated with bilateral subthalamic nucleus deep brain stimulation: A long-term overview

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    Bilateral subthalamic nucleus deep brain stimulation (STN-DBS) is an effective treatment in advanced Parkinson’s Disease (PD). However, the effects of STN-DBS on freezing of gait (FOG) are still debated, particularly in the long-term follow-up (&gt;/=5-years). The main aim of the current study is to evaluate the long-term effects of STN-DBS on FOG. Twenty STN-DBS treated PD patients were included. Each patient was assessed before surgery through a detailed neurological evaluation, including FOG score, and reevaluated in the long-term (median follow-up: 5-years) in different stimulation and drug conditions. In the long term follow-up, FOG score significantly worsened in the off-stimulation/off-medication condition compared with the preoperative off-medication assessment (z = -1.930; p = 0.05) but not in the on-stimulation/off-medication (z = -0.357; p = 0.721). There was also a significant improvement of FOG at long-term assessment by comparing on-stimulation/off-medication and off-stimulation/off-medication conditions (z = -2.944; p = 0.003). These results highlight the possible beneficial long-term effects of STN-DBS on FOG

    Freezing of Gait in Parkinson's Disease Patients Treated with Bilateral Subthalamic Nucleus Deep Brain Stimulation: A Long-Term Overview

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    Bilateral subthalamic nucleus deep brain stimulation (STN-DBS) is an effective treatment in advanced Parkinson's Disease (PD). However, the effects of STN-DBS on freezing of gait (FOG) are still debated, particularly in the long-term follow-up (≥5-years). The main aim of the current study is to evaluate the long-term effects of STN-DBS on FOG. Twenty STN-DBS treated PD patients were included. Each patient was assessed before surgery through a detailed neurological evaluation, including FOG score, and revaluated in the long-term (median follow-up: 5-years) in different stimulation and drug conditions. In the long term follow-up, FOG score significantly worsened in the off-stimulation/off-medication condition compared with the pre-operative off-medication assessment (z = -1.930; p = 0.05) but not in the on-stimulation/off-medication (z = -0.357; p = 0.721). There was also a significant improvement of FOG at long-term assessment by comparing on-stimulation/off-medication and off-stimulation/off-medication conditions (z = -2.944; p = 0.003). These results highlight the possible beneficial long-term effects of STN-DBS on FOG

    The COVID-19 pandemic and neurology: A survey on previous and continued restrictions for clinical practice, curricular training, and health economics

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    Background and Purpose The COVID-19 pandemic has significantly impacted health systems worldwide. Here, we assessed the pandemic's impact on clinical service, curricular training, and financial burden from a neurological viewpoint during the enforced lockdown periods and the assumed recovery by 2023. Methods An online 18-item survey was conducted by the European Academy of Neurology (EAN) NeuroCOVID-19 Task Force among the EAN community. The survey was online between February and March 2023. Questions related to general, demographic, clinical, work, education, and economic aspects. Results We collected 430 responses from 79 countries. Most health care professionals were aged 35–44 years, with >15 years of work experience. The key findings of their observations were as follows. (i) Clinical services were cut back in all neurological subspecialties during the most restrictive COVID-19 lockdown period. The most affected neurological subspecialties were services for patients with dementia, and neuromuscular and movement disorders. The levels of reduction and the pace of recovery were distinct for acute emergencies and in- and outpatient care. Recovery was slow for sleep medicine, autonomic nervous system disorders, neurorehabilitation, and dementia care. (ii) Student and residency rotations and grand rounds were reorganized, and congresses were converted into a virtual format. Conferences are partly maintained in a hybrid format. (iii) Affordability of neurological care and medication shortage are emerging issues. Conclusions Recovery of neurological services up to spring 2023 has been incomplete following substantial disruption of neurological care, medical education, and health economics in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic. The continued limitations for the delivery of neurological care threaten brain health and call for action on a global scale