56 research outputs found

    Philosophical Consequences of the Simultaneity Breakdown

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    Speciální teorie relativity zavádí relativitu současnosti, která tvrdí, že na tom, zda se dvě prostorově vzdálené události staly ve stejný okamžik, se různí pozorovatelé nemusí shodnout. Zatímco Hilary Putnam z toho vyvozuje reálnost budoucích událostí již v přítomnosti, Henri Bergson dochází k závěru, že důsledky speciální relativity jsou fiktivní, a nijak se proto netýkají současnosti skutečné. Tato práce se pokusí zpochybnit jak Bergsonův, tak Putnamův závěr ve prospěch nové, Bergsonem inspirované interpretace relativity současnosti. Kritika Putnama bude spočívat ve zpochybnění ontologické relevance geometrických abstrakcí, které Putnam považuje za samozřejmé, zatímco kritika Bergsona ukáže, že namísto interpretace speciální relativity vede Bergsonův výklad k jejímu odmítnutí. Závěrečná interpretace bude stavět na tom, co přesto zůstává na Bergsonově přístupu relevantní.The special theory of relativity implies the relativity of simultaneity, i.e. that two different observers may not agree whether two spatially separated events happened at the same time. While Hilary Putnam argues that because of this future events are already real in the present, Henri Bergson concludes that the implications of special relativity are imaginary and thus bear no consequences for what real simultaneity is. This thesis tries to question both Putnam's and Bergson's conclusions in favor of a new Bergson inspired interpretation of the relativity of simultaneity. The critique of Putnam will consist of questioning the ontological relevance of the geometrical abstractions which Putnam takes for granted while the critique of Bergson will show that instead of interpreting special relativity Begson's account leads to rejecting it altogether. The final interpretation will build on what continues to be relevant in Bergson's account.Ústav filosofie a religionistikyInstitute of Philosophy and Religious StudiesFilozofická fakultaFaculty of Art

    How Our Personality Shapes Our Interactions with Virtual Characters - Implications for Research and Development

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    Abstract. There is a general lack of awareness for the influence of users´ personality traits on human-agent-interaction (HAI). Numerous studies do not even consider explanatory variables like age and gender although they are easily accessible. The present study focuses on explaining the occurrence of social effects in HAI. Apart from the original manipulation of the study we assessed the users ́personality traits. Results show that participants ´ personality traits influenced their subjective feeling after the interaction, as well as their evaluation of the virtual character and their actual behavior. From the various personality traits those traits which relate to persistent behavioral patterns in social contact (agreeableness, extraversion, approach avoidance, self-efficacy in monitoring others, shyness, public self-consciousness) were found to be predictive, whereas other personality traits and gender and age did not affect the evaluation. Results suggest that personality traits are better predictors for the evaluation outcome than the actual behavior of the agent as it has been manipulated in the experiment. Implications for research on and development of virtual agents are discussed

    Philosophical Consequences of the Simultaneity Breakdown

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    The special theory of relativity implies the relativity of simultaneity, i.e. that two different observers may not agree whether two spatially separated events happened at the same time. While Hilary Putnam argues that because of this future events are already real in the present, Henri Bergson concludes that the implications of special relativity are imaginary and thus bear no consequences for what real simultaneity is. This thesis tries to question both Putnam's and Bergson's conclusions in favor of a new Bergson inspired interpretation of the relativity of simultaneity. The critique of Putnam will consist of questioning the ontological relevance of the geometrical abstractions which Putnam takes for granted while the critique of Bergson will show that instead of interpreting special relativity Begson's account leads to rejecting it altogether. The final interpretation will build on what continues to be relevant in Bergson's account

    G.A. Lindner – Evropan 19. století

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    Článek se zabývá významem práce českého pedagoga G.A.Lindnera

    A nontraditional view of feminisation

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    From the history of school gardens

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    Přehled vývoje školského systému s ohledem na pěstování vztahu k přírodě a využití školních zahrad k nácviku praktických dovedností. Téma je systematicky zpracováno od doby vydání Všeobecného školního řádu císařovnou Marií Terezií roku 1774 až do roku 1937, kdy byl vydán Řád školních zahrad pro národní školy

    Totalitarian admissions to universities

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