2,729 research outputs found

    Portfolio company value creation : when private equity deploys AI

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    This study concerns the role of artificial intelligence (AI) in private equity (PE portfolio companies) for developing and implementing efficiencies. Triangulating findings from current scholarship, expert interviews, and a consumer survey, our investigation revealed that AI is perceived as a significant disruptor, with the potential to transform PE operations and create value for portfolio companies. The research highlighted several advantages of AI initiatives for PE portfolio companies, including strategic guidance and providing critical resources and management alignment. Furthermore, the survey demonstrated that consumers are receptive to AI applications in PE. However, the paper also identified limitations which could potentially hinder successful adoption of AI in portfolio companies. The efficacy of PE AI initiatives was found to be contingent upon the specific circumstances of each portfolio company, with benefits likely to be minimal or not present for AI-native firms. Thus, while certain challenges persist, our findings underscore the importance of PE funds focusing on developing core AI competencies to harness AI efficiencies across their portfolio companies.Este estudo diz respeito ao papel da inteligência artificial (IA) no capital privado (empresas de carteira de PE) para o desenvolvimento e implementação de eficiências. Triangulando os resultados das actuais bolsas de estudo, entrevistas com peritos, e um inquérito aos consumidores, a nossa investigação revelou que a IA é vista como um perturbador significativo, com potencial para transformar as operações de PE e criar valor para as empresas da carteira. A investigação destacou várias vantagens das iniciativas de IA para as empresas de portefólio de EP, incluindo orientação estratégica e fornecimento de recursos críticos e alinhamento da gestão. Além disso, o inquérito demonstrou que os consumidores estão receptivos a aplicações de IA em PE. Contudo, o estudo também identificou limitações que podem potencialmente impedir a adopção bem-sucedida de IA nas empresas de portfólio. Constatou-se que a eficácia das iniciativas de IA depende das circunstâncias específicas de cada empresa do portfólio, com benefícios que provavelmente serão mínimos ou não presentes para as empresas nativas de IA. Assim, embora persistam certos desafios, as nossas conclusões sublinham a importância de os fundos de PE se concentrarem no desenvolvimento de competências centrais em matéria de IA para aproveitar a eficiência da IA nas empresas do seu portefólio

    Brevet, innovation modulaire et collaboration : Le cas des vaccins géniques.

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    Au-delà de ses fonctions en termes de protection et de financement de l’innovation, le brevet est aussi un instrument de médiation et un support d’interactions. Dans le cas du développement des nouveaux vaccins issus du génie génétique, nous montrons qu’il est une composante essentielle de la production d’innovation. Un vaccin génique se construit en effet à partir de trois modules fondamentaux : l’antigène, le vecteur, et l’adjuvant. L’avènement des techniques du génie génétique favorise un développement autonome de ces composants, aussi bien sur les plans technique qu'organisationnel ou cognitif. Les brevets deviennent alors des instruments stratégiques d’information et de négociation dans l’élaboration de l’architecture du produit. Ils jouent un rôle d'interface entre des organisations, des trajectoires technologiques et des champs de savoir hétérogènes.Droit de Propriété Intellectuelle, vaccins, génomique, modularité, innovation collective.

    Retrofitting Post-Quantum Cryptography in Internet Protocols:A Case Study of DNSSEC

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    Quantum computing is threatening current cryptography, especially the asymmetric algorithms used in many Internet protocols. More secure algorithms, colloquially referred to as Post-Quantum Cryptography (PQC), are under active development. These new algorithms differ significantly from current ones. They can have larger signatures or keys, and often require more computational power. This means we cannot just replace existing algorithms by PQC alternatives, but need to evaluate if they meet the requirements of the Internet protocols that rely on them. In this paper we provide a case study, analyzing the impact of PQC on the Domain Name System (DNS) and its Security Extensions (DNSSEC). In its main role, DNS translates human-readable domain names to IP addresses and DNSSEC guarantees message integrity and authenticity. DNSSEC is particularly challenging to transition to PQC, since DNSSEC and its underlying transport protocols require small signatures and keys and efficient validation. We evaluate current candidate PQC signature algorithms in the third round of the NIST competition on their suitability for use in DNSSEC. We show that three algorithms, partially, meet DNSSEC’s requirements but also show where and how we would still need to adapt DNSSEC. Thus, our research lays the foundation for making DNSSEC, and protocols with similar constraints ready for PQC
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