254 research outputs found

    High Genetic Diversity Despite the Potential for Stepping-Stone Colonizations in an Invasive Species of Gecko on Moorea, French Polynesia

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    Invasive species often have reduced genetic diversity, but the opposite can be true if there have been multiple introductions and genetic admixture. Reduced diversity is most likely soon after establishment, in remote locations, when there is lower propagule pressure and with stepping-stone colonizations. The common house gecko (Hemidactylus frenatus) was introduced to Moorea, French Polynesia in the remote eastern Pacific within the last two decades and accordingly is expected to exhibit low diversity. In contrast, we show that H. frenatus on Moorea has exceptionally high genetic diversity, similar to that near the native range in Asia and much higher than reported for other Pacific island reptiles. The high diversity in this recently founded population likely reflects extensive genetic admixture in source population(s) and a life history that promotes retention of diversity. These observations point to the importance of understanding range-wide dynamics of genetic admixture in highly invasive species

    Composition of a chemical signalling trait varies with phylogeny and precipitation across an Australian lizard radiation

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    The environment presents challenges to the transmission and detection of animal signalling systems, resulting in selective pressures that can drive signal divergence amongst populations in disparate environments. For chemical signals, climate is a potentially important selective force because factors such as temperature and moisture influence the persistence and detection of chemicals. We investigated an Australian lizard radiation (Heteronotia) to explore relationships between a sexually dimorphic chemical signalling trait (epidermal pore secretions) and two key climate variables: temperature and precipitation. We reconstructed the phylogeny of Heteronotia with exon capture phylogenomics, estimated phylogenetic signal in amongst-lineage chemical variation and assessed how chemical composition relates to temperature and precipitation using multivariate phylogenetic regressions. High estimates of phylogenetic signal indicate that the composition of epidermal pore secretions varies amongst lineages in a manner consistent with Brownian motion, although there are deviations to this, with stark divergences coinciding with two phylogenetic splits. Accounting for phylogenetic non-independence, we found that amongst-lineage chemical variation is associated with geographic variation in precipitation but not temperature. This contrasts somewhat with previous lizard studies, which have generally found an association between temperature and chemical composition. Our results suggest that geographic variation in precipitation can affect the evolution of chemical signalling traits, possibly influencing patterns of divergence amongst lineages and species

    The large‐scale freshwater cycle of the Arctic

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    This paper synthesizes our understanding of the Arctic\u27s large‐scale freshwater cycle. It combines terrestrial and oceanic observations with insights gained from the ERA‐40 reanalysis and land surface and ice‐ocean models. Annual mean freshwater input to the Arctic Ocean is dominated by river discharge (38%), inflow through Bering Strait (30%), and net precipitation (24%). Total freshwater export from the Arctic Ocean to the North Atlantic is dominated by transports through the Canadian Arctic Archipelago (35%) and via Fram Strait as liquid (26%) and sea ice (25%). All terms are computed relative to a reference salinity of 34.8. Compared to earlier estimates, our budget features larger import of freshwater through Bering Strait and larger liquid phase export through Fram Strait. While there is no reason to expect a steady state, error analysis indicates that the difference between annual mean oceanic inflows and outflows (∼8% of the total inflow) is indistinguishable from zero. Freshwater in the Arctic Ocean has a mean residence time of about a decade. This is understood in that annual freshwater input, while large (∼8500 km3), is an order of magnitude smaller than oceanic freshwater storage of ∼84,000 km3. Freshwater in the atmosphere, as water vapor, has a residence time of about a week. Seasonality in Arctic Ocean freshwater storage is nevertheless highly uncertain, reflecting both sparse hydrographic data and insufficient information on sea ice volume. Uncertainties mask seasonal storage changes forced by freshwater fluxes. Of flux terms with sufficient data for analysis, Fram Strait ice outflow shows the largest interannual variability

    Initiation of speciation across multiple dimensions in a rock-restricted, tropical lizard

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    Population isolation and concomitant genetic divergence, resulting in strong phylogeographical structure, is a core aspect of speciation initiation. If and how speciation then proceeds and ultimately completes depends on multiple factors that mediate reproductive isolation, including divergence in genomes, ecology and mating traits. Here we explored these multiple dimensions in two young (Plio-Pleistocene) species complexes of gekkonid lizards (Heteronotia) from the Kimberley–Victoria River regions of tropical Australia. Using mitochondrial DNA screening and exon capture phylogenomics, we show that the rock-restricted Heteronotia planiceps exhibits exceptional fine-scale phylogeographical structure compared to the codistributed habitat generalist Heteronotia binoei. This indicates pervasive population isolation and persistence in the rock-specialist, and thus a high rate of speciation initiation across this geographically complex region, with levels of genomic divergence spanning the “grey zone” of speciation. Proximal lineages of H. planiceps were often separated by different rock substrates, suggesting a potential role for ecological isolation; however, phylogenetic incongruence and historical introgression were inferred between one such pair. Ecomorphological divergence among lineages within both H. planiceps and H. binoei was limited, except that limestone-restricted lineages of H. planiceps tended to be larger than rock-generalists. By contrast, among-lineage divergence in the chemical composition of epidermal pore secretions (putative mating trait) exceeded ecomorphology in both complexes, but with less trait overlap among lineages in H. planiceps. This system—particularly the rock-specialist H. planiceps—highlights the role of multidimensional divergence during incipient speciation, with divergence in genomes, ecomorphology and chemical signals all at play at very fine spatial scales

    A divergent articulavirus in an Australian gecko identified using meta-transcriptomics and protein structure comparisons

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    The discovery of highly divergent RNA viruses is compromised by their limited sequence similarity to known viruses. Evolutionary information obtained from protein structural modelling offers a powerful approach to detect distantly related viruses based on the conservation of tertiary structures in key proteins such as the RNA-dependent RNA polymerase (RdRp). We utilised a template-based approach for protein structure prediction from amino acid sequences to identify distant evolutionary relationships among viruses detected in meta-transcriptomic sequencing data from Australian wildlife. The best predicted protein structural model was compared with the results of similarity searches against protein databases. Using this combination of meta-transcriptomics and protein structure prediction we identified the RdRp (PB1) gene segment of a divergent negative-sense RNA virus, denoted Lauta virus (LTAV), in a native Australian gecko (Gehyra lauta). The presence of this virus was confirmed by PCR and Sanger sequencing. Phylogenetic analysis revealed that Lauta virus likely represents a newly described genus within the family Amnoonviridae, order Articulavirales, that is most closely related to the fish virus Tilapia tilapinevirus (TiLV). These findings provide important insights into the evolution of negative-sense RNA viruses and structural conservation of the viral replicase among members of the order Articulavirales.This research was funded by the Australian Research Council, grant number FL170100022

    Revisiting the vanishing refuge model of diversification

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    Much of the debate around speciation and historical biogeography has focused on the role of stabilizing selection on the physiological (abiotic) niche, emphasizing how isolation and vicariance, when associated with niche conservatism, may drive tropical speciation. Yet, recent re-emphasis on the ecological dimensions of speciation points to a more prominent role of divergent selection in driving genetic, phenotypic, and niche divergence. The vanishing refuge model (VRM), first described by Vanzolini and Williams (1981), describes a process of diversification through climate-driven habitat fragmentation and exposure to new environments, integrating both vicariance and divergent selection. This model suggests that dynamic climates and peripheral isolates can lead to genetic and functional (i.e., ecological and phenotypic) diversity, resulting in sister taxa that occupy contrasting habitats with abutting distributions. Here, we provide predictions for populations undergoing divergence according to the VRM that encompass habitat dynamics, phylogeography, and phenotypic differentiation across populations. Such integrative analyses can, in principle, differentiate the operation of the VRM from other speciation models. We applied these principles to a lizard species, Coleodactylus meridionalis, which was used to illustrate the model in the original paper. We incorporate data on inferred historic habitat dynamics, phylogeography and thermal physiology to test for divergence between coastal and inland populations in the Atlantic Forest of Brazil. Environmental and genetic analyses are concordant with divergence through the VRM, yet physiological data are not. We emphasize the importance of multidisciplinary approaches to test this and alternative speciation models while seeking to explain the extraordinarily high genetic and phenotypic diversity of tropical biomes

    Combining Phylogeography with Distribution Modeling: Multiple Pleistocene Range Expansions in a Parthenogenetic Gecko from the Australian Arid Zone

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    Phylogenetic and geographic evidence suggest that many parthenogenetic organisms have evolved recently and have spread rapidly. These patterns play a critical role in our understanding of the relative merits of sexual versus asexual reproductive modes, yet their interpretation is often hampered by a lack of detail. Here we present a detailed phylogeographic study of a vertebrate parthenogen, the Australian gecko Heteronotia binoei, in combination with statistical and biophysical modeling of its distribution during the last glacial maximum. Parthenogenetic H. binoei occur in the Australian arid zone and have the widest range of any known vertebrate parthenogen. They are broadly sympatric with their sexual counterparts, from which they arose via hybridization. We have applied nested clade phylogeographic, effective migration, and mismatch distribution analyses to mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) sequences obtained for 319 individuals sampled throughout the known geographic ranges of two parthenogenetic mitochondrial lineages. These analyses provide strong evidence for past range expansion events from west to east across the arid zone, and for continuing eastward range expansion. Parthenogen formation and range expansion events date to the late Pleistocene, with one lineage expanding from the northwest of its present range around 240,000 years ago and the second lineage expanding from the far west around 70,000 years ago. Statistical and biophysical distribution models support these inferences of recent range expansion, with suitable climatic conditions during the last glacial maximum most likely limited to parts of the arid zone north and west of much of the current ranges of these lineages. Combination of phylogeographic analyses and distribution modeling allowed considerably stronger inferences of the history of this complex than either would in isolation, illustrating the power of combining complementary analytical approaches