1,763 research outputs found

    Electrical Properties of Fluorinated Gel Electrolytes using High Conducting Solution

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    Enhancing Perception and Immersion in Pre-Captured Environments through Learning-Based Eye Height Adaptation

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    Pre-captured immersive environments using omnidirectional cameras provide a wide range of virtual reality applications. Previous research has shown that manipulating the eye height in egocentric virtual environments can significantly affect distance perception and immersion. However, the influence of eye height in pre-captured real environments has received less attention due to the difficulty of altering the perspective after finishing the capture process. To explore this influence, we first propose a pilot study that captures real environments with multiple eye heights and asks participants to judge the egocentric distances and immersion. If a significant influence is confirmed, an effective image-based approach to adapt pre-captured real-world environments to the user's eye height would be desirable. Motivated by the study, we propose a learning-based approach for synthesizing novel views for omnidirectional images with altered eye heights. This approach employs a multitask architecture that learns depth and semantic segmentation in two formats, and generates high-quality depth and semantic segmentation to facilitate the inpainting stage. With the improved omnidirectional-aware layered depth image, our approach synthesizes natural and realistic visuals for eye height adaptation. Quantitative and qualitative evaluation shows favorable results against state-of-the-art methods, and an extensive user study verifies improved perception and immersion for pre-captured real-world environments.Comment: 10 pages, 13 figures, 3 tables, submitted to ISMAR 202

    Automatic Dance Generation System Considering Sign Language Information

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    In recent years, thanks to the development of 3DCG animation editing tools (e.g. MikuMikuDance), a lot of 3D character dance animation movies are created by amateur users. However it is very difficult to create choreography from scratch without any technical knowledge. Shiratori et al. [2006] produced the dance automatic generation system considering rhythm and intensity of dance motions. However each segment is selected randomly from database, so the generated dance motion has no linguistic or emotional meanings. Takano et al. [2010] produced a human motion generation system considering motion labels. However they use simple motion labels like “running” or “jump”, so they cannot generate motions that express emotions. In reality, professional dancers make choreography based on music features or lyrics in music, and express emotion or how they feel in music. In our work, we aim at generating more emotional dance motion easily. Therefore, we use linguistic information in lyrics, and generate dance motion. In this paper, we propose the system to generate the sign dance motion from continuous sign language motion based on lyrics of music. This system could help the deaf to listen to music as visualized music application

    Stochastic orbital migration of small bodies in Saturn's rings

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    Many small moonlets, creating propeller structures, have been found in Saturn's rings by the Cassini spacecraft. We study the dynamical evolution of such 20-50m sized bodies which are embedded in Saturn's rings. We estimate the importance of various interaction processes with the ring particles on the moonlet's eccentricity and semi-major axis analytically. For low ring surface densities, the main effects on the evolution of the eccentricity and the semi-major axis are found to be due to collisions and the gravitational interaction with particles in the vicinity of the moonlet. For large surface densities, the gravitational interaction with self-gravitating wakes becomes important. We also perform realistic three dimensional, collisional N-body simulations with up to a quarter of a million particles. A new set of pseudo shear periodic boundary conditions is used which reduces the computational costs by an order of magnitude compared to previous studies. Our analytic estimates are confirmed to within a factor of two. On short timescales the evolution is always dominated by stochastic effects caused by collisions and gravitational interaction with self-gravitating ring particles. These result in a random walk of the moonlet's semi-major axis. The eccentricity of the moonlet quickly reaches an equilibrium value due to collisional damping. The average change in semi-major axis of the moonlet after 100 orbital periods is 10-100m. This translates to an offset in the azimuthal direction of several hundred kilometres. We expect that such a shift is easily observable.Comment: 13 pages, 6 figures, submitted to A&A, comments welcom

    Geometric Features Informed Multi-person Human-object Interaction Recognition in Videos

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    Human-Object Interaction (HOI) recognition in videos is important for analyzing human activity. Most existing work focusing on visual features usually suffer from occlusion in the real-world scenarios. Such a problem will be further complicated when multiple people and objects are involved in HOIs. Consider that geometric features such as human pose and object position provide meaningful information to understand HOIs, we argue to combine the benefits of both visual and geometric features in HOI recognition, and propose a novel Two-level Geometric feature-informed Graph Convolutional Network (2G-GCN). The geometric-level graph models the interdependency between geometric features of humans and objects, while the fusion-level graph further fuses them with visual features of humans and objects. To demonstrate the novelty and effectiveness of our method in challenging scenarios, we propose a new multi-person HOI dataset (MPHOI-72). Extensive experiments on MPHOI-72 (multi-person HOI), CAD-120 (single-human HOI) and Bimanual Actions (two-hand HOI) datasets demonstrate our superior performance compared to state-of-the-arts.Comment: Accepted by ECCV 202

    Tbx1 expression in pharyngeal epithelia is necessary for pharyngeal arch artery development.

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    During embryonic life, the initially paired pharyngeal arch arteries (PAAs) follow a precisely orchestrated program of persistence and regression that leads to the formation of the mature aortic arch and great vessels. When this program fails, specific cardiovascular defects arise that may be life threatening or mild, according to the identity of the affected artery. Fourth PAA-derived cardiovascular defects occur commonly in DiGeorge syndrome and velocardiofacial syndrome (22q11DS), and in Tbx1(+/-) mice that model the 22q11DS cardiovascular phenotype. Tbx1 is expressed in pharyngeal mesoderm, endoderm and ectoderm, and, in addition, we show that it is expressed in precursors of the endothelial cells that line the PAAs, thus expanding the number of tissues in which Tbx1 is potentially required for fourth PAA development. In this study, we have used cell fate mapping and tissue-specific gene deletion, driven by six different Cre lines, to explore Tbx1 gene-dosage requirements in the embryonic pharynx for fourth PAA development. Through this approach, we have resolved the spatial requirements for Tbx1 in this process, and we show pharyngeal epithelia to be a critical tissue. We also thereby demonstrate conclusively that the role of Tbx1 in fourth PAA development is cell non-autonomous

    Cytokine and chemokine response in children with the 2009 pandemic influenza A (H1N1) virus infection

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    We report the systemic cytokine and chemokine response in children with the 2009 pandemic influenza A (H1N1) virus infection. In patients with pneumonia, the serum levels of IFN-Îł and IL-5 were significantly higher than those in patients without pneumonia. This tendency was also present for IL-6, IL-8, IL-10, IL-13, and MCP-1 in patients with pneumonia. Among patients with pneumonia, the levels of MCP-1 were significantly higher in the group of patients with pneumonia with severe respiratory failure than patients with mild pneumonia

    The Mre11-Rad50-Nbs1 complex mediates activation of TopBP1 by ATM

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    The activation of ATR-ATRIP in response to double-stranded DNA breaks (DSBs) depends upon ATM in human cells and Xenopus egg extracts. One important aspect of this dependency involves regulation of TopBP1 by ATM. In Xenopus egg extracts, ATM associates with TopBP1 and thereupon phosphorylates it on S1131. This phosphorylation enhances the capacity of TopBP1 to activate the ATR-ATRIP complex. We show that TopBP1 also interacts with the Mre11-Rad50-Nbs1 (MRN) complex in egg extracts in a checkpoint-regulated manner. This interaction involves the Nbs1 subunit of the complex. ATM can no longer interact with TopBP1 in Nbs1-depleted egg extracts, which suggests that the MRN complex helps to bridge ATM and TopBP1 together. The association between TopBP1 and Nbs1 involves the first pair of BRCT repeats in TopBP1. In addition, the two tandem BRCT repeats of Nbs1 are required for this binding. Functional studies with mutated forms of TopBP1 and Nbs1 suggested that the BRCT-dependent association of these proteins is critical for a normal checkpoint response to DSBs. These findings suggest that the MRN complex is a crucial mediator in the process whereby ATM promotes the TopBP1-dependent activation of ATR-ATRIP in response to DSBs

    Utjecaj sadrĆŸaja lijeka i veličine aglomerata na tabletiranje i oslobađanje bromheksin hidroklorida iz aglomerata s talkom pripremljenih kristalokoaglomeracijom

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    The objective of the investigation was to study the effect of bromhexine hydrochloride (BXH) content and agglomerate size on mechanical, compressional and drug release properties of agglomerates prepared by crystallo-co-agglomeration (CCA). Studies on optimized batches of agglomerates (BXT1 and BXT2) prepared by CCA have showed adequate sphericity and strength required for efficient tabletting. Trend of strength reduction with a decrease in the size of agglomerates was noted for both batches, irrespective of drug loading. However, an increase in mean yield pressure (14.189 to 19.481) with an increase in size was observed for BXT2 having BXH-talc (1:15.7). Surprisingly, improvement in tensile strength was demonstrated by compacts prepared from BXT2, due to high BXH load, whereas BXT1, having a low amount of BXH (BXH-talc, 1:24), showed low tensile strength. Consequently, increased tensile strength was reflected in extended drug release from BXT2 compacts (Higuchi model, R2 = 0.9506 to 0.9981). Thus, it can be concluded that interparticulate bridges formed by BXH and agglomerate size affect their mechanical, compressional and drug release properties.Cilj rada bio je praćenje utjecaja sadrĆŸaja bromheksidin hidroklorida (BXH) i veličine aglomerata na mehanička svojstva, kompresivnost i oslobađanje ljekovite tvari iz aglomerata pripravljenih kristalokoaglomeracijom (CCA). Optimizirani pripravci aglomerata (BXT1 i BXT2) pripravljeni CCA metodom pokazuju adekvatnu sferičnost i čvrstoću potrebnu za učinkovito tabletiranje. U oba pripravka se smanjenjem veličine aglomerata smanjivala i čvrstoća, neovisno o količini ljekovite tvari. Međutim, povećanje prosječnog tlaka s povećanjem veličine čestica primijećeno je u pripravku BXT2 s omjerom BXH-talk 1:15,7. Iznenađuje da su kompakti pripravljeni iz BXT2, s visokim sadrĆŸajem BXH, imali veću vlačnu čvrstoću, dok su BXT1 s niskim sadrĆŸajem BXH (BXH-talk, 1:24) imali manju čvrstoću. Veća vlačna čvrstoća imala je za posljedicu produljeno oslobađanje ljekovite tvari iz BXT2 (Higuchijev model, R2 = 0,9506 do 0,9981). MoĆŸe se zaključiti da mostovi među česticama BXH i veličina aglomerata utječu na njihova mehanička i kompresivna svojstva te na oslobađanje ljekovite tvari
