12 research outputs found

    Anna Bravo, La Conta dei salvati. Dalla Grande Guerra al Tibet : storie di sangue risparmiato

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    L’historienne Anna Bravo s’occupe depuis longtemps du rapport des hommes et des femmes avec la guerre et les armes. La Conta dei salvati traverse librement périodes et pays à la recherche du « sang épargné ». Son approche se situe dans une ligne historiographique attentive à la diversité du réel, prenant en compte vie quotidienne et émotions, s’intéressant aux groupes marginaux voire « invisibles » ; en cela, elle puise ses outils dans les Black studies, l’histoire des femmes et du genre, les..

    International genome-wide meta-analysis identifies new primary biliary cirrhosis risk loci and targetable pathogenic pathways.

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    Primary biliary cirrhosis (PBC) is a classical autoimmune liver disease for which effective immunomodulatory therapy is lacking. Here we perform meta-analyses of discovery data sets from genome-wide association studies of European subjects (n=2,764 cases and 10,475 controls) followed by validation genotyping in an independent cohort (n=3,716 cases and 4,261 controls). We discover and validate six previously unknown risk loci for PBC (Pcombined<5 × 10(-8)) and used pathway analysis to identify JAK-STAT/IL12/IL27 signalling and cytokine-cytokine pathways, for which relevant therapies exist

    International genome-wide meta-analysis identifies new primary biliary cirrhosis risk loci and targetable pathogenic pathways

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    « Un roman de formation collectif ». Les revues féministes en Italie des années 1970 à nos jours

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    Depuis les années 1970, le mouvement féministe a conçu les revues non seulement comme un instrument d’expression et d’élaboration théorique, mais aussi comme un espace de militantisme, de remise en question des relations entre femmes et d’expérimentation de nouvelles pratiques politiques. Le format « revue » s’est ainsi transformé tant dans ses modalités de production et de diffusion que dans son rapport avec les lecteurs et les lectrices, et il constitue aujourd’hui, plus que tout autre matériau d’archive, un observatoire privilégié pour reparcourir les transformations du féminisme italien des trente dernières années du XXe siècle à nos jours. Ce dossier de Laboratoire italien, qui fait suite à un numéro consacré aux Voix et parcours du féminisme dans les revues de femmes (1870-1970), propose un premier état des lieux, sans prétention à l’exhaustivité, de la production éditoriale féministe protéiforme dans ses différentes phases et spécificités : du fort élan expérimental des années 1970, à l’intensification de la discussion théorique et de la production culturelle dans la décennie suivante, jusqu’au tournant numérique du nouveau millénaire et à la dimension transnationale des féminismes contemporains. Dagli anni Settanta del secolo scorso, il movimento femminista ha fatto delle riviste non solo uno strumento di espressione e di elaborazione teorica, ma uno spazio di militanza, di ripensamento delle relazioni tra donne e di sperimentazione di nuove pratiche politiche. La forma rivista ne è uscita quindi trasformata sia nelle sue modalità di produzione e diffusione sia nel rapporto con lettori e lettrici, e rappresenta oggi, più di qualsiasi altro materiale d’archivio, un osservatorio privilegiato per riattraversare le trasformazioni del femminismo italiano dagli ultimi trent’anni del Novecento alla contemporaneità. Questo fascicolo di «Laboratoire italien», che fa seguito a un numero dedicato a «Voci e percorsi del femminismo nelle riviste delle donne (1870-1970)», offre una prima ricognizione, senza pretese di esaustività, della multiforme produzione editoriale femminista nelle sue diverse fasi e nelle sue specificità: dalla forte spinta sperimentale degli anni Settanta, all’intensificarsi della discussione teorica e della produzione culturale nel decennio successivo, fino alla svolta multimediale del nuovo millennio e alla dimensione transnazionale dei femminismi contemporanei. Since the 1970s, the feminist movement has used magazines not only as a means of expression and theoretical production, but also as forums for activism, for evaluating relations between women and testing new political practices. Over the years, production and publishing methods have changed along with the relationship which the magazine has with readers. Nowadays, more than any other archive material, magazines function as a special observatory for tracing the transformations of Italian feminisms from the last thirty years of the 20th century to the present day. This issue of Laboratoire italien follows a previous one devoted to the Voices and Paths of Feminism in Women’s Magazines (1870-1970). It provides an initial appraisal—with no claim to be exhaustive—of the multifaceted editorial output of the Italian feminist movement through its different stages: from the experimental momentum of the 1970s to the intensification of theoretical discussion and cultural production in the following decade, and then on to the digital turn of the new millennium and the transnational dimension of contemporary feminisms

    Immunochip analyses identify a novel risk locus for primary biliary cirrhosis at 13q14, multiple independent associations at four established risk loci and epistasis between 1p31 and 7q32 risk variants.

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    To further characterize the genetic basis of primary biliary cirrhosis (PBC), we genotyped 2426 PBC patients and 5731 unaffected controls from three independent cohorts using a single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) array (Immunochip) enriched for autoimmune disease risk loci. Meta-analysis of the genotype data sets identified a novel disease-associated locus near the TNFSF11 gene at 13q14, provided evidence for association at six additional immune-related loci not previously implicated in PBC and confirmed associations at 19 of 22 established risk loci. Results of conditional analyses also provided evidence for multiple independent association signals at four risk loci, with haplotype analyses suggesting independent SNP effects at the 2q32 and 16p13 loci, but complex haplotype driven effects at the 3q25 and 6p21 loci. By imputing classical HLA alleles from this data set, four class II alleles independently contributing to the association signal from this region were identified. Imputation of genotypes at the non-HLA loci also provided additional associations, but none with stronger effects than the genotyped variants. An epistatic interaction between the IL12RB2 risk locus at 1p31and the IRF5 risk locus at 7q32 was also identified and suggests a complementary effect of these loci in predisposing to disease. These data expand the repertoire of genes with potential roles in PBC pathogenesis that need to be explored by follow-up biological studies

    Human leukocyte antigen polymorphisms in Italian primary biliary cirrhosis: A multicenter study of 664 patients and 1992 healthy controls

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    Genetic factors are critical in determining susceptibility to primary biliary cirrhosis (PBC), but there has not been a clear association with human leukocyte antigen (HLA) genes. We performed a multicenter case-control study and analyzed HLA class II DRB1 associations using a large cohort of 664 well-defined cases of PBC and 1992 controls of Italian ancestry. Importantly, healthy controls were rigorously matched not only by age and sex, but also for the geographical origin of the proband four grandparents (Northern, Central, and Southern Italy). After correction for multiple testing, DRB1*08 [odds ratio (OR), 3.3; 95% confidence interval (CI), 2.4-4.5] and DRB1*02 (OR 0.9; 95% CI 0.8-1.2) were significantly associated with PBC, whereas alleles DRB1*11 (OR 0.4; 95% CI 0.3-0.4) and DRB1*13 (OR 0.7; 95% CI 0.6-0.9) were protective. When subjects were stratified according to their grandparental geographical origin, only the associations with DRB1*08 and DRB1*11 were common to all three areas. Associated DRB1 alleles were found only in a minority of patients, whereas an additive genetic model is supported by the gene dosage effect for DRB1*11 allele and the interaction of DRB1*11,*13, and *08. Lastly, no significant associations were detected between speci fic DRB1 alleles and relevant clinical features represented by the presence of cirrhosis or serum autoantibodies. In conclusion, we confirm the role for HLA to determine PBC susceptibility and suggest that the effect of HLA is limited to patient subgroups. We suggest that a large whole-genome approach is required to identify further genetic elements contributing to the loss of tolerance in this disease. Copyright © 2008 by the American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases

    Classical HLA-DRB1 and DPB1 alleles account for HLA associations with primary biliary cirrhosis.

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    Susceptibility to primary biliary cirrhosis (PBC) is strongly associated with human leukocyte antigen (HLA)-region polymorphisms. To determine if associations can be explained by classical HLA determinants, we studied Italian, 676 cases and 1440 controls, genotyped with dense single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) for which classical HLA alleles and amino acids were imputed. Although previous genome-wide association studies and our results show stronger SNP associations near DQB1, we demonstrate that the HLA signals can be attributed to classical DRB1 and DPB1 genes. Strong support for the predominant role of DRB1 is provided by our conditional analyses. We also demonstrate an independent association of DPB1. Specific HLA-DRB1 genes (*08, *11 and *14) account for most of the DRB1 association signal. Consistent with previous studies, DRB1*08 (P=1.59 7 10(-11)) was the strongest predisposing allele, whereas DRB1*11 (P=1.42 7 10(-10)) was protective. Additionally, DRB1*14 and the DPB1 association (DPB1*03:01; P=9.18 7 10(-7)) were predisposing risk alleles. No signal was observed in the HLA class 1 or class 3 regions. These findings better define the association of PBC with HLA and specifically support the role of classical HLA-DRB1 and DPB1 genes and alleles in susceptibility to PBC

    Genome-wide meta-analyses identify three loci associated with primary biliary cirrhosis

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    A genome-wide association screen for primary biliary cirrhosis risk alleles was performed in an Italian cohort. The results from the Italian cohort replicated IL12A and IL12RB associations, and a combined meta-analysis using a Canadian dataset identified newly associated loci at SPIB (P = 7.9 × 10-11, odds ratio (OR) = 1.46), IRF5-TNPO3 (P = 2.8 × 10 -10, OR = 1.63) and 17q12-21 (P = 1.7 × 10-10, OR = 1.38). © 2010 Nature America, Inc. All rights reserved