28 research outputs found

    A problem on partial sums in abelian groups

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    In this paper we propose a conjecture concerning partial sums of an arbitrary finite subset of an abelian group, that naturally arises investigating simple Heffter systems. Then, we show its connection with related open problems and we present some results about the validity of these conjectures

    Globally simple Heffter arrays and orthogonal cyclic cycle decompositions

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    In this paper we introduce a particular class of Heffter arrays, called globally simple Heffter arrays, whose existence gives at once orthogonal cyclic cycle decompositions of the complete graph and of the cocktail party graph. In particular we provide explicit constructions of such decompositions for cycles of length k≤10k\leq 10. Furthermore, starting from our Heffter arrays we also obtain biembeddings of two kk-cycle decompositions on orientable surfaces.Comment: The present version also considers the problem of biembedding

    A generalization of Heffter arrays

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    In this paper we define a new class of partially filled arrays, called relative Heffter arrays, that are a generalization of the Heffter arrays introduced by Archdeacon in 2015. Let v=2nk+tv=2nk+t be a positive integer, where tt divides 2nk2nk, and let JJ be the subgroup of Zv\mathbb{Z}_v of order tt. A Ht(m,n;s,k)H_t(m,n; s,k) Heffter array over Zv\mathbb{Z}_v relative to JJ is an m×nm\times n partially filled array with elements in Zv\mathbb{Z}_v such that: (a) each row contains ss filled cells and each column contains kk filled cells; (b) for every x∈Zv∖Jx\in \mathbb{Z}_v\setminus J, either xx or −x-x appears in the array; (c) the elements in every row and column sum to 00. Here we study the existence of square integer (i.e. with entries chosen in ±{1,…,⌊2nk+t2⌋}\pm\left\{1,\dots,\left\lfloor \frac{2nk+t}{2}\right\rfloor \right\} and where the sums are zero in Z\mathbb{Z}) relative Heffter arrays for t=kt=k, denoted by Hk(n;k)H_k(n;k). In particular, we prove that for 3≤k≤n3\leq k\leq n, with k≠5k\neq 5, there exists an integer Hk(n;k)H_k(n;k) if and only if one of the following holds: (a) kk is odd and n≡0,3(mod4)n\equiv 0,3\pmod 4; (b) k≡2(mod4)k\equiv 2\pmod 4 and nn is even; (c) k≡0(mod4)k\equiv 0\pmod 4. Also, we show how these arrays give rise to cyclic cycle decompositions of the complete multipartite graph

    Strongly monogenic a-rigid nearrings

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    Composition rings from formal power series rings

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    We study the ideals in some Dickson nearrings of polynomials and formal power series. For some of their related quotients, we introduce variants and generalizations, and construct composition rings also