7 research outputs found

    Epidemiology of Infectious Hepatitis 3rd Report. On the Mass Examination Taken for Shakurenzi Hamlet

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    The mass examination was carried out in Shakurenji, Kama- Village, Akaiwa Connty, Okayama Pref., where great many deathes have been taken place by infectious hepatitis; results were as follows: 1. 127 persons received the examination; it has covered 94.1% of the entire people. 2. Those who have had jaundice previously were enumerated as 5 cases; as it was just the season when infectious hepatitis was in vogue in other parts of the Prefecture, though slight in degree, it was imagined that probably in the past there might have occurred a few sporadic cases. Among those, 3 were taken record of as new victims of disease, 3. In 6 cases, the patients complained of certain pain, each having some sort of liver disturbance more or less. 4. There were 24 cases in which liver enlargement could be detected; its rate, 18.9%, while splenomegaly been discovered in only one case. 5. Two women in pregnancy were recognized, one sickened case, the other inapparent infection case. 6. As for wide-range judgment taken after the examinaton, must-be-treated case, 5, must-be taken-care-of case 5. inapparent infection 60, 70 in total. percentage of contraction, 55.1%, adding 3 cases starting disease as well as 3 deaths; thus, great total, 76 cases; its rate, 57.1%. 7. Percentage of contraction has proved high in thirties and above 50. By sex, females superseded, but as to age, no definite conclusion could be established. 8. In case those patients exposed would be divided by respective family and investigated, it has been revealed thus: (a) with families which have used a well in common with the family in which death case or at least patient was found, Percentage of contraction has proved high and almost in like degree, since many were adviced to receive treatment, or, be taken care of. (b) Families which employed a well in common, were recognized to have proved about the same ratio in infection, containing not a few ought to be treated or taken care of, which suggests us an infection due to a well. (c) Among the group of families, whose relatives died of this disease, master of the house who had presented himasdlf over the funeral diet has been found to have taken infection alone

    Epidemiology of Infectious Hepatitis 1st. Chapter Epidemiologic Observations for Infectious Hepatitis in Akaiwa District (No. 1)

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    Since August 1951 to Feb. 1953, there was a great epidemic of serious infectious hepatitis over the area including Toyota, Onoda, Kama villages in Akaiwa County, as well as Kumayama village in wake County; observing its state, the following results were obtained. 1. Death toll has amounted to 13, out of 93 patients: its mortality rate, 13.98%; in number of the patients, Kama at the top, next, Toyoda, Onoda and Kumayama village, in literal order. 2. The epidemic took the direction, from the south extending to the north in a slow march, taking a hamlet as unit, showed a lack of specific seasonal occurence. 3. As to age, it has ranged roughly from 10 to 60, amid which 21-30 figured out as top years; below 10, only 4 cases; above 70, 5 cases. As to sex, almost similar in number. 4. As to profession, principally, farming people; as one can suppose from its locality. In making investigations into the cause of disease. certain consideration must be taken on the great responsibility imposed on farmers' wives. 5. The infection for this disease was classified as village infection or familiary infection; among 22 cases (23.4% of total patients) of familary infection, there were 4 families, each yielding even 3 sickened members; 5 families whose two members taken infection; in total, amnunted to 9 families. Among these tribal infection, report has been submitted about 1 family whose infection tract was clearly traced, as well as a family in which, if man did not expose certain inapparent infections, all cases have proved utterly whimsical. 6. The incubation period for this disease may probably be estimated to be about 24-27 days, if it may be supposed from these infectious state, and would be considered perorale infection

    Studies on the Remote Results of Epidemic Hepatitis Report II On the Prevalence of Epidemic Hepatitis at Yoshikawa-Mura, Jyobo-Gun, Okayama

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    The recovery of cpidemic hepatitis was investigated by the massexamination on the 340 cases, released from the treatment for not less than 6 mouths under the diagnosis of clinical recoverh. at Yoshikawa-Mura, Jyobo-Gun, Okayama in where the slight abortive form of epidemic hepatitis broke out in a large number. And the results were as follows. 1. The cases remaining of subjective symptom were 101 (29.6%) and their chief complaints were almost same to those on the course of disease. 2. Hepatomegaly was observed in 36.8% of the cases. The cases with palpable splenomegaly was observed in 2.8% and the cases with the enlargement of splenic dullness was observed in 19.4% of the cases. 3. Serum colloidal reaction was mainly applied for the liver function test, and the positive cases were 4.7-11.5% and questionably positive cases were 5.0-29.1%. On the other hand, the cases showing a increased serum bilirubin were 4.7% and it was 10.9% on the consideration of the cases showing a slight increasion of serum bilirubin. 4. Since the above results, the cases required of treatment were exdosed in 8.5%, the cases required of care were exposed in 23.3%, and the cases belonging to posthepatic syndrom were exposed in 7.1%. Judging from the above results, it is thought that the complete recovery of this disease, even the slight abortive form, is considerably difficuls

    On the far Examination Result about Patients of Infectious Hepatitis 1st Report. Ist Examination Result in Akaiwa Area

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    Re-examining 153 cases of infectious hepatitis patients in Akaiwa area, Okayama Prefecture, the result was that some cases seemed to have distinctly shifted to chronic hepatitis, along with cases of latent hepatitis without conscious symptoms, to the extent of about 1/8 of total cases; moreover, there were pretty many who should be taken care of: where, there were few cases of perfect recovery. Besides, 2 cases were recognized which shifted tohepatic cirrhosis, one of which could be given testimony owing to autopsy. The chronic turn like this was of course seen in serious cases, but even in slightly-affected cases, if thorough treatment was out of use (esp., quiet repose); so that, in its treatment, utmost care should be taken; besides, as to the decision of recovery, one should take resort to every means to ensure it

    Epidemiology of Infectious Hepatitis 4th Chapter. On the Mass Examination Taken for Hieda Hamlet

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    Executing mass examination for Hieda hamlet, Kama village, Akaiwa county, Okayama pref., results were as follows: 1. Number of people who received the examination; 286 in total, which covers 97.2% of the entire population. 2. There were 12 cases among those examined who have had jaundice in the past; similar to Shakurenii hamlet case, it was also supposed to have experienced certain sporadic cases too, in the past, Among those, 5 cases were rendered to be recoroded, as patients to be included under this head. 3. Patients who complain of conscious pain, 7; they all have had more or less liver disturbances. 4. The liver enlargement has been detected in 62 cases, which amounts to 22.3%, a figure that supersedes that in Shakurenji; splenomegaly was discovered only in 4 cases. 5. No effect has been seen either on pregnancy or delivery. 6. Final decision after the examination; must-be-treated case, 17; must-de-taken-care-of case 23; inapparent infection, 87; total, 127. percentage of contraction, 45.7%. To this, adding 2 mortal cases, attained total 129 cases, which proved 46.3%. 7. Percentage of contraction has proved high with people whose age was above 31; mostly in male, proving an antipodinous contrary to that happened in Shakurenji hamlet. 8. In case those patients exposed would be divided by respective family and investigated, it has been revealed thus. (a) The infection, though differs in degree, was thought sure to permiate all over the place. (b) Among relatives who had chance to take diet with the families which bore mortal cases, percentage of contraction proved to be as high as those families, with many people who are in need of treatment or care-taking. Moreover, a new-comer who had taken the post in a same public residence after the death of the presecessor, has been known to have taken infection immediateelv after. (c) Families which used a well in common with a family certain member of which has been contaminated, gave rise to victims in almost the same rate, which, proved about the same ratio with infected ones who were employing their own well. (c) Among the families which used a well in common with a family which engendered latent hepatiis the infection rather proved higher than those family group which uses their own well. (e) Families using a well in common with other family no member of which has been infected, yielded no patient. (f) Therefore, in this infected area too the infection due to party-meal, or well has been supposed

    Cyclin-dependent Kinase-9 Is a Component of the p300/GATA4 Complex Required for Phenylephrine-induced Hypertrophy in Cardiomyocytes*

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    A zinc finger protein GATA4 is one of the hypertrophy-responsive transcription factors and forms a complex with an intrinsic histone acetyltransferase, p300. Disruption of this complex results in the inhibition of cardiomyocyte hypertrophy and heart failure in vivo. By tandem affinity purification and mass spectrometric analyses, we identified cyclin-dependent kinase-9 (Cdk9) as a novel GATA4-binding partner. Cdk9 also formed a complex with p300 as well as GATA4 and cyclin T1. We showed that p300 was required for the interaction of GATA4 with Cdk9 and for the kinase activity of Cdk9. Conversely, Cdk9 kinase activity was required for the p300-induced transcriptional activities, DNA binding, and acetylation of GATA4. Furthermore, the kinase activity of Cdk9 was required for the phosphorylation of p300 as well as for cardiomyocyte hypertrophy. These findings demonstrate that Cdk9 forms a functional complex with the p300/GATA4 and is required for p300/GATA4- transcriptional pathway during cardiomyocyte hypertrophy