844 research outputs found

    An Efficient Coding Theory for a Dynamic Trajectory Predicts non-Uniform Allocation of Grid Cells to Modules in the Entorhinal Cortex

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    Grid cells in the entorhinal cortex encode the position of an animal in its environment using spatially periodic tuning curves of varying periodicity. Recent experiments established that these cells are functionally organized in discrete modules with uniform grid spacing. Here we develop a theory for efficient coding of position, which takes into account the temporal statistics of the animal's motion. The theory predicts a sharp decrease of module population sizes with grid spacing, in agreement with the trends seen in the experimental data. We identify a simple scheme for readout of the grid cell code by neural circuitry, that can match in accuracy the optimal Bayesian decoder of the spikes. This readout scheme requires persistence over varying timescales, ranging from ~1ms to ~1s, depending on the grid cell module. Our results suggest that the brain employs an efficient representation of position which takes advantage of the spatiotemporal statistics of the encoded variable, in similarity to the principles that govern early sensory coding.Comment: 23 pages, 5 figures. Supplemental Information available from the authors on request. A previous version of this work appeared in abstract form (Program No. 727.02. 2015 Neuroscience Meeting Planner. Chicago, IL: Society for Neuroscience, 2015. Online.

    El silencio administrativo : ¿técnica o institución jurídica?

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    39 páginas.Trabajo Fin de Curso de Experto Universitario en Procedimiento Administrativo y Contencioso Administrativo (2015/16). Tutor: Víctor Santiago Arcal. A pesar de la obligación legal que tiene la Administración de resolver todos los procedimientos en los que participa de forma expresa y notificarlo a los particulares interesados, salvaguardando el principio de seguridad jurídica. La técnica del silencio administrativo se ha instaurado en nuestro ordenamiento jurídico hasta convertirse en toda una institución ante la desidia e inactividad de las Administraciones Públicas en muchos procedimientos en los que es parte, carentes de respuesta por parte de la misma. De forma notable en aquellos procedimientos iniciados a instancia de parte, aunque también nos encontramos ante una Administración silente en procedimientos iniciados por la misma Administración. El examen de su evolución histórica en las diferentes normativas, tanto nacionales como comunitarias, en la jurisprudencia y en las principales opiniones doctrinales que lo han recogido, nos permitirá vislumbrar su fundamento y nos posibilitará estudiar su justificación en la normativa actual, así, como su necesariedad, o no, en el modelo actual de Administración Pública, que apuesta principalmente por una administración electrónica, caracteriza por la inmediatez eficacia y eficiencia cuyos objetivos principales son la transparencia y la seguridad jurídica

    Feasibility in Applying Agile Project Management Methodologies To Building Design and Construction Industry

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    During the past few decades, fundamental changes have taken place in project development, planning, and execution. This has taken form with embracing new techniques such as various agile project management methodologies to develop products, instead of using the traditional waterfall project management methodology commonly used today. Using agile has been very successful as a large portion of the IT world has integrated it within their companies. Unfortunately, professional fields such as the building design and construction industry have remained mostly with the traditional methods impacting the projects in terms of cost, scheduling, and other project elements that can benefit from the advantages found in agile methodologies. This thesis paper will research and illustrate what is involved with the process of adopting and transforming companies from the traditional to the agile methodology, and will explain the benefits, the hardships, and other components relevant to illustrate what needs to take place in order to implement agile in the construction industry, as well as layout possible solutions that can ease the adoption process

    Comparative proteomics of uropathogenic Escherichia coli during growth in human urine identify UCA-like (UCL) fimbriae as an adherence factor involved in biofilm formation and binding to uroepithelial cells

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    Uropathogenic Escherichia coli (UPEC) are the primary cause of urinary tract infection (UTI) in humans. For the successful colonisation of the human urinary tract, UPEC employ a diverse collection of secreted or surface-exposed virulence factors including toxins, iron acquisition systems and adhesins. In this study, a comparative proteomic approach was utilised to define the UPEC pan and core surface proteome following growth in pooled human urine. Identified proteins were investigated for subcellular origin, prevalence and homology to characterised virulence factors. Fourteen core surface proteins were identified, as well as eleven iron uptake receptor proteins and four distinct fimbrial types, including type 1, P, F1C/S and a previously uncharacterised fimbrial type, designated UCA-like (UCL) fimbriae in this study. These pathogenicity island (PAI)-associated fimbriae are related to UCA fimbriae of Proteus mirabilis, associated with UPEC and exclusively found in members of the E. coli B2 and D phylogroup. We further demonstrated that UCL fimbriae promote significant biofilm formation on abiotic surfaces and mediate specific attachment to exfoliated human uroepithelial cells. Combined, this study has defined the surface proteomic profiles and core surface proteome of UPEC during growth in human urine and identified a new type of fimbriae that may contribute to UTI

    Vaccination approaches for the prevention of urinary tract infection

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    Urinary tract infections (UTIs) are one of the most common infectious diseases of humans, with approximately 150 million cases estimated to occur globally every year. UTIs usually start as a bladder infection (cystitis), but can develop into acute kidney infection (pyelonephritis) and even infection of the bloodstream (urosepsis). The high frequency of UTIs in community and nosocomial settings places an enormous burden on healthcare systems worldwide. Multiple different pathogens cause UTI, with uropathogenic E. coli (UPEC) the most common etiological agent. UTIs caused by these pathogens are increasingly associated with antibiotic resistance, thus severely reducing treatment options and significantly increasing UTI-associated morbidity and mortality. In this review we present an overview of the recent advances in vaccine research targeted towards the prevention of UPEC-mediated UTI. In the context of multidrug resistance, we conclude that vaccination represents a viable approach for the prevention of chronic and recurrent UTI

    Explorando indícios de conhecimiento especializado para ensinar matemática como modelo MTSK

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    En este trabajo presentamos una estrategia metodológica que empleamos para gestionar los indicios de conocimiento identificados con el modelo MTSK y discutimos los resultados obtenidos. El análisis finalmente efectuado nos posibilitó identificar más subdominios, y más conocimientos con mayor detalle, que lo obtenido en el análisis previo. Concluimos que investigar los indicios por medio de preguntas elaboradas específicamente para cada uno de ellos, considerando el subdominio MTSK al que está asociado, permite ampliar la comprensión del fenómeno investigado y aporta confianza en los conocimientos identificados. De este modo, no solo se refuerza la importancia de esta etapa (investigar los indicios) cuando se utiliza este modelo para explorar el conocimiento docente, sino que ofrecemos también más elementos sobre cómo puede conducirse dicha etapa

    Neuropeptidergic Control of an Internal Brain State Produced by Prolonged Social Isolation Stress

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    Prolonged periods of social isolation can generate an internal state that exerts profound effects on the brain and behavior. However, the neurobiological underpinnings of protracted social isolation have been relatively understudied. Here, we review recent literature implicating peptide neuromodulators in the establishment and maintenance of such internal states. More specifically, we describe an evolutionarily conserved role for the neuropeptide tachykinin in the control of social isolation–induced aggression and review recent data that elucidate the manner by which Tac2 controls the widespread effects of social isolation on behavior in mice. Last, we discuss potential roles for additional neuromodulators in controlling social isolation and a more general role for Tac2 in the response to other forms of stress

    Sources of teacher self-efficacy in teacher education for inclusive practices

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    La autoeficacia se refiere a las creencias del individuo en su capacidad para realizar ciertas actividades e influye en el nivel de determinación y esfuerzo involucrados. Este estudio tuvo como objetivo investigar si los cursos de capacitación para prácticas inclusivas que involucren fuentes de autoeficacia producen efectos sobre la autoeficacia docente. Participaron 36 profesores; una parte realizó un curso sobre la inclusión de estudiantes con discapacidad intelectual y los demás, sobre la inclusión de estudiantes con superdotación. Los cursos se destacaron por su inseparabilidad entre la teoría y la práctica y el análisis reflexivo conjunto de videos con situaciones educativas inclusivas exitosas para involucrar la persuasión social y las experiencias vicarias. Los efectos de la formación se evaluaron con la Escala de Eficacia Docente para Prácticas Inclusivas, en las versiones Discapacidad Intelectual y Superdotación. Los resultados revelaron que hubo un aumento en la autoeficacia de los docentes, con el fin de indicar el potencial de las fuentes de autoeficacia abordadas en la formación docente.A autoeficácia diz respeito às crenças do indivíduo em suas capacidades para realizar determinadas atividades e influencia seu nível de determinação e esforço. Este estudo teve como objetivo investigar se cursos de formação para práticas inclusivas que envolvem fontes de autoeficácia produzem efeitos na autoeficácia docente. Participaram 36 professores, parte deles realizou curso sobre inclusão de estudantes com deficiência intelectual, os demais realizaram curso sobre inclusão de estudantes com altas habilidades/superdotação. Os cursos primavam pela indissociabilidade entre teoria e prática e análise reflexiva conjunta acerca de vídeos com situações educacionais inclusivas bem-sucedidas de modo a envolver persuasão social e experiências vicárias. Os efeitos da formação foram avaliados a partir da Escala de Eficácia Docente para Práticas Inclusivas nas versões Deficiência Intelectual e Altas Habilidades/Superdotação. Os resultados revelaram que houve aumento na autoeficácia dos professores de modo a indicar as potencialidades das fontes de autoeficácia abordadas na formação docente.Self-efficacy concerns the individual’s beliefs in their ability to perform certain activities and influences the level of determination and effort involved. This study aimed to investigate whether teacher education courses for inclusive practices, involving sources of self-efficacy, produce effects on teacher self-efficacy. Thirty-six teachers participated; part of them took part in the course on inclusion of students with intellectual disabilities and the others on inclusion of students with giftedness. The courses stood out for their indissolubility between theory and practice and joint reflexive analysis of videos with successful inclusive educational situations, in order to involve social persuasion and vicarious experiences. The effects of the teacher education were evaluated with the Teacher Efficacy for Inclusive Practices Scale, in the versions Intellectual Disability and Giftedness. The results revealed that there was an increase in teachers’ self-efficacy, in order to indicate the potential of the sources of self-efficacy addressed in teacher education