699 research outputs found

    HIC-5: A Mobile Molecular Scaffold Regulating the Anchorage Dependence of Cell Growth

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    HIC-5 is a multidomain LIM protein homologous to paxillin that serves as a molecular scaffold at focal adhesions and in the nucleus. It forms mobile molecular units with LIM-only proteins, PINCH, and CRP2 and translocates in and out of the nucleus via a nuclear export signal (NES). Of note, NES of HIC-5 is distinctive in its sensitivity to the cellular redox state. Recently, the mobile units of HIC-5 have been suggested to be involved in the regulation of the anchorage dependence of cell growth. On loss of adhesion, an increase in reactive oxygen species in the cells modifies NES and stops shuttling, which leads to cell-cycle control. More specifically, the system circumvents nuclear localization of cyclin D1 and transactivates p21Cip1 in detached cells, thereby avoiding anchorage-independent cell growth. Thus, the HIC-5-LIM only protein complex has emerged as a fail-safe system for regulating the anchorage dependence of cell growth

    Ein Lehrexemplar der deutschen Grammatik f?r Firtgeschrittene : Passiv

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    Lung adenocarcinoma with micropapillary component presenting with metastatic scrotum tumor and cancer-to-cancer metastasis: A case report

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    A 54-year-old man was admitted to the hospital presenting with a 3-month history of sclerosing dermal lesion in the external genitalia. A scrotal skin biopsy revealed a poorly-differentiated adenocarcinoma, immunohistochemically positive for cytokeratin 7 (CK7) and for thyroid transcription factor 1 (TTF-1), and negative for CK20. One month after admission, he died of respiratory failure. At autopsy, a consolidating lesion with vague margin was noted in the left lung as well as a well-circumscribed nodule in the right lobe of the thyroid. Histopathologically, pulmonary lesion was adenocarcinoma with a micropapillary component. On the other hand, thyroid tumor was diagnosed as a follicular variant of papillary carcinoma with foci of micropapillary adenocarcinoma. Positive immunohistochemistry for surfactant protein on micoropapillary component was useful to confirm that micropapillary component was of lung adenocarcinoma origin

    Análise da eficiência energética da envoltória de um projeto padrão de uma agência bancária em diferentes zonas bioclimáticas brasileiras

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    Some public and private organizations that operate throughout Brazil have standardized their building projects. These projects have been developed to achieve a common approach to the implementation of technical, economic and service networks. Buildings are constructed by repeating the same standard design in different locations often without considering regional bioclimatic conditions. This study analyzed and rated the energy performance of a standard project undertaken by a bank to build new branches using the Prescriptive Method of RTQ-C in different bioclimatic zones in Brazil. In situations where the building presented opportunities for improvement, bioclimatic strategies were tested, such as shading fenestration areas or changing the solar heat gain coefficient (SHGC) of the windows. In order to evaluate the potential of saving electricity, computer simulation software (EnergyPlus) was used. Simulations were run for the original standard design and the optimized design taking into consideration each bioclimatic zone. In only six cases the envelope of the original standard building design did not reach Level A (best) by Prescriptive Method of RTQ-C. For these cases, changes to the shading devices (overhangs and fins) were tested as well as the SHGC of windows. The equations for the Prescriptive Method were recalculated to obtain a value of the envelope’s consumption (ICEnv) below the maximum value for classification with Level A. For the original standard building design implemented in Bioclimatic Zone ZB-1 having its main façade to the West, the value of ICEnv for the Level A could only be achieved with the removal of all its windows vertical shading protections (reduced AHS), increasing the SHGC of some windows and increasing the width of the overhang at the entrance of the agency (increased AVS). This proposed amendment was simulated for the city of Curitiba/PR, indicating a potential energy saving of 25.97% over the original project. When the original project was deployed in Bioclimatic Zones ZB-4 and ZB-5 having the main façade to the West, the only viable alternative according to the equations of the Prescriptive Method was to reduce the value of the SHGC of some windows. In the case of the city of Brasilia/DF (located in ZB-4), the simulation showed savings of up to 30.53% when compared to the original standard project. There have been no simulations of the optimized project for the ZB-5 due to lack of climate data files for cities located in that zone. The original project did not attain Level A when deployed in Bioclimatic Zone ZB-7 having the main façade to the North, East and South. Changing values in the equation of Prescriptive Method for the ZB-7 indicated three possibilities for improving original project (increasing the average value of SHGC, increasing AVS or reducing AHS). Computer simulations validating the equations of ZB-7 were made for the city of Cuiabá/MT. With the amendment of the SHGC, the simulation showed that the savings potential is practically nil (0.04 to 0.50%). Increasing AVS gave savings of 0.68% for the Southern façade, 2.80% for the Eastern façade and 3.90% for the Northern façade. The reduction of AHS has not been confirmed by the simulation, due to there being an increase in energy consumption of 1.43% for the Northern façade, 1.74% for the Eastern façade and 3.23% for the Southern façade.Organizações públicas ou privadas que possuem atuação em todo o território nacional têm adotado projetos padronizados de suas edificações, desenvolvidos especificamente para atender a questões técnicas e econômicas de sua rede de atendimento, tais como escolas, agências de serviços públicos, postos de saúde e lojas de redes varejistas. As edificações são construídas por meio da repetição do mesmo projeto padrão em diferentes localidades que, muitas vezes, não consideram as características bioclimáticas regionais. O trabalho analisou e classificou o desempenho energético da envoltória do projeto padrão de uma agência bancária por meio de parâmetros do Método Prescritivo do RTQ-C, em diferentes zonas bioclimáticas brasileiras. Nas situações em que o edifício apresentou oportunidades de melhoria (quando não foi atingida a classificação com o Nível A), foram testadas estratégias bioclimáticas em relação às aberturas envidraçadas, tais como sombreamentos (AVS e AHS) e alteração do fator solar (FS) dos vidros. Para avaliação do potencial de economia de energia elétrica do sistema de ar condicionado com as alterações propostas, foi realizada a simulação computacional com o programa EnergyPlus, considerando o projeto padrão e o projeto com as alterações propostas. Em apenas 6 situações verificou-se que a envoltória do projeto padrão original não atingiu o Nível A. Para essas situações, foram testados valores de AVS, AHS e FS nas equações do Método Prescritivo para obtenção de um valor do índice de consumo da envoltória (ICEnv) abaixo do valor limite para classificação com o Nível A. Para o projeto padrão implantado na Zona Bioclimática ZB-1 com orientação da fachada principal para Oeste, o valor de ICEnv para o Nível A somente é atingido com a retirada de todas as proteções de sombreamento verticais (redução de AHS), aumento do FS médio dos vidros e aumento da largura da marquise sobre a entrada da agência (aumento do AVS). Essa proposta de alteração do projeto foi simulada para o município de Curitiba/PR, apresentando um potencial de economia de energia elétrica de 25,97% em relação ao projeto original. Para o projeto padrão implantando nas Zonas Bioclimáticas ZB-4 e ZB-5 com orientação da fachada principal para Oeste, a única alternativa viável de acordo com as equações do Método Prescritivo é reduzir o valor do FS médio dos vidros. No caso do município de Brasília/DF (localizado na ZB-4), a simulação mostrou uma economia de até 30,53% em relação ao projeto original. Não foram feitas simulações do projeto otimizado para a ZB-5, devido à falta de arquivos com dados climáticos para municípios localizados nesse zoneamento. O projeto original também não atingiu o Nível A quando implantando na Zona Bioclimática ZB-7 com orientações da fachada principal para o Norte, Leste e Sul. As alterações dos valores na equação do Método Prescritivo para a ZB-7 indicaram três possibilidades para melhoria do projeto original (aumentar o valor médio do FS, aumentar o AVS ou reduzir o AHS). As simulações computacionais para validação das equações da ZB-7 foram feitas para o município de Cuiabá/MT. No caso da alteração do FS, a simulação apontou que o potencial de economia é praticamente nulo (0,04 a 0,50%). Com o aumento do AVS, as economias são de 0,68% para a fachada Sul, 2,80% para a fachada Leste e 3,90% para a fachada Norte. Já a redução do valor de AHS não foi confirmada pela simulação, pois houve aumento do consumo de energia de 1,43% para a fachada Norte, 1,74% para a fachada Leste e 3,23% para a fachada Sul

    Fetal nuchal cystic hygroma associated with aortic coarctation and trisomy 21: a case report

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    We report a case of fetal nuchal cystic hygroma associated with aortic coarctation and trisomy 21. A stillborn baby, delivered at 15 weeks and 5 days of gestation, had a huge nuchal cystic hygroma. Autopsy revealed aortic coarctation of the periductal type with patent ductus arteriosus, endocardial cushion defect and left ventricular hypoplasia. Trisomy 21 was evident by karyotyping. Macroscopically, while an apparent association of nuchal cystic hygroma and aortic coarctation resembled Turner syndrome, histopathological findings were those typically seen in trisomy 21: numerous dilated lymphatics in the subcutaneous tissue with severe mesenchymal edema, and an enlarged jugular lymphatic sac

    Application of Solid-State and High-Pressure Reactions for Fullerene Derivatization and CO2 Activation (ORGANIC MATERIALS CHEMISTRY-High-Pressure Organic Chemistry)

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    Under the solid-state reaction conditions, a nucleophilic addition of organozinc reagent occurs on fullerene C60 to give a monoadduct together with a bisadduct and a cyclopropanofullerene. Surprisingly, the fullerene C60 also undergoes a clean [2+2] type dimerization by the action of KCN or Mg powder under the similar reaction conditions. The fullerene dimer thus obtained is the very first example of (C60)2, and its structure has been determined by the X-ray crystallography. The use of high pressure (5000 atm) was also shown to be advantageous for a liquid-phase [4+2] cycloaddition of C60. The high-pressure reaction of CO with supercritical CO2 has been found to effect the C-C bond formation affording an oxalate salt in good yield in the presence of Cs2CO3