1,429 research outputs found

    Effect of the Introduction of Impurities on the Stability Properties of Multibreathers at Low Coupling

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    sing a theorem dubbed the {\em Multibreather Stabiliy Theorem} [Physica D 180 (2003) 235-255] we have obtained the stability properties of multibreathers in systems of coupled oscillators with on-site potentials, with an inhomogeneity. Analytical results are obtained for 2-site, 3-site breathers, multibreathers, phonobreathers and dark breathers. The inhomogeneity is considered both at the on-site potential and at the coupling terms. All the results have been checked numerically with excellent agreement. The main conclusion is that the introduction of a impurity does not alter the stability properties.Comment: 20 pages, 9 figure

    Stability of non-time-reversible phonobreathers

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    Non-time reversible phonobreathers are non-linear waves that can transport energy in coupled oscillator chains by means of a phase-torsion mechanism. In this paper, the stability properties of these structures have been considered. It has been performed an analytical study for low-coupling solutions based upon the so called {\em multibreather stability theorem} previously developed by some of the authors [Physica D {\bf 180} 235]. A numerical analysis confirms the analytical predictions and gives a detailed picture of the existence and stability properties for arbitrary frequency and coupling.Comment: J. Phys. A.:Math. and Theor. In Press (2010

    Oscillatory Instabilities of Standing Waves in One-Dimensional Nonlinear Lattices

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    In one-dimensional anharmonic lattices, we construct nonlinear standing waves (SWs) reducing to harmonic SWs at small amplitude. For SWs with spatial periodicity incommensurate with the lattice period, a transition by breaking of analyticity versus wave amplitude is observed. As a consequence of the discreteness, oscillatory linear instabilities, persisting for arbitrarily small amplitude in infinite lattices, appear for all wave numbers Q not equal to zero or \pi. Incommensurate analytic SWs with |Q|>\pi/2 may however appear as 'quasi-stable', as their instability growth rate is of higher order.Comment: 4 pages, 6 figures, to appear in Phys. Rev. Let

    Dynamic validation of the Planck/LFI thermal model

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    The Low Frequency Instrument (LFI) is an array of cryogenically cooled radiometers on board the Planck satellite, designed to measure the temperature and polarization anisotropies of the cosmic microwave backgrond (CMB) at 30, 44 and 70 GHz. The thermal requirements of the LFI, and in particular the stringent limits to acceptable thermal fluctuations in the 20 K focal plane, are a critical element to achieve the instrument scientific performance. Thermal tests were carried out as part of the on-ground calibration campaign at various stages of instrument integration. In this paper we describe the results and analysis of the tests on the LFI flight model (FM) performed at Thales Laboratories in Milan (Italy) during 2006, with the purpose of experimentally sampling the thermal transfer functions and consequently validating the numerical thermal model describing the dynamic response of the LFI focal plane. This model has been used extensively to assess the ability of LFI to achieve its scientific goals: its validation is therefore extremely important in the context of the Planck mission. Our analysis shows that the measured thermal properties of the instrument show a thermal damping level better than predicted, therefore further reducing the expected systematic effect induced in the LFI maps. We then propose an explanation of the increased damping in terms of non-ideal thermal contacts.Comment: Planck LFI technical papers published by JINST: http://www.iop.org/EJ/journal/-page=extra.proc5/1748-022

    Thermal susceptibility of the Planck-LFI receivers

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    This paper is part of the Prelaunch status LFI papers published on JINST: http://www.iop.org/EJ/journal/-page=extra.proc5/jinst . This paper describes the impact of the Planck Low Frequency Instrument front end physical temperature fluctuations on the output signal. The origin of thermal instabilities in the instrument are discussed, and an analytical model of their propagation and impact on the receivers signal is described. The experimental test setup dedicated to evaluate these effects during the instrument ground calibration is reported together with data analysis methods. Finally, main results obtained are discussed and compared to the requirements.Comment: This is an author-created, un-copyedited version of an article accepted for publication in Journal of Instrumentation. IOP Publishing Ltd is not responsible for any errors or omissions in this version of the manuscript or any version derived from it. The definitive publisher authenticated version is available online at 10.1088/1748-0221/4/12/T1201

    Studies on the wing colour patterns and isozyme variability in two species of froghoppers

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    A variação das alozimas de nove sistemas enzimáticos, codificados por doze locos, foi analisada em Zulia entreriana e Deois flavopicta. As duas espécies podem ser incluídas entre aquelas que apresentam um baixo polimorfismo para isozimas, uma vez que 18 e 27% dos locos examinados eram polimórficos, que o número médio de alelos por loco era de 1,18 e 1,36, e que exibiram uma heterozigosidade de 6,1 e 4,6% respectivamente para Z. entreriana e D. flavopicta. O índice de similaridade genética foi de 0,705. A Z. entreriana apresenta, também, um extenso polimorfismo para as manchas das asas. Um único variante para o desenho das asas foi descrito em D. flavopicta. A variação genética de seis locos foi estudada em espécimens de Z. entreriana agrupados segundo o padrão das asas. A similaridade genética entre esses grupos variou de 0,962 a 0,999. Estes valores, transformados em distância genética, foram processados para produzir um dendrograma de similaridade bioquímica. Este indicou a existência de sub-populações caracterizadas por determinados padrões de asas e por frequências alélicas típicas.The enzymatic polymorphism coded by twelve loci was studied in a population of Zulia entreriana and Deois flavopicta. Both species bear a substancial degree of genetic variability presenting 18 and 27% of their loci polymorphic, 1.18 and 1.36 as the mean number of alleles per locus, and 6.1 and 4.6% of heterozigosity, respectively for Z. entreriana and D. flavopicta. Nei's genetic similarity index between them was of 0.705. Z. entreriana is highly polymorphic for the wing colour stripes, showing eight different patterns. A single variant morph was detected in D. flavopicta. The isozyme variability of six loci was studied in specimens of Z. entreriana, pooled according to the wing patterns. The genetic similarity among these groups varied from 0.962 to 0.999. These data, processed to produce a biochemical similarity dendrogram, indicate the existence of three sub-populations each showing a distinct colour pattem and specific gene frequencies

    Determination of the (3x3)-Sn/Ge(111) structure by photoelectron diffraction

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    At a coverage of about 1/3 monolayer, Sn deposited on Ge(111) below 550 forms a metastable (sqrt3 x sqrt3)R30 phase. This phase continuously and reversibly transforms into a (3x3) one, upon cooling below 200 K. The photoemission spectra of the Sn 4d electrons from the (3x3)-Sn/Ge(111) surface present two components which are attributed to inequivalent Sn atoms in T4 bonding sites. This structure has been explored by photoelectron diffraction experiments performed at the ALOISA beamline of the Elettra storage ring in Trieste (Italy). The modulation of the intensities of the two Sn components, caused by the backscattering of the underneath Ge atoms, has been measured as a function of the emission angle at fixed kinetic energies and viceversa. The bond angle between Sn and its nearest neighbour atoms in the first Ge layer (Sn-Ge1) has been measured by taking polar scans along the main symmetry directions and it was found almost equivalent for the two components. The corresponding bond lengths are also quite similar, as obtained by studying the dependence on the photoelectron kinetic energy, while keeping the photon polarization and the collection direction parallel to the Sn-Ge1 bond orientation (bond emission). A clear difference between the two bonding sites is observed when studying the energy dependence at normal emission, where the sensitivity to the Sn height above the Ge atom in the second layer is enhanced. This vertical distance is found to be 0.3 Angstroms larger for one Sn atom out of the three contained in the lattice unit cell. The (3x3)-Sn/Ge(111) is thus characterized by a structure where the Sn atom and its three nearest neighbour Ge atoms form a rather rigid unit that presents a strong vertical distortion with respect to the underneath atom of the second Ge layer.Comment: 10 pages with 9 figures, added reference

    Hamiltonian Hopf bifurcations in the discrete nonlinear Schr\"odinger trimer: oscillatory instabilities, quasiperiodic solutions and a 'new' type of self-trapping transition

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    Oscillatory instabilities in Hamiltonian anharmonic lattices are known to appear through Hamiltonian Hopf bifurcations of certain time-periodic solutions of multibreather type. Here, we analyze the basic mechanisms for this scenario by considering the simplest possible model system of this kind where they appear: the three-site discrete nonlinear Schr\"odinger model with periodic boundary conditions. The stationary solution having equal amplitude and opposite phases on two sites and zero amplitude on the third is known to be unstable for an interval of intermediate amplitudes. We numerically analyze the nature of the two bifurcations leading to this instability and find them to be of two different types. Close to the lower-amplitude threshold stable two-frequency quasiperiodic solutions exist surrounding the unstable stationary solution, and the dynamics remains trapped around the latter so that in particular the amplitude of the originally unexcited site remains small. By contrast, close to the higher-amplitude threshold all two-frequency quasiperiodic solutions are detached from the unstable stationary solution, and the resulting dynamics is of 'population-inversion' type involving also the originally unexcited site.Comment: 25 pages, 11 figures, to be published in J. Phys. A: Math. Gen. Revised and shortened version with few clarifying remarks adde

    The ARIEL Instrument Control Unit design for the M4 Mission Selection Review of the ESA's Cosmic Vision Program

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    The Atmospheric Remote-sensing Infrared Exoplanet Large-survey mission (ARIEL) is one of the three present candidates for the ESA M4 (the fourth medium mission) launch opportunity. The proposed Payload will perform a large unbiased spectroscopic survey from space concerning the nature of exoplanets atmospheres and their interiors to determine the key factors affecting the formation and evolution of planetary systems. ARIEL will observe a large number (>500) of warm and hot transiting gas giants, Neptunes and super-Earths around a wide range of host star types, targeting planets hotter than 600 K to take advantage of their well-mixed atmospheres. It will exploit primary and secondary transits spectroscopy in the 1.2-8 um spectral range and broad-band photometry in the optical and Near IR (NIR). The main instrument of the ARIEL Payload is the IR Spectrometer (AIRS) providing low-resolution spectroscopy in two IR channels: Channel 0 (CH0) for the 1.95-3.90 um band and Channel 1 (CH1) for the 3.90-7.80 um range. It is located at the intermediate focal plane of the telescope and common optical system and it hosts two IR sensors and two cold front-end electronics (CFEE) for detectors readout, a well defined process calibrated for the selected target brightness and driven by the Payload's Instrument Control Unit (ICU).Comment: Experimental Astronomy, Special Issue on ARIEL, (2017