5,052 research outputs found

    Le gouvernement de Tony Blair et la crise afghane

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    Cet article est la traduction d'une allocution prononcée par Lord Morgan à l'occasion d'une conférence sur le New Labour, in, Valérie AUDA-ANDRE (ed.), Les années Blair, Toulon : Observatoire de la Société Britannique & BABEL, 2007, intitulée The Blair Government and the Afghan Terrorist Crisis Traduction de Valérie Auda-André, Jean-Philippe Fons, Gilles Leydier, Jean-Paul Révauger et Timothy WhittonInternational audienceLe 8 juin 2001, le gouvernement de Tony Blair aurait dû être au comble du bonheur ; il venait de remporter les élections pour la deuxième fois consécutive. Pour la première fois de son histoire vieille d'un siècle, le Parti travailliste avait gagné de façon exemplaire le droit d'exercer un deuxième mandat électoral. Sa majorité de 167 sièges était presque aussi écrasante que celle obtenue lors des élections de 1997. Pratiquement toutes les avancées réussies alors avaient été consolidées dans tout le pays. Le Parti conservateur était pratiquement en déroute et malgré tous les efforts déployés pendant la campagne électorale de 2001, il n'avait réussi à emporter qu'un total de 166 sièges, tout juste un de plus qu'en 1997. Le chef du Parti, William Hague, démissionna sur le champ

    A study of school holding power and an analysis of factors related to early school leaving.

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    The main purpose of this study was an investigation of the educational fate of all of the boys who entered Omaha Technical High School as freshmen in September of 1946

    Cooked up in the Dinner Hour?:Sir Arthur Wilson's War Plan, Reconsidered

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    Evolution or Revolution? British Naval Policy in the Fisher Era

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    This article outlines recent trends in the scholarship on the Royal Navy in the years preceding the outbreak of the First World War. It explains the evolution of the historiography on the topic and outlines how and why new approaches are required to progress our understanding of the topic henceforth

    Sources of Military Change:Emulation, Politics, and Concept Development in UK Defence

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    Judging by its doctrinal publications, the UK Defence establishment stands poised to begin a process of unprecedented change. The language of ‘multi-domain’ thinking is prominent within this discourse and is identified as being a key vehicle via which UK Defence will deliver upon its programme of reform. This article seeks to offer an initial evaluation of these claims and to assess them in light of the burgeoning literatures on Western defence ‘transformation’ and military innovation that have emerged since the early 2000s. We argue that ‘multi-domain’ thinking reflects a form of ‘cosmetic’ emulation by the British Defence establishment and that its appearance within UK doctrine has been driven more by internal politics than by a clearly thought-through adoption of a new form of military practice.</p

    The Association Between a History of Prior Experience with Meditation and the Prevalence of Chronic Health Conditions: Evidence from the 2012 NHIS.

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    The use of Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM) has grown in popularity since the 1990’s. One possible explanation is the Western medicine’s inability to adequately treat pain and chronic diseases. Hypertension, high cholesterol, diabetes and obesity each pose significant public health challenges, and effective treatment requires lifestyle modification. Meditation, by attenuating the body’s stress response, may positively impact a wide range of chronic health concerns. However, research on meditation has been mixed and is often criticized for methodological shortcomings. The National Health Interview Survey (NHIS) most recently included questions about CAM in 2012. NHIS-based research describes differences in both CAM utilization and the prevalence of chronic health outcomes by region. We conducted a secondary analysis of the 2012 NHIS data to test our hypothesis of a negative association between ever having meditated and select chronic health outcomes. Due to software limitations we conducted separate analyses to account for the complex sampling and multilevel data structure with clustering of observations by region. Hypertension and meditation were not associated in the weighted logistic (OR=1.05 (95%CI= (0.91, 1.22)] or the unweighted marginal (OR=1.00 95%CI= (0.85, 1.18)] adjusted models. High cholesterol was positively associated with ever having meditated in both the weighted logistic (OR=1.27, 95%CI= (1.11, 1.46)] and unweighted marginal (OR=1.23, 95%CI= (1.17, 1.28)] adjusted models. Diabetes was not associated with ever having meditated in the weighted adjusted logistic model (OR=0.81, 95%CI= (0.62, 1.07)]. However, a negative association with meditation was found in the unweighted adjusted marginal (OR=0.81, 95%CI= (0.70, 0.95)] model. The association of meditation with BMI was negative in all models

    Rural population groups

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    Publication authorized February 28, 1925.Digitized 2007 AES.Includes bibliographical references
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