3,988 research outputs found

    The genetic basis of energy conservation in the sulfate-reducing bacterium Desulfovibrio alaskensis G20.

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    Sulfate-reducing bacteria play major roles in the global carbon and sulfur cycles, but it remains unclear how reducing sulfate yields energy. To determine the genetic basis of energy conservation, we measured the fitness of thousands of pooled mutants of Desulfovibrio alaskensis G20 during growth in 12 different combinations of electron donors and acceptors. We show that ion pumping by the ferredoxin:NADH oxidoreductase Rnf is required whenever substrate-level phosphorylation is not possible. The uncharacterized complex Hdr/flox-1 (Dde_1207:13) is sometimes important alongside Rnf and may perform an electron bifurcation to generate more reduced ferredoxin from NADH to allow further ion pumping. Similarly, during the oxidation of malate or fumarate, the electron-bifurcating transhydrogenase NfnAB-2 (Dde_1250:1) is important and may generate reduced ferredoxin to allow additional ion pumping by Rnf. During formate oxidation, the periplasmic [NiFeSe] hydrogenase HysAB is required, which suggests that hydrogen forms in the periplasm, diffuses to the cytoplasm, and is used to reduce ferredoxin, thus providing a substrate for Rnf. During hydrogen utilization, the transmembrane electron transport complex Tmc is important and may move electrons from the periplasm into the cytoplasmic sulfite reduction pathway. Finally, mutants of many other putative electron carriers have no clear phenotype, which suggests that they are not important under our growth conditions, although we cannot rule out genetic redundancy

    Association of Social Needs and Healthcare Utilization among Medicare and Medicaid Beneficiaries in the accountable Health Communities Model

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    BACKGROUND: Integration of health-related social needs (HRSNs) data into clinical care is recognized as a driver for improving healthcare. However, few published studies on HRSNs and their impact are available. CMS sought to fill this gap through the Accountable Health Communities (AHC) Model, a national RCT of HRSN screening, referral, and navigation. Data from the AHC Model could significantly advance the field of HRSN screening and intervention in the USA. OBJECTIVE: to present data from the Greater Houston AHC (GH-AHC) Model site on HRSN frequency and the association between HRSNs, sociodemographic factors, and self-reported ED utilization using a cross-sectional design. Analyses included descriptive statistics and multinomial logistic regression. PARTICIPANTS (OR PATIENTS OR SUBJECTS): All community-dwelling Medicare, Medicaid, or dually covered beneficiaries at participating GH-AHC clinical delivery sites were eligible. MAIN MEASURES: Self-reported ED utilization in the previous 12 months served as the outcome; demographic characteristics including race, ethnicity, age, sex, income, education level, number of people living in the household, and insurance type were treated as covariates. HRSNs included food insecurity, housing instability, transportation, difficulty paying utility bills, and interpersonal safety. Clinical delivery site type was used as the clustering variable. KEY RESULTS: Food insecurity was the most common HRSN identified (38.7%) followed by housing instability (29.0%), transportation (28.0%), and difficulty paying utility bills (26.7%). Interpersonal safety was excluded due to low prevalence. More than half of the beneficiaries (56.9%) reported at least one of the four HRSNs. After controlling for covariates, having multiple co-occurring HRSNs was strongly associated with increased risk of two or more ED visits (OR 1.8-9.47 for two to four needs, respectively; p \u3c 0.001). Beneficiaries with four needs were at almost 10 times higher risk of frequent ED utilization (p \u3c 0.001). CONCLUSIONS: to our knowledge, this is only the second published study to report screening data from the AHC Model. Future research focused on the impact of multiple co-occurring needs on health outcomes is warranted

    Effects of Dietary Sodium Intake on Blood Flow Regulation During Exercise in Salt Resistant Individuals

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    PURPOSE: Dietary sodium intake guidelines is ≤2,300 mg/day, yet is exceeded by 90% of Americans. This study examined the impact of a high sodium diet on blood flow regulation during exercise. METHODS: Six males (25 ± 2 years) consumed dietary sodium intake guidelines for two weeks, with one week salt-capsule supplemented (HS: 6,900 mg/day of sodium) and the other week placebo-capsule supplemented (LS: 2,300 mg/day of sodium). At the end of each week, peripheral hemodynamic measurements [blood flow (BF), shear rate (SR), and flow mediated dilation (FMD)/SR)] of the brachial and superficial femoral artery were taken during handgrip (HG) and plantar flexion (PF) exercise, respectively. Each exercise workload was 3 minutes and progressed by 8 kilograms until exhaustion. RESULTS: There were no differences between LS and HS in blood pressure (82 ± 4 v 80 ± 5 mmHg; p = 0.3) or heart rate (56 ± 6 v 59 ± 10 bpm; p = 0.4). HG and PF exercise increased BF, SR, and FMD/SR across workload (p \u3c 0.03 for all), but no difference between diets (p \u3e 0.05 for all). CONCLUSION: Despite previous reports that HS impairs resting vascular function, this study revealed that peripheral vascular function and blood flow regulation during exercise is not impacted by a HS diet.https://scholarscompass.vcu.edu/gradposters/1082/thumbnail.jp

    Small Spacecraft Sample Return Mission Concept to Support Gateway and Lunar Science

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    Sustaining long-term presence at the Moon will likely require innovative and cost-effective approaches for frequent and affordable payload return. NASA Ames Research Center and the Deep Space Logistics team at Kennedy Space Center (which manages the Gateway Logistics Services missions) have investigated the development of a small spacecraft-based sample return capability to complement the limited sample return capacity available with the early Orion missions. The goal is to demonstrate a cost-effective capability as part of an early Deep Space Logistics mission and provide up to 10 kg (~ 4 L volume) of scientific payload returned from the Gateway. The mission concept envisions the progressive addition of sample return capabilities, including returning temperature- and acceleration- sensitive payloads, and evolution into a commercially provided service, similar to existing International Space Station payload return logistics. An overview of payload science and technology use cases and small spacecraft mission concepts will be presented to engage scientists, payload developers and mission planners who are considering Lunar exploration activities that will require the return of high-value samples from the Gateway and/or the lunar surface

    The Sport Concussion Assessment Tool-5 (SCAT5): Baseline Assessments in NCAA Division I Collegiate Student-Athletes

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    International Journal of Exercise Science 13(3): 1143-1155, 2020. The purpose of this study was to report baseline values for the SCAT5 in NCAA Division I collegiate student-athletes, while also evaluating if sex, health diagnoses, or sport type influenced baseline performance. A sample of 462 collegiate student-athletes (212 females, 250 males, (19.21±1.32 years)) completed the SCAT5 prior to the 2017-18, 2018-19 or 2019-20 athletic seasons. Descriptive statistics were reported for symptom total (22 possible), symptom severity (132 possible), orientation (5 possible), immediate memory (30 possible), concentration (5 possible), delayed recall (10 possible), total SAC score (50 possible), 3 mBESS stances (10 possible), and mBESS score (30 possible). Separate Mann-Whitney U tests were conducted to identify sex, health diagnoses (concussion history, ADD/ADHD, depression/anxiety), and sport type (contact, non-contact) differences for all SCAT5 components. Alpha level was set a priori \u3c.05. Student-athletes reported 1.96± 3.37 symptoms with a severity of 3.43±7.63, and an overall SAC score of 35.14±5.23 (orientation 4.96±0.20, immediate memory 20.18±3.40, concentration 3.60±1.14, delayed recall 6.41±1.94). Student-athletes participating in contact sports, had ADD/ADHD, or depression/anxiety reported more symptoms and at greater severity (p=\u3c.001-.01). Those with ADD/ADHD performed worse on mBESS (p=.01-.03). No sex differences were found for any SCAT5 components (p=.08-.90). This study presents reference values for the SCAT5 by sex, health diagnoses, and sport type. Healthcare professionals may utilize these normative values when individual baseline references are unavailable

    “My First Thought was Croutons”: Perceptions of Cigarettes and Cigarette Smoke Constituents Among Adult Smokers and Nonsmokers

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    Understanding what people think about harmful and potentially harmful constituents in cigarettes and cigarette smoke has new urgency given legislation requiring US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to disclose constituent information. Our study sought to obtain qualitative information on what people think about these constituents and the language they use to talk about them

    High Dietary Iron and Radiation Exposure Increase Biomarkers of Oxidative Stress in Blood and Liver of Rats

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    Radiation exposure and increased iron (Fe) status independently cause oxidative damage that can result in protein, lipid, and DNA oxidation. During space flight astronauts are exposed to both increased radiation and increased Fe stores. Increased body Fe results from a decrease in red blood cell mass and the typically high Fe content of the food system. In this study we investigated the combined effects of radiation exposure (0.375 Gy of Cs-137 every other day for 16 days for a total of 3 Gy) and high dietary Fe (650 mg Fe/kg diet compared to 45 mg Fe/kg for controls) in Sprague-Dawley rats (n=8/group). Liver and serum Fe were significantly increased in the high dietary Fe groups. Likewise, radiation treatment increased serum ferritin and Fe concentrations. These data indicate that total body Fe stores increase with both radiation exposure and excess dietary Fe. Hematocrit decreased in the group exposed to radiation, providing a possible mechanism for the shift in Fe indices after radiation exposure. Markers of oxidative stress were also affected by both radiation and high dietary Fe, evidenced by increased liver glutathione peroxidase (GPX) and serum catalase as well as decreased serum GPX. We thus found preliminary indications of synergistic effects of radiation exposure and increased dietary Fe, warranting further study. This study was funded by the NASA Human Research Project

    Regenerative capacity in the lamprey spinal cord is not altered after a repeated transection

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    © The Author(s), 2019. This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License. The definitive version was published in PLoS One 14(1), (2019):e0204193, doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0204193.The resilience of regeneration in vertebrates is not very well understood. Yet understanding if tissues can regenerate after repeated insults, and identifying limitations, is important for elucidating the underlying mechanisms of tissue plasticity. This is particularly challenging in tissues, such as the nervous system, which possess a large number of terminally differentiated cells and often exhibit limited regeneration in the first place. However, unlike mammals, which exhibit very limited regeneration of spinal cord tissues, many non-mammalian vertebrates, including lampreys, bony fishes, amphibians, and reptiles, regenerate their spinal cords and functionally recover even after a complete spinal cord transection. It is well established that lampreys undergo full functional recovery of swimming behaviors after a single spinal cord transection, which is accompanied by tissue repair at the lesion site, as well as axon and synapse regeneration. Here we begin to explore the resilience of spinal cord regeneration in lampreys after a second spinal transection (re-transection). We report that by all functional and anatomical measures tested, lampreys regenerate after spinal re-transection just as robustly as after single transections. Recovery of swimming, synapse and cytoskeletal distributions, axon regeneration, and neuronal survival were nearly identical after spinal transection or re-transection. Only minor differences in tissue repair at the lesion site were observed in re-transected spinal cords. Thus, regenerative potential in the lamprey spinal cord is largely unaffected by spinal re-transection, indicating a greater persistent regenerative potential than exists in some other highly regenerative models. These findings establish a new path for uncovering pro-regenerative targets that could be deployed in non-regenerative conditions.The authors would like to thank Dr. Cristina Roman-Vendrell and Louie Kerr, Director of the Central Microscopy Facility at the MBL, for technical support. We also thank Dr. Juan Diaz-Quiroz for helpful comments on the manuscript. EG was supported in part by an NSF REU Award (#1659604: Biological Discovery in Woods Hole at the Marine Biological Laboratory)