75 research outputs found

    Prospectus, January 25, 2012

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    COMMITTEE FORMED TO ADDRESS ISSUE OF PLAGIARISM, Resources for Students, Families in Need, New Policies to Affect Nursing Program Applicants, Homework Help is Good Business, U.S. Teen Pregnancy Rate Remains Highest in Developed World, Homelessness Drops, but Advocates Still Worry, His Misson: Give Young Men Vision, SOPA, PIPA Shelved After Protests, Consensus Needed on Web Piracy, American Movie Industry\u27s Box-Office Blues, What\u27s Your Opinion?, The Cobras Walk-On Connection, Cobras Baseball Signs 15 New Players, Coachella Festival Unveils Expanded Lineup, Reality TV: Deliveries, Fashion and Comic Bookshttps://spark.parkland.edu/prospectus_2012/1001/thumbnail.jp

    Prospectus, November 16, 2011

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    HOW TO GIVE BACK THIS THANKSGIVING, The Evolution of Thanksgiving, Veterans Day Observed at Parkland, Black Friday Changes More Than Just Prices, Four-Year Schools Courting Community College Graduates, The History Behind Macy\u27s Thanksgiving Day Parade, Campus Technology Plans to Improve Wi-Fi, A Sensible Solution to Student Loan Debt, Backgrounder on \u27Net Neutrality\u27 Policy, Cobra Baseball Players Sign National Letters of Intent, Video-Game Review: \u27Battlefield 3\u27https://spark.parkland.edu/prospectus_2011/1020/thumbnail.jp

    Prospectus, September 21, 2011

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    SEEING STARS AT STAERKEL, Parkland Art Gallery to Reflect on U.S. Leisure, Consumption, Waffles, Coffee and Tunes for All, Tube Time Warp: Networks Nostalgic for Tried-And-True Formulas for the Fall Lineup, The Race to Reach Earth\u27s Deepest Point, Chuck Shepherd\u27s News of the Weird, Here\u27s the Scoop: Do Students Trust the News?, As Social Media Grows, So Does First Amendment Appreciation, A New Generation Finds Out the Truth About a Music \u27Urban Legend,\u27 YouTube Becomes Entertainment Destination, Flying Pumpkins and Kissing Reindeer, Using Public Computers Safely, Cobras Volleyball: \u27Talking\u27 Success, A Chat with Dan Whitford of Cut Copy, Behind the Scenes: Parkland Theatre (Part Three)https://spark.parkland.edu/prospectus_2011/1012/thumbnail.jp

    Prospectus, September 7, 2011

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    HOW PARKLAND CAME TO BE, College First to Ask About Sexual Orientation on Admission Application, Flight 93 Memorial: 10 Years later, $10 Million Short, Student Government Candidates 2011, Families Get Savvy Paying for College, Chuck Shepherd\u27s News of the Weird, Payrolls Flat in August; Unemployment Stuck at 9.1 Percent, Reality Shows at Parkland College?, Heeling to the Heels, 9/11 Spawned Big Changes on Campus, A Flexible Way to Us the Sun\u27s Rays, A Guide to ANGEL, Code Red: Scarcity of App Developers Stifles a Growing Industry, Stop the Whining: Why a Laptop is Still Better for School Than an iPad, Cobras Host Kick for the Cure, Behind the Scenes: Parkland Theatre (part one), Pygmalion Approaches: A Talk With the Festival\u27s Founder, Seth Fein,https://spark.parkland.edu/prospectus_2011/1010/thumbnail.jp

    Prospectus, November 9, 2011

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    BLACK STUDENT SUCCESS PROJECT HELPS STUDENTS CONNECT, Parkland\u27s Agricultural Program Helps to Keep Illinois Running, Professors Diligent in Trying to Stop Students\u27 Plagiarism, Assistance for Adult Students at Parkland, 2011 ICCSAA Student Leadership Conference, Parkland Debate Team Finishes Second in Recent Tournament, Parkland Hosts PechaKucha Volume 8, iPhone Apps for College Students, Rising College Costs, Debt, Crushing Best and Brightest, Online Shopping: Freedom, Fantasy & Financial Ruin, Parkland Volleyball Wins Region 24, Players Make Friends, Zynga Makes Moneyhttps://spark.parkland.edu/prospectus_2011/1019/thumbnail.jp

    Prospectus, September 28, 2011

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    PYGMALION 2011 HIGHLIGHTS, Safe Haven Laws to Affect Parkland, Catching up with Braid, Chuck Shepherd\u27s News of the Weird, Building an Education Nation, The True Colors of Sid Germaine, Five Students to Avoid in Class, UC2B to Bring Fiber Optics Network to C-U, Parkland, Taste of Home Gets a Taste of Parkland, Interview with Local Band, Easter, What Do You Plan to Do With Your Financial Aid Refunds?, Former Cobra Head Rugby Club, A Chat With Jamie Stewart of Xiu Xiu,https://spark.parkland.edu/prospectus_2011/1013/thumbnail.jp

    Prospectus, January 18, 2012

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    NEW SHOWS, EVENTS TO MAKE DEBUTS AT PARKLAND, Parkland Expands Science Course Offerings, National Defense Authorization Act Sparks Debate Among Studetns, Wikipedia, Google to Protest SOPA, 11th Annual Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Celebration, Q&A With the Student Government President, Meet the Coffee Professor, Ask Buster: Questions From the Readers, Now\u27s the Time to Save for College, A United States of Europe?, What\u27s Your New Year Resolution?, Cobra Men Beginning to Hit Their Stride, Women\u27s Basketball Continue Strong Seasonhttps://spark.parkland.edu/prospectus_2012/1000/thumbnail.jp

    Prospectus, June 29, 2011

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    PROGRESS BEING MADE FOR MASTER PLAN, New Courses, Programs to be Offered, Substance Abuse Recovery May Begin on Campus, How to Take Amazing Pictures of Fireworks, Whole Health Lecture Series: Alternative Health Care for Pets, Chuck Shepherd\u27s News of the Weird, Extreme Drinking Means Extreme Danger, War Has Been Waged on College Fraternities, Kindle vs. Books: The Dead Trees Society, The Risks Exist: What You Need to Know Before Getting Tattoos and Piercings, Pursuing Scholarships is Worth the College Savings, A Prospectus News Guide to Road Trips, The Road to Success: How to Find the Right College, A Community College That Hold Up to Its Name, Album Review: Bon Iver\u27s Bon Iver, Bon Iver, Video-game Review: The Legend of Zelda, I Could be Your Jack Dawson...https://spark.parkland.edu/prospectus_2011/1007/thumbnail.jp

    Prospectus, February 15, 2012

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    A FRIENDLY P.U.S.H. TOWARD A HEALTHIER LIFE, Parkand Gains National Spotlight With Urban Greening Award, Parkland Open House, Cold Winter Weather, Snow in Short Supply This Season, Smoking Near the Parkland Entrances: How do Students Feel About This Issue?, Start Planning for Spring Break, \u27Megatrouble\u27 for Megaupload, Singlism: the Latest Prejudice, Regionalism: United We Stand?, Hall of Fame Ceremony an Added Highlight to Cobras Win, Watching TV: a Different Experience Todayhttps://spark.parkland.edu/prospectus_2012/1004/thumbnail.jp

    Prospectus, October 12, 2011

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    OCCUPY WALL STREET DRAWS CURIOSITY FROM MANY, Eastern Prairie FPD Celebrates 50 Years, Fish Out of Water Brings Civility to Touchy Subject, World of Science: The Historic Tornado Season of 2011, Getting Up to Date with Parkland\u27s Sustainable Campus Committee, What Do Firefighters do for Our Community?, Employers Add 103,000 Jobs, Easing Fears of New Recession, Chuck Shepherd\u27s News of the Weird, Rabbit Control Keeps Volunteers Hopping, Just Rewards for Teachers, Supreme Court Should Open its Sessions to Video, Curtis Orchard Provides a Sense of Fall, Google 101: How to Use Google Search Effectively, Women\u27s Soccer Championship Dream in Sight, Parkland Offers Sports Broadcasting Class, American Visionaryhttps://spark.parkland.edu/prospectus_2011/1015/thumbnail.jp