Prospectus, September 21, 2011


SEEING STARS AT STAERKEL, Parkland Art Gallery to Reflect on U.S. Leisure, Consumption, Waffles, Coffee and Tunes for All, Tube Time Warp: Networks Nostalgic for Tried-And-True Formulas for the Fall Lineup, The Race to Reach Earth\u27s Deepest Point, Chuck Shepherd\u27s News of the Weird, Here\u27s the Scoop: Do Students Trust the News?, As Social Media Grows, So Does First Amendment Appreciation, A New Generation Finds Out the Truth About a Music \u27Urban Legend,\u27 YouTube Becomes Entertainment Destination, Flying Pumpkins and Kissing Reindeer, Using Public Computers Safely, Cobras Volleyball: \u27Talking\u27 Success, A Chat with Dan Whitford of Cut Copy, Behind the Scenes: Parkland Theatre (Part Three)

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