22 research outputs found
A Systematic Review
Publisher Copyright: © 2023 by the authors.The recognition that the gut microbiota of obese children differs from lean children has grown, and some studies suggest that physical activity positively influences the gut microbiota. This systematic review explores the changes in the gut microbiota composition of obese and non-obese children and adolescents and provides an understanding of the effects of physical activity interventions in modulating their microbiota. The PRISMA protocol was used across PubMed, Scopus, and Web of Science. Overall, twenty-four research papers were included in accordance with the chosen inclusion and exclusion criteria, eighteen studies compared the gut microbiota of obese and normal-weight children and adolescents, and six studies explored the effect of physical activity interventions on the gut microbiota. The analysis indicated that obese gut microbiota is reduced in Bacteroidetes, Bifidobacterium and alpha diversity but enriched in Proteobacteria and Lactobacillus. Interventions with physical activity seem to improve the alpha diversity and beneficial bacteria linked to body weight loss in children and adolescents. The gut microbiota of obese children exhibited a remarkably individual variation. More interventions are needed to clearly and accurately explore the relationships between child obesity, gut microbiota, and physical activity and to develop approaches to decrease the incidence of paediatric obesity.publishersversionpublishe
Effects of “Football and Nutrition for Health” program on body composition, physical fitness, eating behaviours, nutritional knowledge, and psychological status among 7 to 10 years school children
Funding Information: The authors would like to acknowledge the children and their legal guardians, teachers, coaches and researchers, the Research Center in Physical Activity, Health and Leisure (CIAFEL), the Portugal Football School, and the Municipality of Águeda. Publisher Copyright: 2023 Morgado, Sousa, Coelho, Vale, Costa and Seabra.Introduction: Noncommunicable diseases and obesity are between the major health threat due to consumption of unhealthy foods and limited time spent on physical activities, a situation of particular concern among children. Since children spend most of their time at school, this study intends to investigate the effect of a school intervention program, which combines recreational football and nutrition education, on body composition, physical fitness, physical activity, blood pressure and heart rate, eating behaviours, nutritional knowledge, and psychological status in elementary school children. Methods: A total of 67 children, between 7 and 10 years old, were allocated into three groups: the Football Group (FG) which held 2 weekly sessions of 60 min of recreational football, the Nutrition and Football Group (NFG) which held 2 sessions per week of 60 min of recreational football plus 60 min of nutritional education and the Control Group (CG) which maintained its usual curriculum. The intervention lasted 12 weeks. All measurements were collected before and after the intervention. Results: Intervention groups significantly (p < 0.05) improved BMI Z-score, rest heart rate, horizontal jump and shuttle test, physical activity level, and psychosocial health. The NFG group significantly decreased (p < 0.05) waist-to-height ratio and blood pressure, and significantly increased (p < 0.05) nutritional knowledge, fruit, and fish consumption. While FG significantly decreased (p < 0.05) the percentage of fat mass and significantly increased (p < 0.05) muscle mass and performance in the 20 m sprint. Discussion: The results have shown to improve nutritional status, explosive strength, aerobic and neuromuscular fitness, as well as increase the level of physical activity. The nutritional education sessions contributed to increase nutritional knowledge and to improve the consumption of healthy food groups in a ludic-educational way. The “Football and Nutrition for Health” program was able to induce short-term improvements in several health markers, highlighting the role of the school curriculum in children's health.publishersversionpublishe
Effects of Physical Activity and Nutrition Education on the Gut Microbiota in Overweight and Obese Children
Funding Information: This research was funding by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT/UIDB/00617/2020) and by the Portuguese Football Federation, Portugal Football School. Publisher Copyright: © 2023 by the authors.Childhood obesity continues to represent a growing challenge, and it has been associated with gut microbiota dysbiosis. This study examines the gut microbiota composition in overweight and obese school children and assesses whether a 12-week multidisciplinary intervention can induce changes in the gut microbiota. The intervention, which combined recreational football and nutritional education, was implemented among 15 school children, aged 7–10 years, with a Body Mass Index ≥ 85th percentile. The children were assigned into two groups: Football Group (n = 9) and Nutrition and Football Group (n = 6). Faecal samples were collected at the beginning and end of the program and analysed by sequencing the 16S rRNA gene. Over the intervention, a significant decrease was found collectively for Bifidobacterium genera (p = 0.011) and for Roseburia genera in the Football Group (p = 0.021). The relative abundance of Roseburia (p = 0.002) and Roseburia faecis (p = 0.009) was negatively correlated with moderate to vigorous physical activity (MVPA), while Prevotella copri was positively correlated with MVPA (p = 0.010) and with the daily intake of protein (p = 0.008). Our findings suggest that a multidisciplinary intervention was capable of inducing limited but significant positive changes in the gut microbiota composition in overweight and obese school children.publishersversionpublishe
Prediction of Simulated 1,000 m Kayak Ergometer Performance in Young Athletes
This study aimed to develop a predictive explanatory model for the 1,000-m time-trial (TT) performance in young national-level kayakers, from biomechanical and physiological parameters assessed in a maximal graded exercise test (GXT). Twelve young male flat-water kayakers (age 16.1 ± 1.1 years) participated in the study. The design consisted of 2 exercise protocols, separated by 48 h, on a kayak ergometer. The first protocol consisted of a GXT starting at 8 km.h−1 with increments in speed of 1 km.h−1 at each 2-min interval until exhaustion. The second protocol comprised the 1,000-m TT. Results: In the GXT, they reached an absolute (Formula presented.) O2max of 3.5 ± 0.7 (L.min−1), a maximum aerobic power (MAP) of 138.5 ± 24.5 watts (W) and a maximum aerobic speed (MAS) of 12.8 ± 0.5 km/h. The TT had a mean duration of 292.3 ± 15 s, a power output of 132.6 ± 22.0 W and a (Formula presented.) O2max of 3.5 ± 0.6 (L.min−1). The regression model [TT (s) = 413.378–0.433 × (MAP)−0.554 × (stroke rate at MAP)] presented an R2 = 84.5%. Conclusion: It was found that (Formula presented.) O2max, stroke distance and stroke rate during the GXT were not different from the corresponding variables ((Formula presented.) O2peak, stroke distance and stroke rate) observed during the TT. The MAP and the corresponding stroke rate were strong predicting factors of 1,000 m TT performance. In conclusion, the TT can be useful for quantifying biomechanical parameters (stroke distance and stroke rate) and to monitor training induced changes in the cardiorespiratory fitness ((Formula presented.) O2max)
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Tumor necrosis factor-α and interferon-γ stimulate MUC16 (CA125) expression in breast, endometrial and ovarian cancers through NFκB
Transmembrane mucins (TMs) are restricted to the apical surface of normal epithelia. In cancer, TMs not only are over-expressed, but also lose polarized distribution. MUC16/CA125 is a high molecular weight TM carrying the CA125 epitope, a well-known molecular marker for human cancers. MUC16 mRNA and protein expression was mildly stimulated by low concentrations of TNFα (2.5 ng/ml) or IFNγ (20 IU/ml) when used alone; however, combined treatment with both cytokines resulted in a moderate (3-fold or less) to large (> 10-fold) stimulation of MUC16 mRNA and protein expression in a variety of cancer cell types indicating that this may be a general response. Human cancer tissue microarray analysis indicated that MUC16 expression directly correlates with TNFα and IFNγ staining intensities in certain cancers. We show that NFκB is an important mediator of cytokine stimulation of MUC16 since siRNA-mediated knockdown of NFκB/p65 greatly reduced cytokine responsiveness. Finally, we demonstrate that the 250 bp proximal promoter region of MUC16 contains an NFκB binding site that accounts for a large portion of the TNFα response. Developing methods to manipulate MUC16 expression could provide new approaches to treating cancers whose growth or metastasis is characterized by elevated levels of TMs, including MUC16
Football and Nutrition for Health: Multidisciplinary approach in gut microbiota modulation, nutrition, and physical fitness in school-age children
A relação entre obesidade infantil, composição do microbiota intestinal e atividade física é um tema de interesse e investigação crescente. A presente tese teve como objetivo investigar o efeito de um programa de intervenção realizada em contexto escolar, denominado "Futebol e Nutrição para a Saúde", com a duração de 12 semanas, na modulação do microbiota intestinal de crianças com excesso de peso e obesidade e em parâmetros relacionados com a composição corporal, a aptidão física, os hábitos alimentares e o bem-estar das crianças em idade escolar. Crianças com idades compreendidas entre 7 e 10 anos foram subdivididas em três grupos que foram submetidos a diferentes intervenções: um grupo que realizou 2 sessões semanais de 60 minutos de futebol recreativo, um grupo que realizou 2 sessões semanais de 60 minutos de futebol recreativo e 60 minutos de educação nutricional, e um grupo de controlo que manteve o seu
currículo escolar habitual. Para a concretização deste objetivo foram realizados três estudos. O primeiro, foi uma revisão sistemática com o propósito de investigar os perfis do microbiota intestinal em crianças obesas e não obesas, assim como o impacto da atividade física na modulação do microbiota intestinal em crianças e adolescentes com excesso de peso e obesidade. Verificou-se que parece existir um perfil disbiótico associado ao peso corporal e que intervenções com atividade física resultam num perfil microbiano similar ao de crianças
saudáveis. Face aos resultados observados, foi identificada a necessidade de investigar o efeito de um programa de intervenção com atividade física na modulação do microbiota intestinal. Assim, no segundo estudo foi implementado o programa "Futebol e Nutrição para a Saúde", em crianças com excesso de peso e obesidade, entre os 7 e os 10 anos. Utilizando o sequenciamento 16SrRNA, foi observada uma relação entre o rácio de Firmicutes/Bacteroidetes com o IMC e uma redução dos géneros Bifidobacterium e Roseburia após a intervenção. Por fim, com a finalidade de avaliar o efeito do programa na composição corporal, pressão arterial, frequência cardíaca em repouso, aptidão física, níveis de atividade física, ingestão nutricional, conhecimentos sobre nutrição e bem-estar, o programa foi alargado a crianças normoponderais. As melhorias nos vários parâmetros foram evidentes nos grupos de intervenção, com exceção dos conhecimentos nutricionais que aumentaram apenas no grupo que recebeu as duas abordagens. Os resultados destes estudos reforçam a importância da inclusão da atividade física e da educação nutricional em meio escolar, na prevenção da obesidade infantil, suas comorbilidades e demais doenças não transmissíveis. Assim como no desenvolvimento físico-motor, na aquisição de conhecimentos que fomentem escolhas alimentares conscientes, e na promoção de qualidade de vida relacionada com a dimensão emocional, social e escolar, contribuindo assim para crianças mais saudáveis e felizes.The relationship between childhood obesity, composition of the intestinal microbiota and physical activity is a topic of growing interest and investigation.
The present thesis aimed to investigate the effect of a school intervention program, "Football and Nutrition for Health", for 12 weeks, in gut microbiota modulation of overweight and obese children and in parameters related to body composition, physical fitness, eating habits and children's well-being. Children aged between 7 and 10 years were subdivided into three groups that underwent different interventions: a group that performed 2 weekly sessions of 60 minutes of recreational football, a group that performed 2 weekly sessions of 60 minutes of recreational football and 60 minutes nutritional education, and a control group that maintained their usual school curriculum. To achieve this objective, three studies were carried out. The first was a systematic review to investigate the profiles of the gut microbiota in obese and non-obese children, as well as the impact of physical activity on the modulation of the gut microbiota in overweight and obese children and adolescents. It was verified that there seems to be a dysbiotic profile associated with body weight and that interventions with physical activity result in a microbial profile similar to that of healthy children. Given the observed results, we recognised the need to investigate the effect of an intervention program with physical activity on the gut microbiota modulation.
Thus, in the second study, the program "Football and Nutrition for Health" was implemented in children with overweight and obesity, between 7 and 10 years old. Performing 16S rRNA gene amplicon sequencing, a relationship between the Firmicutes to Bacteroidetes ratio with BMI and a reduction in the genera Bifidobacterium and Roseburia after the intervention was observed. Finally, to assess the effect of the program on body composition, blood pressure, resting heart rate, physical fitness, physical activity levels, nutritional intake, nutrition knowledge and well-being, the program was extended to normal weight children.
Improvements in the several parameters were clear in the intervention groups, except for nutritional knowledge which only increased in the group that received both approaches. The results of these studies highlight the importance of including physical activity and nutritional education in schools, to prevent childhood obesity, its comorbidities, and other non communicable diseases. Also, to the physical-motor development, the knowledge acquisition that allows conscious food choices, and the promotion of quality of life related to the
emotional, social, and school dimension, thus contributing to healthy and happy children
Caracterização Antropométrica, Avaliação da Ingestão Nutricional e Dispêndio Energético em Canoístas Portugueses de Elite
Dissertação de Mestrado em Nutrição Clínica apresentada à Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de Coimbra.A canoagem é uma modalidade desportiva, praticada com canoa ou kayak, sendo
modalidade Olímpica desde 1936. Dado que a competitividade no desporto é cada vez
mais elevada e exigente, cujas vitórias se podem decidir em partes de segundo, a nutrição
surge como uma ferramenta que pode fazer a diferença entre ganhar e perder.
Este trabalho teve por objetivo caracterizar a composição corporal, determinar o
somatótipo, estimar a ingestão nutricional e o dispêndio energético em canoístas
portugueses de elite, no período pré-competitivo e competitivo da época 2015/2016.
Fizeram parte do estudo 21 atletas da seleção nacional, praticantes das disciplinas
de velocidade, com participações internacionais, 15 homens e 6 mulheres, com uma
média de idades de 22,4 ± 4,12 anos e 24,83 ± 7,52 anos, respetivamente. Foram
medidas as estaturas, peso, pregas adiposas, diâmetros e perímetros para avaliação da
composição corporal e determinação do somatótipo. O preenchimento de registos
alimentares e de registos de atividade física de 3 dias forneceu informações relativamente
à ingestão nutricional e dispêndio energético dos atletas, respetivamente.
A estatura média dos homens foi 1,77 ± 0,07 metros e das mulheres 1,62 ± 0,07
metros. Os resultados demonstraram que o peso (homens – P1: 77,43 ± 7,15 kg e P2:
77,16 ± 6,46 kg; mulheres – P1: 61,48 ± 6,13 kg e P2: 60,38 ± 5,13 kg) e a percentagem
de gordura (homens – P1: 10,55 ± 2,00 e P2: 9,48 ± 1,77; mulheres – P1: 22,63 ± 1,62 e
P2: 20,97 ± 1,10) tendem a diminuir ao longo da época, sendo a percentagem de gordura
menor nos atletas masculinos (p ≤ 0,01). Quanto à determinação do somatótipo,
metodologia de Heath-Carter que permite descrever e comparar a morfologia externa dos
indivíduos, os resultados revelaram uma predominância da componente mesomorfa, em
ambos os géneros e categorias (mulheres e praticantes de kayak: endo-mesomorfo;
praticantes de canoa: mesomorfo equilibrado).
A ingestão energética, de hidratos de carbono, fibra e lípidos foram inferiores às
recomendações e a ingestão de proteínas superior. Verificou-se ainda uma ingestão
inadequada de alguns micronutrientes, nomeadamente, insuficiente em vitamina D e
mineral K e excessiva em Na, Mg e vitamina A (nas mulheres). O dispêndio energético
revelou ser superior à ingestão, resultando num balanço energético maioritariamente
Os dados antropométricos permitem-nos conhecer o perfil antropométrico dos
canoístas portugueses, mas devemos ser cautelosos na análise dos resultados de
ingestão nutricional, pelo facto do método não estar isento de possíveis viéses.
Este conhecimento poderá ser usado como um guia para identificação de jovens
talentos, ajudar a estabelecer um perfil específico para canoístas de elite. Além disso, este trabalho vem realçar que as escolhas alimentares determinam o estado de saúde,
gestão da composição corporal e a disponibilidade de substratos energéticos, reforçando
a importância de uma alimentação adequada e específica como pré-requisito no alcance
do sucesso competitivo.Canoeing is a sport practiced with a canoe or a kayak, being an Olympic sport since
1936. The competitiveness in sport is increasingly high and demanding, where victories
may be decided in parts of a second, so nutrition emerges as a tool that can make the
difference between winning and losing.
In this context, this study has as its main aims characterizing the body composition,
determining the somatotype, estimating the nutritional intake and the energy expenditure
in Portuguese elite paddlers, for the pre-competitive and competitive period of the
2015/2016 season.
Participants were 21 athletes from the national team, practitioners of speed
disciplines, with international participations: 15 men and 6 women with a mean age of 22.4
± 4.12 years and 24.83 ± 7.52 years, respectively. Stature, weight, skinfolds, body
circumferences and diameters were measured to assess the body composition and to
determinate the somatotype. The filling of food records and of physical activity records for
3 days provided information regarding the nutritional intake and the energy expenditure of
the athletes, respectively.
The average height of men was 1.77 ± 0.07 meters and women 1.62 ± 0.07 meters.
The results showed that weight (man - P1: 77.43 ± 7.15 kg and P2: 77.16 ± 6.46 kg, female
- P1: 61.48 ± 6.13 kg and P2: ± 60.38 5.13 kg) and fat percentage (men - P1: 10.55 ± 2.00
and P2: 9.48 ± 1.77; women - P1: 22.63 ± 1.62 and P2: 20.97 ± 1,10) tend to decrease
along the season, with a lower percentage of fat in male athletes (p ≤ 0,01). The
determination of somatotype, with the Heath-Carter methodology that aims to describe
and compare the external morphology of individuals, revealed a predominance of the
mesomorph component in both genders and categories (women and kayak practitioners:
endo-mesomorph; canoeing practitioners: balanced mesomorph).
Energy intake of carbohydrate, fiber and fat was lower than the intake
recommendations, but the protein intake was higher. It was also noticed a inadequate
intake of some micronutrients, in particular, insufficient intake of vitamin D and mineral K,
excessive intake for Na, Mg and vitamin A (in women). The energy expenditure was found
to be higher than the intake, resulting in a largely negative energy balance.
Anthropometric data allow us to know the anthropometric profile of Portuguese
canoeists, but we should be cautious when analyzing the results of nutritional intake,
because the method is not free from potential bias.
This knowledge can be used as a guide for identifying talent, helping establish a
specific profile for elite paddlers. Moreover, this work has highlighted that food choices
determine health, management of body composition and the availability of energy substrates, reinforcing the importance of an adequate and specific diet as a prerequisite
in achieving competitive success