192 research outputs found

    Automatic food bio-hazard detection system

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    This paper presents the design of a convolutional neural network architecture oriented to the detection of food waste, to generate a low, medium, or critical-level alarm. An architecture based on four convolution layers is used, for which a database of 100 samples is prepared. The database is used with the different hyperparameters that make up the final architecture, after the training process. By means of confusion matrix analysis, a 100% performance of the network is obtained, which delivers its output to a fuzzy system that, depending on the duration of the detection time, generates the different alarm levels associated with the risk

    Embedded fuzzy controller for water level control

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    This article presents the design of a fuzzy controller embedded in a microcontroller aimed at implementing a low-cost, modular process control system. The fuzzy system's construction is based on a classical proportional and derivative controller, where inputs of error and its derivate depend on the difference between the desired setpoint and the actual level; the goal is to control the water level of coupled tanks. The process is oriented to control based on the knowledge that facilitates the adjustment of the output variable without complex mathematical modeling. In different response tests of the fuzzy controller, a maximum over-impulse greater than 8% or a steady-state error greater than 2.1% was not evidenced when varying the setpoint

    Paper biological risk detection through deep learning and fuzzy system

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    Given the recent events worldwide due to viral diseases that affect human health, automatic monitoring systems are one of the strong points of research that has gained strength, where the detection of biohazardous waste of a sanitary nature is highlighted related to viral diseases stands out. It is essential in this field to generate developments aimed at saving lives, where robotic systems can operate as assistants in various fields. In this work an artificial intelligence algorithm based on two stages is presented, one is the recognition of paper debris using a ResNet-50, chosen for its object localization capacity, and the other is a fuzzy inference system for the generation of alarm states due to biological risk by such debris, where fuzzy logic helps to establish a model for a non-predictive system as the one exposed. A biohazard detection algorithm for paper waste is described, oriented to operate on an assistive robot in a residential environment. The training parameters of the network, which achieve 100% accuracy with confidence levels between 82% for very small waste and 100% in direct view, are presented. Timing cycles are established for validation of the exposure time of the waste, where through the fuzzy system, risk alarms are generated, which allows establishing a system with an average reliability of 98%

    Virtual environment for assistant mobile robot

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    This paper shows the development of a virtual environment for a mobile robotic system with the ability to recognize basic voice commands, which are oriented to the recognition of a valid command of bring or take an object from a specific destination in residential spaces. The recognition of the voice command and the objects with which the robot will assist the user, is performed by a machine vision system based on the capture of the scene, where the robot is located. In relation to each captured image, a convolutional network based on regions is used with transfer learning, to identify the objects of interest. For human-robot interaction through voice, a convolutional neural network (CNN) of 6 convolution layers is used, oriented to recognize the commands to carry and bring specific objects inside the residential virtual environment. The use of convolutional networks allowed the adequate recognition of words and objects, which by means of the associated robot kinematics give rise to the execution of carry/bring commands, obtaining a navigation algorithm that operates successfully, where the manipulation of the objects exceeded 90%. Allowing the robot to move in the virtual environment even with the obstruction of objects in the navigation path.&lt

    Ambulance detection for smart traffic light applications with fuzzy controller

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    In the development of intelligent cities, the automation of vehicular mobility is one of the strong points of research, where intelligent traffic lights stand out. It is essential in this field to prioritize emergency vehicles that can help save lives, where every second counts in favor of the transfer of a patient or injured person. This paper presents an artificial intelligence algorithm based on two stages, one is the recognition of emergency vehicles through a ResNet-50 and the other is a fuzzy inference system for timing control of a traffic light, both lead to an intelligent traffic light. An application of traffic light vehicular flow control for automatic preemption when detecting emergency vehicles, specifically ambulances, is oriented. The training parameters of the network, which achieves 100% accuracy with confidence levels between 65% with vehicle occlusion and 99% in direct view, are presented. The traffic light cycles are able to extend the green time of the traffic light with almost 50% in favor of the road that must yield the priority, in relation to not using the fuzzy inference system

    Comparison of convolutional neural network models for user’s facial recognition

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    This paper compares well-known convolutional neural networks (CNN) models for facial recognition. For this, it uses its database created from two registered users and an additional category of unknown persons. Eight different base models of convolutional architectures were compared by transfer of learning, and two additional proposed models called shallow CNN and shallow directed acyclic graph with CNN (DAG-CNN), which are architectures with little depth (six convolution layers). Within the tests with the database, the best results were obtained by the GoogLeNet and ResNet-101 models, managing to classify 100% of the images, even without confusing people outside the two users. However, in an additional real-time test, in which one of the users had his style changed, the models that showed the greatest robustness in this situation were the Inception and the ResNet-101, being able to maintain constant recognition. This demonstrated that the networks of greater depth manage to learn more detailed features of the users' faces, unlike those of shallower ones; their learning of features is more generalized. Declare the full term of an abbreviation/acronym when it is mentioned for the first time

    Interregional input-ouptut system for Ecuador, 2007: methodology and results

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    In this paper, we explore the structural characteristics of the interregional input-output system developed for Ecuador for the year 2007. As part of an ongoing project that aims to develop an interregional CGE model for the country, this database was developed under conditions of limited information. It provides the opportunity to better understand the spatial linkage structure associated with the national economy in the context of its 22 provinces, 15 sectors and 60 different products. This exploratory analysis is based on the description of structural coefficients and the use of traditional input-output techniques. Finally, we further explore the spatial linkage structure by looking at the regional decomposition of final demand. It is hoped that this exercise might result in a better appreciation of a broader set of dimensions that might improve our understanding of the integrated interregional economic system in Ecuador.Interregional input-output model; Ecuador; spatial linkages

    Actions for the Restoration of the Biodiversity of Forest Ecosystems in Cuba

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    The Earth is threatened daily by the degradation of its ecosystems due to fragmentation. One of the main consequences is biodiversity loss. Despite the economic progress and conservation actions carried out in many countries, the planet is losing genuine tropical forest due to diverse reasons. This chapter presents the results obtained during the restoration of three tropical forests in Cuba: 1) the mesophyll semi-deciduous forest in the western sector of the Biosphere Reserve 'Sierra del Rosario' (BRSR); 2) the riverside forest of the Cuyaguateje River in western Cuba; and 3) the exploited native rainforests of the sector Quibiján-Naranjal of the River Toa in eastern Cuba

    Patrimonio natural y cultural de Tepotzotlán

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    324 páginas. Especialización en Diseño, Planificación y Conservación de Paisajes y Jardines.El presente documento muestra el trabajo realizado para la intervención paisajística en pueblo de Tepotzotlán. Al ser catalogado en el programa de pueblos mágicos dada su riqueza tangible e intangible; resulta relevante su estudio a fin de rescatar y/o enaltecer algunas de las virtudes que lo resguardan. La zona de intervención se enfocó esencialmente en el polígono patrimonial del centro histórico, los caminos constituidos a lo largo de Rio Chiquito y calles aledañas que conectan los tesoros patrimoniales de la zona. Dicho estudio fue abordado principalmente por grupos de trabajo interdisciplinario, conformados por alumnos de la especialidad en Paisajes y Jardines Históricos de la UAM Azcapotzalco. Se cotejaron 5 proyectos detonadores: Centro Histórico/Atrio de los Olivos, Par vial, Rio Chiquito, Camino Real de Lluvias y Acequia Real. Durante la primera etapa, se establecieron las limitaciones y potencialidades del sitio. Se recopiló información cualitativa y cuantitativa para la formulación y ejecución de un plan maestro que regirían los parámetros y objetivos en cada proyecto. El desarrollo conceptual y anteproyecto para cada zona de intervención, se reflejó en la segunda etapa de este proceso. Paralelamente, la elaboración de la propuesta de vegetación, las fichas de cada especie vegetal y la preparación de catálogos de paisaje, complementan el carácter de este trabajo. El proyecto realizado en Tepotzotlán: “Patrimonio Natural y Cultural De Tepotzotlán”, emerge, como el título del trabajo indica: desde la visión del rescate patrimonial, constituido por elementos materiales y naturales relevantes para la población local y todos sus visitantes. La última etapa comprende la puesta en marcha del proyecto ejecutivo, donde se plasmaron los detalles que dan cuerpo a cada elemento de las propuestas de diseño, la información necesaria para su construcción y la síntesis de toda la documentación consultada y elaborada, como sostén de diseño. En las siguientes páginas y capítulos, se explicará de manera extensa y particular: la metodología planteada y utilizada en el abordaje de cada proyecto. En general, se podrá observar la construcción de un trabajo paisajístico integral, llevado a cabo a lo largo de un año de esfuerzo y dedicación, vertidos en la presente tesis.Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología (México)