1,507 research outputs found

    Estudio técnico-económico de una planta desaladora de agua de mar por ósmosis inversa

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    En el següent escrit: Estudi técnic-económic d’una planta desaladora d’aigua de mar per osmosis inversa, es pretén donar al lector una idea del procés d’Osmosis Inversa; el qual, ja el podríem ubicar dins dels processos de separació per membranes. Es pretén que aquesta idea sigui el més pràctica possible, sense deixar de banda els aspectes teòrics corresponents, però descartant aquells que, encara tenir relativa importància, l’únic que se aconseguiria amb el seu estudi, seria ampliar el contingut de l’anomenat projecte sense aportarnos això cap benefici relacionat amb l’essència del tema, com es la desalació d’aigua de mar per osmosis inversa. Es per aquest motiu que l’estudi que segueix, es divideix en cinc volums. El primer recull tots els aspectes teórico-práctics, on el lector pot trobar els diferents processos de separació per membranes, les consideracions sobre l’aigua i tot el relacionat amb el fonament fisico-químic que ens pertoca, o sia, la ósmosis inversa: definicions, conceptes bàsics, procés, membranes, etc. L’aspecte pràctic al que ens referim ve reflexat en petits sub-apartats, tals com: neteja eficaç de les membranes, o en seccions posteriors, en petits apartats on es donen recomanacions pràctiques, de instal•lació i inclòs de fabricació d’aparells per postratament. El volum segon és una descripció detalla de l’instal•lació, on s’estudia des de la presa d’aigua de mar fins l’obtenció d’aigua producte, nomenant-se tots els equips, vàlvules, bombes, filtres, etc., que l’aigua travessa en el seu procés. Els tres volums restants corresponen al aspecte més tècnic, on es mostren, por ordre: càlculs, plànols i pressupost o memòria econòmica

    La síndrome del Burnout en el professional d'infermeria

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    Màster en Administració i Gestió en Cures d'Infermeria de l'E.U. Santa Madrona, 2005, Director: José Tejad

    Variabilidad de la frecuencia cardíaca y perfiles psicofisiológicos en deportes de equipo de alto rendimiento

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    This paper poses two objectives, pursued in two different studies. The first is to analyse the usefulness of a heart rate variability (HRV) analysis within the context of high-performance team sports. The second is to analyse HRV based on mood profiles, assessed using the POMS. For the first study, 53 athletes were selected from 3 different elite team sports: basketball, hockey and soccer. For the second study, the sample comprised 18 elite football players, divided into two groups: the iceberg profile and altered mood state. The results show that football players have a different HRV profile from basketball or hockey players, who both display a fairly similar one. In the case of soccer players with the iceberg profile, the vigour factor is negatively correlated with LF / HF and LF% and positively correlated with the HF% parameter. In the case of soccer players with the altered mood state, the fatigue factor is negatively correlated with the pNN50 and HF parameters. The results offer a deeper insight into HRV in team sports with a view to adapting the monitoring process and obtaining indicators of mood states associated with HRV.En el presente trabajo se plantean dos objetivos, llevados a cabo en dos estudios diferentes. En primer lugar, se pretende analizar la utilidad del análisis de la Variabilidad de la Frecuencia Cardíaca (VFC) dentro del contexto de los deportes de equipo de alto rendimiento. Por otra parte, se pretende analizar la VFC en base a los perfiles de estado de ánimo evaluados con el POMS. Para el primer estudio se seleccionaron 53 deportistas de 3 deportes de equipo de élite diferentes: baloncesto, hockey hierba y fútbol. Para el segundo estudio la muestra la formaron 18 futbolistas de élite, divididos en dos grupos: perfil iceberg y estado de ánimo alterado. Los resultados muestran que los futbolistas presentan un perfil de VFC diferente a los jugadores de baloncesto o hockey hierba, que muestran un perfil de VFC bastante parecido. En los futbolistas con perfil iceberg, el factor de Vigor correlaciona negativamente con los parámetros LF/HF y %LF, y positivamente con el parámetro HF%. En los futbolistas con estado de ánimo alterado, el factor de Fatiga correlaciona negativamente con los parámetros pNN50 y HF. Los resultados permiten profundizar en el estudio de la VFC en deportes de equipo para adaptar mejor los seguimientos, así como obtener indicadores de estado de ánimo relacionados con la VFC

    PhysXNet: a customizable approach for learning cloth dynamics on dressed people

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    © 2021 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.We introduce PhysXNet, a learning-based approach to predict the dynamics of deformable clothes given 3D skeleton motion sequences of humans wearing these clothes. The proposed model is adaptable to a large variety of garments and changing topologies, without need of being retrained. Such simulations are typically carried out by physics engines that require manual human expertise and are subject to computationally intensive computations. PhysXNet, by contrast, is a fully differentiable deep network that at inference is able to estimate the geometry of dense cloth meshes in a matter of milliseconds, and thus, can be readily deployed as a layer of a larger deep learning architecture. This efficiency is achieved thanks to the specific parameterization of the clothes we consider, based on 3D UV maps encoding spatial garment displacements. The problem is then formulated as a mapping between the human kinematics space (represented also by 3D UV maps of the undressed body mesh) into the clothes displacement UV maps, which we learn using a conditional GAN with a discriminator that enforces feasible deformations. We train simultaneously our model for three garment templates, tops, bottoms and dresses for which we simulate deformations under 50 different human actions. Nevertheless, the UV map representation we consider allows encapsulating many different cloth topologies, and at test we can simulate garments even if we did not specifically train for them. A thorough evaluation demonstrates that PhysXNet delivers cloth deformations very close to those computed with the physical engine, opening the door to be effectively integrated within deep learning pipelines.Peer ReviewedPreprin

    Quines empreses han aguantat millor la crisi, les empreses familiars o les no familiars?

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    En aquest estudi es porta a terme un anàlisi comparatiu sobre l’evolució de l’estructura econòmica i financera que presenten les empreses familiars i no familiars de Catalunya en un context d’intensa crisi econòmica. La seva finalitat és poder donar resposta a dos qüestions principals: identificar les característiques diferencials de l’EF respecte a l’EnF i comprovar si aquestes característiques diferencials han permès a les EF aguantar millor la crisi econòmica

    How much corporate taxes are paying Catalan family firms? Analysis of accrued and effective tax rates

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    Objecte: Determinar quin és l’impost de societats que paguen les empreses familiars catalanes, i observar així si aquestes suporten una major pressió fiscal respecte a les empreses no familiars com a conseqüència de la seva aversió al risc, i per tant, d’una menor agressivitat fiscal. Disseny/metodologia: S’ha calculat el tipus impositiu que han suportat durant el període 2008-2013 una mostra de 382 empreses catalanes grans i mitjanes que sempre han obtingut beneficis durant els darrers deu anys. Aquest tipus impositiu s’ha calculat a través de dos estimadors, per una banda el tipus meritat, tradicionalment utilitzat en aquest tipus d’estudis, i per altra banda el tipus efectiu, que proporciona una mesura més real del que realment han pagat les empreses. Aportacions i resultats: Els resultats obtinguts mostren que les empreses familiars suporten uns majors tipus impositius, tant meritats com efectius respecte a les no familiars. No obstant, aquest resultat no es pot generalitzar per al conjunt d’empreses, ja que si bé és cert que les grans empreses familiars són les que suporten una major càrrega fiscal, el caràcter familiar de l’empresa no exerceix influència significativa entre les empreses acollides al règim especial per a empreses de reduïda dimensió. Limitacions: En l’estudi no s’ha contemplat la influència que altres variables poden exercir sobre l’impost de societats, tals com l’endeutament, la intensitat de l’immobilitzat o el creixement de la companyia entre altres. Per altra banda, en el càlcul de l’impost efectivament pagat per les empreses de reduïda dimensió s’ha considerat un tipus genèric del 25%, sense considerar (per falta d’informació disponible) que en aquestes empreses, la base imposable que excedeix de 300.000€ grava al 30%. Valor afegit: En la literatura són molt pocs els estudis que han analitzat si l’aversió al risc, tret característic de les empreses familiars, pot ser un factor determinant de la seva agressivitat fiscal. A més, en aquest estudi, no només s’ha estimat el tipus meritat (tradicionalment utilitzat en la literatura), si no també el tipus efectiu, que a partir de les dades que proporciona el NPCG (actius i passius fiscals) permet estimar d’una manera més precisa l’impost que realment paguen les empreses.Purpose: The aim of this study is determine which corporate tax rate is paid by Catalan family firms, and analyze if these companies support a greater tax burden compared to non-family firms as a consequence of their risk aversion and, hence, due to a lower fiscal aggressiveness. Design/methodology/approach: We have estimated the corporate tax rates supported by Catalan firms during the period 2008-2003. We have used a sample of 382 large and medium-sized firms which have always obtained profits over the past ten years. This tax rate has been calculated using two estimators, the accrued rate, traditionally used in the literature, and the effective rate, which provides a more realistic measure of what companies actually paid. Findings: Results show that family firms support higher corporate tax rates, both accrued and effective rates, than non family firms. However, this result can not be generalized for the entire sample, because while it is true that large family firms support greater tax rates, the family nature of a company does not significantly influence in those companies included in the special regime for small-sized companies. Research limitations/implications: In this study we have not considered the influence that other variables could have on corporate tax rates, such as leverage, capital intensity, growth, among others. On the other hand, to calculate the effective tax rate paid by companies included in the special regime for small-sized companies we have used a 25% tax rate without considerer (due to the lack of available information) that for this companies, a 30% tax rate is applied for the tax base that exceeds 300.000€. Originality/value: There are only a few studies in the literature which analyze if risk aversion, characteristic from family firms, could be a determinant factor of their fiscal aggressiveness. In addition, in this study we have not only estimated the accrued tax (typically used in the literature), but also the effective tax rate, which using data provided by the new general accounting plan allows us to estimate more precisely the tax actually paid.Peer Reviewe

    Simultaneous pose, correspondence and non-rigid shape

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    Trabajo presentado al CVPR 2010 celebrada en San Francisco (EE.UU.) del 13 al 18 de junio.Recent works have shown that 3D shape of non-rigid surfaces can be accurately retrieved from a single image given a set of 3D-to-2D correspondences between that image and another one for which the shape is known. However, existing approaches assume that such correspondences can be readily established, which is not necessarily true when large deformations produce significant appearance changes between the input and the reference images. Furthermore, it is either assumed that the pose of the camera is known, or the estimated solution is pose-ambiguous. In this paper we relax all these assumptions and, given a set of 3D and 2D unmatched points, we present an approach to simultaneously solve their correspondences, compute the camera pose and retrieve the shape of the surface in the input image. This is achieved by introducing weak priors on the pose and shape that we model as Gaussian Mixtures. By combining them into a Kalman filter we can progressively reduce the number of 2D candidates that can be potentially matched to each 3D point, while pose and shape are refined. This lets us to perform a complete and efficient exploration of the solution space and retain the best solution.This work was supported by projects: 'CONSOLIDER-INGENIO 2010 Multimodal interaction in pattern recognition and computer vision' (V-00069), 'Percepción y acción ante incertidumbre' (4803), 'Priors para la detección 3D en tiempo real de objetos rígidos y deformables' (4805), 'Gardening with a cognitive system' (4920). This work has been partially funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation under projects 200850I055, DPI2008-06022, and Consolider Ingenio 2010 CSD2007-00018, by EU GARNICS project FP7-247947, and by the Swiss National Science Foundation.Peer Reviewe

    Productivity and value added distribution in family-owned businesses

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    Objective: Identify similarities and/or differences in the distribution of Value Added characterizing family businesses as opposed to non-family held firms, and analyse productivity by linking the distribution of the wealth generated by the company to a variety of related agents or stakeholders (employees, providers of loan capital, and shareholders). Design/methodology: A data series consisting of VA distribution in a sample of 8,609 Spanish companies, of which 5,109 are family firms and another 3,500 companies which are not, for the period comprising 2008 to 2013 was employed for this study. The data from the financial statements pertaining to these companies was taken from the SABI system (a privately-funded database analysing the financials of Spanish and Portuguese firms, operated by INFORMA, SA), selecting only those companies that employ standardized financial reporting practices. Findings and results: The work shows the existence of significant differences between family and non-family businesses in the distribution of value added among the different stakeholders. Given that, although both types of company spend most of the value added to remunerate staff, the family company spends a higher proportion thereof on self-financing as compared to non-family businesses, which spend a higher percentage on the remuneration of firm ownership. On the other hand, the lower labour productivity of family businesses is apparent, a result that can be explained both by the lower staff monetary remuneration, as well as the use of production technologies that are also less capital-intensive. Limitations: The study included only medium and large companies. These are companies that report financial statements offering more disaggregated data (through use of the standard forms). This owes to the legal requirement of these companies to file a cash flow statement, a necessary source for deriving information on dividends paid by the company. Added value: This is the first study in which the workings of added value are used to analyse the presence of measurable management differences in a large sample of companies using family ownership as the main criteria for differentiation