785 research outputs found

    Arqueología, Arquitectura e Historia del Arte altomedieval: Gómez-Moreno y el reto de la interdisciplinariedad en el Centro de Estudios Históricos

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    Transcurrido un siglo desde la publicación de Iglesias Mozárabes (1919), obra fundamental para el conocimiento y la ordenación del arte altomedieval hispano, este artículo analiza de forma integral sus bases metodológicas e ideológicas a partir de la revisión de la figura de Gómez-Moreno en el Centro de Estudios Históricos. Nuestro planteamiento permite insertar este trabajo dentro de una perspectiva regeneracionista fundamentada, por un lado, en la renovación del método de análisis de los edificios históricos a partir de una incipiente interdisciplinaridad con enfoques procedentes de la arqueología y, por el otro, en la identificación de las raíces orientales de la cultura española desde la Prehistoria hasta la Edad Medi

    Erosión minera en la cuenca del arroyo Peñalén (Parque Natural del Alto Tajo, Guadalajara)

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    Depto. de Geodinámica, Estratigrafía y PaleontologíaFac. de Ciencias GeológicasTRUEpu

    Influence of Partial Soil Wetting on Water Relation Parameters of the Olive Tree

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    A drip versus pond irrigation experiment was carried out with 30-year-old ‘Manzanilla’ olive trees planted at 7 m 5 m in an orchard in Southwest Spain. At the end of the dry season of 1998, we chose two dry-land trees, D1 and D2, and two drip-irrigated trees, I1 and I2. During the experiments, the D1 and I1 trees were pond-irrigated, increasing the soil water content to around field capacity in the whole rootzone. The D2 and I2 trees were drip-irrigated, remaining part of the rootzone in drying soil. The results showed that the ratio between the transpiration of the pond-irrigated D1 tree and that of the drip-irrigated D2 tree (D1/D2 Ep) increased from an average of 0.88 before irrigation to 1.22 fourteen days after the first water supply. For the I trees, I1/I2 Ep varied from 0.76 to 1.02 nine days after the I1 tree was pond-irrigated for the first time. Transpiration, therefore, was restricted when using a drip irrigation system which, despite supplying enough water to cover the calculated crop demand, affected a part of the rootzone only. During the drip versus pond irrigation experiment, the recovery of leaf water potential, stomatal conductance and photosynthesis rate was greater and quicker in the pond-irrigated than in the drip-irrigated trees.– Influence de l’irrigation partielle du sol sur les paramètres des relations hydriques de l’olivier. Une comparaison de l’irrigation goutte à goutte avec l’irrigation en cuvette a été conduite sur oliviers ‘Manzanilla’ âgés de 30 ans plantés à 7 m 5 m dans un verger du sud-ouest de l’Espagne. À la fin de la saison sèche de 1998, nous avons choisi deux arbres sur sol sec, D1 et D2, et deux arbres sur sol irrigué au goutte à goutte, I1 et I2. Durant les expériences, les arbres D1 et I1 ont été irrigués en cuvette, en augmentant la teneur en eau du sol jusqu’à la capacité au champ dans toute la zone racinaire. Les arbres D2 et I2 ont été irrigués au goutte à goutte, laissant une partie de la zone racinaire dans un sol se desséchant. Les résultats ont montré que le quotient entre la transpiration de l’arbre D1 irrigué en cuvette et celle de l’arbre D2 irrigué au goutte à goutte (D1/D2 Ep) a augmenté à partir d’une moyenne de 0,88 avant irrigation jusqu’à 1,22 quatorze jours après le premier apport d’eau. Pour les arbres I, I1/I2 Ep a varié entre 0,76 et 1,02 neuf jours après que l’arbre I1 ait été irrigué en cuvette pour la première fois. Par conséquent, la transpiration était réduite quand on utilisait un système d’irrigation au goutte à goutte qui, malgré l’apport d’eau suffisant pour couvrir les besoins potentiels des cultures, a affecté seulement une partie de la zone racinaire. Durant cette comparaison de l’irrigation goutte à goutte et de l’irrigation en cuvette, la récupération de la teneur en eau des feuilles, de la conductance stomatique et du taux de photosynthèse était supérieure et plus rapide pour les arbres irrigués en cuvette que pour ceux irrigués au goutte à goutte

    Application of Biochar for the Restoration of Metal(loid)s Contaminated Soils

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    Funding: The work has been supported by funds from the Spanish Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness through the Project “CTM2017-86504-R”, and by Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universitiesam trought Research Project “RTI2018-094327-B-I00”.Biochar has recently aroused great interest for the restoration of contaminated soils since it improves soil properties and induces the immobilization of pollutants. This study evaluates the use of biochar from plant pruning, applied as an amendment, for immobilizing metal(loid)s in a highly contaminated soil as well as for reducing the phytotoxicity of these pollutants by promoting natural revegetation. For this purpose, a bioassay with Trifolium pratense L. was used to test the effectiveness of the soil amendment in greenhouse conditions. Three treatments were carried out including soil contaminated with metal(loid)s (RA), and this soil was amended with biochar at different dosage: 4% (RA4B) and 8% (RA8B). A non-contaminated soil (NC) from a nearby area not affected by contamination was used as a control. The results show that biochar increased soil pH by several units depending on the dose used, 8% being the most effective one. Biochar treatments also reduced soluble and bioavailable forms of Zn and Cu. Likewise, phytotoxicity was significantly reduced, promoting seed germination and biomass with plant growth values similar to the non-polluted soil. In light of the results obtained, the evaluation of the bioremediation potential of biochar under field conditions can be considered.Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universitiesam trought Research Project RTI2018-094327-B-I00Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad, Gobierno de España CTM2017-86504-

    Application of biochar for the restoration of metal(loid)s contaminated soils

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    Biochar has recently aroused great interest for the restoration of contaminated soils since it improves soil properties and induces the immobilization of pollutants. This study evaluates the use of biochar from plant pruning, applied as an amendment, for immobilizing metal(loid)s in a highly contaminated soil as well as for reducing the phytotoxicity of these pollutants by promoting natural revegetation. For this purpose, a bioassay with Trifolium pratense L. was used to test the effectiveness of the soil amendment in greenhouse conditions. Three treatments were carried out including soil contaminated with metal(loid)s (RA), and this soil was amended with biochar at different dosage: 4% (RA4B) and 8% (RA8B). A non-contaminated soil (NC) from a nearby area not affected by contamination was used as a control. The results show that biochar increased soil pH by several units depending on the dose used, 8% being the most effective one. Biochar treatments also reduced soluble and bioavailable forms of Zn and Cu. Likewise, phytotoxicity was significantly reduced, promoting seed germination and biomass with plant growth values similar to the nonpolluted soil. In light of the results obtained, the evaluation of the bioremediation potential of biochar under field conditions can be considere

    Mujeres migrantes en la era de la globalización: ecuatorianas y senegalesas en Sevilla

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    En este artículo nos centraremos en el análisis de los datos de investigaciones diferentes, aunque conectadas entre si, llevadas a cabo por miembros del Grupo de Investigación para el Estudio de las Identidades Socioculturales en Andalucía (GEISA) sobre las mujeres inmigrantes latinoamericanas y africanas en la ciudad de Sevilla. El objetivo principal es presentar las causas subyacentes a las migraciones de las mujeres, que están en la base de las estrategias migratorias transnacionales desarrolladas por ellas. Estas estrategias han ido evolucionando a medida que se iba conformando el proceso de integración en la sociedad de destino. En este apartado daremos un énfasis especial al proceso de inserción laboral, que, junto a las causas desencadenantes de la emigración, condicionan y modulan la integración de las mujeres. Vinculado con este análisis, presentaremos las dinámicas asociativas que se han ido generando en relación a las necesidades de integración social y de reproducción cultural en destino. En este apartado intentaremos demostrar cómo el protagonismo de las mujeres en las asociaciones de inmigrantes está condicionado por la propia dinámica de género de estos flujos migratorios y por los mecanismos de inserción implementados por la sociedad receptora. Por último, avanzaremos algunas consideraciones sobre el rol de las jóvenes hijas de inmigrantes latinoamericanas en la reproducción de la identidad de género, y su repercusión en el proceso de inserción social, en un contexto en el que existe una hipervisibilidad de los varones, identificados con las bandas latinas.This article will focus on the analysis of the data recollected in different but interconnected researches carried out by some members of the Research Group for the Study of Sociocultural Identities in Andalusia (GEISA) with Latin American and African migrant women in Seville. The main aim of this paper is to present the underlying causes of women’s migration, which are in the basis of their migratory strategies developed both in origin and destination. These strategies have been evolving in parallel with the integration process into the host society. A particular emphasis will be given to the integration into the labour market, which, along with the triggering causes of migration, condition and modulate the process of integration of these women. Linked with this analysis, the association dynamics which have grown in connection to the needs of social and cultural reproduction in the host society will be explained. This section will try to confirm how the prominent role of women in immigrant associations is conditioned by the gender dynamics of these migratory flows as well as by mechanisms for integration implemented by the host society. At last, some considerations about the role of Latin American migrants’ daughters in the reproduction of gender identity and its impact on the social integration process will be pointed up, taking into account a context where a strong visibility is given to the boys as members of Latino’s gangs

    Papilopatía diabética: a propósito de dos casos

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    Unidad Docente de Inmunología, Oftalmología y ORLFac. de Óptica y OptometríaTRUEpu

    Adolescents’ Emotions in Spanish Education: Development and Validation of the Social and Emotional Learning Scale

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    This work was funded by Porticus and the Tomillo Foundation, through the R+D+i Project entitled Evaluation of the Itinerario + Educational Model-Phase I.The aim of this study was to develop and validate a scale for measuring the different areas of competence of the social and emotional learning model in students in compulsory secondary education. For this purpose, following the recommendations and quality standards established by the specialised literature, the Social and Emotional Learning Scale was constructed and administered to a convenience sample of 1385 students in compulsory secondary education. The results reveal adequate reliability of the instrument and fairly satisfactory fit indices for the structural model proposed. In addition, external evidence is provided for the validity of the instrument with the variables life satisfaction and school performance. The Social and Emotional Learning Scale is of satisfactory metric quality and provides a detailed and consolidated picture of adolescents’ level of self-awareness, social awareness, self-control, interpersonal skills and responsible decision making, which provides students with an instrument that can help to understand their interpersonal and intrapersonal skills and to establish mechanisms for their improvement.PorticusTomillo Foundation, through the R+D+i Project entitled Evaluation of the Itinerario + Educational Model-Phase

    Diesel engine optimization and exhaust thermal management by means of variable valve train strategies

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    [EN] Due to the need to achieve a fast warm-up of the after-treatment system in order to fulfill the pollutant emission regulations, a growing interest has arisen to adopt variable valve timing technology for automotive engines. Several variable valve timing strategies can be used to achieve an increment in the after-treatment upstream temperature by increasing the residual gas amount. In this study, a one-dimensional gas dynamics engine model has been used to carry out a simulation study comparing several exhaust variable valve actuation strategies. A steady-state analysis has been done in order to evaluate the potential of the different strategies at different operating points. Finally, the effect on the after-treatment warm-up, fuel economy and pollutant emission levels was evaluated over the worldwide harmonized light vehicles test cycle. As a conclusion, the combination of an advanced exhaust (early exhaust valve opening and early exhaust valve closing) and a delayed intake (late intake valve opening and late intake valve closing) presented the best trade-off between exhaust temperature increment and fuel consumption, which achieved a mean temperature increment during low-speed phase of the worldwide harmonized light vehicles test cycle of 27¿°C with a fuel penalty of 6%. The exhaust valve re-opening technique offers a worse trade-off. However, the exhaust valve re-opening leads to lower nitrogen oxide (29% less) and carbon monoxide (11% less) pollutant emissions.The author(s) disclosed receipt of the following financial support for the research, authorship, and/or publication of this article: This research has been partially funded by the European Union's Horizon 2020 Framework Programme for research, technological development and demonstration under grant agreement 723976 ("DiePeR") and by the Spanish government under the grant agreement TRA2017-89894-R. The authors want to acknowledge the "Apoyo para la investigacion y Desarrollo (PAID)," grant for doctoral studies (FPI S2 2018 1048), of Universitat Politecnica de Valencia.Arnau Martínez, FJ.; Martín, J.; Pla Moreno, B.; Auñón-García, Á. (2021). Diesel engine optimization and exhaust thermal management by means of variable valve train strategies. International Journal of Engine Research. 22(4):1196-1213. https://doi.org/10.1177/1468087419894804S1196121322