1,194 research outputs found

    La gestió de les instal·lacions aquàtiques cobertes

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    El següent article té com a objectiu caracteritzar el funcionament de les instal•lacions aquàtiques cobertes. A través d'una mostra de 14 gestors s'analitza la importància que tenen diferents decisions per a la posada en pràctica dels programes aquàtics. La recollida de dades es va produir mitjançant el qüestionari Q.A.G.I.A. (Qüestionari per a l'Anàlisi del Gestor d’Instal·lacions Aquàtiques) (Moreno, 1997). Una de les parts d'aquest instrument li demana al gestor que valori aspectes relacionats amb la gestió de la instal·lació i els programes aquàtics, entre els que ressalten elements de màrqueting i promoció, relació dels programes amb els òrgans de gestió, ofertar programes i explotació de la instal·lació aquàtica coberta i qüestions pròpies de la gestió de la instal·lació. Entre les conclusions a destacar, vam trobar que els programes de natació escolar són els que millor funcionen, seguits de la natació per a adults, natació competitiva i manteniment, adduint els seus motius a l'especialització del professorat. També ressalta que el director tècnic i la demanda pública són els òrgans que més influeixen sobre l'engegament dels programes i que confirmen les aportacions de Ramos i cols. (1996)

    La gestión de las instalaciones acuáticas cubiertas

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    El siguiente artículo tiene como objetivo caracterizar el funcionamiento de las instalaciones acuáticas cubiertas. A través de una muestra de 14 gestores se analiza la importancia que tienen diferentes decisiones para la puesta en práctica de los programas acuáticos. La recogida de datos se produjo a través del cuestionario C.A.G.IA. (Cuestionario para el Análisis del Gestor de Instalaciones Acuáticas) (Moreno, 1997). Una de las partes de este instrumento le pide al gestor que valore aspectos relacionados con la gestión de la instalación y los programas acuáticos, entre los que resaltan elementos de marketing y promoción, relación de los programas con los órganos de gestión, oferta de programas y explotación de la instalación acuática cubierta y cuestiones propias de la gestión de la instalación. Entre las conclusiones a destacar, encontramos que los programas de natación escolar son los que mejor funcionan, seguidos de la natación para adultos, natación competitiva y mantenimiento, aduciendo sus motivos a la especialización del profesorado. También resalta que el director técnico y la demanda pública son los órganos que más influyen sobre la puesta en marcha de los programas y que confirman las aportaciones de Ramos y cols. (199

    La protección de datos: la privacidad en la Biblioteca de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid

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    The object of the article is to give to know the Data Protection of personal character in the library of the Complutensian University of Madrid due to the nonexistence of records on the topic. In order to improve the treatment of the private information resting on the creation of the Protection unit of Information of 2006. It has been had as methodology of base, primary sources, the laws that regulate it, polls and you poll workers and users, monographs and specializing magazines. It has wanted to put of manifest on the need of a real capture of conscience before the problem of the privacy. It concludes with the need of creation of a code of conduct for the rigorous treatment of the personal information where there are gathered additional coverages that assure the confidentiality and reserve of the users

    Síntesis de Monolitos de Carbón activado: análisis comparativo entre las características texturales y energéticas determinadas mediante calorimetría de inmersión

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    Los monolitos de carbón activado tipo disco se prepararon mediante la activación química de cáscara de coco con cloruro de zinc y ácido fosfórico, usados por separado, a diferentes concentraciones, sin el uso de ligantes orgánicos. Las estructuras se caracterizaron por adsorcion de N 2 a 77 K, y calorimetría de inmersión en benceno. Los resultados experimentales mostraron que la activación con cloruro de zinc y ácido fosfórico produce un ámplio desarrollo de porosidad, con volúmenes de microporo entre 0,38 y 0,81 cm 3g-1, área superficial aparente entre 832 y 1546 m 2g-1 y entalpia de inmersión entre 96,4Jg -1 y 167,9 Jg-1. Se establecieron correlaciones entre los parametros texturales y las características energéticas de las muestras

    Caracterización estructural por adsorción y difracción de rayos X de monolitos de carbón activado a partir de cáscara de coco y cuesco de palma africana

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    Se prepararon monolitos de carbón activado tipo disco utilizando como precursores por separado cáscara de coco y cuesco de palma africana mediante la activación química con ácido fosfórico, utilizando diferentes concentraciones, sin el uso de ningún aglomerante. Se presentan el rendimiento del proceso, así como los parámetros estructurales determinados por adsorción de N2 a 77 K y CO2 a 273 K, y se comparan con algunos parámetros cristalográficos determinados por difracción de rayos X. Se obtuvieron cinco muestras de monolitos de carbón tipo discoMCO y cinco MCU; los monolitos presentan un volumen de microporo entre 0,36 cm3g-1 y 0,61 cm3g-1, y valores de área BET entre 752 m2g-1 y 1711 m2g-1

    Acute p-synephrine ingestion increases whole-body fat oxidation during 1-h of cycling at Fatmax.

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    Purpose p-Synephrine, the principal alkaloid of bitter orange (Citrus aurantium), is widely used in dietary supplements for weight loss due to its purported effect of increasing fat oxidation. However, there is a paucity of scientific information about its effectiveness in enhancing fat oxidation during exercise. The aim of this investigation was to determine the effect of an acute dose of p-synephrine on substrate oxidation during prolonged and constant intensity exercise. Methods In a double-blind and randomized experiment, 14 healthy subjects performed two acute experimental trials after ingesting either p-synephrine (3 mg kg−1) or a placebo (cellulose). Energy expenditure and fat oxidation rates were continuously measured by indirect calorimetry during 1 h of continuous cycling at Fatmax, the intensity that induces maximal fat oxidation rate. Results In comparison to the placebo, energy expenditure during 1 h of cycling remained unchanged with p-synephrine (698 ± 129 vs. 686 ± 123 kcal, P = 0.08). However, p-synephrine increased whole-body fat oxidation (33.6 ± 10.4 vs. 37.3 ± 9.8 g, P < 0.01) while also reducing carbohydrate oxidation (99.5 ± 30.4 vs. 85.0 ± 28.4 g, P < 0.01). However, the magnitude of the shift on substrate oxidation induced by p-synephrine was small. Conclusion Acute ingestion of p-synephrine augments fat oxidation during prolonged and constant-intensity exercise.pre-print193 K

    Resource allocation and management techniques for network slicing in WiFi networks

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    © 2020 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes,creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.Network slicing has recently been proposed as one of the main enablers for 5G networks; it is bound to cope with the increasing and heterogeneous performance requirements of these systems. To "slice" a network is to partition a shared physical network into several self-contained logical pieces (slices) that can be tailored to offer different functional or performance requirements. Moreover, a defining characteristic of the slicing paradigm is to provide resource isolation as well as efficient use of resources. In this context, the thesis described in this paper contributes to the problem of slicing WiFi networks by proposing a solution to the problem of enforcing and controlling slices in WiFi Access Points. The focus of the research is on a variant of network slicing called QoS Slicing, in which slices have specific performance requirements. In this document, we describe the two main contributions of our research, a resource allocation mechanism to assign resources to slices, and a solution to enforce and control slices with performance requirements in WiFi Access Points.This work has been supported by the European Commission and the Spanish Government (Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional, FEDER) by means of the EU H2020 NECOS (777067) and ADVICE (TEC2015-71329) projects.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Mass scales and stability of the proton in [SU(6)]3 X Z3

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    ABSTRACT: We prove that the proton is stable in the gauge model [SU(6)] x Zs which uni6es nongravitational forces with Savors, broken spontaneously by a minimal set of Higgs fields and vacuum expectation values down to SU(3)cU(1)aM. We also compute the evolution of the gauge coupling constants and show how agreement with precision data can be obtained

    Hydrotreating of Guaiacol and Acetic Acid Blends over Ni2P/ZSM-5 Catalysts: Elucidating Molecular Interactions during Bio-Oil Upgrading

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    [EN] Catalytic hydrodeoxygenation (HDO) is an effective technology for upgrading pyrolysis bio-oils. Although, in the past years, this process has been extensively studied, the relevance of the cross-reactivity between the numerous chemical components of bio-oil has been scarcely explored. However, molecular coupling can be beneficial for improving the bio-oil characteristics. With the aim of gaining a better understanding of these interactions, this work investigates the catalytic hydrodeoxygenation of mixtures of two typical components of pyrolysis bio-oils: guaiacol and acetic acid. The catalytic tests were carried out employing a bifunctional catalyst based on nickel phosphide (Ni2P) deposited over a commercial nanocrystalline ZSM-5 zeolite. The influence of both hydrogen availability and temperature on the activity and product distribution, was evaluated by carrying out reactions under different H2 pressures (40¿10 bar) and temperatures (between 260 and 300 °C). Using blends of both substrates, a partial inhibition of guaiacol HDO occurred because of the competence of acetic acid for the catalytic active sites. Nevertheless, positive interactions were also observed, mainly esterification and acylation reactions, which could enhance the bio-oil stability by reducing acidity, lowering the oxygen content, and increasing the chain length of the components. In this respect, formation of acetophenones, which can be further hydrogenated to yield ethyl phenols, is of particular interest for biorefinery applications. Increasing the temperature results in an increment of conversion but a decrease in the yield of fully deoxygenated molecules due to the production of higher proportion of catechol and related products. Additional experiments performed in the absence of hydrogen revealed that esterification reactions are homogeneously self-catalyzed by acetic acid, while acylation processes are mainly catalyzed by the acidic sites of the zeolitic support.The authors thank to the Spanish “Ministry of Economy and Competiveness” for their financial support through the project CATPLASBIO (CTQ2014-60209-R), as well as to the “Regional Government of Madrid” and European Structural Funds for the RESTOENE2 (S2013/MAE-2882) project