381 research outputs found

    Comparison of Microcystis aeruginosa (PCC7820 and PCC7806) growth and intracellular microcystins content determined by liquid chromatography–mass spectrometry, enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay anti-Adda and phosphatase bioassay

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    Cyanobacteria are able to produce several metabolites that have toxic effects on humans and animals. Among these cyanotoxins, the hepatotoxic microcystins (MC) occur frequently. The intracellular MC content produced by two strains of Microcystis aeruginosa, PCC7806 and PCC7820, and its production kinetics during the culture time were studied in order to elucidate the conditions that favour the growth and proliferation of these toxic strains. Intracellular MC concentrations measured by liquid chromatography (LC) coupled to electrospray ionization mass spectrometer (MS) were compared with those obtained by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) anti-Adda and protein phosphatase 2A (PP2A) inhibition assays. It has been demonstrated there are discrepancies in the quantification of MC content when comparing ELISA and LC-MS results. However, a good correlation has been obtained between PP2A inhibition assay and LC-MS. Three MC were identified using LC-MS in the PCC7806 strain: MC-LR, demethylated MC-LR and a new variant detected for the first time in this strain, [MeSer7] MC-LR. In PCC7820, MC-LR, D-Asp3-MCLR, Dglu(OCH3)-MCLR, MC-LY, MC-LW and MC-LF were identificated. The major one was MC-LR in both strains, representing 81 and 79% of total MC, respectively. The total MC content in M. aeruginosa PCC7820 was almost three-fold higher than in PCC7806 extracts.Centro de Investigaciones Cietíficas y Técnicas AGL 2006–06523/ AL

    Enfermedad inflamatoria intestinal: depresión y estrategias de afrontamiento

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    Los objetivos de esta investigación fueron evaluar las estrategias de afrontamiento del estrés que utilizan los enfermos de Crohn y Colitis Ulcerosa una vez diagnosticada las enfermedad y relacionar estas estrategias con el estado de ánimo (depresivo - no depresivo), con el fin de determinar qué estrategias de afrontamiento son las que más están influyendo en el estado de ánimo del enfermo. La muestra estuvo formada por 40 pacientes, a los que se les administró un cuestionario demográfico, el Inventario de Depresión de Beck y el Cuestionario de Estrategias de Afrontamiento de Lazarus y Folkman. Los datos de este estudio reflejan que un alto porcentaje de enfermos de Crohn y Colitis Ulcerosa (45%) se encuentra deprimido, y que las diferencias en cuanto al sexo y la situación laboral son estadísticamente significativas, siendo las mujeres y aquellos pacientes que se encuentran desempleados, jubilados o que se dedican a sus labores los que mayor puntuación en depresión obtienen. Asimismo, la estrategia de afrontamiento que mejor predice un estado de ánimo depresivo es la de huida.The objectives of this research were to evaluate the stress coping strategies that Crohn and Ulcerative Colitis patients use once the illness is diagnosed and to relate these strategies with the mood (depressive - not depressive), with the aim of determining which coping strategies are influencing more in the patient mood. The sample was formed by 40 patients. They completed a demographic questionnaire, the Beck Depression Inventory and the Coping Strategies Questionnaire by Lazarus and Folkman. The data of this study reflect that a high percentage of Crohn and Ulcerative Colitis patients (45%) are depressed, and differences relating the sex and employed situation are statistically significant, being women and unemployed, retired or housewife patients who got a higher score in depression. Likewise, the coping strategy that better predicts the mood depression state is the avoidance


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    The aims of the present study has been to identify different groups of students, with homogeneous profiles, for the different dimensions that make up the physical self-concept, and to establish differences in relation to body dissatisfaction, body mass index, and physical activity. A total of 303 adolescents, male (150) and female (152), aged between 10-13 years (M = 11.74) belonging to different primary education centers participated in the study. The PSPP questionnaire was used for the evaluation of physical self-concept, Stunkard figures for body satisfaction, BMI, and the PAQ-A questionnaire for the evaluation of physical activity. Descriptive statistics, bivariate correlations, cluster analysis, and ANOVA of a factor were made to establish differences between the variables. The results showed the establishment of 4 different profiles in relation to the different dimensions of the physical self-concept. Likewise, significant differences were shown between BMI, physical activity, and body satisfaction between profiles derived from self-concept. As a conclusion, 4 different profiles are established regarding the dimensions of physical self-concept among which there are differences around BMI, levels of FA, and body satisfaction.El objetivo del presente estudio ha sido identificar diferentes grupos de estudiantes, con perfiles homogéneos, para las distintas dimensiones que componen el autoconcepto físico, y establecer diferencias en relación a la insatisfacción corporal, índice de masa corporal, y actividad física. Un total de 303 adolescentes, masculinos (150) y femeninos (152), con edades comprendidas entre los 10-13 años (M = 11.74) pertenecientes a diferentes centros de Educación Primaria participaron en el estudio. Se empleó el cuestionario PSPP para la valoración del autoconcepto físico, las figuras de Stunkard para la satisfacción corporal, el IMC, y el cuestionario PAQ-A para la valoración de la actividad física. Se realizaron estadísticosdescriptivos, correlaciones de bivariadas, analisis de cluster, y ANOVA de un factor para establecer diferencias entre las variables. Los resultados mostraron el establecimiento de 4 perfiles distintos en relación a las distintas dimensiones del autoconcepto físico. Asimismo, se mostraron diferencias significativas entre el IMC, la actividad física, y la satisfacción corporal entre los perfiles derivados del autoconcepto. A modo de conclusión se establecen 4 perfiles distintos respecto las dimensiones del autoconcepto físico entre las cuales existen diferencias en torno al IMC, niveles de AF, y satisfacción corporal.Целью настоящего исследования было выявить различные группы студентов с однородными профилями по различным измерениям, составляющим физическую самооценку, и установить различия в отношении неудовлетворенности телом, индекса массы тела и физической активности. В исследовании приняли участие 303 подростка мужского (150) и женского (152) пола в возрасте 10-13 лет (М = 11,74) из разных начальных школ. Для оценки физической самооценки использовался опросник PSPP, для оценки удовлетворенности телом - показатели Стункарда, ИМТ, для оценки физической активности - опросник PAQ-A. Для установления различий между переменными были проведены описательная статистика, двумерные корреляции, кластерный анализ и однофакторный ANOVA. Результаты показали наличие 4 различных профилей в отношении различных измерений физической самооценки. Также были обнаружены значительные различия между ИМТ, физической активностью и удовлетворенностью телом среди профилей, полученных на основе самооценки. В заключение, было установлено 4 различных профиля в отношении измерений физической самооценки, среди которых существуют различия по ИМТ, уровню ПА и удовлетворенности телом.本研究的目的是针对构成身体自我概念的不同维度,确定具有相同特征的不同学生群体,并确定与身体满意度、体重指数和身体活动方面有关的差异。共有 303 名青少年参与了研究,其中包括150名男性和152名女性,年龄在 10-13 岁 (M = 11.74),在不同的小学上学。我们应用PSPP 问卷评估身体自我概念,Stunkard 数据用于评估身体满意度,BMI,PAQ-A 问卷用于评估身体活动。研究进行了描述性统计、双变量相关性、聚类分析和单向方差分析以确定变量之间的差异。研究结果根据与身体自我概念的不同维度将参与者分为4类。同样,BMI、身体活动和身体满意度在源自自我概念的概况之间也存在显着差异。作为结论,研究按照身体自我概念的维度将参与者分为4类,他们在BMI、PA水平和身体满意度方面存在差异

    Physical activity, body composition, physical fitness, and body dissatisfaction in physical education of Extremadura adolescents: an exploratory study

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    In recent years, physical activity levels among youths have declined significantly. This has led to a decline in adherence to physical activity recommendations. In this sense, physical education offers an ideal environment that contributes positively to improving adherence to physical activity recommendations, as it teaches students movement-related skills and knowledge. The objective of the present research was to investigate the relationship between physical activity levels, body composition, fitness in Physical Education, and body dissatisfaction levels, and to analyse sex differences in relation to the study variables. The sample was formed of 1166 participants from the 1st and 2nd secondary compulsory education, of which 642 were boys (age 13.16 ± 0.91), and 524 girls (age 13.08 ± 0.85). The measure of physical activity was the Physical Activity Questionnaire for Adolescents (PAQ-A). Body composition was assessed using weight and height to calculate their body mass index. Cardiorespiratory capacity was assessed using the Course-Navette test in Physical Education lessons. The results showed the relationship between physical activity and body mass index, cardiorespiratory capacity, and body satisfaction. It was also confirmed that higher levels of physical activity were associated with a lower body mass index, improvements in cardiorespiratory fitness, and lower levels of body dissatisfaction to a greater extent in boys than in girls. The study concludes that improvements in the study variables were associated with increased physical activity. In addition, it seems necessary to promote healthy lifestyles in physical education lessons, especially during adolescence, as they could serve as a gateway for the improvement of health-related fitness in future generations. Increasing the amount of physical activity among young people is vital. Therefore, it would be essential to develop intervention programs in physical education classes, especially during adolescence, aimed at promoting and increasing physical activity and its benefits

    Beneficios relacionales y calidad de relación en el ámbito turístico

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    El impacto diferencial que tiene la calidad de relación en función de ser desarrollada con los empleados, la firma o los productos, lleva a las empresas a cuestionarse qué dimensión de la calidad de relación generará una mayor lealtad por parte de los clientes. Asimismo, los dispares resultados obtenidos por aquellos trabajos que analizan el resultado de los programas de fidelización llevan a profundizar en su análisis para poder establecer pautas que faciliten el logro de sus objetivos por parte de las empresas. El presente trabajo analiza, para el ámbito específico del sector turístico, el desarrollo de un modelo que determine si existe un impacto diferencial de los beneficios relacionales sobre la calidad de relación hacia la firma y el establecimiento, así como el papel jugado por la inversión relacional percibida y el valor de la relación como mediadores de dicho impacto

    Strategies to Enhance Biomedical Device Performance and Safety: A Comprehensive Review

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    This paper reviews different approaches to obtain biomaterials with tailored functionalities and explains their significant characteristics that influence their bioactivity. The main goal of this discussion underscores the significance of surface properties in materials, with a particular emphasis on their role in facilitating cell adhesion in order to obtain good biocompatibility and biointegration, while preventing adverse effects, such as bacterial contamination and inflammation processes. Consequently, it is essential to design strategies and interventions that avoid bacterial infections, reducing inflammation and enhancing compatibility systems. Within this review, we elucidate the most prevalent techniques employed for surface modification, notably emphasizing surface chemical composition and coatings. In the case of surface chemical composition, we delve into four commonly applied approaches: hydrolysis, aminolysis, oxidation, and plasma treatment. On the other hand, coatings can be categorized based on their material composition, encompassing ceramic-based and polymer-based coatings. Both types of coatings have demonstrated efficacy in preventing bacterial contamination, promoting cell adhesion and improving biological properties of the surface. Furthermore, the addition of biological agents such as drugs, proteins, peptides, metallic ions plays a pivotal role in manifesting the prevention of bacterial infection, inflammatory responses, and coagulation mechanism.The authors acknowledge the Basque Government for Grupos Consolidados grant IT1756-22 and ELKARTEK program KK-2021/00025

    The visigoth and post visigoth ceramic contexts of the "re interpretation" of Los Hitos-Arisgotas, Orgaz (Toledo)

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    El presente artículo se ocupa de los contextos cerámicos visigodos y postvisigodos localizados en la Campaña 2016 en el enclave visigodo de Los Hitos –Arisgotas, Orgaz- (Toledo). Se presentan aquí los materiales cerámicos localizados en la reexcavación de los espacios excavados en las campañas realizadas en el yacimiento por el investigador Luis J. Balmaseda Muncharaz en el pasado siglo XX. A pesar de encontrarnos con un registro arqueológico alterado y excavado en su mayor parte, los contextos cerámicos localizados están relacionados con otros que conocemos en la Vega Baja de Toledo, Madrid, Recópolis (Guadalajara) o el Tolmo de Minateda (Albacete).This article deals with the visigoths and postvisigoths ceramic contexts located in the 2016 Campaign in the Visigoth enclave of Los Hitos -Arisgotas, Orgaz- (Toledo). Here we present the ceramic materials located in the re-excavation of the excavated spaces in the campaigns carried out in the deposit by the investigated Luis J. Balmaseda Muncharaz in the last century XX. Although we find an altered archaeological record and excavated for the most part, the localized ceramic contexts are related to others that we know in Vega Baja de Toledo, Madrid, Recópolis (Guadalajara) or the Tolmo de Minateda (Albacete)

    Validation of a simple method for the determination of glyphosate and aminomethylphosphonic acid in human urine by UPLC-MS/MS

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    Environmental pollutants such as pesticides can be detrimental to human health and/or to the environment. Their excessive use may produce toxicity through various mechanisms. Glyphosate is a broad-spectrum herbicide with a high worldwide distribution. Due to this, this chemical is classified as a ‘Group 2A – probably carcinogenic to humans’ by the International Agency for Research on Cancer. Human biomonitoring is considered the golden standard for exposure assessment and provides a very useful tool in public health. Therefore, it is important to develop methods to determine traces of this herbicide and its metabolite, aminomethyl phosphonic acid, in human biological samples. A new method for glyphosate and aminomethyl phosphonic acid determination in human urine is herein described and discussed. It is based on the derivatization procedure with Fluorenylmethoxycarbonyl chloride and quantification by ultra-performance liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry. The method was optimized and suitably validated, with a linear range from 1 to 20 µg L−1 in the case of glyphosate and 0.5–20 µg L−1 for aminomethyl phosphonic acid. Limits of detection and quantification were 0.5 and 1 µg L−1 for glyphosate and 0.1 and 0.5 µg L−1 for aminomethyl phosphonic acid, respectively. Mean relative recoveries ranged 108–109% for glyphosate and 104–119% for aminomethyl phosphonic acid and intermediate precision values varied from 11.90 to 12.70% for glyphosate and 4.8–9% for aminomethyl phosphonic acid. The validated method has been applied in human urine from female farmers indirectly exposed to pesticides. This procedure can be used to monitor potential exposure of humans to glyphosate and aminomethyl phosphonic acid in epidemiological studies and for routine controls in public health.Agencia estatal de investigación PID2019-106442RB-C21 / AEI / 10.13039 / 501100011033Prevent Foundation (FIUS: 3396/0828

    Active commuting to basketball players’ training sessions in Extremadura

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    El desplazamiento activo hace referencia a la acción de dirigirse al centro educativo o al lugar de trabajo por medio de transportes que conlleven un gasto energético como andar o ir en bicicleta (Ruíz-Ariza, Torre-Cruz, Redecillas-Peiró, y Martínez-López, 2015); acto que va en relación con la actividad física y sus beneficios para la salud (Cuberos, Giráldez, Zagalaz, Sánchez y García, 2016). Por ello, el presente estudio tiene como objetivo principal conocer los hábitos de movilidad de deportistas de nivel profesional o semiprofesional, además se plantea como segundo objetivo conocer los motivos que tienen mayor influencia a la hora de seleccionar el medio de desplazamiento a los entrenamientos por parte de jugadores y jugadoras de baloncesto en Extremadura. Se trata de un estudio de tipo transversal, cuantitativo y una selección de la muestra por conveniencia, la cual fue de 73 jugadores/as de baloncesto federados de ligas de nivel nacional y regional de la Comunidad Autónoma de Extremadura (30,1% de género femenino y 69,9% masculino), de edades comprendidas entre 17 y 44 años, siendo la edad media de los participantes 23 años. Los resultados mostraron que el medio de transporte más utilizado por los jugadores y jugadores de baloncesto es el automóvil con un 64.1% a la ida al entrenamiento y un 68.5% a la vuelta. Por tanto, la presente investigación concluye que es necesario generar campañas para fomentar el desplazamiento activo entre los deportistas ya que estos pueden ser un buen ejemplo para otros colectivos (niños y jóvenes)Active commuting refers to the action of commuting to school or work by means of energy-intensive transport such as walking or cycling, act related to physical activity and its health benefits. For this reason, the main objective of this study is to know the mobility habits of professional or semi-professional athletes, and the second objective is to know the reasons that have the greatest influence on the choice of the means of travel to training center by basketball players in Extremadura. This was a cross-sectional, quantitative study with a sample selection by convenience, which consisted of 73 federated basketball players from national and regional leagues in the Autonomous Community of Extremadura (30,1% female and 69.9% male), aged between 17 and 44 years, with the average age of the participants being 23 years. The results showed that the means of transport most used by basketball players and players is the car with 64,1% going to training and 68,5% coming back. Therefore, this research concludes that it is necessary to generate campaigns to promote active travel among athletes, as they can be a good example for other groups (children and young people

    Role of chemical structures and the 1331T>C bile salt export pump polymorphism in idiosyncratic drug-induced liver injury

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    Background & aims: Several pharmaceutical compounds have been shown to exert inhibitory effects on the bile salt export pump (BSEP) encoded by the ABCB11 gene. We analysed the combined effect on drug-induced liver injury (DILI) development of the ABCB11 1331T>C polymorphism and the presence of specific chemical moieties, with known BSEP inhibiting properties, in the causative drug. Methods: Genotyping using a TaqMan 5' allelic discrimination assay was performed in 188 Spanish DILI patients, 219 healthy controls and 91 sex-, age- and drug-matched controls. A chemical structure analysis was performed for each individual causative drug. Results: The CC genotype was significantly associated with hepatocellular damage [odds ratio (OR) = 2.1, P = 0.001], particularly in NSAID DILI cases (OR = 3.4, P = 0.007). In addition, the CC genotype was found to be significantly linked to DILI development from drugs causing C polymorphism in the absence of other BSEP inhibitory structures. Conclusion: Patients carrying the C allele in the ABCB11 1331T>C polymorphism are at increased risk of developing hepatocellular type of DILI, when taking drugs containing a carbocyclic system with aromatic rings