6,022 research outputs found

    Project Space School of Peace: developed at school San Alberto Magno

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    El proyecto “Escuela: Espacio de Paz” del Colegio San Alberto Magno dirige la dinámica del centro, es decir, todas las actuaciones que se desarrollan en él, se encauzan dentro del ámbito de una ciudadanía democrática. Bajo el título “Aprendiendo a convivir” se desarrollan toda una serie de actividades dirigidas a conseguir ciudadanos competentes y democráticos, teniendo muy en cuenta la carga de valores que ello conlleva. Para ello utiliza todos los recursos humanos y materiales a su alcance desde la participación de todos los sectores de la comunidad educativa, hasta un amplio abanico de colaboraciones que abarca desde los abuelos y abuelas como figuras imprescindibles en la adquisición de valores fundamentales, hasta organizaciones institucionales y no gubernamentales, así como la interrelación con otros centros escolares. Este proyecto marca significativamente el Plan de Centro, haciéndolo operativo y cercano a todos los que participan de él, favoreciendo la interrelación familia – escuela


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    The Vietnam War brought many changes to society in that it soon became one of the most controversial wars in United States history. There was a tremendous loss of life as well as a rift in the nation with the rise of anti-war protest. Those drafted for the war primarily came from low-income and ethnic minority communities. While all who served deserve to be recognized, there is one group that has gone largely unrepresented in the history of the war. Mexican American serviceman served and died in large numbers when compared to their population. In addition, they also received high honors for their valor in the battlefield. Yet, the history of the war has been largely focused on the experience of the Anglo and Black soldier. This is due in part to the existing black-white paradigm of race that has existed in United States society, which places all other ethnic minority groups in the margins of major historical events. Biased Selective Service Boards contributed to the already existing race and class discrimination that existed among the elite class in society. This study utilizes interviews, oral histories, autobiographies and anthologies as its main source of information of Mexican American Vietnam War servicemen. Due to the lack of historical material in this area, most information on participation and casualty rates are estimates conducted by professors such as Ralph Guzman, from the University of Santa Cruz. Guzman took the number of Spanish surnamed casualties in the southwestern states to calculate an approximate number of total casualties. The major aim is to highlight the contribution of the Mexican American serviceman in Vietnam and to emphasize the patriotism that existed in the Mexican American community as much as it did in the Black and Anglo communities. By providing information in the area of American identity, race relations, the draft and volunteerism as well as the sacrifice of Mexican American lives at the time of the Vietnam War, this study hopes to initiate the inclusion of Mexican Americans in the general history of the war. Keywords: Mexican American, Chicano/a, Selective Service , draft boards, whiteness, New Standards Men, Project 100,000, Lyndon Johnson, League of United Latin-American Citizens (LULAC), Medal of Honor, sacrifice, patriotism

    La conciliación de las jóvenes trabajadoras : nuevos discursos, viejos problemas

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    Distintas investigaciones realizadas en el Centro de investigación Quit de la universidad autónoma de Barcelona sobre la conciliación de la vida laboral, familiar y personal sirven de base para este artículo. El objetivo central del mismo es analizar las vivencias sobre la conciliación de las mujeres jóvenes activas laboralmente. Se pretende mostrar como la conciliación les parece una cuestión contradictoria a estas jóvenes. Básicamente porque tal conciliación surge como una problemática construida sobre nuevos discursos que tratan viejos problemas sin ofrecer soluciones alternativas a las ya existentes. El trasfondo de dicha contradicción se basa en el mantenimiento de un imaginario social que atribuye al hombre la responsabilidad de ser el principal proveedor de ingresos y a la mujer, el cuidado de la familia. Este imaginario que condicionó de manera explícita las trayectorias vitales de las generaciones anteriores, condiciona, implícitamente, los proyectos de vida de las generaciones jóvenes. Aunque también sea cierto que el peso de dicho imaginario no es homogéneo, pues responde, de igual modo, a razones estructurales y biográficas

    Optimal Population Density on Determinate Growth Habit Faba Bean for Immature Green Pod Production

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    The effects of population density on immature green pod yield were studied during two seasons in southern Spain. The plants were grown at three densities (11, 17 and 33 plants/m2). Immature green pod yields generally increased as population density increased. The optimum density for these varieties is 33 plants/m2