2,852 research outputs found

    Bol i glazba u terapiji: istok i zapad

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    The research, which has been carried out by art-therapists, clinical psychologists, neurologists and others, has helped to provide measurable data that support the values of music in healing that have long been empirically understood by traditional healers in the east and west cultures. The growing holistic consciousness within the health care professions has led to a renewed interest in the integration of music and the other creative arts into forward-looking approaches to psychotherapy and medical interventions. Trance induction is only one aspect of traditional music and healing practices and, in any case, the induction of similar altered states of consciousness through techniques like music and imagery are common place in clinical music therapy practice and this without a sacrilized ritual context. Music in therapy is also applied in medical settings to achieve such physiological goals as pain reduction, control of stress hormone levels and muscle tension and in enhancing the immune system in cancer patients.U istraživanjima koja su provodili art-terapeuti, klinički psiholozi, neurolozi i drugi, dobiveni su podaci o utjecaju i vrijednosti glazbe u liječenju, Å”to su već od davnina shvaćali i tradicionalni iscjelitelji u kulturama istoka i zapada. Razvoj holističkih pristupa i svijesti u medicinskim disciplinama potaknuo je zanimanje za uključivanje glazbe i drugih ekspresivnih medija u suvremene koncepte tretmana u psihoterapiji i drugim oblicima liječenja. Uvođenje u trans samo je jedan aspekt tradicionalnih glazbenih i terapijskih metoda, kroz induciranje posebnih stanja svijesti, uz primjenu glazbe u vođenoj imaginaciji koja je bez posvećenog obrednog konteksta uobičajena i u kliničkoj primjeni glazbe u terapiji. Glazba u terapiji također se primjenjuje u medicini u smanjenju boli, kontroli stresnih hormona i razine miÅ”ićne napetosti, kao i podržavanju imunoloÅ”kog sustava u oboljelih od raka

    Bol i glazba u terapiji: istok i zapad

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    The research, which has been carried out by art-therapists, clinical psychologists, neurologists and others, has helped to provide measurable data that support the values of music in healing that have long been empirically understood by traditional healers in the east and west cultures. The growing holistic consciousness within the health care professions has led to a renewed interest in the integration of music and the other creative arts into forward-looking approaches to psychotherapy and medical interventions. Trance induction is only one aspect of traditional music and healing practices and, in any case, the induction of similar altered states of consciousness through techniques like music and imagery are common place in clinical music therapy practice and this without a sacrilized ritual context. Music in therapy is also applied in medical settings to achieve such physiological goals as pain reduction, control of stress hormone levels and muscle tension and in enhancing the immune system in cancer patients.U istraživanjima koja su provodili art-terapeuti, klinički psiholozi, neurolozi i drugi, dobiveni su podaci o utjecaju i vrijednosti glazbe u liječenju, Å”to su već od davnina shvaćali i tradicionalni iscjelitelji u kulturama istoka i zapada. Razvoj holističkih pristupa i svijesti u medicinskim disciplinama potaknuo je zanimanje za uključivanje glazbe i drugih ekspresivnih medija u suvremene koncepte tretmana u psihoterapiji i drugim oblicima liječenja. Uvođenje u trans samo je jedan aspekt tradicionalnih glazbenih i terapijskih metoda, kroz induciranje posebnih stanja svijesti, uz primjenu glazbe u vođenoj imaginaciji koja je bez posvećenog obrednog konteksta uobičajena i u kliničkoj primjeni glazbe u terapiji. Glazba u terapiji također se primjenjuje u medicini u smanjenju boli, kontroli stresnih hormona i razine miÅ”ićne napetosti, kao i podržavanju imunoloÅ”kog sustava u oboljelih od raka

    Time Spent Working in Custody Influences Work Sample Test Battery Performance of Deputy Sheriffs Compared to Recruits

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    This study determined the influence of years spent working in custody on fitness measured by a state-specific testing battery (Work Sample Test Battery; WSTB) in deputy sheriffs. Retrospective analysis was conducted on one patrol school class (51 males, 13 females) divided into three groups depending on time spent working in custody: DS24 (<24 months; n = 20); DS2547 (25–47 months; n = 23); and DS48+ (≥48 months; n = 21). These groups were compared to a recruit class (REC; 219 males, 34 females) in the WSTB, which comprised five tasks completed for time: 99-yard (90.53-m) obstacle course (99OC); 165-pound (75-kg) dummy drag; six-foot (1.83-m) chain link fence (CLF) and solid wall (SW) climb; and 500-yard (457.2-m) run (500R). A univariate analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) (controlling for sex and age) with Bonferroni post hoc determined significant between-group differences. DS48+ were slower in the 99OC compared to the REC (p = 0.007) and performed the CLF and SW slower than all groups (p ≤ 0.012). DS24, DS2547, and DS48+ were all slower than REC in the 500R (p ≤ 0.002). Physical training should be implemented to maintain fitness and job-specific task performance in deputy sheriffs working custody, especially considering the sedentary nature of this work

    Music therapy and pain management: A multicultural perspective

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