24,207 research outputs found

    Using off-diagonal confinement as a cooling method

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    In a recent letter [Phys. Rev. Lett. 104, 167201 (2010)] we proposed a new confining method for ultracold atoms on optical lattices, based on off-diagonal confinement (ODC). This method was shown to have distinct advantages over the conventional diagonal confinement (DC) that makes use of a trapping potential, including the existence of pure Mott phases and highly populated condensates. In this paper we show that the ODC method can also lead to temperatures that are smaller than with the conventional DC method, depending on the control parameters. We determine these parameters using exact diagonalizations for the hard-core case, then we extend our results to the soft-core case by performing quantum Monte Carlo (QMC) simulations for both DC and ODC systems at fixed temperatures, and analysing the corresponding entropies. We also propose a method for measuring the entropy in QMC simulations.Comment: 6 pages, 6 figure

    Optimization of photon storage fidelity in ordered atomic arrays

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    A major application for atomic ensembles consists of a quantum memory for light, in which an optical state can be reversibly converted to a collective atomic excitation on demand. There exists a well-known fundamental bound on the storage error, when the ensemble is describable by a continuous medium governed by the Maxwell-Bloch equations. The validity of this model can break down, however, in systems such as dense, ordered atomic arrays, where strong interference in emission can give rise to phenomena such as subradiance and "selective" radiance. Here, we develop a general formalism that finds the maximum storage efficiency for a collection of atoms with discrete, known positions, and a given spatial mode in which an optical field is sent. As an example, we apply this technique to study a finite two-dimensional square array of atoms. We show that such a system enables a storage error that scales with atom number NaN_\mathrm{a} like (logNa)2/Na2\sim (\log N_\mathrm{a})^2/N_\mathrm{a}^2, and that, remarkably, an array of just 4×44 \times 4 atoms in principle allows for an efficiency comparable to a disordered ensemble with optical depth of around 600.Comment: paper is now identical to published versio

    Coherent State Description of the Ground State in the Tavis-Cummings Model and its Quantum Phase Transitions

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    Quantum phase transitions and observables of interest of the ground state in the Tavis-Cummings model are analyzed, for any number of atoms, by using a tensorial product of coherent states. It is found that this "trial" state constitutes a very good approximation to the exact quantum solution, in that it globally reproduces the expectation values of the matter and field observables. These include the population and dipole moments of the two-level atoms and the squeezing parameter. Agreement in the field-matter entanglement and in the fidelity measures, of interest in quantum information theory, is also found.The analysis is carried out in all three regions defined by the separatrix which gives rise to the quantum phase transitions. It is argued that this agreement is due to the gaussian structure of the probability distributions of the constant of motion and the number of photons. The expectation values of the ground state observables are given in analytic form, and the change of the ground state structure of the system when the separatrix is crossed is also studied.Comment: 38 pages, 16 figure

    Energy landscape of a simple model for strong liquids

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    We calculate the statistical properties of the energy landscape of a minimal model for strong network-forming liquids. Dynamics and thermodynamic properties of this model can be computed with arbitrary precision even at low temperatures. A degenerate disordered ground state and logarithmic statistics for the energy distribution are the landscape signatures of strong liquid behavior. Differences from fragile liquid properties are attributed to the presence of a discrete energy scale, provided by the particle bonds, and to the intrinsic degeneracy of topologically disordered networks.Comment: Revised versio

    Non-Gaussian energy landscape of a simple model for strong network-forming liquids: accurate evaluation of the configurational entropy

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    We present a numerical study of the statistical properties of the potential energy landscape of a simple model for strong network-forming liquids. The model is a system of spherical particles interacting through a square well potential, with an additional constraint that limits the maximum number of bonds, NmaxN_{\rm max}, per particle. Extensive simulations have been carried out as a function of temperature, packing fraction, and NmaxN_{\rm max}. The dynamics of this model are characterized by Arrhenius temperature dependence of the transport coefficients and by nearly exponential relaxation of dynamic correlators, i.e. features defining strong glass-forming liquids. This model has two important features: (i) landscape basins can be associated with bonding patterns; (ii) the configurational volume of the basin can be evaluated in a formally exact way, and numerically with arbitrary precision. These features allow us to evaluate the number of different topologies the bonding pattern can adopt. We find that the number of fully bonded configurations, i.e. configurations in which all particles are bonded to NmaxN_{\rm max} neighbors, is extensive, suggesting that the configurational entropy of the low temperature fluid is finite. We also evaluate the energy dependence of the configurational entropy close to the fully bonded state, and show that it follows a logarithmic functional form, differently from the quadratic dependence characterizing fragile liquids. We suggest that the presence of a discrete energy scale, provided by the particle bonds, and the intrinsic degeneracy of fully bonded disordered networks differentiates strong from fragile behavior.Comment: Final version. Journal of Chemical Physics 124, 204509 (2006

    Characterization of Carbon-Contaminated B4C-Coated Optics after Chemically Selective Cleaning with Low-Pressure RF Plasma

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    Boron carbide (B4C) is one of the few materials that is expected to be mostly resilient with respect to the extremely high brilliance of the photon beam generated by free electron lasers (FELs) and is thus of considerable interest for optical applications in this field. However, as in the case of many other optics operated at modern light source facilities, B4C-coated optics are subject to ubiquitous carbon contaminations. These contaminations represent a serious issue for the operation of high performance FEL beamlines due to severe reduction of photon flux, beam coherence, creation of destructive interference, and scattering losses. A variety of B4C cleaning technologies were developed at different laboratories with varying success. We present a study regarding the low-pressure RF plasma cleaning of carbon contaminated B4C test samples via inductively coupled O2/Ar, H2/Ar, and pure O2 RF plasma produced following previous studies using the same IBSS GV10x downstream plasma source. Results regarding the chemistry, morphology as well as other aspects of the B4C optical coating before and after the plasma cleaning are reported. We conclude from these comparative plasma processes that pure O2 feedstock plasma only exhibits the required chemical selectivity for maintaining the integrity of the B4C optical coating.Comment: 27 pages, 15 figure

    Quantitative determination of five hydroxy acids, precursors of relevant wine aroma compounds in wine and other alcoholic beverages

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    A method for the quantitative determination of 2-hydroxy-2-methylbutanoic (2OH2MB), 2-hydroxy-3-methylbutanoic (2OH3MB), 3-hydroxy-3-methylbutanoic (3OH3MB), 2-hydroxy-4-methylpentanoic (2OH4MP) and 3-hydroxybutanoic (3OHB) acids has been optimized, validated and applied to a set of wines and other alcoholic beverages. The analytes were preconcentrated in a solid phase extraction cartridge and derivatized with 2, 3, 4, 5, 6-pentafluorobenzyl bromide at room temperature for 30 min, followed by GC-MS analysis. Detection limits were between 0.5 and 29 µg L-1, and linearity was maintained up to 3 or 12 mg L-1, depending on the analyte. Recovery values were between 85 and 106 %, and reproducibility was better than 12 % RSD in most cases. The first specific study of these analytes in wine and other alcoholic beverages is herein reported. Concentrations ranged from the method detection limits to 7820, 519, 8510, 3470 and 2500 µg L-1 for 2OH2MB, 2OH3MB, 3OH3MB, 2OH4MP and 3OHB, respectively, which may have relevant sensory effects. These products were not found in distillates (except 3OHB) but were all present in beer. 2OH2MB, 3OH3MB and 3OHB were found in unfermented grape derivatives. Sherry wines had the highest levels of all except for 3OHB

    Determination of 2-, 3-, 4-methylpentanoic and cyclohexanecarboxylic acids in wine: development of a selective method based on solid phase extraction and gas chromatography-negative chemical ionization mass spectrometry and its application to different wines and alcoholic beverages

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    A method to analyse 2-methylpentanoic, 3-methylpentanoic and 4-methylpentanoic acids as well as cyclohexanecarboxylic acid has been developed and applied to wine and other alcoholic beverages. Selective isolation with solid phase extraction, derivatization with 2,3,4,5,6-pentafluorobenzyl bromide at room temperature for 30 minutes, and further analysis by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry in negative chemical ionization mode provides detection limits between 0.4 and 2.4 ng/L. Good linearity up to 3.6 µg/L, satisfactory reproducibility (RSD < 10%) and signal recovery of around 100% represent a robust method of analysis. Concentration data of these analytes in wine and other alcoholic beverages are reported for the first time. The levels found ranged from the method detection limits to 2630 ng/L, 2040 ng/L and 3810 ng/L for 2-, 3- and 4- methylpentanoic acids, respectively, and to 1780 ng/L for cyclohexanecarboxylic acid. There are significant differences depending on the type of wine or beverage. Distilled beverages, beer and aged wines have higher contents in methylpentanoic and cyclohexanecarboxylic acids

    The XDSPRES CL-based package for reducing OSIRIS cross-dispersed spectra

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    We present a description of the CL-based package XDSPRES, which aims at being a complete reducing facility for cross-dispersed spectra taken with the Ohio State Infrared Imager/Spectrometer, as installed at the SOAR telescope. This instrument provides spectra in the range between 1.2um and 2.35um in a single exposure, with resolving power of R ~ 1200. XDSPRES consists of two tasks, namely xdflat and doosiris. The former is a completely automated code for preparing normalized flat field images from raw flat field exposures. Doosiris was designed to be a complete reduction pipeline, requiring a minimum of user interaction. General steps towards a fully reduced spectrum are explained, as well as the approach adopted by our code. The software is available to the community through the web site http://www.if.ufrgs.br/~ruschel/software.Comment: 14 pages, 10 figure