233 research outputs found

    Evaluación de la herramienta DPLFw: Ingeniería del Dominio

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    [EN] Usability evaluation of DPLfw tool, through the implementation of an experiment.[ES] Esta investigación afronta aspectos relacionados con la evaluación de la usabilidad de la herramienta DPLfw, la cual fue creada por el Grupo de Ingeniería del Software y Sistemas de Información (ISSI) para dar soporte a la metodología de Líneas de Producto de Documento (Document Product Lines). DPLfw soporta la generación de familias de documentos con variabilidad y reutilización de contenido, para esto se divide en dos procesos: Ingeniería del Dominio e Ingeniería de la Aplicación. Este documento abarca todo lo relacionado con la Ingeniería del Dominio y algunos conceptos generales sobre la Ingeniería de la Aplicación. La Ingeniería del Dominio es donde se identifica la variabilidad y se construye la estructura de lo que será la familia de documentos. Para la creación de la familia de documentos se deben definir componentes de contenido reutilizables (InfoElementos), los cuales son almacenados en un Repositorio para luego ser enlazados con las diferentes características de contenido (CDFs) definidas en la familia. En la actualidad no existe ninguna herramienta que incorpore todas las características que posee DPLfw como son: la reutilización, variabilidad, recuperación dinámica y simplicidad tecnológica, es por esto y por ser una herramienta en desarrollo que se ha diseñado y realizado un experimento para cuantificar el grado de usabilidad de la misma. Para la realización de este trabajo se han utilizado diferentes métodos tales como cuestionarios, pensamiento en voz alta y medidas de las prestaciones. En el mismo se describen las diferentes pruebas realizadas con la herramienta DPLfw, así como también el análisis de los resultados y valoraciones proporcionadas por los participantes, los cuales desmostraron gran interés en los conceptos desarrollados. Con la evaluación se ha demostrado que DPL y su herramienta asociada DPLfw están en pleno crecimiento y que se deben realizar ciertas modificaciones para elevar el grado de usabilidad de la mismaPiña Morel, KA. (2015). Evaluación de la herramienta DPLFw: Ingeniería del Dominio. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/61698Archivo delegad

    Degradation and forgone removals increase the carbon impact of intact forest loss by 626%

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    Intact tropical forests, free from substantial anthropogenic influence, store and sequester large amounts of atmospheric carbon but are currently neglected in international climate policy. We show that between 2000 and 2013, direct clearance of intact tropical forest areas accounted for 3.2% of gross carbon emissions from all deforestation across the pantropics. However, full carbon accounting requires the consideration of forgone carbon sequestration, selective logging, edge effects, and defaunation. When these factors were considered, the net carbon impact resulting from intact tropical forest loss between 2000 and 2013 increased by a factor of 6 (626%), from 0.34 (0.37 to 0.21) to 2.12 (2.85 to 1.00) petagrams of carbon (equivalent to approximately 2 years of global land use change emissions). The climate mitigation value of conserving the 549 million ha of tropical forest that remains intact is therefore significant but will soon dwindle if their rate of loss continues to accelerate

    Gestión administrativa y satisfacción laboral de los trabajadores de la empresa E y D Soluciones SRL- 2022

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    El estudio tuvo como objetivo Determinar la relación entre la gestión administrativa y la satisfacción laboral en la empresa E y D Soluciones SRL, 2022, el tipo de estudio fue aplicado, con un diseño no experimental, enfoque cuantitativo y nivel correlacional. La población estuvo conformada por 130 trabajadores y la muestra estuvo conformada por 58. Para el procedimiento de recolección, se usó el análisis exploratorio, evaluando las variables gestión administrativa y satisfacción laboral, a la vez, se utilizó el instrumento-cuestionario, que constó de 19 interrogantes para la primera variable y 15 interrogantes para la segunda, de acuerdo a la escala de Likert. Para el procesamiento de datos se usó el programa SPSS Vers-26, con datos organizados en cuadros simples de doble entrada, frecuencia relativa y absoluta. Se concluye que existe un grado de correlación positiva considerable, entre las variables gestión administrativa y satisfacción laboral, alcanzando una correlación bilateral de 0.737, afirmando que existe una relación directamente proporcional entre ambas, a la vez, obtuvo un Sig. Bilateral de 0.00 menor a 0.05, rechazando la hipótesis nula y aceptando la altern

    Unexpected role for the human Cx37 C1019T polymorphism in tumour cell proliferation

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    Connexins are a large family of proteins that form gap junction channels allowing exchange of ions and small metabolites between neighboring cells. They have been implicated in pathological processes such as tumourigenesis in which they may act as tumour suppressors. A polymorphism in the human connexin37 (Cx37) gene (C1019T), resulting in a non-conservative amino acid change in the regulatory C-terminus (CT) of the Cx37 protein (P319S) has been suggested to be implicated in predisposition to angiosarcomas. In this study, we have used communication-deficient HeLa and SK-HEP-1 cells transfected with Cx37-319S, Cx37-319P or empty vector. We showed that the expression of Cx37-319P limited proliferation of HeLa and SK-HEP-1 cells, whereas Cx37-319S expression was without effect. Using an in vitro kinase assay, we demonstrated phosphorylation of Cx37 CT by glycogen synthase kinase-3 (GSK-3), a kinase known to be implicated in cell proliferation and cancer. GSK-3-induced phosphorylation was associated with reduced gap junctional intercellular communication (GJIC) as measured by microinjection of the tracer neurobiotin. Inhibition of GSK-3 by LiCl or SB415286 reduced phosphorylation of Cx37-319P and increased GJIC. This latter effect on GJIC involved the beta and not the alpha isoform of GSK-3. In contrast, GSK-3 inhibitors were without effect on HeLa cells expressing Cx37-319S. In conclusion, our data indicate functional effects of the Cx37 C1019T polymorphism on GJIC that might contribute to tumour cell growt

    Climate change alters impacts of extreme climate events on a tropical perennial tree crop

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    Anthropogenic climate change causes more frequent and intense fluctuations in the El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO). Understanding the effects of ENSO on agricultural systems is crucial for predicting and ameliorating impacts on lives and livelihoods, particularly in perennial tree crops, which may show both instantaneous and delayed responses. Using cocoa production in Ghana as a model system, we analyse the impact of ENSO on annual production and climate over the last 70 years. We report that in recent decades, El Niño years experience reductions in cocoa production followed by several years of increased production, and that this pattern has significantly shifted compared with prior to the 1980s. ENSO phase appears to affect the climate in Ghana, and over the same time period, we see corresponding significant shifts in the climatic conditions resulting from ENSO extremes, with increasing temperature and water stress. We attribute these changes to anthropogenic climate change, and our results illustrate the big data analyses necessary to improve understanding of perennial crop responses to climate change in general, and climate extremes in particular

    Accumulation of Mg to Diffusive Gradients in Thin Films (DGT) devices: Kinetic and thermodynamic effects of the ionic strength

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    Availability of magnesium is a matter of concern due to its role in many environmental and biological processes. Diffusive Gradients in Thin Films (DGT) devices can measure Mg availability in situ. This work shows that Mg accumulation in water largely increases when ionic strength (I) decreases. This phenomenon can be explained from (i) the increase of both the association equilibrium (K) and rate (ka,R) constants for the reaction between Mg cations and resin sites, and (ii) the growing contribution of the partitioning of Mg cations at the resin–gel interface, as I decreases. Two theoretical models that take into account electrical interactions among Mg cations, background electrolyte, and resin sites can successfully be used to determine ka,R and K at each I. Both models yield similar ka,R values, which fulfill an expression for the kinetic salt effect. For freshwater (with a typical salinity of 10 mM and circumneutral pH), the binding of Mg is so fast and strong that the simplest perfect-sink DGT expression can be helpful to predict (overestimation lower than 5%) the accumulation in solutions with Mg concentrations up to 1 mM whenever the deployment time is below 9 h. Perfect sink conditions can still be applied for longer times, in systems with either a lower I or a lower Mg concentration.Financial support from FEDER and the Spanish Ministry of Education and Science (Projects CTM2012-39183 and CTM2013-48967) is gratefully acknowledged
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