1,088 research outputs found

    Novas questões do Direito da Saúde

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    A presente obra nasce da vontade de divulgar os resultados de investigação dos participantes/oradores que, generosamente, contribuíram para o sucesso da I Conferência Internacional de Direito e Bioética, organizada pelo JusGov – Centro de Investigação em Justiça e Governação (através dos Grupos de Investigação E-TEC e DH) e pela Escola de Direito da Universidade do Minho, sob o tema Novas Questões do Direito da Saúde, no dia 23 de novembro de 2018. De facto, cedo nos apercebemos que seria importante proporcionar à academia e à sociedade a oportunidade de conhecer, de modo mais aprofundado, o pensamento destes autores, a quem publicamente agradecemos a generosidade de, ampliando e aprofundando os temas tratados na I Conferência Internacional de Direito e Bioética, se terem disposto a contribuir para a presente obra. Assim, realiza-se também o compromisso institucional que a Escola de Direito e o JusGov assumiram e assumem diariamente, de partilha do conhecimento e da ciência jurídica com a comunidade em geral e com a comunidade jurídica em particular. Por isso, e de forma a garantir o acesso de todos aqueles que tenham interesse na consulta destas páginas, este e-book estará disponível no site do JusGov.Este trabalho foi Financiado por Fundos Nacionais através da Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia no âmbito do Projeto UID/DIR/04036/201

    New Circumspection of the Genus \u3ci\u3eGamochaeta\u3c/i\u3e (Asteraceae, Gnaphalieae) Inferred From Nuclear and Plastid DNA Sequences

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    Gamochaeta (tribe Gnaphalieae, Asteraceae) is composed of ca. 60 species primarily distributed in tropical and subtropical America. Within the tribe Gnaphalieae, the genus is characterized by capitula arranged in spikes or head-like clusters, few hermaphroditic central florets, truncate style branches with apical sweeping trichomes, pappus bristles connate at the base into a ring falling as a unit, and achenes with globose twin trichomes. Previous molecular phylogenetic studies have suggested the paraphyly of the genus, but have not provided a basis for redefining generic limits due to incomplete taxon sampling. To address this problem, DNA sequences from the plastid (trnL-F) and nuclear (ETS and ITS) genomes were analyzed from a broad taxon sample representing the full range of morphological variation known in the genus. Our results affirm that Gamochaeta is paraphyletic as presently circumscribed. Two clades can be recognized: one clade that includes the majority of the species currently assigned to Gamochaeta and a second clade that includes Gamochaetopsis, Stuckertiella and seven species of Gamochaeta. We present here a new circumscription of Gamochaeta, including two new combinations, Gamochaeta alpina and Gamochaeta peregrina, and the resurrection of Gamochaeta capitata. Our results also show Omalotheca supina, O. norvegica and O. sylvatica, which were placed by some authors in Gamochaeta or in Gnaphalium, form a monophyletic group distantly related to both genera

    A 250 year drought catalogue for the island of Ireland (1765-2015)

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    This work created a 250 year historic drought catalogue by applying the Standardised Precipitation Index (SPI) to the Island of Ireland Precipitation (IIP) network (1850-2015) and a reconstructed precipitation series from 1765. Documentary sources from newspaper archives spanning the last 250 years, together with other historical sources are used to (i) add confidence to the quantitative detection of drought episodes and (ii) gain insight to the socio-economic impacts of historic droughts. The results show that Ireland is drought prone but recent decades are unrepresentative of the longer-term drought climatology. A large decline in 30-year accumulated SPI-12 values is evident from around the 1990s onwards. During the years 1850-2015 seven major drought rich periods were identified with an island-wide fingerprint in 1854-1860, 1884-1896, 1904-1912, 1921-1923, 1932-1935, 1952-1954 and 1969-1977. These events exhibit substantial diversity in terms of drought development, severity and spatial occurrence. Two exceptionally long events are found in the record: the continuous drought of 1854-1860 and the drought of 1800-1809 (in fact a series of three droughts with brief interludes). Over the last 250 years droughts have resulted in agricultural hardship, water resource crises and failures and preceded some of the major famines of the 18th and 19th centuries. This work shows that newspaper archives can be used to trace the progression of drought events and impacts and we thus advocate their wider use in corroborating quantitative assessments. The resulting catalogue challenges prevailing perceptions about drought in Ireland whilst strengthening the evidence base for future drought and water resource planning across the island

    New circumscription of the genus <i>Gamochaeta</i> (Asteraceae, Gnaphalieae) inferred from nuclear and plastid DNA sequences

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    Gamochaeta (tribe Gnaphalieae, Asteraceae) is composed of ca. 60 species primarily distributed in tropical and subtropical America. Within the tribe Gnaphalieae, the genus is characterized by capitula arranged in spikes or head-like clusters, few hermaphroditic central florets, truncate style branches with apical sweeping trichomes, pappus bristles connate at the base into a ring falling as a unit, and achenes with globose twin trichomes. Previous molecular phylogenetic studies have suggested the paraphyly of the genus, but have not provided a basis for redefining generic limits due to incomplete taxon sampling. To address this problem, DNA sequences from the plastid (trnL-F) and nuclear (ETS and ITS) genomes were analyzed from a broad taxon sample representing the full range of morphological variation known in the genus. Our results affirm that Gamochaeta is paraphyletic as presently circumscribed. Two clades can be recognized: one clade that includes the majority of the species currently assigned to Gamochaeta and a second clade that includes Gamochaetopsis, Stuckertiella and seven species of Gamochaeta. We present here a new circumscription of Gamochaeta, including two new combinations, Gamochaeta alpina and Gamochaeta peregrina, and the resurrection of Gamochaeta capitata. Our results also show Omalotheca supina, O. norvegica and O. sylvatica, which were placed by some authors in Gamochaeta or in Gnaphalium, form a monophyletic group distantly related to both genera.Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias y Forestale

    Temas de investigação em direitos humanos para o século XXI

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    Edição comemorativa do 10.º aniversário do Mestrado em Direitos Humanos da Universidade do Minho.Este livro é uma celebração do ensino e da investigação em direitos humanos que têm vindo a ser desenvolvidos, na Escola de Direito da Universidade do Minho, há já mais de uma década. A sua publicação num momento em que se avolumam os riscos para valores fundamentais subjacentes à proteção dos direitos humanos – como a igualdade e a não discriminação, a proibição da escravatura e de tratamentos cruéis, desumanos e degradantes, a liberdade de religião ou crença, entre muitos outros –, torna-o especialmente oportuno. Os sinais de aparente retrocesso no consenso das nossas sociedades a respeito desses valores – visíveis no triunfo político de discursos abertamente racistas, xenófobos, sexistas, etc. – recordam-nos que, também no mundo ocidental, os direitos humanos são um work in progress, não um dado adquirido. Os novos riscos para a dignidade da pessoa humana associados aos avanços tecnológicos andam de par com velhas formas de subalternização e de opressão. O campo para a reflexão crítica é muito vasto. Os temas que hoje (pre)ocupam académicos, decisores políticos e ativistas de direitos humanos são também aqueles que estruturam o plano de estudos do Mestrado em Direitos Humanos da Universidade do Minho. Todos estes temas surgem ao longo do presente livro, que reúne contributos de muitos dos membros da comunidade científica e académica que o Mestrado em Direitos Humanos mobilizou e ajudou a dinamizar ao longo da última década, entre docentes do Mestrado, colaboradores em júris de provas públicas e/ou na orientação de mestrandos, oradores convidados e estudantes. Os textos aqui reunidos refletem bem as sinergias interdisciplinares, interinstitucionais e inter-nacionais que o Mestrado em Direitos Humanos foi capaz de criar, não apenas pela variedade de campos disciplinares representados – Direito, Filosofia, Relações Internacionais, Antropologia –, mas também pela participação de autores que são docentes e/ou investigadores em diversas instituições nacionais e estrangeiras, como a Faculdade de Direito da Universidade do Porto, a Faculdade de Economia da Universidade de Coimbra, a Universidade Federal da Paraíba e a Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Bone mineral density and cytokine levels during interferon therapy in children with chronic hepatitis B: does interferon therapy prevent from osteoporosis?

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    BACKGROUND: Our aim was to determinate bone mineral density (BMD), levels of biochemical markers and cytokines in children with chronic hepatitis B treated with interferon (IFN)-alpha and to investigate effect of IFN-alpha therapy on these variables. To the best of our knowledge, this is first study carried out about BMD and cytokine levels in pediatric patients with chronic hepatitis B treated with IFN-alpha. METHODS: BMD, levels of parathyroid hormone (PTH), osteocalcin, C-terminal cross-linking telopeptide of type I collagen (CTX), calcium, alkaline phosphates (ALP), cytokines as TNF-alpha, interleukin (IL)-1(β), IL-2r, IL-6, and IL-8 were studied in 54 children with chronic hepatitis B (4–15 years old) treated with interferon alone (n = 19) or in combination with lamivudine (n = 35) for six months and as controls in 50 age-matched healthy children. RESULTS: There was no significant difference in respect to serum IL-1(β), TNF-α and osteocalcin levels while serum IL-2r (p = 0.002), IL-6 (p = 0.001), IL-8 (p = 0.013), PTH (p = 0.029), and CTX (p = 0.021) levels were higher in children with chronic hepatitis B than in healthy controls. BMD of femur neck (p = 0.012) and trochanter (p = 0.046) in patients were higher than in healthy controls. There was a statistically significant correlation between serum IL-1(β )and osteocalcin (r = -0.355, p < 0.01); between serum IL-8 and CTX levels (r = 0.372, p = 0.01), and ALP (r = 0.361, p = 0.01); between serum ALP and femur neck BMD (r = 0.303, p = 0.05), and trochanter BMD (r = 0.365, p = 0.01); between spine BMD and IL-2R (r = -0.330, p < 0.05). CONCLUSION: In conclusion, our study suggest that BMD of femur, serum IL-2r, IL-6, IL-8, PTH, and CTX levels were higher in children with chronic hepatitis B treated with IFN-alpha alone or combination with lamivudine than in healthy children. High femur BMD measurements found in patients may suggest that IFN-alpha therapy in children with chronic hepatitis B could contribute indirectly to prevent from hip osteoporosis. Additionally, further investigations on effects of IFN-alpha for bone structure in children should be performed in the future