60 research outputs found

    Bambusoideae (Poaceae) no Parque Estadual de Ibitipoca, Minas Gerais, Brasil

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    The Parque Estadual de Ibitipoca (PEIB) is situated in the southeastern state of Minas Gerais, in the municipalities of Lima Duarte and Santa Rita do Ibitipoca. Rough topography and different types of soils allow a heterogeneous plant cover mostly made up of a mosaic of communities in the PEIB. The campos rupestres are the predominant vegetation. The present study is a floristic survey of the subfamily Bambusoideae in the PEIB. A total of 11 species belonging to four genera (Aulonemia, Chusquea, Merostachys and Parodiolyra) was found. Additionally, the occurrence of Aulonemia fimbriatifolia in the PEIB is also reported for the first time in Minas Gerais.O Parque Estadual de Ibitipoca (PEIB) situa-se no sudeste de Minas Gerais, nos municípios de Lima Duarte e Santa Rita do Ibitipoca. A topografia acidentada e variados tipos de solos permitem que a cobertura vegetal do Parque apresente-se de forma heterogênea, sendo os campos rupestres a cobertura predominante. O presente estudo teve por finalidade inventariar a subfamília Bambusoideae no PEIB. Foram registradas 11 espécies distribuídas em quatro gêneros (Aulonemia, Chusquea, Merostachys e Parodiolyra). Registra-se, pela primeira vez, a ocorrência de Aulonemia fimbriatifolia em Minas Gerais

    Aristidoideae, Chloridoideae, Danthonioideae e Pooideae (Poaceae) no Parque Estadual de Ibitipoca, Minas Gerais, Brasil

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    The Parque Estadual de Ibitipoca (PEIB) is situated in the southeastern of the state of Minas Gerais, in the municipalities of Lima Duarte and Santa Rita do Ibitipoca. Rough topography and different types of soils allow a heterogeneous plant cover mostly made up of a mosaic of communities in the PEIB. The campos rupestres are the predominant vegetation. The present study is a floristic survey of the subfamilies Aristidoideae, Chloridoideae, Danthonioideae and Pooideae in the PEIB. A total of 19 spicies belonging to 13 genera was found. Additionally, the occurrence of Eragrostis neesii var. lindmanii in the PEIB is also reported for the first time in Minas Gerais.O Parque Estadual de Ibitipoca (PEIB) situa-se no sudeste de Minas Gerais, entre os municípios de Lima Duarte e Santa Rita do Ibitipoca. Características como topografia acidentada e variados tipos de solos permitem que a cobertura vegetal do Parque apresente-se de forma heterogênea, constituindo um mosaico de comunidades de diferentes fisionomias, com predomínio dos campos rupestres. O presente estudo teve por finalidade inventariar as espécies de Aristidoideae, Chloridoideae, Danthonioideae e Pooideae no PEIB. Foram registradas 19 espécies distribuídas em 13 gêneros. Registra-se, pela primeira vez, a ocorrência de Eragrostis neesii var. lindmanii em Minas Gerais

    Panicoideae (Poaceae) no Parque Estadual de Ibitipoca, Minas Gerais - Brasil

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    O Parque Estadual do Ibitipoca localiza-se no sudeste de Minas Gerais (21º40'-21º44'S e 43º52'-43º55'W) e abrange 1.488 hectares da Serra do Ibitipoca. A altimetria média nos domínios do Parque é de 1.500 metros, sendo o pico mais alto da Serra, a Lombada, com 1.784 metros. A vegetação predominante na área é o campo rupestre com enclaves de florestas. O clima é mesotérmico úmido com invernos secos e verões amenos. Panicoideae está representada na área por 43 espécies e 17 gêneros. Dentre eles destacam-se Axonopus (7 spp.) e Paspalum (7 spp.), Panicum s.l. (6 spp.) e Andropogon (5 spp.). A maioria das espécies encontradas no Parque distribui-se amplamente pela América do Sul e algumas são pantropicais, mas sempre associadas a cerrados, campos rupestres e algumas a ambientes florestais. Destaca-se ainda a ocorrência de Melinis minutiflora (capim-gordura), invasora, encontrada nos locais onde a visitação é intensa. São apresentadas descrições, chaves de identificação e ilustrações para auxiliar na identificação dos táxons.The Parque Estadual do Ibitipoca is situated in the south-east of Minas Gerais (21º40'-21º44'S and 43º52'-4º55'W) and covers about 1.488 hectares of Serra do Ibitipoca. The average altitude of the Park is 1.500 meters, the highest peak is the Lombada, with 1.784 meters. The predominant vegetation in the area is campo rupestre, but there also enclaves of forest. The climate is mesotermic humid with dry winters and mild summers. The Panicoideae are represented by 43 species and 17 genera. Amongst them, the largest genera are Axonopus (7 spp.) and Paspalum (7 spp.), Panicum s.l. (6 spp.) and Andropogon (5 spp.). Most species found at the Park are widely distributed through South America and some of them are pantropical, but always associated with open habitats. Melinis minutiflora (capim-gordura), a weed, founded where visitation is intense. Descriptions, identification keys and illustrations to helpful in the identification of taxa are presented

    A new species of Parianella (Poaceae, Bambusoideae, Olyreae) marks the southernmost distribution of the genus in Brazil

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    Background and aims – Parianella is a relatively recently described genus of the subtribe Parianinae (Poaceae, Bambusoideae, Olyreae) that includes two species, and it is supposedly endemic to the Bahian Coastal Forests in the central region of Atlantic Forest, Brazil. Herein, we describe and illustrate a new species of the genus, comparing it with the other species of Parianella. We also provide an updated distribution map of the genus and the conservation status of the new taxon. Material and methods – This study was based on the analysis of herbarium specimens and a literature review. The conservation assessment is based on field observations and spatial analyses, following IUCN guidelines and criteria. Key results – During a review of the Poaceae collection of the MBML Herbarium, two Parianinae specimens with interesting features were found. A detailed morphological analysis revealed that these specimens belong to a new species of Parianella. The new taxon was collected in two localities in the southern portion of the Brazilian state of Espírito Santo, one in the municipality of Santa Leopoldina and the other in the Duas Bocas Biological Reserve, municipality of Cariacica. Both localities are situated in the Krenák-Waitaká Forests, one of the three subregions of the central Atlantic Forest region, and an area of great floristic diversity, including bamboo species. Conclusion – Parianella capixaba represents the southernmost distribution of the genus known to date. With the description of this new species, the total number of bamboos in Espírito Santo state rises to 52 species in 18 genera

    Clinical and echocardiographic predictors of left ventricular remodeling following anterior acute myocardial infarction

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    OBJECTIVES: Coronary artery disease is the primary cause of death and is responsible for a high number of hospitalizations worldwide. Ventricular remodeling is associated with worse prognosis following ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI) and is a risk factor for ventricular dysfunction and heart failure. This study aimed to identify the predictors of ventricular remodeling following STEMI. Additionally, we evaluated the clinical, laboratory, and echocardiographic characteristics of patients with anterior wall STEMI who underwent primary percutaneous intervention in the acute phase and at 6 months after the infarction. METHODS: This prospective, observational, and longitudinal study included 50 patients with anterior wall STEMI who were admitted to the coronary care unit (CCU) of a tertiary hospital in Brazil between July 2017 and August 2018. During the CCU stay, patients were evaluated daily and underwent echocardiogram within the first three days following STEMI. After six months, the patients underwent clinical evaluation and echocardiogram according to the local protocol. RESULTS: Differences were noted between those who developed ventricular remodeling and those who did not in the mean±standard deviation levels of creatine phosphokinase MB isoenzyme (CKMB) peak (no remodeling group: 323.7±228.2 U/L; remodeling group: 522.4±201.6 U/L; p=0.008) and the median and interquartile range of E/E’ ratio (no remodeling group: 9.20 [8.50–11.25] and remodeling group: 12.60 [10.74–14.40]; p=0.004). This difference was also observed in multivariate logistic regression. CONCLUSIONS: Diastolic dysfunction and CKMB peak in the acute phase of STEMI can be predictors of ventricular remodeling following STEMI

    Descrição ético-jurídica do fim de vida / Ethical-legal descripton of the end of life

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    A busca por dignidade no processo de morte tem sido discutida na comunidade acadêmica envolvendo aspectos multidisciplinares como a bioética, a medicina, o direito e a espiritualidade, uma vez que, o desenvolvimento médico-tecnológico vem proporcionando o prolongamento indiscriminado da vida

    Phytochemical Screening and Evaluation of the Antimicrobial Activity of the Ethanolic Extract of the Leaves of Morus alba L.

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    The search for knowledge of biological activities and phytochemical screening of the species Morus alba L. is non- existent, however the present study came to explore this plant. To perform the phytochemical screening and the evaluation of the antimicrobial activity of the leaves of the species Morus alba L. Experimental analysis, with the collection of leaves of the species to obtain hydroalcoholic extract at 70% and from this extract the main secondary metabolites were identified. And after contributing to the systematic knowledge of the secondary metabolites of Morus alba L., antimicrobial activity was tested from the concentrated extracts of the leaves of the species. Among the extracts tested, the one that presented the most inhibitory activity in S. aureus was the concentrate, then the aqueous and finally the alcoholic. In E. coli strains the extracts showed no effects. Phytochemical tests were performed using the concentrated extract using the methods of reference [1], where it presented the presence of reducing sugars, phenols and tannins, alkaloids and depsides and depsidones. The research emphasized the microbiological action of the species Morus alba L., as it is a poorly studied plant and may help in the future in the development of new drugs. Phytochemical studies were necessary to confirm this microbiological action, as they were essential for the identification of natural and efficient antibacterial agents

    Pineapple intercropped systems as an income alternative during the formation of irrigated coffee crop

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi determinar o sistema de plantio de abacaxizeiro intercalado com cafeeiro que proporciona o maior retorno econômico, sem comprometer o desenvolvimento vegetativo e a produtividade de cafezal irrigado. Utilizou-se o delineamento em blocos ao acaso, com quatro repetições e dez plantas úteis por parcela. Os sistemas irrigados de cultivo consistiram em: duas e três fileiras simples de abacaxizeiro, nas entrelinhas do cafeeiro, ou quatro linhas em fileiras duplas. O desenvolvimento vegetativo do cafeeiro foi avaliado aos 6, 12 e 18 meses após o plantio, e a produtividade aos 28 meses. O cultivo de duas fileiras simples favoreceu o desenvolvimento do cafeeiro, e os demais sistemas não tiveram efeito sobre esse parâmetro. A produtividade do cafeeiro foi maior nos sistemas de cultivo com duas e três fileiras de abacaxi. Os três sistemas de cultivo apresentaram retornos econômicos positivos. O sistema intercalar com três fileiras simples proporciona o melhor retorno, sem comprometer o desenvolvimento vegetativo e a produtividade do cafeeiro.The objective of this work was to determine the planting system of pineapple intercropped with coffee plants that provides the highest economic return, without harming the vegetative development and yield of the irrigated coffee crop. A randomized complete block design was used, with four replicates and ten useful plants per plot. The irrigated cropping systems consisted of two and three single rows of pineapple between coffee rows, or of two double rows of pineapples. Vegetative development of the coffee plants was evaluated at 6, 12, and 18 months after planting, and the coffee yield at 28 months. Cultivation of two single rows of pineapple improved coffee development, and the other planting systems did not harm coffee development. Coffee yield was greater in the cropping systems with two and three intercropped rows of pineapples. The three planting systems had positive economic return. The system with three single rows provide the best economic return, without compromising the vegetative growth and yield of coffee plants
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