49 research outputs found

    Comensalidade em bares como opção de lazer entre jovens da Zona Norte de Natal/RN

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    O convite aos bares como entretenimento e sociabilidade atua como alternativa de lazer, pois expressa diretamente a hospitalidade do lugar visitado. Com o objetivo de identificar a motivação, a escolha de companhias para a sociabilidade e como os bares atuam como opção de lazer para jovens, realizou-se um estudo qualitativo envolvendo 33 indivíduos de ambos os sexos, quando usufruíam dos serviços dos bares na Zona Norte de Natal, Nordeste do Brasil. As categorias analisadas apontam a escolha dos espaços do segmento ‘Alimentos & Bebidas’ para a prática do lazer, as motivações para frequência e a experiência da comensalidade no bar. Em conclusão, embora o bar represente uma opção para a prática do lazer para a maioria dos jovens, a falta de opções conduziu a sociabilidade para a mesa do bar, reiterando a identidade e o pertencimento do jovem comensal no contexto social mais vulnerável da cidade

    Production, Characterization and Application of a Thermostable Tannase from Pestalotiopsis guepinii URM 7114

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    Tanaza (EC je enzim koji hidrolizira esterske veze i razgrađuje taničnu kiselinu na galnu kiselinu i glukozu. Koristi se u proizvodnji hrane i pića za uklanjanje nepoželjenog učinka tanina. Svrha je ovoga rada bila ispitati mogućnost uporabe endofitskih gljivica izoliranih iz lista crne šljive (Syzygium cumini (l.) Skeels), koje pripadaju vrsti Pestalotiopsis guepinii, u proizvodnji tanaze. Tanaza je dobivena submerznim uzgojem, uzgojem u polučvrstoj, te na čvrstoj podlozi. Najviše je tanaze (98,6 U/mL) proizvedeno submerznim uzgojem. Metodom je odzivnih površina ispitan učinak pH-vrijednosti i temperature, a najbolji su uvjeti za aktivnost tanaze bili: pH-vrijednost od 6,9 i temperatura od 30 °C. Vrijednosti su kinetičkih parametara bile sljedeće: Km=7,18·10-4 mol/L i vmax=250,00 U/mL. Aktivnost je tanaze bila najveća u prisutnosti iona Ca2+ koncentracije od 5·10-3 mol/L. Osim toga, ispitan je učinak kelatora i deterdženata, te je utvrđeno da nisu inhibirali aktivnost enzima. Stabilnost je enzima ispitana simulacijom gastrointestinalne probave monogastričnih životinja. Sirovi je enzim bio vrlo stabilan u simuliranim uvjetima, te je nakon šest sati zadržao 87,3 % početne aktivnosti. Ovo istraživanje pridonosi identifikaciji mikrobioloških organizama koji proizvode tanazu, a što bi se moglo primijeniti u biotehnologiji.Tannase (EC is an enzyme that hydrolyzes the ester and depside bonds of tannic acid to gallic acid and glucose. In the production of foods and beverages, it contributes to the removal of the undesirable effects of tannins. The aim of this study is to investigate the potential of endophytic fungi isolated from jamun (Syzygium cumini (L.) Skeels) leaves, and identified as Pestalotiopsis guepinii, in the production of tannase. Tannase was produced extracellularly by P. guepinii under submerged, slurry-state and solid-state fermentations. The submerged fermentation was found to be the most promising (98.6 U/mL). Response surface methodology was employed to evaluate the effect of variables (pH and temperature), and the results showed that the best conditions for tannase activity were pH=6.9 and 30 °C. Km was found to be 7.18·10–4 mol/L and vmax=250.00 U/mL. The tannase activity was the highest in the presence of Ca2+ at a concentration of 5·10–3 mol/L. Moreover, the enzyme was not inhibited by the tested chelators and detergents. The stability of the enzyme was also studied, and crude enzyme was evaluated in simulation of gastrointestinal digestion of monogastric animals. The crude enzyme was highly stable under simulated conditions; it retained 87.3 % of its original activity after 6 h. The study contributes to the identification of microbial species that produce tannase, with potential application in biotechnology

    Yeast biocontrol against green mold in pear orange postharvest

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    The objective of this study was to evaluate the efficiency of the enzyme β-1, 3-glucanase and the mechanisms of action produced by yeasts in the biological control ofgreen mold in post-harvest oranges of the pear variety. The Fully Casualized Delineation(FCD) was used. The results were submitted to analysis of variance (ANOVA), in triplicate,compared with Tukey's test at a 5% probability level (p < 0.05), using the statisticalsoftware Sisvar. It was found that the killer activity was observed in 85.7% of the yeastsevaluated. The yeast Candida peltata URM4681 showed better production of β-1.3-glucanase, between 1.071 and 5.422 µg mL -1 . A factorial delineation 2 3 was used in amedium composed of yeast extract, soybean extract and meat extract to increaseenzymatic production, reaching an increase of 4.351 times comparing the assay of lowerand higher activity. The in situ assays showed a reduction in the number of infected fruitstreated with the enzymatic extract, being on average 78.5% when compared with thecontrol treatment (distilled water). As for sporulation, the enzymatic extract, which had anaverage of 8.4 spores, did not differ statistically from the IMZ and TBZ fungicides, both in apreventive and curative manner. Regarding the severity of the disease, it was noted thatthe fruits treated with enzymatic extract, had an average damage of 7.57 %, also notdiffering statistically from fungicides, both preventive and curative. Our studies suggestthat C. peltata URM4681, makes this a good candidate for biocontrol against green mold.Patógenos do gênero Penicillium spp. representam uma das principais doenças fúngicas durante a pós-colheita, o controle químico ainda é o método mais utilizado, no entanto, o uso de leveduras como agentes decontrole biológico vem sendo desenvolvido para reduzir o uso de fungicidas e o avanço da doença de formasustentável. O objetivo do presente estudo foi avaliar a eficiência da enzima β-1,3-glucanase e osmecanismos de ação produzidos por leveduras no controle biológico do bolor verde em pós-colheita delaranjas da variedade pera. Foi utilizado o Delineamento Inteiramente Casualizado (DIC). Os resultadosforam submetidos à análise de variância (ANOVA), em triplicata, comparado com o teste de Tukey ao nívelde 5% de probabilidade (p < 0,05), empregando o software estatístico Sisvar. Constatou-se que a atividadekiller foi observada em 85,7% das leveduras avaliadas. A levedura Candida peltata URM4681 apresentoumelhor produção de β-1,3-glucanase, entre 1,071 e 5,422 µg mL -1 . Foi empregado um delineamento fatorial2 3 em meio composto por extrato de levedura, extrato de soja e extrato de carne para aumento da produçãoenzimática, alcançando um aumento de 4,351 vezes comparando o ensaio de menor e maior atividade. Osensaios in situ, mostraram uma redução do número de frutos infectados tratados com o extrato enzimático,sendo em média 78,5% quando comparado com o tratamento controle (água destilada). Quanto àesporulação, o extrato enzimático, que teve média 8,4 esporos, não diferindo estatisticamente dos fungicidasIMZ e TBZ, tanto de forma preventiva quanto curativa. Com relação à severidade da doença, notou-se que osfrutos tratados com extrato enzimático, apresentaram dano de em média 7,57 %, também não diferindoestatisticamente dos fungicidas, tanto preventiva quanto curativa. Nossos estudos sugerem que os múltiplosmodos de ação apresentados pela levedura C. peltata URM4681, tornam esse micro-organismo um bomcandidato como agente de biocontrole

    Lactoperoxidase enzyme activity and thiocyanate levels in raw milk of Girolando cows

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    Considering the importance of milk enzymes in milk preservation and animal protection, this study aimed to identify the factors that influence lactoperoxidase activity and levels of thiocyanate in raw milk of Girolando cows, as well as to verify the correlation between these components and the number of somatic cells in cooled raw milk. A total of 181 of milk samples from Girolando cows were used to determine the lactoperoxidase activity, thiocyanate levels, somatic cell number, and serum protein content. The genetic group and the sampling period influenced lactoperoxidase activity. Thiocyanate levels were influenced by the sampling period and by the interaction between the genetic group and the sampling period. The number of somatic cells was influenced by the number of days in lactation, animal age, and sampling period. Milk of animals from the group 1/2 Holstein x Gyr had the highest lactoperoxidase activity and there was no influence of the genetic group on the levels of thiocyanate

    Biochemical and thermodynamic characteristics of a new serine protease from Mucor subtilissimus URM 4133

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    A protease from the fungus Mucor subtilissimus URM 4133, capable of producing bioactive peptides from goat casein, was purified. SDS-PAGE and zymography showed a molecular mass of 30 kDa. The enzyme was active and stable in a wide pH range (6.0–10.5) and (5.0–10.5), respectively. Optimum temperature was at 45–50 °C and stability was above 80 % (40 °C/2 h). Activity was not influenced by ions or organic substances (Triton, Tween, SDS and DMSO), but was completely inhibited by PMSF, suggesting that it belongs to the serine protease family. The Km and Vmax were 2.35 mg azocasein.mL-1 and 333.33 U.mg protein-1, respectively. Thermodynamic parameters of irreversible denaturation (40–60 °C) were enthalpy 123.63 – 123.46 kJ.mol-1, entropy 120.24–122.28 kJ.mol-1 and Gibbs free energy 85.97 – 82.45 kJ.mol-1. Any peptide sequences compatible with this protease were found after analysis by MALDI-TOF, which suggests that it is a new serine protease.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Áreas verdes e status de vitamina D:

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    A deficiência de vitamina D é um problema de saúde global e as abordagens que consideram as Soluções baseadas na Natureza (NbS) podem trazer novas perspectivas de solução. Cerca de 80% da quantidade de vitamina D que o corpo precisa é produzida endogenamente por meio da exposição da pele à radiação ultravioleta B (UVB) da luz solar. A exposição média à UVB em áreas urbanas dependerá em parte do clima local e da quantidade de cobertura e tipos de árvores. Este estudo discute a associação entre áreas verdes e níveis de vitamina D.  Foi analisada uma amostra de 101 mulheres com 35 anos ou mais de idade, moradoras da cidade de Araraquara, Brasil. O Índice de Vegetação por Diferença Normalizada (NDVI) foi calculado como indicador de exposição às áreas verdes, sendo definido como a vegetação circundante residencial. Foi utilizado o modelo de regressão logística para analisar a associação entre o índice de vegetação residencial e o status (níveis) de vitamina D. Observou-se uma associação positiva estatisticamente significativa entre a exposição ao índice de vegetação circundante residencial abaixo da mediana e a prevalência de níveis insuficientes de 25(HO)D (P=0,03). O estudo mostra que níveis mais baixos de verde residencial estão associados à maior prevalência de insuficiência de vitamina D. Desta forma, as abordagens NbS contribuem para melhor compreensão dos ambientes adequados para o alcance de bons níveis de vitamina D, evitando a necessidade de suplementação farmacêutica do nutriente

    Characterization of Tannase from Penicillium montanense URM 6286 under SSF Using Agroindustrial Wastes, and Application in the Clarification of Grape Juice (Vitis vinifera L.)

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    Tannase is an enzyme that hydrolyzes esters and lateral bonds of tannins, such as tannic acid, releasing glucose and gallic acid and stands out in the clarification of wines and juices. Fungi of the genera Aspergillus and Penicillium are excellent producers of this enzyme. The search for fungi that produce high levels of tannase as well as new substrates for the enzyme production by the SSF is required. The objectives of this study were to evaluate the production of tannase by Aspergillus and Penicillium species through SSF using leaves and agroindustrial waste barbados cherry and mangaba fruit as substrate, select the best producer, optimize production, characterize the crude enzyme extract, and apply it the clarification of grape juice. Selecting the best producer was performed by planning Placket-Burman and RSM. P. montanense showed highest activity with 41.64 U/mL after 72 h of fermentation residue using barbados cherry, with 3.5% tannic acid and 70% moisture. The enzyme showed the highest activity at pH 9.0 and 50 ∘ C. The tannase of P. montanense was stable over a wide pH range and temperature and, when applied to grape juice, showed higher efficiency by reducing 46% of the tannin content after incubation 120 m

    Pervasive gaps in Amazonian ecological research

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    Biodiversity loss is one of the main challenges of our time,1,2 and attempts to address it require a clear un derstanding of how ecological communities respond to environmental change across time and space.3,4 While the increasing availability of global databases on ecological communities has advanced our knowledge of biodiversity sensitivity to environmental changes,5–7 vast areas of the tropics remain understudied.8–11 In the American tropics, Amazonia stands out as the world’s most diverse rainforest and the primary source of Neotropical biodiversity,12 but it remains among the least known forests in America and is often underrepre sented in biodiversity databases.13–15 To worsen this situation, human-induced modifications16,17 may elim inate pieces of the Amazon’s biodiversity puzzle before we can use them to understand how ecological com munities are responding. To increase generalization and applicability of biodiversity knowledge,18,19 it is thus crucial to reduce biases in ecological research, particularly in regions projected to face the most pronounced environmental changes. We integrate ecological community metadata of 7,694 sampling sites for multiple or ganism groups in a machine learning model framework to map the research probability across the Brazilian Amazonia, while identifying the region’s vulnerability to environmental change. 15%–18% of the most ne glected areas in ecological research are expected to experience severe climate or land use changes by 2050. This means that unless we take immediate action, we will not be able to establish their current status, much less monitor how it is changing and what is being lostinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Pervasive gaps in Amazonian ecological research

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