64 research outputs found

    The dynamics of the global capital and its consequences on agriculture and in rural spaces

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    In this paper globalization is conceptualised as a process that marks a new phase of capitalism (Moreira 1994). The aim of this paper is to propose a systematic approach to the economic and social consequences of the globalization process, with particular attention to agriculture and agri-food as well as the use of rural areas. Therefore, understanding the role of the main agents of globalization is a necessary condition to assess the impact of this process. My working hypothesis is that the different actors in the globalization process do not demonstrate the same behaviour, justifying a closer look at the logic and dynamics of its main agents, and the reactions that these changes provoke

    Changes in food chains in the context of globalization

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    This article highlighting the political and ideological conditions necessary for globalization and the role of the technologies associated with this process is an attempt to explain the nature and dynamics of change in food chains. In this text, a political-economic perspective is employed, relying on well-known theoretical and empirical examples that abound in the literature about globalization of food, and on the underlying theoretical explanation of the structural changes brought about or intensified by the globalization process. It seeks to understand the logic and dynamic that explains why the corporate retailers became the main economic motors of deep and rapid changes in food chains and after a short appraisal of the effects of the changes it seeks to identify the winners and losers of the process

    Agriculture and food in the globalization age

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    The objective of this article is to reflect on three basic questions concerning globalization and its effects on agriculture and food: 1) what are the major characteristics of globalization; 2) who are its major actors and 3) what are the future trends? Globalization continues to be a disputed concept despite the immense literature dedicated to it. I will focus on features of the current globalization process that can be employed to better understand the direction and reach of changes, particularly in agriculture and food.1 It is not my goal to produce original contributions about the theoretical relevance and accuracy of globalization or about its scale and scope. I will use a theoretical framework based on a political economy perspective focusing on the global agents, their logic and dynamics. However, this must be tempered by calling attention to the agencies and contingencies involved in the process. In fact, political economy insights suggesting global lines of evolution are not contradictory but rather complementary to actor-oriented, actor-network theory and social constructivist approaches, which acknowledge the social agencies and the complex articulations of the different spaces involved in agro-food production and consumption (Llambí et al. 1999, Goodman and Watts 1997). The second section deals with the major characteristics of globalization. Since this is a subject that has been treated extensively in the globalization literature, I will avoid unnecessary repetitions and concentrate on highlighting features focusing on the economic and political dimensions of globalization that I consider indispensable, in order that the importance of the phenomenon may be better understood. Focusing on the global agro-food system in the third section, the relevant features of the major actors of the globalization process will be identified along with their different logics and dynamics and their relationships with local actors. In the fourth section a framework is proposed to consider future trends in agriculture and food based on the concepts of substitutionism, appropriationism and the technological treadmill by using a two-scenario approach: one that explores the deepening of the current trends and another, considering a globalization backlash. In addition, some conclusive remarks will be drawn in the fourth section

    Determinants of change on extensive livestock systems: a theoretical framework

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    The framework proposed in this paper results from a research conducted in the Lacope project1 and particularly, the field study of the extensive grazing systems of the Baixo Alentejo – southern Portugal2. This paper constitutes an attempt to enlarge this perspective in order to respond to different typologies of extensive grazing systems that could cover most of the existing pastoral systems3. Nevertheless, we are aware that the proposed framework could fit better some systems than others, and it certainly demands further development and precision when used to study concrete situations, looking for enrichment from subsequent contributions. In addition we want to underline that the aim of this framework goes well beyond the scope of a simple academic enquiry, since we are convinced that it could be a useful tool not only to understand what is at stake but also to inform policies needed to assure the sustainability of the most fragile of these systems. Furthermore, the proposed framework also seeks to highlight the most relevant interactions between aspects that are addressed by different academic fields that usually do not engage in a permanent dialogue, even when they do not completely ignore each other. In section 2 we will provide a description of the methodology, namely the typology of the grazing systems. In section 3 we will focus on the proposed framework relying on a systems approach. Finally some concluding remarks will be made in section 4

    Globalização e desenvolvimento rural no contexto de crise

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    Neste contexto de globalização e crise, o objectivo central deste texto é identificar os principais factores que determinaram as mudanças na geografia produtiva agrícola e alimentar, sublinhando as respectivas implicações, em particular no que respeita ao desenvolvimento das zonas rurais mais desfavorecidas. Pretende ainda chamar a atenção para o aumento dos factores de insustentabilidade decorrentes dos modos de produzir e comercializar os produtos agrícolas e alimentares induzidos pelo processo de globalização. O enquadramento metodológico adoptado é o da economia política cujas principais preocupações são a compreensão da lógica e dinâmica que subjazem a todo e qualquer processo histórico. Daí que se parta da compreensão da lógica e dinâmica da globalização para, de seguida, se proceder à identificação dos ganhadores e perdedores que as transformações verificadas no campo da produção agrícola e alimentar vão gerando. Para tal parece-nos indispensável procurar entender o significado e génese do processo de globalização, uma vez que uma correcta apreciação do contexto das mudanças que lhes são inerentes é condição indispensável para enquadrar qualquer reflexão sobre a evolução da geografia da produção agrícola e do desenvolvimento rural. Todavia, dada a vastidão do tema da globalização, apenas se procura sublinhar os aspectos chave que nos parecem mais importantes para compreender a globalização e a sua génese

    Liberalização versus proteccionismo: elementos para compreender o que está em jogo nas negociações da Organização Mundial do Comércio

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    Agricultural and agri-food trade protection (tariffs, subsidies, and other forms of protection such as non-tariff barriers) constitute one of the most disputed grounds of international trade relations. They are particularly important in WTO discussions and are increasingly recognized as having paramount importance for the future of the economic development of poor countries (2005 Human Development Report) and for the future of rural communities of the developed world, particularly for those highly dependent on agriculture and agri-food production. Given its importance one could expect that all those interested in the debate share the same understanding of what are the stakes, even if their perceptions of the outcome are not the same. Under these circumstances, it sees important to clarify the meanings of the enormous panoply of forms of trade protection and look at the most relevant visions about this matter. The aim of this text is then to contribute to this clarification according with a political economy perspective. It must be stressed that this reflection does not have the pretension to achieve a fully comprehensive approach, but only to focus on the most relevant points of discussion. Therefore, it will focus on understanding the rationale of the agriculture and agri-food protection policies that directly or indirectly constitute a form of trade protection. The clear understanding of this rationale constitutes the necessary condition not only to develop a political economy framework, but also to understand the difficulties of the liberalization agenda of the WTO that is one of the most relevant features of the globalization process and of its ups and downs since the Seattle failure in 1999

    La nueva territoriallzación del espacio rural en el contexto de la globallzación: el espiritu emprendedor en las áreas marginales

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    According to Marsden’s (1999:243) approach, we can identify at leastfour spheres associated with land development: mass food marketsquality food markets agriculturally related development and ruralrestructuring (non agricultural development). Particularly importantin the current globalization context, are the density of affluentconsumers of quality products and rural amenities, and the availabilityof national an foreign funds to finance the politics and regulationsinvolved on those different development paths. Nevertheless, there aremany lagging or less favored rural areas that will not be able to pursuitany of these paths, entering or accelerating a marginalization process,raising a rural development issue and the question of the role of specificpolicies needed to propose a positive restructuring.De acuerdo con el enfoque de Marsden (1999:243), se pueden identificarpor lo menos cuatro ejes asociados con el desarrollo rural: mercadosmasivos de alimentos; mercados de alimentos con calidad; desarrolloagrícola relacionado y reestructuración rural (desarrollo no agrícola).Particularmente importantes en el contexto actual de globalización,son la densidad de los consumidores ricos hacia productos decalidad y comodidades rurales, y la disponibilidad de fondos nacionalesy extranjeros para financiar tanto la política como la normatividadinvolucradas en estos diferentes patrones de desarrollo. Subsisten, sinembargo, muchas áreas rurales rezagadas o poco favorecidas que nopodrán transitar ninguno de estos caminos y que van a entrar o acelerarsu proceso de marginalización, generando un tópico de desarrollorural, así como preguntas sobre el papel de las políticas específicasnecesarias para promover una reestructuración positiva

    O empreendedorismo social como bem público

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    Nesta comunicação, aborda-se o empreendedorismo social como uma forma de levar à prática funções empresariais econômica e socialmente necessárias que, pela sua natureza, são incapazes de atrair o empreendedorismo capitalista. Entende-se o empreendedorismo social como o empreendedorismo que é levado a cabo pelas instituições da economia social. Assim, o empreendedorismo social surge como oportunidade única de levar a cabo funções empresariais econômica e socialmente consideradas como necessárias, cabendo, portanto, em um conceito alargado de bem público. Isto é, o exercício dessas funções empresariais necessárias passa obrigatoriamente pela ação de instituições capazes de pôr em prática uma forma de empreendedorismo, necessariamente inovador, voltado para o bem-estar sócio econômico, que o empresário individual capitalista não está em condições de realizar. A partir deste pano de fundo conceitual procura-se, através de exemplos concretos, ilustrar como uma abordagem desse tipo pode ser interessante para o desenvolvimento econômico em geral e até vital para a dinamização econômica e social das zonas mais desfavorecidas onde a anomia empresarial é mais evidente

    Herdsmen, a changing profession

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    Traditional extensive grazing systems in Southern Portugal relying exclusively on herdsmen that live in permanence with the animals are in peril, since herdsman is the least attractive among rural professions. Recently, namely after the entry in the EEC in 1986, and taking advantage of the UE structural funds, infrastructures aimed at extensive livestock production, such as fencing and water supply have been installed, but still far way from covering the territory. The paper aims to provide a systematic understanding of the changing characteristics of the herdsmen profession and functions. It proposes a model framework to highlight the driving forces of the reported changes, using a case study in South Alentejo (Portugal) as an illustration. The results of a survey to 25 farms in the municipality of Ourique and inquiries to 37 employees working with livestock show a mosaic of situations ranging from remnants of the traditional herdsman to another type of worker, the so called polyvalent which is able to use the machinery and work in a more sophisticated working environment. They are generally better paid and have living conditions closer to other more urban professions, in some cases a working schedule and a free day per week

    Société, nature, technologie. La contribution de la sociologie rurale

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    Les récents Congrès de la Société européenne pour la sociologie rurale (SESR) ont contribué à remettre profondément en cause les oppositions classiques entre villes et campagnes, modernité et tradition, qui conduisaient à n'analyser les dynamiques sociales rurales que sous l'influence de l'urbanité. Les travaux présentés ont contribué à faire évoluer les thématiques et paradigmes des recherches, et à considérer les sociétés rurales comme des lieux actifs d'expression des mouvements de ..