9,340 research outputs found


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    The purpose of this study was to compare four kinematic variables seen as part of the runwalk transition with those same variables measured in runners of a 100km race. The sagittal kinematics of six elite, male, ultra-distance runners were analyzed from an equidistant point throughout the race. Vertical oscillations as measured from the greater trochanter and trunk, thigh and shank segment angles, from horizontal, were all measured and compared to patterns noted in previous literature. When compared it was observed that the 100km runners show significant results on at least one of the variables, meaning that some measured kinematics begin to show the signs of gait transition from a run to a walk

    Trailing Edge Noise Reduction by Passive and Active Flow Controls

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    This paper presents the results on the use of porous metal foams (passive control) and dielectric barrier surface plasma actuations (active control) for the reduction of vortex shedding tonal noises from the nonflat plate type trailing edge serration in a NACA0012 airfoil previously discussed in Chong et al. (AIAA J. Vol. 51, 2013, pp. 2665-2677). The use of porous metal foams to fill the interstices between adjacent members of the sawtooth can almost completely suppress the vortex shedding tonal noise, whilst the serration effect on the broadband noise reduction is retained. This concept will promote the nonflat plate type serrated trailing edge to become a genuine alternative to the conventional flat plate type serrated trailing edge, which is known to have drawbacks in the structural stability, aerodynamic performances and implementation issues. For the plasma actuators, configuration which produces electric wind in a tangential direction is found to be not very effective in suppressing the vortices emanated from the serration blunt root. On the other hand, for the plasma configuration which produces electric wind in a vertical direction, good level of vortex shedding tonal noise reduction has been demonstrated. However, the self noise produced by the plasma actuators negates the noise benefits on the tonal noise reduction. This characteristic illustrates the need to further develop the plasma actuators in a two pronged approach. First is to increase the electric wind speed, thereby allowing the plasma actuators to be used in a higher free jet velocity which naturally produces a larger level of jet noise. Second, the self noise radiated by the plasma actuators should be reduced

    Stress-strain behavior and geometrical properties of packings of elongated particles

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    We present a numerical analysis of the effect of particle elongation on the quasistatic behavior of sheared granular media by means of the Contact Dynamics method. The particle shapes are rounded-cap rectangles characterized by their elongation. The macroscopic and microstructural properties of several packings subjected to biaxial compression are analyzed as a function of particle elongation. We find that the shear strength is an increasing linear function of elongation. Performing an additive decomposition of the stress tensor based on a harmonic approximation of the angular dependence of branch vectors, contact normals and forces, we show that the increasing mobilization of friction force and the associated anisotropy are key effects of particle elongation. These effects are correlated with partial nematic ordering of the particles which tend to be oriented perpendicular to the major principal stress direction and form side-to-side contacts. However, the force transmission is found to be mainly guided by cap-to-side contacts, which represent the largest fraction of contacts for the most elongated particles. Another interesting finding is that, in contrast to shear strength, the solid fraction first increases with particle elongation, but declines as the particles become more elongated. It is also remarkable that the coordination number does not follow this trend so that the packings of more elongated particles are looser but more strongly connected.Comment: Submited to Physical Review

    Contaminant hydrogeology of solvents, gasoline, and salt

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    Guidebook for field trips in southwestern Maine: New England Intercollegiate Geological Conference, 78th annual meeting, Bates College, Lewiston, Maine, October 17, 18, and 19, 1986: Trip B-

    DEEP: a provenance-aware executable document system

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    The concept of executable documents is attracting growing interest from both academics and publishers since it is a promising technology for the dissemination of scientific results. Provenance is a kind of metadata that provides a rich description of the derivation history of data products starting from their original sources. It has been used in many different e-Science domains and has shown great potential in enabling reproducibility of scientific results. However, while both executable documents and provenance are aimed at enhancing the dissemination of scientific results, little has been done to explore the integration of both techniques. In this paper, we introduce the design and development of DEEP, an executable document environment that generates scientific results dynamically and interactively, and also records the provenance for these results in the document. In this system, provenance is exposed to users via an interface that provides them with an alternative way of navigating the executable document. In addition, we make use of the provenance to offer a document rollback facility to users and help to manage the system's dynamic resources

    Sub-shot-noise shadow sensing with quantum correlations

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    The quantised nature of the electromagnetic field sets the classical limit to the sensitivity of position measurements. However, techniques based on the properties of quantum states can be exploited to accurately measure the relative displacement of a physical object beyond this classical limit. In this work, we use a simple scheme based on the split-detection of quantum correlations to measure the position of a shadow at the single-photon light level, with a precision that exceeds the shot-noise limit. This result is obtained by analysing the correlated signals of bi-photon pairs, created in parametric downconversion and detected by an electron multiplying CCD (EMCCD) camera employed as a split-detector. By comparing the measured statistics of spatially anticorrelated and uncorrelated photons we were able to observe a significant noise reduction corresponding to an improvement in position sensitivity of up to 17% (0.8dB). Our straightforward approach to sub-shot-noise position measurement is compatible with conventional shadow-sensing techniques based on the split-detection of light-fields, and yields an improvement that scales favourably with the detector’s quantum efficiency

    Improvement of the guiding performances of near infrared organic/inorganic channel waveguides

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    New sol-gel derived organic/inorganic hybrid single mode waveguides devices have been developed for telecommunication applications in the two near infrared windows at 1310 and 1550 nm. The overall procedure of fabrication of these devices is described and the refractive indices of the guiding, the buffer and the protective layers are adjusted by a precise control of the materials' composition. Due to the improvement of the composition of the guiding layer, the attenuation losses are significantly decreased to 0.8 dB/cm and 2dB/cm at respectively 1310 and 1550 nm

    Efficiency of a thermodynamic motor at maximum power

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    Several recent theories address the efficiency of a macroscopic thermodynamic motor at maximum power and question the so-called "Curzon-Ahlborn (CA) efficiency." Considering the entropy exchanges and productions in an n-sources motor, we study the maximization of its power and show that the controversies are partly due to some imprecision in the maximization variables. When power is maximized with respect to the system temperatures, these temperatures are proportional to the square root of the corresponding source temperatures, which leads to the CA formula for a bi-thermal motor. On the other hand, when power is maximized with respect to the transitions durations, the Carnot efficiency of a bi-thermal motor admits the CA efficiency as a lower bound, which is attained if the duration of the adiabatic transitions can be neglected. Additionally, we compute the energetic efficiency, or "sustainable efficiency," which can be defined for n sources, and we show that it has no other universal upper bound than 1, but that in certain situations, favorable for power production, it does not exceed 1/2

    Treatment of patients with multiple myeloma progressing on frontline-therapy with lenalidomide

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    Over the last years, there has been great progress in the treatment of multiple myeloma with many new agents and combinations having been approved and being now routinely incorporated into treatment strategies. As a result, patients are experiencing benefits in terms of survival and better tolerance. However, the multitude of treatment options also presents a challenge to select the best options tailored to the specific patient situation. Lenalidomide is increasingly being used as part of frontline therapy in newly diagnosed multiple myeloma. This agent is typically administered until disease progression. It is currently unclear, how to best manage patients, who relapse while receiving lenalidomide as part of their frontline treatment. We conducted a review to summarize the available evidence in this setting. Our summary shows that there are very few data from current trials testing new combinations based on carfilzomib, pomalidomide, or daratumumab that address this specific patient population. Our review is aimed to summarize the available evidence to assist treatment decision making and to raise awareness of this lack of data to encourage further analyses and the incorporation of sequencing questions in future trial designs

    The Breakdown of Kinetic Theory in Granular Shear Flows

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    We examine two basic assumptions of kinetic theory-- binary collisions and molecular chaos-- using numerical simulations of sheared granular materials. We investigate a wide range of densities and restitution coefficients and demonstrate that kinetic theory breaks down at large density and small restitution coefficients. In the regimes where kinetic theory fails, there is an associated emergence of clusters of spatially correlated grains
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