168 research outputs found

    Coding-sequence determinants of gene expression in human cells

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    The human genome is highly heterogeneous in its GC composition. How codon usage affects translation rates has been extensively studied and exploited to increase protein expression. Although effects on virtually all other steps in gene expression have been reported as well, so far no systematic approach has been taken to quantitatively measure the contribution of each to overall protein levels in human cells. Here, I utilise a library of several hundred synonymous variants of the Green fluorescent protein (GFP) to characterise the influence of codon usage on gene expression in human cells. In an initial small-scale screen, I show that protein levels are largely correlated with codon-usage and particularly GC-content. Additionally, I demonstrate that these changes can already be seen on the RNA level, confirming more broadly previously published data from our lab (Kudla et al., 2006). In order to assess the consequences of randomised codon usage on a larger scale, I established and validated a high-throughput approach for the phenotypic profiling of reporter genes. Using a pool of cells stably expressing >200 GFP variants, I measured multiple parameters simultaneously, such as protein levels, translational state, RNA levels, stability and export. Data from these experiments confirm a strong relationship between GC-content, protein levels, as well as RNA export, reproducibly in two cell lines. Low expression of especially GC-poor variants could not be rescued by splicing, but increased nuclear-to-cytoplasmic RNA ratio, suggesting further mechanisms important for efficient gene expression. These effects are even more pronounced when the distribution of GC is spread evenly along the coding sequence. Interestingly, our data also suggests that high GC within the first 200nt is more predictive of efficient gene expression, contrasting studies performed on bacteria, in which strong secondary folding near the ribosomal binding site was shown to be non-permissive for translation (Kudla et al., 2009). By relating experimentally derived parameters to sequence features known to inhibit expression, I demonstrate that cryptic splicing is a major factor leading to decreased levels of particularly GC-poor GFP variants. An attempt to quantitatively assess the relative contribution of several sequence features (e.g. tAI, GC3, CpG) using multiple regression analysis lead to inconclusive results, leaving the requirement for the exploration of alternative approaches in order to dissect the role of individual parameters, as well as to identify novel determinants of gene expression

    Evidence in disease and non-disease contexts that nonsense mutations cause altered splicing via motif disruption

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    Transcripts containing premature termination codons (PTCs) can be subject to nonsense-associated alternative splicing (NAS). Two models have been evoked to explain this, scanning and splice motif disruption. The latter postulates that exonic cis motifs, such as exonic splice enhancers (ESEs), are disrupted by nonsense mutations. We employ genome-wide transcriptomic and k-mer enrichment methods to scrutinize this model. First, we show that ESEs are prone to disruptive nonsense mutations owing to their purine richness and paucity of TGA, TAA and TAG. The motif model correctly predicts that NAS rates should be low (we estimate 5–30%) and approximately in line with estimates for the rate at which random point mutations disrupt splicing (8–20%). Further, we find that, as expected, NAS-associated PTCs are predictable from nucleotide-based machine learning approaches to predict splice disruption and, at least for pathogenic variants, are enriched in ESEs. Finally, we find that both in and out of frame mutations to TAA, TGA or TAG are associated with exon skipping. While a higher relative frequency of such skip-inducing mutations in-frame than out of frame lends some credence to the scanning model, these results reinforce the importance of considering splice motif modulation to understand the etiology of PTC-associated disease

    Transcription, mRNA export, and immune evasion shape the codon usage of viruses

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    The nucleotide composition, dinucleotide composition, and codon usage of many viruses differ from their hosts. These differences arise because viruses are subject to unique mutation and selection pressures that do not apply to host genomes; however, the molecular mechanisms that underlie these evolutionary forces are unclear. Here, we analyzed the patterns of codon usage in 1,520 vertebrate-infecting viruses, focusing on parameters known to be under selection and associated with gene regulation. We find that GC content, dinucleotide content, and splicing and m(6)A modification-related sequence motifs are associated with the type of genetic material (DNA or RNA), strandedness, and replication compartment of viruses. In an experimental follow-up, we find that the effects of GC content on gene expression depend on whether the genetic material is delivered to the cell as DNA or mRNA, whether it is transcribed by endogenous or exogenous RNA polymerase, and whether transcription takes place in the nucleus or cytoplasm. Our results suggest that viral codon usage cannot be explained by a simple adaptation to the codon usage of the host—instead, it reflects the combination of multiple selective and mutational pressures, including the need for efficient transcription, export, and immune evasion

    Causes and consequences of purifying selection on SARS-CoV-2

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    Owing to a lag between a deleterious mutation’s appearance and its selective removal, gold-standard methods for mutation rate estimation assume no meaningful loss of mutations between parents and offspring. Indeed, from analysis of closely related lineages, in SARS-CoV-2, the Ka/Ks ratio was previously estimated as 1.008, suggesting no within-host selection. By contrast, we find a higher number of observed SNPs at 4-fold degenerate sites than elsewhere and, allowing for the virus’s complex mutational and compositional biases, estimate that the mutation rate is at least 49–67% higher than would be estimated based on the rate of appearance of variants in sampled genomes. Given the high Ka/Ks one might assume that the majority of such intrahost selection is the purging of nonsense mutations. However, we estimate that selection against nonsense mutations accounts for only ∼10% of all the “missing” mutations. Instead, classical protein-level selective filters (against chemically disparate amino acids and those predicted to disrupt protein functionality) account for many missing mutations. It is less obvious why for an intracellular parasite, amino acid cost parameters, notably amino acid decay rate, is also significant. Perhaps most surprisingly, we also find evidence for real-time selection against synonymous mutations that move codon usage away from that of humans. We conclude that there is common intrahost selection on SARS-CoV-2 that acts on nonsense, missense, and possibly synonymous mutations. This has implications for methods of mutation rate estimation, for determining times to common ancestry and the potential for intrahost evolution including vaccine escape

    HHV-6B Induces IFN-Lambda1 Responses in Cord Plasmacytoid Dendritic Cells through TLR9

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    Human herpesvirus type 6B (HHV-6B) is a strong inducer of IFN-alpha and has the capacity to promote Th1 responses and block Th2 responses in vitro. In this study we addressed whether inactivated HHV-6B can also induce IFN lambda responses and to what extent interferons alpha and lambda affect Th1/Th2 polarization. We show that inactivated HHV-6B induced IFN-lambda1 (IL-29) but not IFN-lambda2 (IL-28A) responses in plasmacytoid DC and that this induction was mediated through TLR9. We have previously shown that HHV-6B promotes Th1 responses and blocks Th2 responses in both humans and mice. We now show that neutralization of IFN-alpha but not IFN-lambda1 blocked the HHV-6B-induced enhancement of Th1 responses in MLR, but did not affect the HHV-6-induced dampening of Th2 responses. Similarly, blockage of TLR9 counteracted HHV-6Bs effects on the Th1/Th2 balance. In addition, IFN-alpha but not IFN-lambda1 promoted IFN-gamma production and blocked IL-5 and IL-13 production in purified CD4+ T-cells. The lack of effect of IFN-lambda1 correlated with the absence of the IFN-lambda receptor IL-28Ralfa chain on the cell surface of both resting and activated CD4+ T-cells. We conclude that inactivated HHV-6B is a strong inducer of IFN-lambda1 in plasmacytoid DC and that this induction is TLR9-dependent. However, human CD4+ T-cells do not express the IFN-lambda receptor and are refractory to IFN-lambda1 treatment. The HHV-6B-induced alterations in the Th1/Th2 balance are instead mediated mainly through TLR9 and IFN-alpha

    Activation of Type I and III Interferon Signalling Pathways Occurs in Lung Epithelial Cells Infected with Low Pathogenic Avian Influenza Viruses

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    The host response to the low pathogenic avian influenza (LPAI) H5N2, H5N3 and H9N2 viruses were examined in A549, MDCK, and CEF cells using a systems-based approach. The H5N2 and H5N3 viruses replicated efficiently in A549 and MDCK cells, while the H9N2 virus replicated least efficiently in these cell types. However, all LPAI viruses exhibited similar and higher replication efficiencies in CEF cells. A comparison of the host responses of these viruses and the H1N1/WSN virus and low passage pH1N1 clinical isolates was performed in A549 cells. The H9N2 and H5N2 virus subtypes exhibited a robust induction of Type I and Type III interferon (IFN) expression, sustained STAT1 activation from between 3 and 6 hpi, which correlated with large increases in IFN-stimulated gene (ISG) expression by 10 hpi. In contrast, cells infected with the pH1N1 or H1N1/WSN virus showed only small increases in Type III IFN signalling, low levels of ISG expression, and down-regulated expression of the IFN type I receptor. JNK activation and increased expression of the pro-apoptotic XAF1 protein was observed in A549 cells infected with all viruses except the H1N1/WSN virus, while MAPK p38 activation was only observed in cells infected with the pH1N1 and the H5 virus subtypes. No IFN expression and low ISG expression levels were generally observed in CEF cells infected with either AIV, while increased IFN and ISG expression was observed in response to the H1N1/WSN infection. These data suggest differences in the replication characteristics and antivirus signalling responses both among the different LPAI viruses, and between these viruses and the H1N1 viruses examined. These virus-specific differences in host cell signalling highlight the importance of examining the host response to avian influenza viruses that have not been extensively adapted to mammalian tissue culture

    Replication in Cells of Hematopoietic Origin Is Necessary for Dengue Virus Dissemination

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    Dengue virus (DENV) is a mosquito-borne pathogen for which no vaccine or specific therapeutic is available. Although it is well established that dendritic cells and macrophages are primary sites of DENV replication, it remains unclear whether non-hematopoietic cellular compartments serve as virus reservoirs. Here, we exploited hematopoietic-specific microRNA-142 (miR-142) to control virus tropism by inserting tandem target sites into the virus to restrict replication exclusively in this cell population. In vivo use of this virus restricted infection of CD11b+, CD11c+, and CD45+ cells, resulting in a loss of virus spread, regardless of the route of administration. Furthermore, sequencing of the targeted virus population that persisted at low levels, demonstrated total excision of the inserted miR-142 target sites. The complete conversion of the virus population under these selective conditions suggests that these immune cells are the predominant sources of virus amplification. Taken together, this work highlights the importance of hematopoietic cells for DENV replication and showcases an invaluable tool for the study of virus pathogenesis

    IFN-λ3, not IFN-λ4, likely mediates IFNL3-IFNL4 haplotype-dependent hepatic inflammation and fibrosis

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    Genetic variation in the IFNL3-IFNL4 (interferon-λ3-interferon-λ4) region is associated with hepatic inflammation and fibrosis. Whether IFN-λ3 or IFN-λ4 protein drives this association is not known. We demonstrate that hepatic inflammation, fibrosis stage, fibrosis progression rate, hepatic infiltration of immune cells, IFN-λ3 expression, and serum sCD163 levels (a marker of activated macrophages) are greater in individuals with the IFNL3-IFNL4 risk haplotype that does not produce IFN-λ4, but produces IFN-λ3. No difference in these features was observed according to genotype at rs117648444, which encodes a substitution at position 70 of the IFN-λ4 protein and reduces IFN-λ4 activity, or between patients encoding functionally defective IFN-λ4 (IFN-λ4-Ser70) and those encoding fully active IFN-λ4-Pro70. The two proposed functional variants (rs368234815 and rs4803217) were not superior to the discovery SNP rs12979860 with respect to liver inflammation or fibrosis phenotype. IFN-λ3 rather than IFN-λ4 likely mediates IFNL3-IFNL4 haplotype-dependent hepatic inflammation and fibrosis

    MDA5 and TLR3 Initiate Pro-Inflammatory Signaling Pathways Leading to Rhinovirus-Induced Airways Inflammation and Hyperresponsiveness

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    Rhinovirus (RV), a single-stranded RNA picornavirus, is the most frequent cause of asthma exacerbations. We previously demonstrated in human bronchial epithelial cells that melanoma differentiation-associated gene (MDA)-5 and the adaptor protein for Toll-like receptor (TLR)-3 are each required for maximal RV1B-induced interferon (IFN) responses. However, in vivo, the overall airway response to viral infection likely represents a coordinated response integrating both antiviral and pro-inflammatory pathways. We examined the airway responses of MDA5- and TLR3-deficient mice to infection with RV1B, a minor group virus which replicates in mouse lungs. MDA5 null mice showed a delayed type I IFN and attenuated type III IFN response to RV1B infection, leading to a transient increase in viral titer. TLR3 null mice showed normal IFN responses and unchanged viral titers. Further, RV-infected MDA5 and TLR3 null mice showed reduced lung inflammatory responses and reduced airways responsiveness. Finally, RV-infected MDA5 null mice with allergic airways disease showed lower viral titers despite deficient IFN responses, and allergic MDA5 and TLR3 null mice each showed decreased RV-induced airway inflammatory and contractile responses. These results suggest that, in the context of RV infection, binding of viral dsRNA to MDA5 and TLR3 initiates pro-inflammatory signaling pathways leading to airways inflammation and hyperresponsiveness