4 research outputs found

    Crisis of cultural patterns and new trends in alimentation in terms of Anthropology of Food

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    Jídlo hrálo vždy zásadní roli v evoluci lidstva. Historicky se zformovaly kulturní vzorce ve stravování a potravní strategie přežití, které jsou v současné době v krizi především v důsledku industrializace výroby jídla a její globalizace. Nastupuje strach z nečistého, který v korelaci s dalšími determinantami ekologického, sociálního, ekonomického i morálního typu zásadně mění vztah lidí k jídlu. Tato odborná studie si klade za cíl analyzovat a popsat nové možné podoby vztahu člověka k jídlu z hlediska Antropologie jídla.Food has always had a fundamental role in the evolution of humankind.  Cultural patterns and food survival strategies have been formed historically, but are currently in crisis mainly due to the industrialization of food production and its globalization. There is a fear of the unclean, which, in correlation with other determinants of ecological, social, economic and moral type, fundamentally changes the relationship of people to food. This study aims to analyze and describe new possible forms of human relationship to food in terms of Anthropology of Food

    Celebrating Jewish annual feasts by the Czech Union of Jewish Youth

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    Jewish festivities make an important part of Jewish culture. Their form has long stabilized and become fixed through years. This thesis would ascertain the importance of these festivities within the community of the Czech Union of Jewish Students, The community comprises persons from fifteen to thirty-five years of age. During my research there were sixty one members. These youths gather to celebrate important feasts in the Jewish year, and sometimes even to celebrate together the weekly feast of Sabbat with the comunity of Moishe house, as I was allowed to witness. This work examines the feasts through the concept of "performance", concept known from Victor Turner and widely used by Richard Bauman. The research was conducted by the means of empirical evaluation, structured dialogues, questionnaires. The study concludes the performance of these festivities shows signs of the so called "emergent quality", a term invented by Richard Bauman. This creative aspect is an important way of expressing and confirming the identity of the given community. It also reflects and reacts to the actual facets of the community, and so keeps its culture "alive". This work shows that celebrating the feasts with the Union may provide Jewish persons who do not belong to any strict division of Judaism with a sense of..

    Taking the veil and the temporary vows as a rite of passage observed in the Catholic religious orders of Discalced Carmelites and Sisters of Mercy of St. Borromeo

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    The rite of taking the veil and of the temporary vows in female religious congregations present breaking points in the lives of the future nuns. I would argue that these rituals, which sometimes fuse into one ceremony, show clear marks of the so called "rite-of-passage". Nuns put on the veil for the first time, and become full-fledged members of the closed community. The ritual has preserved its main form, even though it has been subjected to some modernisation within many congregations. We can observe its importance hasn't been much diminished since late. This study attempts to demonstrate the importance of these ceremonies in contemporary communities and to show that they can truly be categorised as examples of rite-of-passage ("rite-de-passage") such as has been coined and described by Arnold van Gennep. Studying the importance of the ritual means exploring also its role in the individual life stories recalled by the selected respondents. This thesis is based on both the method of participant observation and the biographical study. It uses the scheme of social drama introduced by Victor Witter Turner to demonstrate the role of a ritual within a community, even as its impact on the individual lives. In the study we can follow the process of entering the community through the eyes of the nuns..

    Celebrating Jewish annual feasts by the Czech Union of Jewish Youth

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    Slavení židovských výročních svátků je důležitou součástí židovské kultury. Podoba svátků získala v průběhu let ustálenou podobu. Diplomová práce si dala za cíl zjistit, jaký význam má toto slavení u komunity České unie židovské mládeže, která zahrnuje Židy ve věku od patnácti do třiceti pěti let. V průběhu výzkumu bylo členů celkem šedesát jedna. Tato komunita pravidelně slaví důležité výroční svátky. Ve spolupráci s organizací Moishe house pak občas slaví i společný šabat, který Česká unie židovské mládeže jinak pravidelně neorganizuje. Práce nahlíží na židovské svátky skrze prizma konceptu performance, tak jak s ním pracoval Victor Turner a poté Richard Bauman. Za pomoci empirických metod jako je zúčastněné pozorování a polostrukturované rozhovory, doplňkově také dotazníků, dochází k závěru, že se jedná o performance, které obsahují aspekt tak zvané vznikající kvality performance, o které píše Richard Bauman. Tento kreativní aspekt je důležitým způsobem vyjádření, performování a potvrzování identity dané komunity, také reflektuje a reaguje na aktuální rámce, stejně tak jako zachovává kulturu komunity živou. Výzkum dále dochází k závěru, že slavení s Českou unií židovské mládeže je sociální strategií zajišťující otevřenou komunitu osobám židovského původu, které nejsou plně zakotveny v jednom...Jewish festivities make an important part of Jewish culture. Their form has long stabilized and become fixed through years. This thesis would ascertain the importance of these festivities within the community of the Czech Union of Jewish Students, The community comprises persons from fifteen to thirty-five years of age. During my research there were sixty one members. These youths gather to celebrate important feasts in the Jewish year, and sometimes even to celebrate together the weekly feast of Sabbat with the comunity of Moishe house, as I was allowed to witness. This work examines the feasts through the concept of "performance", concept known from Victor Turner and widely used by Richard Bauman. The research was conducted by the means of empirical evaluation, structured dialogues, questionnaires. The study concludes the performance of these festivities shows signs of the so called "emergent quality", a term invented by Richard Bauman. This creative aspect is an important way of expressing and confirming the identity of the given community. It also reflects and reacts to the actual facets of the community, and so keeps its culture "alive". This work shows that celebrating the feasts with the Union may provide Jewish persons who do not belong to any strict division of Judaism with a sense of...Ústav etnologieInstitute of EthnologyFilozofická fakultaFaculty of Art