763 research outputs found

    A photon transport problem with a time-dependent point source

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    We consider a time-dependent problem of photon transport in an interstellar cloud with a point photon source modeled by a Dirac δ functional. The existence of a unique distributional solution to this problem is established by using the theory of continuous semigroups of operators on locally convex spaces coupled with a constructive approach for producing spaces of generalized functions

    Entrenamiento combinado de electroestimulación concéntrica y pliometría frente a entrenamiento voluntario

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    Se analizó si el entrenamiento con electroestimulación neuromuscular (EENM) dinámica podría mejora la velocidad, la fuerza explosiva y la fuerza máxima. Se formaron 5 grupos de entrenamiento: EENM concéntrica (Ed), EENM concéntrica más pliometría (EdP), voluntario (V), voluntario con pliometría (VP) y grupo control (GC). Los grupos experimentales entrenaron el cuádriceps durante 4 semanas (16 sesiones), valorándose el tiempo de carrera en 20 m (T-20), los saltos verticales SJ y CMJ y la fuerza máxima isométrica de los extensores de la rodilla (FMI). Los protocolos de entrenamiento realizados no modificaron los tests T-20, SJ ni CMJ, pero se observaron incrementos significativos en la FMI (+30.5% entre T1 y T2 y entre T1 y T3). La EENM dinámica parece no mejorar las acciones explosivas y de velocidad, sin embargo mejora la fuerza máxima isométrica en la misma cuantía que lo hace el entrenamiento voluntario

    Distributions of Nobel Metal Pd and Pt in Mesoporous Silica

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    Mesoporous silicananostructures have been synthesized and loaded with Pd and Pt catalytic noble metals. It is found that Pd forms small nanoclusters (3–5 nm) on the surface of the mesoporous structure whereas Pt impregnation results in the inclusion of Pt nanostructures within the silica hexagonal pores (from nanoclusters to nanowires). It is observed that these materials have high catalyticproperties for CO–CH4CO–CH4CO–CH4 combustion, even in a thick film form. In particular, results indicate that the Pt and Pd dispersed in mesoporous silica are catalytically active as a selective filter for gas sensors

    Distributions of Noble Metal Pd and Pt in Mesoporous Silica

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    Mesoporous silica nanostructures have been synthesized and loaded with Pd and Pt catalytic noble metals. It is found that Pd forms small nanoclusters (3–5 nm) on the surface of the mesoporous structure whereas Pt impregnation results in the inclusion of Pt nanostructures within the silica hexagonal pores (from nanoclusters to nanowires). It is observed that these materials have high catalytic properties for CO–CH4 combustion, even in a thick film form. In particular, results indicate that the Pt and Pd dispersed in mesoporous silica are catalytically active as a selective filter for gas sensors

    Synthesis of Tin Oxide Nanostructures with Controlled Particle Size Using Mesoporous Frameworks

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    Tin oxide nanostructures with controlled narrow particle size distribution were synthesized inside silica mesoporous templates. In this way, particle growth was blocked by physically corseting the tin compound inside the silica frameworks, the pore diameter of which determines the final tin oxide crystallite size distribution. Template structures were subsequently eliminated by chemical methods to collect the unsupported semiconductor nanoparticles. Thus obtained tin oxed nanopowders, with particle sizes in the range between 6 and 10 nm, were structurally, chemically, and electically characterized. The results are compared with those obtained from the characterization of larger crystallite materials

    Surface States in Template Synthesized Tin Oxide Nanoparticles

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    Tin–oxide nanoparticles with controlled narrow size distributions are synthesized while physically encapsulated inside silica mesoporous templates. By means of ultraviolet-visible spectroscopy, a redshift of the optical absorbance edge is observed. Photoluminescence measurements corroborate the existence of an optical transition at 3.2 eV. The associated band of states in the semiconductor gap is present even on template-synthesized nanopowders calcined at 800 °C, which contrasts with the evolution of the gap states measured on materials obtained by other methods. The gap states are thus considered to be surface localized, disappearing with surface faceting or being hidden by the surface-to-bulk ratio decrease

    Electrical properties of individual tin oxide nanowires contacted to platinum electrodes

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    A simple and useful experimental alternative to field-effect transistors for measuring electrical properties free electron concentration nd, electrical mobility , and conductivity in individual nanowires has been developed. A combined model involving thermionic emission and tunneling through interface states is proposed to describe the electrical conduction through the platinum-nanowire contacts, fabricated by focused ion beam techniques. Current-voltage I-V plots of single nanowires measured in both two- and four-probe configurations revealed high contact resistances and rectifying characteristics. The observed electrical behavior was modeled using an equivalent circuit constituted by a resistance placed between two back-to-back Schottky barriers, arising from the metal-semiconductor-metal M-S-M junctions. Temperature-dependent I-V measurements revealed effective Schottky barrier heights up to BE= 0.4 eV

    Efeitos de doses e formas de aplicação de reguladores de crescimento em uvas sem sementes, cv. BRS Clara, em região tropical.

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o efeito do uso dos reguladores vegetais, ácido giberélico e tidiazuron, no tamanho de bagas da cultivar BRS Clara em Região Tropical. Os experimentos foram conduzidos em 2006 e 2007, na Estação Experimental de Viticultura Tropical, em Jales-SP, região noroeste do Estado de São Paulo, em plantas da cv. BRS Clara. Foram testadas diferentes concentrações de GA3 aplicadas isoladamente, combinadas com Crop Set ou tidiazuron, em aplicações únicas ou sequênciais (2 e 4 vezes). As avaliações foram feitas por ocasião da maturação das uvas, considerando-se a massa fresca dos cachos, dos engaços e das bagas, determinadas por meio de balança analítica; o comprimento e o diâmetro médio das bagas, utilizando-se de paquímetro; e o teor de sólidos solúveis (SS), por meio de refratômetro manual. Os experimentos foram conduzidos em delineamento experimental de blocos casualizados, representados por uma planta, com 15 repetições, no ano de 2006, e 10 repetições, no ano de 2007. Os dados foram submetidos à análise de variância e, para a comparação das médias dos tratamentos, foi utilizado o teste Skott Nott, ao nível de 5% de probabilidade. Observou-se que o uso dos reguladores promoveu o crescimento das bagas na cultivar BRS Clara em todos os tratamentos, diferindo da testemunh

    Synthesis and gas-sensing properties of pd-doped SnO2 nanocrystals. A case study of a general methodology for doping metal oxide nanocrystals

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    Pd-modified SnO2 nanocrystals, with a Pd/Sn nominal atomic ratio of 0.025, were prepared by injecting SnO2 sols and a Pd precursor solution into tetradecene and dodecylamine at 160 degrees C. Two different doping procedures were investigated: in co-injection, a Pd acetylacetonate solution in chloroform was mixed with the SnO2 sol before the injection; in sequential injection, the Pd solution was injected separately after the SnO2 sol. The obtained suspensions were heated at the resulting 80 degrees C temperature, then the product was collected by centrifugation and dried at 80 degrees C. When using co-injection, in the dried products PdO and Pd nanoparticles were observed by high-resolution transmission electron microscopy. Only SnO2 nanocrystals were observed in dried products prepared by sequential injection. After heat-treatment at 500 degrees C, no Pd species were observed for both doping procedures. Moreover, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy showed that, in both the doping procedures, after heat-treatment Pd is distributed only into the SnO2 nanocrystal structure. This conclusion was reinforced by the measurement of the electrical properties of Pd-doped nanocrystals, showing a remarkable increase of the electrical resistance if compared with pure SnO2 nanocrystals. This result was interpreted as Pd insertion as a dopant inside the cassiterite lattice of tin dioxide. The addition of Pd resulted in a remarkable improvement of the gas-sensing properties, allowing the detection of carbon monoxide concentrations below 50 ppm and of very low concentrations (below 25 ppm) of other reducing gases such as ethanol and acetone