19 research outputs found

    Rancang Bangun Aplikasi Computer-based Test (CBT) serta Optimasinya Menggunakan Cache dan Queue Job

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    Examinations in schools that still use paper require a great deal of time, effort and money to implement, especially in the activities of printing, duplicating and distributing exam questions to students who will take the exam. Therefore, we need a system that can facilitate the filling, duplication and distribution of questions at a small cost. Based on these problems, a web-based CBT application was built that can be accessed anywhere and anytime and can work on multiple platforms (multi-platform). This system was built using the prototyping method to make it easier for developers and users to develop applications from the initial prototype to the production stage. In practice, this application is expected to be able to accommodate exam activities for all students in the school at the same time. Based on this, the application that is made must have reliability and accuracy starting from the process of carrying out the exam to displaying the results. Researchers apply a cache and queue job system to the application to get maximum results. From the results of tests that have been carried out in three stages, the results show that this web-based CBT application is able to accommodate exam activities in schools with a total of 250 students in one exam session and can display a recap of exam results from all participants


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    ABSTRAK Muh Sidik A Morang, 2022. “Analisis Kesejahteraan Masyarakat Nelayan Di Kelurahan Ponjalae Kecamatan Wara Timur”. Skripsi Program Studi Ekonomi Syariah Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Islam Institut Agama Islam Negeri (IAIN) Palopo. Dibimbing oleh Bapak Muhammad Alwi. Skripsi ini membahas tentang Analisis Kesejahteraan Masyarakat Nelayan Di Kelurahan Ponjalae Kecamatan Wara Timur. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui tingkat kesejahteraan masyarakat nelayan berdasarkan pendapatan, pendidikan, dan kesehatan. Skripsi ini merupakan penelitian lapangan dengan menggunakan jenis penelitian deskriptif kualitatif. Lokasi penelitian ini adalah di Kelurahan Ponjalae Kota Palopo. Subjek penelitian ini adalah masyarat nelayan yang berada di Kelurahan Ponjalae. Sumber data yang diperoleh dari penelitian ini adalah data primer dan data sekunder. Adapun metode pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah observasi wawancara dan dokumentasi. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa pendapatan yang diterima nelayan per sekali melaut sekitar Rp. 100.000 – Rp. 250.000, menurut kriteria UMR Kota Palopo semua masyarakat nelayan yang menjadi responden penelitian ini dikategorikan sebagai kategori miskin karena pendapatan yang diterima nelayan di Kelurahan Ponjalae hanya berkisar di kisaran Rp. 100.000 – Rp. 250.000 mengingat UMR Kota Palopo berada di kisaran >Rp. 3.000.000, sedangkan menurut kriteria BAPPENAS ada beberapa masyarakat nelayan (responden) yang kurang sejahtera melihat pemenuhan sandang, pangan, papan, begitupun pendidikan masih banyak yang menjadi permasalahan seperti kurangnya kemampuan membaca dan menulis nelayan, pendidikan yang masih rendah dan terbatasnya kepemilikan tanah, sedangkan kesahatan masyarakat nelayan yang berada di Kelurahan Ponjalae hanya merasakan sakit pegal-pegal saja seperti pegal pada pinggul dan pundak akibat mengangkat ikan yang terlalu banyak, terkait kesehatan hampir semua masyarakat nelayan yang berada di Kelurahan Ponjalae memiliki BPJS kesehatan. Kata Kunci: Kesejahteraan Masyaraka

    Echo Facies Distribution in Vitoria Bay, Southeast Brazil

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    Erosional and Depositional Characteristics of Regional Overwash Deposits Caused by Multiple Hurricanes

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    Regional-scale washover deposits along the Florida Gulf and Atlantic coasts induced by multiple hurricanes in 2004 and 2005 were studied through coring, trenching, ground-penetrating radar imaging, aerial photography, and prestorm and poststorm beach-profile surveys. Erosional and depositional characteristics in different barrier-island sub-environments, including dune field, interior wetland and back-barrier bay were examined. Over the eroded dune fields, the washover deposits are characterized by an extensive horizontal basal erosional surface truncating the old dune deposits and horizontal to slightly landward-dipping stratification. Over the marshes in the barrier-island interior, the washover deposits are characterized by steep tabular bedding, with no erosion at the bottom. Overwash into the back-barrier bay produced the thickest deposits characterized by steep, prograding sigmoidal bedding. No significant erosional feature was observed at the bottom. Washover deposits within the dense interior mangrove swamp demonstrate both normal and reversed graded bedding. The washover deposits caused by hurricanes Frances (2004) and Jeanne (2004) along the southern Florida Atlantic coast barrier islands are substantially different from those along the northern Florida barrier islands caused by Ivan (2004) and Dennis (2005) in terms of regional extension, erosional features and sedimentary structures. These differences are controlled by different overall barrier-island morphology, vegetation type and density, and sediment properties. The homogeneity of sediment along the northern Florida coast makes distinguishing between washover deposits from Ivan and Dennis difficult. In contrast, along the Atlantic coast barrier islands, the two overwash events, as demonstrated by two phases of graded bedding of the bimodal sediments, are easily distinguishable

    Spatio-temporal analysis of decadal-scale patterns in barrier island response to storms: Perdido Key, NW Florida

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    The ability to accurately quantify shoreline variability is essential in order to establish aggressive mitigation strategies, based on recent global climate change projections. This investigation employed a suite of coastal data (topographic maps, aerial photography, satellite imagery and lidar) to establish decadal trends of shoreline movement along Perdido Key, a sandy barrier island off Florida’s northwest coast. The technique used to detect morphologic change with time was a recently developed tool, Analyzing Moving Boundaries Using R. This innovative methodology improves our understanding of the evolution of coastal systems by modeling shoreline variance using a method that is sensitive to shoreline shape. Results show that the barrier shoreline is a highly dynamic feature with distinct zones of erosion and accretion that are pervasive over time. In general, the island is displaying a mechanism of rotational instability with the eastern half retreating, and the western portion advancing. The inflection point, around which this rotational shifting is taking place, lies at the center of a Pleistocene headland located along the island’s midpoint. The results of this study suggest that coastal evolution along the island may be meta-stable, with trends in shoreline variance corresponding mainly to discrete storm events in time