7 research outputs found
Urocultivo en diabéticos H.V.C.M. Cuenca 1989
Tecnólogo Médico en Laboratorio Clínico e HistopatologíaCuenc
Human Heart Morphogenesis: A New Vision Based on In Vivo Labeling and Cell Tracking
Despite the extensive information available on the different genetic, epigenetic, and molecular features of cardiogenesis, the origin of congenital heart defects remains unknown. Most genetic and molecular studies have been conducted outside the context of the progressive anatomical and histological changes in the embryonic heart, which is one of the reasons for the limited knowledge of the origins of congenital heart diseases. We integrated the findings of descriptive studies on human embryos and experimental studies on chick, rat, and mouse embryos. This research is based on the new dynamic concept of heart development and the existence of two heart fields. The first field corresponds to the straight heart tube, into which splanchnic mesodermal cells from the second heart field are gradually recruited. The overall aim was to create a new vision for the analysis, diagnosis, and regionalized classification of congenital defects of the heart and great arteries. In addition to highlighting the importance of genetic factors in the development of congenital heart disease, this study provides new insights into the composition of the straight heart tube, the processes of twisting and folding, and the fate of the conus in the development of the right ventricle and its outflow tract. The new vision, based on in vivo labeling and cell tracking and enhanced by models such as gastruloids and organoids, has contributed to a better understanding of important errors in cardiac morphogenesis, which may lead to several congenital heart diseases
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Natural selection maintains species despite frequent hybridization in the desert shrub Encelia.
Natural selection is an important driver of genetic and phenotypic differentiation between species. For species in which potential gene flow is high but realized gene flow is low, adaptation via natural selection may be a particularly important force maintaining species. For a recent radiation of New World desert shrubs (Encelia: Asteraceae), we use fine-scale geographic sampling and population genomics to determine patterns of gene flow across two hybrid zones formed between two independent pairs of species with parapatric distributions. After finding evidence for extremely strong selection at both hybrid zones, we use a combination of field experiments, high-resolution imaging, and physiological measurements to determine the ecological basis for selection at one of the hybrid zones. Our results identify multiple ecological mechanisms of selection (drought, salinity, herbivory, and burial) that together are sufficient to maintain species boundaries despite high rates of hybridization. Given that multiple pairs of Encelia species hybridize at ecologically divergent parapatric boundaries, such mechanisms may maintain species boundaries throughout Encelia
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Natural selection maintains species despite frequent hybridization in the desert shrub Encelia.
Natural selection is an important driver of genetic and phenotypic differentiation between species. For species in which potential gene flow is high but realized gene flow is low, adaptation via natural selection may be a particularly important force maintaining species. For a recent radiation of New World desert shrubs (Encelia: Asteraceae), we use fine-scale geographic sampling and population genomics to determine patterns of gene flow across two hybrid zones formed between two independent pairs of species with parapatric distributions. After finding evidence for extremely strong selection at both hybrid zones, we use a combination of field experiments, high-resolution imaging, and physiological measurements to determine the ecological basis for selection at one of the hybrid zones. Our results identify multiple ecological mechanisms of selection (drought, salinity, herbivory, and burial) that together are sufficient to maintain species boundaries despite high rates of hybridization. Given that multiple pairs of Encelia species hybridize at ecologically divergent parapatric boundaries, such mechanisms may maintain species boundaries throughout Encelia
Memoria del primer foro sobre logros, problemas y propuestas de los cuerpos académicos de educación y humanidades de la Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México
Motivados por el interés de dialogar nuestras preocupaciones cotidianas en torno al quehacer académico en la Universidad, e impulsados por la inquietud de compartir puntos de vista y apreciaciones acerca de la forma en que organizamos colectivamente el trabajo académico (en especial, de investigación) en los diferentes espacios de especialización disciplinaria e interdisciplinaria en los campos de las Ciencias de la Educación y las Humanidades, asistimos a la convocatoria para reflexionar qué tanto hemos avanzado como verdaderos equipos de trabajo (sobre todo en lo relativo a la investigación) y cuánto aún nos queda por hacer, a fin de coordinar esfuerzos individuales y sumar capacidades en proyectos y actividades comunes a cada cuerpo académico