106 research outputs found

    Prenatal and Postnatal Predictive Factors for Children's Inattentive and Hyperactive Symptoms at 5 Years of Age: The Role of Early Family-Related Factors

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    We examined several parent-reported prenatal and postnatal factors as potential risk factors for attention-deficit and hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) symptomatology in 5-year-old children. Our study is based on the CHILD-SLEEP birth cohort. Several parental questionnaires were collected prenatally (32nd pregnancy week) and postnatally (i.e. child aged 3, 8, and 24 months and at 5 years). At 5 years of age, ADHD symptoms were assessed using questionnaires. Our main results showed that being a boy, parental depressive symptoms, more negative family atmosphere or a child’s shorter sleep duration, and maternal authoritarian parenting style predicted inattentive/hyperactive symptoms. Maternal and paternal authoritative parenting style predicted less inattentive/hyperactive symptoms. Children with several risk factors together had the highest risk for inattentive/hyperactive symptoms. Our findings emphasise the need for early screening and treatment of parental mental health, and early evidence-based targeted parental support, to enable early intervention in those children at a risk of developing ADHD.Peer reviewe

    Childhood adversities and clinical symptomatology in first-episode psychosis

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    In addition to severe traumatic experiences, milder, more common childhood adversities reflecting psychosocial burden may also be common in people with psychotic disorders and have an effect on symptomatology and functioning. We explored eleven negative childhood experiences and their influence on clinical symptoms among young adults with first-episode psychosis (FEP, n = 75) and matched population controls (n = 51). Individuals with FEP reported more adversities than controls. Specifically serious conflicts within the family, bullying at school, maternal mental health problems, and one's own and parents' serious illness during childhood were experienced by the patients more often than by controls. In the FEP group, the severity of adversity was associated with increased anxiety, manic, and obsessive-compulsive symptoms, but not with the severity of positive psychotic symptoms. Adversity produced a more pronounced effect on symptoms in male patients than in female patients. To conclude, in line with earlier studies of more chronic psychosis, a majority of the participants with FEP reported exposure to childhood adversities, with the FEP group reporting more adversities than controls. High levels of mood and anxiety symptoms in patients with FEP may be related to cumulative exposure to childhood adversities. This should be taken into account in the treatment for FEP.Peer reviewe

    Sleep during infancy, inhibitory control and working memory in toddlers:findings from the FinnBrain cohort study

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    Background: Sleep difficulties are associated with impaired executive functions (EFs) in school-aged children. However, much less is known about how sleep during infancy relates to EF in infants and toddlers. The aim of this study was to investigate whether parent-reported sleep patterns at 6 and 12 months were associated with their inhibitory control (IC) and working memory (WM) performances at 30 months.Methods: This study included children whose parents filled in a sleep questionnaire at 6 or 12 months and who participated in the development assessment at 30 months (initial available sample at 30 months; N = 472). The final sample comprised (a) 359 infants with IC task and sleep questionnaire at 6 months and 322 toddlers at 12 months and (b) 364 infants with WM task and sleep questionnaire at 6 months and 327 toddlers at 12 months. Nighttime, daytime and total sleep duration, frequency of night awakenings, time awake at night, and proportion of daytime sleep were assessed at 6 and 12 months using the Brief Infant Sleep Questionnaire. IC at 30 months was measured using a modified version of the Snack Delay task, and WM was measured at 30 months using the Spin the Pots task. Further, children were divided into three groups (i.e., “poor sleepers”, “intermediate sleepers”, and “good sleepers”) based on percentile cut-offs (i.e., &lt;10th, 10th–90th and &gt; 90th percentiles) to obtain a comprehensive understanding of the direction and nature of the associations between sleep and EF in early childhood.Results: Our results showed an inverted U-shaped association between proportion of daytime sleep at 12 months and IC at 30 months, indicating that average proportions of daytime sleep were longitudinally associated with better IC performance. Furthermore, a linear relation between time awake at night at 12 months and WM at 30 months was found, with more time awake at night associating with worse WM.Conclusions: Our findings support the hypothesis that sleep disruption in early childhood is associated with the development of later EF and suggest that various sleep difficulties at 12 months distinctively affect WM and IC in toddlers, possibly in a nonlinear manner.<br/

    The role of parental circadian preference in the onset of sleep difficulties in early childhood

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    Background: Chronotype is a construct contributing to individual differences in sleep-wake timing. Previous studies with children have found that evening-types exhibit greater sleep difficulties. Infant sleep quality can be modulated by several factors, such as parental characteristics. We examined the association between parental circadian preference and sleep in early childhood. Methods: This study was based on a longitudinal birth cohort, with several measurement points. We used information regarding parental questionnaires during pregnancy and children's sleep measures at three, eight, 18 and 24 months. In total, 1220 mothers, 1116 fathers, 993 infants at three months, 990 infants at eight months, 958 children at 18 months, and 777 children at 24 months were analyzed. Parental circadian preference was measured using the Horne-Ostberg Morningness-Eveningness Questionnaire. Concerning children's sleep, we used the Brief Infant Sleep Questionnaire (BISQ) and the Infant Sleep Questionnaire (ISQ) at each time point. Results: Maternal circadian preference was associated with infants' circadian rhythm development at three, eight, 18 and 24 months. Furthermore, increased maternal eveningness was also related to short sleep during daytime at three months, and nighttime at three and eight months, to long sleep-onset latency at three, 18 and 24 months, to late bedtime at three, eight and 18 months, and to sleep difficulties at eight and 24 months. Paternal circadian preference was not associated with any sleep variable at any time point. Conclusion: Maternal circadian preference is related to several sleep difficulties in early childhood, and it may be considered a potential risk factor for the onset of early sleeping problems. (c) 2018 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.Peer reviewe

    Parent-reported early sleep problems and internalising, externalising and dysregulation symptoms in toddlers

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    Background The concurrence of sleep and socio-emotional development in children is well accepted. However, the predictive role of sleep problems in infancy and the development of emotional and behavioural problems later in childhood remain still unclear. Therefore, in this study we examined the associations between sleep problems in early childhood and internalising, externalising and dysregulation symptoms in toddlers. Methods 1679 families entered the study during pregnancy and 936 children participated at 24 months. Parent-reported sleep duration, sleep-onset latency, night wakings, proportion of daytime sleep and bedtime at 3, 8, 18 and 24 months were assessed with two sleep questionnaires. Externalising, internalising and dysregulation problems at 24 months were examined with the Brief Infant-Toddler Social and Emotional Assessment. Results Short sleep duration at 3 and 8 months, more night wakings at 3, 8, 18 and 24 months and greater proportion of daytime sleep at 24 months were associated with internalising symptoms. Shorter sleep duration at 8, 18 and 24 months and longer sleep-onset latency and more night wakings at all time points, in addition to earlier bedtime at 8 months and greater proportion of daytime sleep at 24 months, were related to dysregulation. Finally, more night wakings at 3 and 24 months, and longer sleep-onset latency at 24 months were associated with externalising problems. Conclusion Shorter sleep and poorer sleep quality in infancy were prospectively related to emotional and behavioural symptoms in toddlers, and these associations were strongest for internalising and dysregulation symptoms. This study contributes to the recent research on the role of early sleep problems in socio-emotional development, suggesting that shorter sleep duration, longer sleep-onset latency and higher waking frequency are related to internalising, externalising and dysregulation symptoms in toddlers, and thus it might be beneficial to provide early interventions for those infants reporting these sleep problems.Peer reviewe

    Short Sleep Duration and Later Overweight in Infants

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    Objective To provide further knowledge about the longitudinal association between sleep duration and overweight in infants. Study design The data for this study are from the CHILD-SLEEP birth cohort (n = 1679). The sleep data are based on parent-reported total sleep duration collected at 3, 8, 18, and 24 months. For a subgroup of 8-month old participants (n = 350), an actigraph recording was also made. Growth data were derived from the child health clinic records. A logistic regression model was used to study the association between sleep duration and later weight development. Results Shorter sleep duration in 3-month-old infants was cross-sectionally associated with lower weight-for-length/height (all P values Conclusions Short total sleep duration at the age of 3 months and short night-time sleep duration at the age of 8 months are associated with the risk of gaining excess weight at 24 months of age.Peer reviewe

    Early neutrophil trajectory following clozapine may predict clozapine response - Results from an observational study using electronic health records

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    Background: Clozapine has unique effectiveness in treatment-resistant schizophrenia and is known to cause immunological side-effects. A transient spike in neutrophils commonly occurs in the first weeks of clozapine therapy. There is contradictory evidence in the literature as to whether neutrophil changes with clozapine are linked to treatment response. Aims: The current study aims to further examine the neutrophil changes in response to clozapine and explore any association between neutrophil trajectory and treatment response. Methods: A retrospective cohort study of patients undergoing their first treatment with clozapine and continuing for at least 2 years identified 425 patients (69% male/31% female). Neutrophil counts at baseline, 3 weeks and 1 month were obtained predominantly by linkage with data from the clozapine monitoring service. Clinical Global Impression- Severity (CGI-S) was rated from case notes at the time of clozapine initiation and at 2 years. Latent class growth analysis (LCGA) was performed to define distinct trajectories of neutrophil changes during the first month of treatment. Logistic regression was then conducted to investigate for association between the trajectory of neutrophil count changes in month 1 and clinical response at 2 years as well as between baseline neutrophil count and response. Results: Of the original cohort, 397 (93%) patients had useable neutrophil data during the first 6 weeks of clozapine treatment. LCGA revealed significant differences in neutrophil trajectories with a three-class model being the most parsimonious. The classes had similar trajectory profiles but differed primarily on overall neutrophil count: with low, high-normal and high neutrophil classes, comprising 52%, 40% and 8% of the sample respectively. Membership of the high-normal group was associated with significantly increased odds of a positive response to clozapine, as compared to the low neutrophil group [Odds ratio (OR) = 2.10, p-value = 0.002; 95% confidence interval (95% CI) = 1.31–3.36]. Baseline neutrophil count was a predictor of response to clozapine at 2 years, with counts of ≥5 × 109/l significantly associated with positive response (OR = 1.60, p-value = 0.03; 95% CI = 1.03–2.49). Conclusions: Our data are consistent with the hypothesis that patients with low-level inflammation, reflected in a high-normal neutrophil count, are more likely to respond to clozapine, raising the possibility that clozapine exerts its superior efficacy via immune mechanisms.</p
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