313 research outputs found

    Normal faulting in the 1923 Berdún earthquake and postorogenic extension in the Pyrenees

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    The 10 July 1923 earthquake near Berdún (Spain) is the largest instrumentally recorded event in the Pyrenees. We recover old analog seismograms and use 20 hand-digitized waveforms for regional moment tensor inversion. We estimate moment magnitude Mw 5.4, centroid depth of 8 km, and a pure normal faulting source with strike parallel to the mountain chain (N292°E), dip of 66° and rake of -88°. The new mechanism fits into the general predominance of normal faulting in the Pyrenees and extension inferred from Global Positioning System data. The unique location of the 1923 earthquake, near the south Pyrenean thrust front, shows that the extensional regime is not confined to the axial zone where high topography and the crustal root are located. Together with seismicity near the northern mountain front, this indicates that gravitational potential energy in the western Pyrenees is not extracted locally but induces a wide distribution of postorogenic deformation.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    The 2016 seismic series in the south Alboran Sea: Seismotectonics, Coulomb Failure Stress changes and implications for the active tectonics in the area

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    The Southern Alboran Sea, particularly the area offshore Al Hoceima Bay, presents moderate but continuous seismic activity since the Mw 6.0 1994 Al Hoceima earthquake. The maximum magnitude occurred in the area was a Mw 6.3 earthquake in the 2004 Al Hoceima – Tamasint seismic series. Since then, the seismicity in the Al Hoceima area has been usual, with maximum seismic magnitudes around 4. An increase in the seismic rate was registered during 2015, especially from May, culminating in the seismic series in January 2016. The mainshock occurred on January 25th 2016 with a magnitude Mw 6.3 and it was preceded by a Mw 5.1 foreshock on January 21st. The seismic series took place at the western end of the Alboran Ridge. Towards the northeast the Alboran Ridge bends, and seems to be connected with the NW-SE right-lateral transtensional Yusuf Fault. The recorded seismicity is mainly located in the Alboran Ridge area and along the N-S Al-Idrisi Fault that seems to continue southwards, towards the Al Hoceima Bay. The focal mechanisms calculated previously in the area showed a leftlateral strike-slip faulting with some normal component in the Alboran Ridge; but always within a complex system of diffuse deformation and high rupture type variability. We have used 41 computed focal mechanisms of this seismic series to analyze its seismotectonics and structural characteristics. To group the focal mechanisms we used a clustering algorithm using the spatial distribution of the events and also the type of rupture mechanism. For each cluster we have obtained the composed focal mechanism, associating it to a particular fault or family of structures. We have tested the mechanical compatibility of these structures by Coulomb Failure Stress transfer modeling. The mainshock of the series occurred in the Al Idrisi Fault intersecting the western Alboran Ridge. This event triggered aftershocks and independent series in left-lateral strike-slip faults associated with the Al Idrisi Fault System towards the south, but also in near pure reverse faults in the fault zone bounding the the Alboran Ridge. Both types of faults and rupture-mechanisms coexist, linked mechanically by stress transfer, being coeval the uplift of the Alboran Ridge and its northwestward displacement due to the left-lateral motion of the Al-Idrisi Fault. It is also discussed how the contrasting faulting processes and seismic ruptures are developed in two differentially oriented fault zones in the context the current NW-SE plate convergence between the African and Eurasian plates in the Westernmost Mediterranean

    Press Coverage around the Problem Water in the Political Election

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    The press, by spreading the availability of resources, shortages linked with preservation. In this sense, the work explores nine briefings from 2002 to 2012 published in national newspapers regarding the lack of supply, quality, benefit, punishment and discomfort as a consequence of the water situation in a demarcation east of Mexico City.Index Framing the water situation (IESH) was used to weight the media bias in information note by content reaching a value of 102 points out of a total of 180. This finding was considered as evidence of a moderate degree of media coverage the press regarding the problems arising from water shortages. From the results discussed its implications with other studies conducted in the demarcation

    Gobernanza de la sustentabilidad hídrica:especificación de un modelo para el estudio de la reutilización cooperativa

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    A diferencia de la gobernabilidad en la que priva la rectoría del Estado, la gobernanza supone un proceso de cogobierno entre gobernantes y ciudadanos. En ese sentido la teoría política ha avanzado hacia la explicación de las relaciones de dependencia entre factores que inhiben y facilitan los acuerdos y las corresponsabilidades. A partir de este hecho, el presente trabajo se propone especificar un modelo para el estudio de la sustentabilidad hídrica como resultado de una cogestión. Se llevó a cabo un estudio documental y retrospectivo con una selección no probabilísticas de fuentes indexadas a repositorios líderes en América Latina, considerando el periodo de publicación y las categorías reportadas en la literatura. Se discute la pertinencia de incluir en el modelo especificado a los factores de hipermetropía y desesperanza como inhibidores del emprendimiento cooperativo. Se advierten líneas de investigación sobre los efectos de ambas variables consideradas como barreras para la gestión y administración consensuada de los recursos y servicios hídrico

    Avaliação de um extrato vegetal na dieta sobre o comportamento produtivo de suínos estressados pelo calor

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    The exposure of pigs to heat stress (HS) affects the integrity of intestinal epithelia, compared to thermal neutral (TN) pigs, partially due to overproduction of free radicals. Herbal extracts (HE) from Capsicum spp., Pipper nigrum y Zingiber officinales possess antioxidant activity. The effect of adding this HE to the diet was analyzed on performance of 42 pigs (27±3 kg). The treatments were: TN-C, TN pigs with control diet, TN-P, pigs with control diet plus 0.02% HE; HS-C, HS pigs with control diet; and HS-P, HS pigs with control diet plus 0.02% HE. The experiment consisted of two periods; in period 1, all pigs were adapted to the control diet during 8 days under TN conditions, followed by a 7-day experimental period. Daily weight gain and feed intake were higher (P <0.05), and feed conversion ratio tended (P<0.10) to improve in HS-HE pigs compared to HS-C pigs. In conclusion, adding HE to the diet can improve some productive parameters in pigs exposed to HS conditions.La exposición de cerdos a estrés por calor (EC), en comparación con termo neutralidad (TN) afecta la integridad del epitelio intestinal, en parte debido a la sobreproducción de radicales libres. Extractos de hierbas (EH) como Capsicum spp., Pipper nigrum y Zingiber officinales poseen actividad antioxidante. Se evaluó el efecto de adicionar un extracto EH a la dieta en el desempeño productivo de 42 cerdos (27±3 kg) en EC. Los tratamientos fueron: TN-T, cerdos en TN alimentados con dieta testigo; EC-T y EC-EH, cerdos en EC alimentados con dieta testigo sin o con 0.2 % de EH. El experimento consistió de dos periodos; en periodo 1, todos los cerdos tuvieron 8 días de adaptación a la dieta testigo en TN, seguido del periodo experimental de 7 días. La ganancia de peso y consumo de alimento fueron mayores (P <0.05), y la conversión alimenticia tendió a ser mejor (P<0.10) en cerdos EC-EH que en cerdos EC-T. En conclusión, la adición del EH puede contribuir a mejorar algunos parámetros productivos cuando los cerdos están expuestos a EC.A exposição de suínos ao estresse térmico (CE), em comparação com a termoneutralidade (TN), afeta a integridade do epitélio intestinal, em parte devido à superprodução de radicais livres. Extratos de ervas (EH) como Capsicum spp., Pipper nigrum e Zingiber officinales possuem atividade antioxidante. Avaliou-se o efeito da adição de extrato de EH à dieta sobre o desempenho produtivo de 42 suínos (27±3 kg) em EC. Os tratamentos foram: TN-T, suínos em TN alimentados com dieta controle; EC-T e EC-EH, suínos em EC alimentados com dieta controle sem ou com 0,2% de EH. O experimento consistiu em dois períodos; No período 1, todos os suínos tiveram 8 dias de adaptação à dieta controle em TN, seguido do período experimental de 7 dias. O ganho de peso e o consumo de ração foram maiores (P < 0,05) e a conversão alimentar tendeu a ser melhor (P < 0,10) em porcos EC-EH do que em porcos EC-T. Em conclusão, a adição de EH pode contribuir para melhorar alguns parâmetros produtivos quando os suínos são expostos a CE

    In vivo antimicrobial activity of silver nanoparticles produced via a green chemistry synthesis using Acacia rigidula as a reducing and capping agent

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    Introduction: One of the main issues in the medical field and clinical practice is the development of novel and effective treatments against infections caused by antibiotic-resistant bacteria. One avenue that has been approached to develop effective antimicrobials is the use of silver nanoparticles (Ag-NPs), since they have been found to exhibit an efficient and wide spectrum of antimicrobial properties. Among the main drawbacks of using Ag-NPs are their potential cytotoxicity against eukaryotic cells and the latent environmental toxicity of their synthesis methods. Therefore, diverse green synthesis methods, which involve the use of environmentally friendly plant extracts as reductive and capping agents, have become attractive to synthesize Ag-NPs that exhibit antimicrobial effects against resistant bacteria at concentrations below toxicity thresholds for eukaryotic cells. Purpose: In this study, we report a green one-pot synthesis method that uses Acacia rigidula extract as a reducing and capping agent, to produce Ag-NPs with applications as therapeutic agents to treat infections in vivo. Materials and methods: The Ag-NPs were characterized using transmission electron microscopy (TEM), high-resolution TEM, selected area electron diffraction, energy-dispersive spectroscopy, ultraviolet–visible, and Fourier transform infrared. Results: We show that Ag-NPs are spherical with a narrow size distribution. The Ag-NPs show antimicrobial activities in vitro against Gram-negative (Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and a clinical multidrug-resistant strain of P. aeruginosa) and Gram-positive (Bacillus subtilis) bacteria. Moreover, antimicrobial effects of the Ag-NPs, against a resistant P. aeruginosa clinical strain, were tested in a murine skin infection model. The results demonstrate that the Ag-NPs reported in this work are capable of eradicating pathogenic resistant bacteria in an infection in vivo. In addition, skin, liver, and kidney damage profiles were monitored in the murine infection model, and the results demonstrate that Ag-NPs can be used safely as therapeutic agents in animal models. Conclusion: Together, these results suggest the potential use of Ag-NPs, synthesized by green chemistry methods, as therapeutic agents against infections caused by resistant and nonresistant strains. Keywords: silver nanoparticles, green synthesis, in vitro antibacterial activity, in vivo antibacterial activity, skin infection, toxicological stud

    Prevalencia de obesidad pre-sarcopénica en personas mayores chilenas: Resultados de la Encuesta Nacional de Salud 2016-2017

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    Introduction: There are no studies in Chile that quantify the prevalence of pre-sarcopenic obesity. Therefore, this study aimed to determine the prevalence of pre-sarcopenic obesity in Chilean elderly people. Methodology: 240 people ≥ 60 years from the Chilean National Health Survey 2016-2017 were included. Pre-sarcopenia was estimated with the handgrip test and obesity was defined using waist circumference. As a sensitivity analysis, obesity was classified in a subsample of 129 people using the BMI. Based on the obesity and muscle strength criteria, the participants were categorized as: normal; obese/ normal; normal/pre-sarcopenia and obesity/pre-sarcopenia. Results: 22.6% of the population presented obesity/pre-sarcopenia using waist circumference as a diagnostic parameter. The prevalence of pre-sarcopenic obesity was higher in women (22.9%), in older people (33.0%), with urban residence (22.8%), and lower educational levels (37.3%). By incorporating the BMI as an obesity criterion, a decrease in the prevalence of pre-sarcopenic obesity (12.2%) and a higher percentage of women with this phenotype were identified. Conclusions: The prevalence of pre-sarcopenic obesity was identified in 22.6% of the older Chilean population included. Considering the role of obesity and sarcopenia in the development of non-communicable diseases, its identification and early detection could allow the creation of interventions that favor the survival and health of the elderly.Introducción: No existen estudio en Chile que cuantifiquen la prevalencia de obesidad pre-sarcopénica.  Por ende, el objetivo de este estudio fue determinar la prevalencia de obesidad pre-sarcopénica en personas mayores chilenas. Metodología: Se incluyeron 240 personas ≥ 60 años de la Encuesta Nacional de Salud (ENS) 2016-2017 de Chile. La pre-sarcopenia se estimó con la prueba de prensión manual y la obesidad fue definida utilizando la obesidad abdominal través de la medición del perímetro de cintura. Como análisis de sensibilidad, en una submuestra de 129 personas se clasificó la obesidad utilizando el IMC. En función de los criterios de obesidad y fuerza muscular los participantes fueron clasificados en 4 categorías: normal; obeso/ normal; normal/ pre-sarcopenia y obesidad/ pre-sarcopénica. Resultados: Un 22,6% de la población estudiada presentaba obesidad/pre-sarcopénica usando el perímetro de cintura como parámetro diagnóstico. Además, la prevalencia de obesidad pre-sarcopénica fue mayor en mujeres (22,9%), en personas con mayor edad (33,0%), con residencia urbana (22,8%), y menor nivel educacional (37,3%). Al incorporar el IMC como criterio de obesidad, se identificó una disminución de la prevalencia de obesidad pre-sarcopénica (12,2%) y un porcentaje mayor de mujeres con este fenotipo. Conclusiones: Se identificó una prevalencia de 22,6% de obesidad pre-sarcopénica en población mayor chilena. Considerando el rol de la obesidad y sarcopenia en el aumento de enfermedades crónicas no transmisibles, su identificación y detección temprana podría permitir la creación de intervenciones que favorezcan la supervivencia y la salud de las personas mayores

    Cov-caldas: A new COVID-19 chest X-Ray dataset from state of Caldas-Colombia

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    The emergence of COVID-19 as a global pandemic forced researchers worldwide in various disciplines to investigate and propose efficient strategies and/or technologies to prevent COVID-19 from further spreading. One of the main challenges to be overcome is the fast and efficient detection of COVID-19 using deep learning approaches and medical images such as Chest Computed Tomography (CT) and Chest X-ray images. In order to contribute to this challenge, a new dataset was collected in collaboration with “S.E.S Hospital Universitario de Caldas” (https://hospitaldecaldas.com/) from Colombia and organized following the Medical Imaging Data Structure (MIDS) format. The dataset contains 7,307 chest X-ray images divided into 3,077 and 4,230 COVID-19 positive and negative images. Images were subjected to a selection and anonymization process to allow the scientific community to use them freely. Finally, different convolutional neural networks were used to perform technical validation. This dataset contributes to the scientific community by tackling significant limitations regarding data quality and availability for the detection of COVID-19. © 2022, The Author(s)