1,451 research outputs found

    Uma revisão crítica da história do design: do artista individual ao agente social

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    Our vision of the future depends on the one we have about the past. In this paper, the prevailing stances in the study of design history are analysed to clarify their influence on the shaping of our concept about design: what it is and could be. The traditional thread in the study of design history has its roots in Pevsner’s work, who purports a vision of design as heir to the architectural tradition, and in Geidion’s texts, that emphasize the notion of technological evolution. As a result, the vision of design that is taught (therefore directing most of our professional practice) favours the notion of this profession as “art” and the figure of individual designers as cultural heroes, leaving out other postures that could be more akin to our needs and possibilities. Therefore a critical reflection about design history is fundamental in order to imagine different futures and other models of professional practice. From this analysis, the proposal to explore other perspectives than those of the dominant approaches emerges, in order to stimulate the required reflection that could help formulate innovative scenarios and thus shape future products and services.Keywords: Design history, Art history, Design education.Nossa visão de futuro depende da visão que temos sobre o passado. Neste trabalho, as posições dominantes no estudo da história do design são analisadas para esclarecer a sua influência sobre a formação do nosso conceito sobre o design: o que é e pode ser. A linha tradicional no estudo da história do design tem suas raízes na obra de Pevsner que propõe uma visão do design como herdeiro da tradição arquitetônica, e nos textos de Geidion, que enfatizam a noção de evolução tecnológica. Como resultado, a visão do design que é ensinado (portanto, direciona a maior parte de nossa prática profissional) favorece a noção da profissão como “arte” e a figura de criadores individuais como heróis culturais, deixando de fora outras posturas que poderiam ser mais parecidas com nossas necessidades e possibilidades. Portanto, uma reflexão crítica sobre a história do design é fundamental, a fim de imaginar futuros diferentes e outros modelos de prática profissional. A partir desta análise, surge a proposta de explorar outras perspectivas do que os das abordagens dominantes, a fim de estimular a reflexão necessária que poderia ajudar a formular cenários inovadores e assim moldar futuros produtos e serviços.Palavras-chave: História do design, História da arte, Educação de design

    Reinforcement and Curriculum Learning for Off-Road Navigation of an UGV with a 3D LiDAR

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    This paper presents the use of deep Reinforcement Learning (RL) for autonomous navigation of an Unmanned Ground Vehicle (UGV) with an onboard three-dimensional (3D) Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) sensor in off-road environments. For training, both the robotic simulator Gazebo and the Curriculum Learning paradigm are applied. Furthermore, an Actor–Critic Neural Network (NN) scheme is chosen with a suitable state and a custom reward function. To employ the 3D LiDAR data as part of the input state of the NNs, a virtual two-dimensional (2D) traversability scanner is developed. The resulting Actor NN has been successfully tested in both real and simulated experiments and favorably compared with a previous reactive navigation approach on the same UGV.Partial funding for open access charge: Universidad de Málag

    Hacia un diseño integral

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    This paper proposes a review of common positions in design teaching and also presents the structure that has been adopted for those subjects of projects in the Bachelor of Design from the UAM-Cuajimalpa. In the article, the outcome profile, the guidelines and basic concepts of a comprehensive design and procedures for selecting the issues to be presented to students are described. It explains the general process to define problems from complex problems.En el presente texto se hace una revisión de las posturas habituales en la docencia del diseño y se presenta la estructura que, para las asignaturas de proyectos, se ha adoptado en la Licenciatura en Diseño de la UAM-Cuajimalpa. Se presenta el perfil de egreso, los lineamientos y conceptos básicos de un diseño integral, y los procedimientos para seleccionar las problemáticas que se presentarán a los alumnos. Se describe el procesogeneral para definir problemas a partir de problemáticas complejas.Este artigo faz uma revisão das posturas habituais na docência do design e se apresenta a estrutura que, para as matérias de projetos, se adotou na licenciatura em Design daUAM-Cuajimalpa. Apresenta-se o perfil de egresso, os lineamentos e conceitos básicos deum design integral, e os procedimentos para selecionar as problemáticas que se apresentarãoaos alunos. Descreve-se o processo geral para definir problemas a partir de problemáticascomplexas

    Uma revisão crítica da história do design: do artista individual ao agente social

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    Our vision of the future depends on the one we have about the past. In this paper, the prevailing stances in the study of design history are analysed to clarify their influence on the shaping of our concept about design: what it is and could be. The traditional thread in the study of design history has its roots in Pevsner’s work, who purports a vision of design as heir to the architectural tradition, and in Geidion’s texts, that emphasize the notion of technological evolution. As a result, the vision of design that is taught (therefore directing most of our professional practice) favours the notion of this profession as “art” and the figure of individual designers as cultural heroes, leaving out other postures that could be more akin to our needs and possibilities. Therefore a critical reflection about design history is fundamental in order to imagine different futures and other models of professional practice. From this analysis, the proposal to explore other perspectives than those of the dominant approaches emerges, in order to stimulate the required reflection that could help formulate innovative scenarios and thus shape future products and services.Keywords: Design history, Art history, Design education.Nossa visão de futuro depende da visão que temos sobre o passado. Neste trabalho, as posições dominantes no estudo da história do design são analisadas para esclarecer a sua influência sobre a formação do nosso conceito sobre o design: o que é e pode ser. A linha tradicional no estudo da história do design tem suas raízes na obra de Pevsner que propõe uma visão do design como herdeiro da tradição arquitetônica, e nos textos de Geidion, que enfatizam a noção de evolução tecnológica. Como resultado, a visão do design que é ensinado (portanto, direciona a maior parte de nossa prática profissional) favorece a noção da profissão como “arte” e a figura de criadores individuais como heróis culturais, deixando de fora outras posturas que poderiam ser mais parecidas com nossas necessidades e possibilidades. Portanto, uma reflexão crítica sobre a história do design é fundamental, a fim de imaginar futuros diferentes e outros modelos de prática profissional. A partir desta análise, surge a proposta de explorar outras perspectivas do que os das abordagens dominantes, a fim de estimular a reflexão necessária que poderia ajudar a formular cenários inovadores e assim moldar futuros produtos e serviços.Palavras-chave: História do design, História da arte, Educação de design

    Architecture, design and source code comparison of ns-2 and ns-3 network simulators

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    Ns-2 and its successor ns-3 are discrete-event simulators. Ns- 3 is still under development, but offers some interesting characteristics for developers while ns-2 still has a big user base. This paper remarks current differences between both tools from developers point of view. Leaving performance and resources consumption aside, technical issues described in the present paper might help to choose one or another alternative depending of simulation and project management requirements.Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia TIN2006-15617-C03-03Junta de Andalucía P06-TIC-229

    Analysis of source code metrics from ns-2 and ns-3 network simulators

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    Ns-2 and its successor ns-3 are discrete-event simulators which are closely related to each other as they share common background, concepts and similar aims. Ns-3 is still under development, but it offers some interesting characteristics for developers while ns-2 still has a large user base. While other studies have compared different network simulators, focusing on performance measurements, in this paper we adopted a different approach by focusing on technical characteristics and using software metrics to obtain useful conclusions. We chose ns-2 and ns-3 for our case study because of the popularity of the former in research and the increasing use of the latter. This reflects the current situation where ns-3 has emerged as a viable alternative to ns-2 due to its features and design. The paper assesses the current state of both projects and their respective evolution supported by the measurements obtained from a broad set of software metrics. By considering other qualitative characteristics we obtained a summary of technical features of both simulators including, architectural design, software dependencies or documentation policies.Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación TEC2009-10639-C04-0

    Stress, Burnout, and Resilience: Are Teachers at Risk?

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    It is increasingly common to find alarming news related to tragic events occurring in schools around the world. Being able to deal with these situations without getting hurt is a task not suitable for everyone. In general, teachers are the ones who must deal with this type of situation in addition to other daily problems that appear in any classroom that make the level of stress to which they are subjected can become dangerous. This research aims to know the current situation of teachers in a region of southeastern Spain in terms of their level of work stress, resilience, and other associated variables, for which an ex post facto quantitative approach study was designed. For this purpose, an ad hoc sociodemographic questionnaire, and questions based on the Teaching and Learning International Survey of the Organization for Economic Co-Operation and Development, the Maslach Burnout Inventory, and the Brief Resilient Coping Scale were applied. The participating sample consisted of 470 teachers. The main findings were that 6% of teachers had burnout (high emotional exhaustion, high cynicism, and low professional effectiveness simultaneously). Resilience correlated inversely with stress, emotional exhaustion, cynicism, excessive teaching, and difficulty maintaining classroom discipline. In conclusion, knowing the needs of teachers allows us to reflect on what kind of prevention and intervention programs are necessary to improve the well-being of teachers and thus improve the quality of education

    Design for all as a research and education strategy

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    The biggest challenge for the education of designers lies in the fact that graduates will have to work in a context that is still ina process of definition. To meet this challenge, a collaborative and participatory strategy that develops two fundamental competencesfor the future is proposed: capacity to research and, therefore, to produce knowledge, and to meet needs other than thetraditional ones. This strategy gathers three areas: Research developed by professors; Interaction between theory and practice ofintegral design and universal design; Research and practice focused on the needs of people with disabilities. The specific objectivesof this proposal are: to educate designers based on the perspective of research-action; to pay attention to human rights; toconfront students with real situations; to encourage co-design between users and designers. Examples of designs developed bystudents in final projects are described.Keywords: design for all, strategy, design education

    Intragranular carbon nanotubes in alumina-based composites for reinforced ceramics

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    The traditional methods for the synthesis of reinforced alumina-based matrix composites with carbon nanotubes (CNTs) have presented serious difficulties for obtaining well-dispersed and homogeneously distributed CNTs within the matrix. Besides this, the CNTs are typically found in the grain boundaries of the matrix. These features involve a non-optimal reinforcement role of the CNTs. With the aim of maximizing the efficiency of the reinforcement of the CNT, this work reconsiders a sol-gel-based procedure for ceramic composite fabrication with a two fold objective: to achieve a good dispersion of the CNTs and to promote the intragranular location of the CNTs. The mixing of precursors and CNTs has been developed under the presence of high-power ultrasounds, followed by a rapid in-situ gelation that “froze” the nanotubes inside the gel. The chemical and physical relationships between the ceramic matrix and the embedded reinforcing phase have been researched. First results confirm the success of the synthesis procedure for the preparation of alumina-based composite powders starting from a commercial boehmite sol and multiwalled carbon nanotubes. X-ray diffraction and Raman analyses confirmed the formation of the α-Al 2 O 3 and the persistence of the non-damaged nanotube structure. N 2 physisorption and electron microscopy were used to check the evolution of the nanostructure and to confirm the presence of intragranular carbon nanotube within the polycrystalline powder. Therefore, the alumina-based composite powder prepared by this new procedure is a good candidate for the preparation of reinforced ceramic matrix composites.Junta de Andalucía P12-FQM-107

    Propuesta de un sistema de transmisión y recepción de televisión a través del uso de la tecnología de IPTV en el departamento de comunicación para el desarrollo de la universidad nacional autónoma de Nicaragua UNAN-Managua, en el recinto universitario Rubén Darío

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    En este documento se discutirá el enfoque del tema "transmisión y recepción de televisión a través del protocolo IPTV", donde se dividirá en 3 capítulos, un capítulo abordará el tema de la historia y los conceptos básicos, el segundo capítulo hablará sobre debilidades del sistema de transmisión que se está utilizando actualmente para las transmisiones en vivo, el tercer y último capítulo contendrá la información del equipo y las modificaciones recomendadas que se utilizarán de acuerdo con los resultados del diagnóstico realizado anteriormente. Se realizarán diagnósticos sobre el equipo y la red actualmente utilizados para las transmisiones en vivo realizadas por UNAN-MANAGUA a través del departamento de comunicación para el desarrollo. Los principales temas a tratar serán la calidad de la experiencia, la calidad del servicio, el ancho de banda necesario para las transmisiones. También se realizarán propuestas de equipo para obtener la mejor experiencia en transmisiones de transmisión Las pruebas a la red se llevarán a cabo para obtener medidas de ancho de banda para poder transmitir varias transmisiones al mismo tiempo, se realizará una mejora en el sistema de transmisión donde se reflejará en un esquema de transmisión donde se mostrará como Todo el equipo recomendado anteriormente se ubicará e interconectará. Al final de este documento, se darán recomendaciones y conclusiones basadas en los resultados de los diagnósticos que se realizaron tanto al equipo como a la red que se utiliza para las transmisiones en vivo de la ONU-Managua