51 research outputs found

    Common Warm Dust Temperatures Around Main-sequence Stars

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    We compare the properties of warm dust emission from a sample of main-sequence A-type stars (B8-A7) to those of dust around solar-type stars (F5-K0) with similar Spitzer Space Telescope Infrared Spectrograph/MIPS data and similar ages. Both samples include stars with sources with infrared spectral energy distributions that show evidence of multiple components. Over the range of stellar types considered, we obtain nearly the same characteristic dust temperatures (~190 K and ~60 K for the inner and outer dust components, respectively)—slightly above the ice evaporation temperature for the inner belts. The warm inner dust temperature is readily explained if populations of small grains are being released by sublimation of ice from icy planetesimals. Evaporation of low-eccentricity icy bodies at ~150 K can deposit particles into an inner/warm belt, where the small grains are heated to T_(dust)~ 190 K. Alternatively, enhanced collisional processing of an asteroid belt-like system of parent planetesimals just interior to the snow line may account for the observed uniformity in dust temperature. The similarity in temperature of the warmer dust across our B8-K0 stellar sample strongly suggests that dust-producing planetesimals are not found at similar radial locations around all stars, but that dust production is favored at a characteristic temperature horizon

    The TRENDS High-Contrast Imaging Survey. VII. Discovery of a Nearby Sirius-like White Dwarf System (HD 169889)

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    Monitoring the long-term radial velocity (RV) and acceleration of nearby stars has proven an effective method for directly detecting binary and substellar companions. Some fraction of nearby RV trend systems are expected to be comprised of compact objects that likewise induce a systemic Doppler signal. In this paper, we report the discovery of a white dwarf companion found to orbit the nearby (π=28.297±0.066\pi = 28.297 \pm 0.066 mas) G9 V star HD 169889. High-contrast imaging observations using NIRC2 at Keck and LMIRCam at the LBT uncover the (ΔH=9.76±0.16\Delta H = 9.76 \pm 0.16, ΔL′=9.60±0.03\Delta L' = 9.60 \pm 0.03) companion at an angular separation of 0.8'' (28 au). Thirteen years of precise Doppler observations reveal a steep linear acceleration in RV time series and place a dynamical constraint on the companion mass of M≥0.369±0.010M⊙M \geq 0.369 \pm 0.010 M_{\odot}. This "Sirius-like" system adds to the census of white dwarf companions suspected to be missing in the solar neighborhood.Comment: Accepted to Ap

    WISE Detections of Dust in the Habitable Zones of Planet-Bearing Stars

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    We use data from the Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer (WISE) all-sky release to explore the incidence of warm dust in the habitable zones around exoplanet-host stars. Dust emission at 12 and/or 22 microns (T(sub dust) approx.300 and/or approx.150 K) traces events in the terrestrial planet zones; its existence implies replenishment by evaporation of comets or collisions of asteroids, possibly stirred by larger planets. Of the 591 planetary systems (728 extrasolar planets) in the Exoplanet Encyclopedia as of 2012 January 31, 350 are robustly detected by WISE at > or = 5(sigma) level. We perform detailed photosphere subtraction using tools developed for Spitzer data and visually inspect all the WISE images to confirm bona fide point sources. We find nine planet-bearing stars show dust excess emission at 12 and/or 22 microns at > or = 3(sigma) level around young, main-sequence, or evolved giant stars. Overall, our results yield an excess incidence of approx.2.6% for stars of all evolutionary stages, but approx.1% for planetary debris disks around main-sequence stars. Besides recovering previously known warm systems, we identify one new excess candidate around the young star UScoCTIO 108

    Constraining the presence of giant planets in two-belt debris disk systems with VLT/SPHERE direct imaging and dynamical arguments

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    Giant, wide-separation planets often lie in the gap between multiple, distinct rings of circumstellar debris: this is the case for the HR 8799 and HD 95086 systems, and even the solar system where the Asteroid and Kuiper belts enclose the four gas and ice giants. In the case that a debris disk, inferred from an infrared excess in the SED, is best modelled as two distinct temperatures, we infer the presence of two spatially separated rings of debris. Giant planets may well exist between these two belts of debris, and indeed could be responsible for the formation of the gap between these belts. We observe 24 such two-belt systems using the VLT/SPHERE high contrast imager, and interpret our results under the assumption that the gap is indeed formed by one or more giant planets. A theoretical minimum mass for each planet can then be calculated, based on the predicted dynamical timescales to clear debris. The typical dynamical lower limit is Ëś0.2MJ in this work, and in some cases exceeds 1MJ. Direct imaging data, meanwhile, is typically sensitive to planets down to Ëś3.6MJ at 1", and 1.7MJ in the best case. Together, these two limits tightly constrain the possible planetary systems present around each target, many of which will be detectable with the next generation of high-contrast imagers

    A Direct Imaging Survey of Spitzer detected debris disks: Occurrence of giant planets in dusty systems

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    We describe a joint high contrast imaging survey for planets at Keck and VLT of the last large sample of debris disks identified by the Spitzer Space Telescope. No new substellar companions were discovered in our survey of 30 Spitzer-selected targets. We combine our observations with data from four published surveys to place constraints on the frequency of planets around 130 debris disk single stars, the largest sample to date. For a control sample, we assembled contrast curves from several published surveys targeting 277 stars which do not show infrared excesses. We assumed a double power law distribution in mass and semi-major axis of the form f(m,a) = CmαaβCm^{\alpha}a^{\beta}, where we adopted power law values and logarithmically flat values for the mass and semi-major axis of planets. We find that the frequency of giant planets with masses 5-20 MJupM_{\rm Jup} and separations 10-1000 AU around stars with debris disks is 6.27% (68% confidence interval 3.68 - 9.76%), compared to 0.73% (68% confidence interval 0.20 - 1.80%) for the control sample of stars without disks. These distributions differ at the 88% confidence level, tentatively suggesting distinctness of these samples.Comment: Accepted to A

    Spitzer Mid-IR Spectra of Dust Debris Around A and Late B Type Stars: Asteroid Belt Analogs and Power-Law Dust Distributions

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    Using the Spitzer/Infrared Spectrograph (IRS) low-resolution modules covering wavelengths from 5 to 35 μm, we observed 52 main-sequence A and late B type stars previously seen using Spitzer/Multiband Imaging Photometer (MIPS) to have excess infrared emission at 24 μm above that expected from the stellar photosphere. The mid-IR excess is confirmed in all cases but two. While prominent spectral features are not evident in any of the spectra, we observed a striking diversity in the overall shape of the spectral energy distributions. Most of the IRS excess spectra are consistent with single-temperature blackbody emission, suggestive of dust located at a single orbital radius—a narrow ring. Assuming the excess emission originates from a population of large blackbody grains, dust temperatures range from 70 to 324 K, with a median of 190 K corresponding to a distance of 10 AU. Thirteen stars however, have dust emission that follows a power-law distribution, F_ν = F 0λ^α, with exponent α ranging from 1.0 to 2.9. The warm dust in these systems must span a greater range of orbital locations—an extended disk. All of the stars have also been observed with Spitzer/MIPS at 70 μm, with 27 of the 50 excess sources detected (signal-to-noise ratio > 3). Most 70 μm fluxes are suggestive of a cooler, Kuiper Belt-like component that may be completely independent of the asteroid belt-like warm emission detected at the IRS wavelengths. Fourteen of 37 sources with blackbody-like fits are detected at 70 μm. The 13 objects with IRS excess emission fit by a power-law disk model, however, are all detected at 70 μm (four above, three on, and six below the extrapolated power law), suggesting that the mid-IR IRS emission and far-IR 70 μm emission may be related for these sources. Overall, the observed blackbody and power-law thermal profiles reveal debris distributed in a wide variety of radial structures that do not appear to be correlated with spectral type or stellar age. An additional 43 fainter A and late B type stars without 70 μm photometry were also observed with Spitzer/IRS; results are summarized in Appendix B

    High-contrast imaging of tight resolved binaries with two vector vortex coronagraphs in cascade with the Palomar SDC instrument

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    More than half of the stars in the solar neighborhood reside in binary/multiple stellar systems, and recent studies suggest that gas giant planets may be more abundant around binaries than single stars. Yet, these multiple systems are usually overlooked or discarded in most direct imaging surveys, as they prove difficult to image at high-contrast using coronographs. This is particularly the case for compact binaries (less than 1’’ angular separation) with similar stellar magnitudes, where no existing coronagraph can provide high-contrast regime. Here we present preliminary results of an on-going Palomar pilot survey searching for low-mass companions around ~15 young “challenging” binary systems, with angular separation as close as 0’’3 and near-equal K-band magnitudes. We use the Stellar Double Coronagraph (SDC) instrument on the 200-inch Telescope in a modified optical configuration, making it possible to align any targeted binary system behind two vector vortex coronagraphs in cascade. This approach is uniquely possible at Palomar, thanks to the absence of sky rotation combined with the availability of an extreme AO system, and the number of intermediate focalplanes provided by the SDC instrument. Finally, we expose our current data reduction strategy, and we attempt to quantify the exact contrast gain parameter space of our approach, based on our latest observing runs

    Revisiting the HIP 41378 System with K2 and Spitzer

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    We present new observations of the multiplanet system HIP 41378, a bright star (V = 8.9, K s = 7.7) with five known transiting planets. Previous K2 observations showed multiple transits of two Neptune-sized bodies and single transits of three larger planets (R P = 0.33R J , 0.47R J , 0.88R J ). K2 recently observed the system again in Campaign 18 (C18). We observe one new transit each of two of the larger planets d/f, giving maximal orbital periods of 1114/1084 days, as well as integer divisions of these values down to a lower limit of about 50 days. We use all available photometry to determine the eccentricity distributions of HIP 41378 d & f, finding that periods lesssim300 days require non-zero eccentricity. We check for overlapping orbits of planets d and f to constrain their mutual periods, finding that short periods (P < 300 days) for planet f are disfavored. We also observe transits of planets b and c with Spitzer/Infrared Array Camera (IRAC), which we combine with the K2 observations to search for transit timing variations (TTVs). We find a linear ephemeris for planet b, but see a significant TTV signal for planet c. The ability to recover the two smaller planets with Spitzer shows that this fascinating system will continue to be detectable with Spitzer, CHEOPS, TESS, and other observatories, allowing us to precisely determine the periods of d and f, characterize the TTVs of planet c, recover the transits of planet e, and further enhance our view of this remarkable dynamical laboratory
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