801 research outputs found

    The Australian Monstrilloida (Crustacea: Copepoda) I. Monstrillopsis Sars, Maemonstrilla Grygier & Ohtsuka, and Australomonstrillopsis gen. nov.

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    Monstrilloid copepods were collected during zooplankton surveys in reef and coastal areas of Australia. Representatives of all four genera of the Monstrilloida (Monstrilla Dana, Monstrillopsis Sars, Cymbasoma Thompson, and Maemonstrilla Grygier & Ohtsuka) were recorded. In this contribution a taxonomic analysis of specimens belonging to the latter two genera is provided, and a new genus described. The genus Monstrillopsis was represented exclusively by male specimens, on the basis of which three new species are described: Mon. hastata sp. nov., Mon. boonwurrungorum sp. nov., and Mon. nanus sp. nov. These are distinguished from each other and previously described species of this genus by details of the genital complex (or genital apparatus), body size, ornamentation of the cephalic surface, number of caudal setae, and characteristic modifications of the fifth antennular segment. All have distinctive characters not associated with sexual modifications, which will ease the task of matching females collected in future studies. Australomonstrillopsis gen. nov. is proposed to accommodate a male specimen with a unique combination of characters including massively developed caudal rami, cephalic perioral protuberances, and absence of an inner seta on the first exopodal segment of legs 1–4, among other characters. The new genus is monotypic and contains A. crassicaudata sp. nov. Three of the four new species of Maemonstrilla (Mae. ohtsukai sp. nov., Mae. hoi sp. nov., and Mae. protuberans sp. nov.) belong to the Mae. hyottoko species group, and the remaining one, Mae. crenulata sp. nov., belongs to the Mae. turgida group. Each of the new species of Maemonstrilla from Australia can be distinguished from its known congeners by a unique combination of characters including the type of body reticulation, body size, antennule and body proportions, distinctive characters of the swimming legs, details of the antennular armature, and the presence/absence of a posteroventral process on the genital compound somite. With the addition of the four new species of Monstrillopsis and the four of Maemonstrilla described herein, the number of species in these genera has increased to 13 and 11 species, respectively. In no case did congeneric species co-occur, hinting that there may be a rich species diversity yet to be discovered within the Australian Monstrilloida

    The Planktonic Copepods of Coastal Saline Ponds of the Cayman Islands with Special Reference to the Occurrence of Mesocyclops ogunnus Onabamiro, an Apparently Introduced Afro-Asian Cyclopoid

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    Taxonomic analysis of the copepod specimens collected from 29 Cayman Island ponds revealed the presence of ten species including the nearly ubiquitous cyclopoid Apocyclops panamensis. This species was widespread throughout the islands, being collected at 27 of the sampling sites. Another common calanoid, Mastigodiaptomus nesus, occurred at nine sites on Grand Cayman and one on Cayman Brac. A cyclopoid of Afro-Asian origin, Mesocyclops ogunnus, was collected at two nearly fresh water sites on Grand Cayman and was considered to be a recent introduction. Because of its known adaptability to fluctuating environmental conditions, it is likely that M. ogunnus will successfully compete with and probably displace some of the native species and may become a dominant zooplankter on Grand Cayman

    The Planktonic Copepods of Coastal Saline Ponds of the Cayman Islands with Special Reference to the Occurrence of Mesocyclops ogunnus Onabamiro, an Apparently Introduced Afro-Asian Cyclopoid

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    Taxonomic analysis of the copepod specimens collected from 29 Cayman Island ponds revealed the presence of ten species including the nearly ubiquitous cyclopoid Apocyclops panamensis. This species was widespread throughout the islands, being collected at 27 of the sampling sites. Another common calanoid, Mastigodiaptomus nesus, occurred at nine sites on Grand Cayman and one on Cayman Brac. A cyclopoid of Afro-Asian origin, Mesocyclops ogunnus, was collected at two nearly fresh water sites on Grand Cayman and was considered to be a recent introduction. Because of its known adaptability to fluctuating environmental conditions, it is likely that M. ogunnus will successfully compete with and probably displace some of the native species and may become a dominant zooplankter on Grand Cayman

    Observations on an Isolated Population of Sagitta hispida Conant (Chaetognatha) in a Tropical Lagoon System of Northeast Yucatan (Mexico)

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    Monthly zooplankton collections were carried out from January to December 1991 at two sampling sites, Cuenca Norte and Bojórquez lagoon, in the Nichupté lagoon system, a partially enclosed network of interconnected waterways located in the northeastern region of the Yucatan Peninsula (Mexico) adjacent to the Caribbean Sea. Only one species of Chaetognatha, Sagitta hispida Conant, was present and was more abundant at Cuenca Norte (total density 450.6 organisms/m3) than at Bojórquez (138.6 organisms/m3). The latter site is smaller, more physically isolated, and more environmentally stressed than the former. From monthly gonadal and length-frequency analyses of 1390 specimens, it was found that (1) total length significantly differed among four successive maturity stages, (2) juvenile and immature specimens occurred in greater numbers at Bojórquez. while more mature specimens comprised a greater percentage of individuals found at Cuenca Norte, and (3) individuals collected at Bojórquez, where slightly higher temperatures were recorded, were significantly smaller than those from Cuenca Norte. The latter two findings indicate that Sagitta hispida spawns at a higher frequency at Bojórquez, possibly due to the cumulative effect of higher temperature

    Observations on an Isolated Population of Sagitta hispida Conant (Chaetognatha) in a Tropical Lagoon System of Northeast Yucatan (Mexico)

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    Monthly zooplankton collections were carried out from January to December 1991 at two sampling sites, Cuenca Norte and Bojórquez lagoon, in the Nichupté lagoon system, a partially enclosed network of interconnected waterways located in the northeastern region of the Yucatan Peninsula (Mexico) adjacent to the Caribbean Sea. Only one species of Chaetognatha, Sagitta hispida Conant, was present and was more abundant at Cuenca Norte (total density 450.6 organisms/m3) than at Bojórquez (138.6 organisms/m3). The latter site is smaller, more physically isolated, and more environmentally stressed than the former. From monthly gonadal and length-frequency analyses of 1390 specimens, it was found that (1) total length significantly differed among four successive maturity stages, (2) juvenile and immature specimens occurred in greater numbers at Bojórquez. while more mature specimens comprised a greater percentage of individuals found at Cuenca Norte, and (3) individuals collected at Bojórquez, where slightly higher temperatures were recorded, were significantly smaller than those from Cuenca Norte. The latter two findings indicate that Sagitta hispida spawns at a higher frequency at Bojórquez, possibly due to the cumulative effect of higher temperature

    Epilithic diatoms (Bacillariophyta) from cloud forest and alpine streams in Bolivia, South America II: A preliminary report on the diatoms from Sorata, Department of La Paz

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    Un total de siete muestras de epiHton fueron colectadas en rios dentro de ungradiente altitudinal en el bosque nublado de Bokvia, cerca de la capital La Paz. Laflora diatomologica es diversa v no se encontraron patrones altitudinales claros. Talflora esta compuesta por especies cosmopolitas y taxa restringidos a los Andes con losgeneros Gompbonema, Nit^schia, Engonopsis v Engonema agrupando al mayor numero deespecies e individuos con mayores frecuencias. La flora esta tambien representada porvarios taxa alcalifilos y alcaKbiontes, reflejando los altos valores de pH de los rios. Las caracteristicas de los sitios muestreados, asi como una lista de taxa y figurasrepresentativas se presentan en este trabajo

    Development of a metric of aquatic invertebrates for volunteers (MAIV): a simple and friendly biotic metric to assess ecological quality of streams

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    Citizen science activities, involving local people in volunteer-supported and sustainable monitoring programs, are common. In this context, the objective of the present work was to develop a simple Metric of Aquatic Invertebrates for Volunteers (MAIV), including a user-friendly tool that can be easily accessed by volunteers, and to evaluate the e ciency of a volunteer monitoring program following an audit procedure. To obtain MAIV values, macroinvertebrate communities were reduced to 18 surrogate taxa, which represented an acceptable compromise between simplicity, e ciency, and reproducibility of the data, compared to the regular Water Framework Directive monitoring. When compared to results obtained with the National Classification System of Portugal, MAIV accurately detected moderate, poor, and bad ecological status. Thus, MAIV can be used by volunteers as a complement to the o cial monitoring program, as well as a prospective early warning tool for local problems related to ecological quality. Volunteers were students supervised by their teachers. Results obtained by volunteers were compared to results obtained by experts on macroinvertebrate identification to measure the e ciency of the procedure, by counting gains and losses on sorting, and identification. Characteristics of groups of volunteers (age and school level) did not influence significantly the e ciency of the procedure, and generally results of volunteers and experts matched.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Laringotraqueitis infecciosa aviar en Colombia :características y diagnóstico histopatológico

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    Varias aves enfermas y muertas se someten a necropsia en el Centro de Diagnóstico del ICA en Cali. El exámen externo de los animales vivos reveló mal estado de carnes, dificultad respiratoria, tos, conjuntivitis y lagrimeo. Las aves muertas presentaban la cabeza cianótica y algunas tenían el pico manchado con exudado mucoso sanguinolento. La necropsia reveló diferentes grados de laringitis y traqueitis, se observó un exudado seroso sanguinolento en la tráquea de algunas aves y caseoso amarillento en otras, las cuales presentaban además parte de la mucosa traqueal cubierta por una seudomembrana formada por fibrina y tejido necrótico, lo que ocluía parcial o totalmente el lumen de la traquea. El estudio histopatológico, la historia clínica, las lesiones macroscópicas y microscópicas y el aislamiento del virus que se describe, confirman de manera definitiva y por primera vez la existencia de la laringotraqueitis aviar en el Departamento del Valle del CaucaAvicultur